The CNN Town Halls-2019


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Why? I don't know, but I listened to some of the Town Halls CNN is broadcasting of the Democrat 2019 hopefuls. They are standing up there promising this and that.

Question- What are the chances they can deliver like Trump has on his campaign promises?

Mr. Trump has set a high bar for these Democrats in that regard

Do they have what it takes to meet Trumps achievements relative to promises kept?

POTUS has set the bar pretty high for future Presidents when it comes to keeping campaign promises

Why? I don't know, but I listened to some of the Town Halls CNN is broadcasting of the Democrat 2019 hopefuls. They are standing up there promising this and that.

Question- What are the chances they can deliver like Trump has on his campaign promises?

Mr. Trump has set a high bar for these Democrats in that regard

Do they have what it takes to meet Trumps achievements relative to promises kept?


You know the drill, when they can't it'll be everyone's fault except their own.
Why? I don't know, but I listened to some of the Town Halls CNN is broadcasting of the Democrat 2019 hopefuls. They are standing up there promising this and that.

Question- What are the chances they can deliver like Trump has on his campaign promises?

Mr. Trump has set a high bar for these Democrats in that regard

Do they have what it takes to meet Trumps achievements relative to promises kept?


You know the drill, when they can't it'll be everyone's fault except their own.
Yep, they have no accountability. Just stand up there and say anything you want. Difference, is Trump made the commitment to deliver

That pisses off the machine

Most if not all the democratic contenders are trying to buy votes. With talk of free healthcare, free daycare, reparations and the like.
The only problem is I have seen no real idea from them on how to pay for any of it. That whole wet dream of 70% on high earners, if it could even work, would only bring in a few hundred million. Not enough to even pay for a study to find a way to pay for the promises.

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