The Cloward-Piven Strategy

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
In the spirit of current events, I was reminded of the old Cloward-Piven Strategy. It's been put to use throught our short history. It's worth the read. As I mentioned, though, just in the spirit of current events.


Inspired by the August 1965 riots in the black district of Watts in Los Angeles — which erupted after police used batons to subdue a black man suspected of drunk driving — Cloward and Piven published an article titled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty” in the May 2, 1966 issue of The Nation. Following its publication, The Nation sold an unprecedented 30,000 reprints. Activists were abuzz over the so-called “crisis strategy” or “Cloward-Piven Strategy,” as it came to be called. Many were eager to put it into effect

The Cloward-Piven article called for “cadres of aggressive organizers” to use “demonstrations to create a climate of militancy.” Then, the authors predicted, the following would happen:

  • Politicians, intimidated by threats of black violence, would appeal to the federal government for help.
  • Carefully orchestrated media campaigns, carried out by friendly, leftwing journalists, would float the idea of “a federal program of income redistribution” in the form of a guaranteed living income for all — working and non-working people alike.
  • Local officials would clutch at this idea like drowning men to a lifeline. They would apply pressure on Washington to implement it.
  • With every major city erupting into chaos, Washington would have to act.
The Cloward-Piven Strategy was an example of what are commonly called Trojan Horse initiatives — mass movements whose outward purpose seems to be providing material help to the downtrodden, but whose real objective is to draft poor people into service as revolutionary foot soldiers; to mobilize poor people en masse in an effort to overwhelm government agencies with a flood of demands beyond the capacity of those agencies to meet. Cloward and Piven calculated that the flood of demands which they were recommending would break the budget, jam the bureaucratic gears into gridlock, and bring the system crashing down.

Fear, turmoil, violence and economic collapse would accompany such a breakdown — providing perfect conditions for fostering radical change. That was the theory.

Continued - The Cloward-Piven Strategy
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That is exactly what is going on now.

Yep. Pretty much. Unfortunately, the the strategy was never really defeated. It never went away. And many believers in the strategy have since made their way into government. And, so, here we are. They're running their own circus and nobody's really doing anything about it because...well...they've made their way into government. And they operate the propaganda networks, on top of that, they've infiltrated the fourth estate long ago.

Sadly, that's only the half of it.
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All three of these organizations — ACORN, Project Vote and Human SERVE — set to work lobbying energetically for the so-called Motor-Voter law, which President Bill Clinton ultimately signed in 1993. At the White House signing ceremony for this bill, both Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven were in attendance. The new law eliminated many controls on voter fraud, making it easy for voters to register but difficult to determine the validity of new registrations. Under the new law, states were required to provide opportunities for voter registration to any person who showed up at a government office to renew a driver’s license or to apply for welfare or unemployment benefits. “Examiners were under orders not to ask anyone for identification or proof of citizenship,” notes Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund in his book, Stealing Elections. “States had to permit mailing voter registrations, which allowed anyone to register without any personal contact with a registrar or election officials. Finally, states were limited in pruning ‘deadwood’ –people who had died, moved, or been convicted of crimes – from their rolls.

The Motor-Voter bill did indeed cause the voter rolls to be swamped with invalid registrations signed in the name of deceased, ineligible or non-existent people — thus opening the door to the unprecedented levels of voter fraud and “voter disenfranchisement” claims that followed in subsequent elections during the 1990s, and culminating in the Florida recount crisis in the 2000 presidential election. On the eve of the 2000 election, in Indiana alone, state officials discovered that one in five registered voters were duplicates, deceased, or otherwise invalid.

They're shooting for full blown communism.

How do you envision the future if the left wins?

Sorry, man, I just saw your question. I get like a guh zillion notifications so I don't always look at em all.

I've never really given any credibility to that whole left/right paradigm to be perfectly honest. In fact, I actively avoid any discusion where that midset dictates the terms of controversy. It's simply counterintuitive.

The duopoly typically functions in synergy. But then you get artcles writen by other people and those articles often reflect the author's perception of what he or she is observing and they almost always see things in a left/right way.

That's a whole discusion of its own. Typical divide and conquer sheanigans...

Better conversation would be what the future will be like if the fascists win. Because from where I'm sitting, we're geting banged from both ends by the duopoly.
Oh, hey, btw, Anomalism. I saw that thread of yours calling out the so-called left about why they don't police themselves. Heh heh. Most of the responders in that thread who identify as the so-called left are the guiltiest (is that even a word? Maybe it's most guilty) parties. I thought it was humorous, though.

Anyway. Intellectual honesty goes a long way. Good for you!
In the spirit of current events, I was reminded of the old Cloward-Piven Strategy. It's been put to use throught our short history. It's worth the read. As I mentioned, though, just in the spirit of current events.


Inspired by the August 1965 riots in the black district of Watts in Los Angeles — which erupted after police used batons to subdue a black man suspected of drunk driving — Cloward and Piven published an article titled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty” in the May 2, 1966 issue of The Nation. Following its publication, The Nation sold an unprecedented 30,000 reprints. Activists were abuzz over the so-called “crisis strategy” or “Cloward-Piven Strategy,” as it came to be called. Many were eager to put it into effect

The Cloward-Piven article called for “cadres of aggressive organizers” to use “demonstrations to create a climate of militancy.” Then, the authors predicted, the following would happen:

  • Politicians, intimidated by threats of black violence, would appeal to the federal government for help.
  • Carefully orchestrated media campaigns, carried out by friendly, leftwing journalists, would float the idea of “a federal program of income redistribution” in the form of a guaranteed living income for all — working and non-working people alike.
  • Local officials would clutch at this idea like drowning men to a lifeline. They would apply pressure on Washington to implement it.
  • With every major city erupting into chaos, Washington would have to act.
The Cloward-Piven Strategy was an example of what are commonly called Trojan Horse initiatives — mass movements whose outward purpose seems to be providing material help to the downtrodden, but whose real objective is to draft poor people into service as revolutionary foot soldiers; to mobilize poor people en masse in an effort to overwhelm government agencies with a flood of demands beyond the capacity of those agencies to meet. Cloward and Piven calculated that the flood of demands which they were recommending would break the budget, jam the bureaucratic gears into gridlock, and bring the system crashing down.

Fear, turmoil, violence and economic collapse would accompany such a breakdown — providing perfect conditions for fostering radical change. That was the theory.

Continued - The Cloward-Piven Strategy
I was reading about Cloward and Piven back when Obama was in office.
In the spirit of current events, I was reminded of the old Cloward-Piven Strategy. It's been put to use throught our short history. It's worth the read. As I mentioned, though, just in the spirit of current events.


Inspired by the August 1965 riots in the black district of Watts in Los Angeles — which erupted after police used batons to subdue a black man suspected of drunk driving — Cloward and Piven published an article titled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty” in the May 2, 1966 issue of The Nation. Following its publication, The Nation sold an unprecedented 30,000 reprints. Activists were abuzz over the so-called “crisis strategy” or “Cloward-Piven Strategy,” as it came to be called. Many were eager to put it into effect

The Cloward-Piven article called for “cadres of aggressive organizers” to use “demonstrations to create a climate of militancy.” Then, the authors predicted, the following would happen:

  • Politicians, intimidated by threats of black violence, would appeal to the federal government for help.
  • Carefully orchestrated media campaigns, carried out by friendly, leftwing journalists, would float the idea of “a federal program of income redistribution” in the form of a guaranteed living income for all — working and non-working people alike.
  • Local officials would clutch at this idea like drowning men to a lifeline. They would apply pressure on Washington to implement it.
  • With every major city erupting into chaos, Washington would have to act.
The Cloward-Piven Strategy was an example of what are commonly called Trojan Horse initiatives — mass movements whose outward purpose seems to be providing material help to the downtrodden, but whose real objective is to draft poor people into service as revolutionary foot soldiers; to mobilize poor people en masse in an effort to overwhelm government agencies with a flood of demands beyond the capacity of those agencies to meet. Cloward and Piven calculated that the flood of demands which they were recommending would break the budget, jam the bureaucratic gears into gridlock, and bring the system crashing down.

Fear, turmoil, violence and economic collapse would accompany such a breakdown — providing perfect conditions for fostering radical change. That was the theory.

Continued - The Cloward-Piven Strategy


Here's Why Vaccine Mandates Are A Cloward-Piven Plan

To Destroy USA and End Capitalism

By Wayne Allyn Root
"The choice is clear: We either resist, or we lose America, our jobs, our careers, our middle-class quality of life, our health and everything that made America great. It’s time to fight like animals, fight like it’s the end of America, fight like our lives and the lives of our children are at stake …
Because they are".

The truth has been out there for decades, yet those we elect to represent us in the halls of Congress have either been cooperating with the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies or they are completely ignorant. I prefer to believe that they have been cooperating.
The attacks aren't singular, It's not just the Covid vaccine mandates, illegal immigration, low employment, rampant inflation. All you have to do is to understand the $80 Billion back up of goods on our California coast while Joey Xi Bai Dung and his clowns have done nothing to alleviate the problem by rerouting these ships to other ports on the West Coast.
Unfortunately, under the direction of the Bai Dung and PM/DSA Democrat Commie administration we will soon become another Venezuela and another failed Communist utopia.
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And just like that...the strategy has been defeated.

Yes, they will try again. They always do. But, for now, and for the foreseeable future, the gig is up.

I'm reminded of a great quote by William James. William is known as the father of American psychology, and a leading thinker of the late 19th century. The quote sums up the course of events very nicely, in my view.

“If you wish to upset the law that all crows are black, you mustn't seek to show that no crows are; it is enough if you prove one single crow to be white.”

Think that through, folks. Think it completely through. Because it really does only take one white crow. No more. No less. You do not need a majority.


Predictably, the coming lawsuits will likely throw hurdles in front of the perpetrators at the top who have been running the strategy over the course of the last couple of years. The useful idiots at the bottom who have been serving the think tanks and physically terrorizing society by way of what has effectively served as an open, brazen invitation will likely fade away for a while, now that they have a good dose of how things work when the justice system isn't strategically and purposefully sidelined by malfeasant leadership.
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The Cloward-Piven article called for “cadres of aggressive organizers” to use “demonstrations to create a climate of militancy.” Then, the authors predicted, the following would happen:

  • Politicians, intimidated by threats of black violence, would appeal to the federal government for help
    • With every major city erupting into chaos, Washington would have to act.
....mass movements whose outward purpose seems to be providing material help to the downtrodden, but whose real objective is to draft poor people into service as revolutionary foot soldiers; to mobilize poor people en masse in an effort to overwhelm government agencies with a flood of demands beyond the capacity of those agencies to meet. Cloward and Piven calculated that the flood of demands which they were recommending would break the budget, jam the bureaucratic gears into gridlock, and bring the system crashing down.

Just talking to myself here. As usual. Heh heh.


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot pleads with AG Merrick Garland to send ATF agents to city after more than 760 murders this year - a 25-year high: Just one year after she proposed CUTTING $80M from police budget

''The federal government remains uniquely qualified to help address the scourge of gun violence,'' Lightfoot said on Monday. ''We need these additional resources well in advance of next summer.''

See how this all works? Get it? Got it? Good...

If we're paying extra special attention, what we're actually witnessing from Lightfoot and other officials is akin to an organized ''pogram.''

Biden administration's own ''Krisallnacht'' of sorts. Or whichever staffers are calling the shots and operating in synergy with local officials, to be clear.

Fact of the matter is that Biden simply isn't really that competent. Seems like he's just the useful idiot in it all. The guy with the pen.

The last similar pogram was when Hitler ran one against the Jews. Modern events and officialdom narrratives are strikingly similar. Same targets....

Relevant reading...(Snipped for relevance)

...After intense discussions, Hitler left the assembly abruptly without giving his usual address. Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels delivered the speech, in his place, and said that "the Führer has decided that... demonstrations should not be prepared or organized by the party, but insofar as they erupt spontaneously, they are not to be hampered." The chief party judge Walter Buch later stated that the message was clear; with these words, Goebbels had commanded the party leaders to organize a pogrom.


Göring, who was in favor of expropriating the property of the Jews rather than destroying it which was exactly what had happened in the pogrom, directly complained to Sicherheitspolizei Chief Heydrich immediately after the events: "I'd rather you had done in two-hundred Jews than destroy so many valuable assets!" ("Mir wäre lieber gewesen, ihr hättet 200 Juden erschlagen und hättet nicht solche Werte vernichtet!"). Göring met with other members of the Nazi leadership on 12 November to plan the next steps after the riot, setting the stage for formal government action. In the transcript of the meeting, Göring said,

I have received a letter written on the Führer's orders requesting that the Jewish question be now, once and for all, coordinated and solved one way or another... I should not want to leave any doubt, gentlemen, as to the aim of today's meeting. We have not come together merely to talk again, but to make decisions, and I implore competent agencies to take all measures for the elimination of the Jew from the German economy, and to submit them to me.

The persecution and economic damage inflicted upon German Jews continued after the pogrom, even as their places of business were ransacked. They were forced to pay Judenvermögensabgabe, a collective fine or "atonement contribution" of one billion Reichsmarks for the murder of vom Rath (equivalent to 4 billion 2017 € or 7 billion in 2020 USD), which was levied by the compulsory acquisition of 20% of all Jewish property by the state. Six million Reichsmarks of insurance payments for property damage due to the Jewish community were instead paid to the Reich government as "damages to the German Nation". Jews were required to pay for the cost of all damages caused by the pogrom to their residences and businesses.''

Kristallnacht - Wikipedia

Relevant reading....

Biden's judenvermögensabgabe...

Biden’s $600 Financial Reporting Requirement Could Lead to Even More Violations of Taxpayer Rights

Biden's 'Rescue Plan' Will Sic the IRS on Anyone Who Earns $600 in the Gig Economy

Alright, then.

Please return to regularly scheduled...oh...'programming?' Is that the word? Have a nice day!
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