The CO2 Problem in 6 Easy Steps

Unlike you, reality defines my worldview. You seem to think things work in the other direction.
Unlike you, reality defines my worldview. You seem to think things work in the other direction.
Really? Then you believe that deliberately dropping weather stations in cold areas from your datasets is an accurate representation of reality?
Chiefio reports that 806 weather stations were dropped from the total of 6000 worldwide temperature stations in a single year with no explanation from the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) data. GHCN is a database of temperature, precipitation and pressure records managed by the National Climatic Data Center, Arizona State University and the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center. Absent any public statement from climatolgists for such a strange act, I can only speculate that this a deliberate attempt to cause an artificial warming of the data set. I can think of no other valid scientific reason.​
REAL scientists want as much data as they can get. Climate "scientists" only want data that support their predetermined conclusion.
And it is the AGW cult that made CO2 a pollutant.
Your usual utterly insane comment.

Actually, it is the laws of physics that made CO2 a greenhouse gas and made greenhouse gases retain heat in the atmosphere.

Even though man only contributes about 1% of the total.
Wrong again, retard. Mankind has increased atmospheric CO2 levels by 43% so far (and still rising fast), from about 280ppm pre-industrial to the current level of a little over 400ppm. Isotope analysis of the extra carbon dioxide indicates that it is sourced from the fossil fuels.

Pollution does not equal "Global Warming".
It does if the "pollution" is a powerful greenhouse gas like CO2 that causes global warming.

Your denial of science and the facts is just another indication that you are an insane retard.
Actually, it is the laws of physics that made CO2 a greenhouse gas and made greenhouse gases retain heat in the atmosphere.
Which law applies?


By quantity, there is much more water vapor than carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Water vapor varies from a trace in extremely cold and dry air to about 4% in extremely warm and humid air. The average amount of water vapor in the atmosphere averaged for all locations is between 2 and 3%. Carbon dioxide levels are near 0.04%. That means there is more than 60 times as much water vapor in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide in average conditions. Both water vapor and Carbon dioxide are greenhouse gases. They both trap outgoing longwave radiation between the earth and the atmosphere. This has an effect of keeping temperatures warmer than they otherwise would be.

Carbon dioxide is a more efficient greenhouse gas than water vapor when both are in equal quantities. However, they are not in equal quantities. There is much more water vapor than carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In day to day weather forecasting, the greenhouse effect from water vapor is important while carbon dioxide is not. The atmospheric greenhouse effect from clouds and water vapor causes cloudy nights to be warmer than clear nights, all else being equal.

Why isn't this in the religious section?
Why aren't you in a straitjacket in an insane asylum? Dd you escape?
The Warmer Moonies wouldn't let me in without a Carbon Pass.
My "What are you talking about?" comment was aimed at Crusader Frank.

As for Edenhofer's comment, you make the mistake of believing the man has any power at all. He's an economist. He is not a government official. He holds no elected office. No one is taking direction from him. Even the IPCC as a whole has no power to set policy. And, as we have all seen, it has done a very poor job at convincing anyone to do much of anything. So, Edenhofer's comments are irrelevant. I don't believe socialism is required to solve our climate problems. I don't even think it would be helpful. And then there's the point that Edenhofer never actually said anything about socialism. He spoke about redistributing wealth. Socialism is the common ownership of the means of production. Edenhofer was pointing out that wealthy nations have caused climate warming and will end up paying to prevent or repair the damage. Poor nations will not be forced to pay and will benefit from the payments of the wealthy. That doesn't make anyone socialist.

It almost seems as if you believe proper governance requires some amount of poverty.

You have no experiments, correct? You've never shown us how 120PPM of CO2 will raise temperature, correct?

An official from the IPCC, Edenhofer, said AGW was a scam to redistribute wealth and he was right.
Actually, it is the laws of physics that made CO2 a greenhouse gas and made greenhouse gases retain heat in the atmosphere.
Which law applies?

And stuff like this is why everybody can see that you're a retard, shitweasel.

Pointing out that both CO2 and water vapor are greenhouse gases doesn't magically make CO2 not a greenhouse gas. While it is true that there is more water vapor in the atmosphere, it is also true that because CO2 accumulates in the atmosphere and water vapor doesn't, increased CO2 is the forcing that causes temperature increases while water vapor is the feedback that responds to higher temperatures and amplifies the warming produced by the CO2.

Greenhouse gas
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A greenhouse gas (sometimes abbreviated GHG) is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect.[1] The primary greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Greenhouse gases greatly affect the temperature of the Earth; without them, Earth's surface would average about 33 °C colder, which is about 59 °F below the present average of 14 °C (57 °F).[2][3][4]

Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (taken as the year 1750), the burning of fossil fuels and extensive clearing of native forests has contributed to a 40% increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, from 280 to 392.6 parts per million (ppm) in 2012.[5][6] and has now reached 400 ppm in the northern hemisphere. This increase has occurred despite the uptake of a large portion of the emissions by various natural "sinks" involved in the carbon cycle.[7][8] Anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions (i.e., emissions produced by human activities) come from combustion of carbon-based fuels, principally wood, coal, oil, and natural gas.[9] Under ongoing greenhouse gas emissions, available Earth System Models project that the Earth's surface temperature could exceed historical analogs as early as 2047 affecting most ecosystems on Earth and the livelihoods of over 3 billion people worldwide.[10] Greenhouse gases also trigger ocean bio-geochemical changes with broad ramifications in marine systems.[11]

Why isn't this in the religious section?
Why aren't you in a straitjacket in an insane asylum? Dd you escape?
The Warmer Moonies wouldn't let me in without a Carbon Pass.
Well, that statement means that you are REALLY insane, shitweasel. Not that you hadn't already made that crystal clear.
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Do you all know how the GOP gets away with denying human responsibility for Global Warming? Because for one they have purchased the so called "liberal" media and so the news isn't telling people the truth because they don't want to seem bias. They just report facts. "The Planet Is Heating Up" but they won't admit the impact cars and corporate smokestacks are having on the planet. They can't. Those are their advertisers and CEO's and they know the CEO's and Board of Directors of other companies. It's a good old boys club. And lobbyists.

The other reason they get away with it is why change? They are still winning elections denying it and fighting healthcare reform and everything else they do because they have enough of us with bullshit wedge issues. How many poor people vote GOP because of god, gays, racism and guns? They even have the gun and god freaks arguing IN FAVOR OF GLOBAL WARMING AND WAR and anything else they want to do. And how do they get their message out? The corporate media. Fox and Rush are the big 2. Wake up America. If you are not rich you are a N(#$*r to the Republicans.

How many stupid fucking union workers in Michigan didn't show up to vote or voted for Rick Snyder? You all deserve what you got. How many people won't show up these midterms? Fuck you all if you don't care about yourselves why should I?
How much should you spend to prevent having to relocate several hundred million people?

How much should you spend to prevent a billion people from running short on drinking water?

How much should you spend to prevent a billion people from going hungry?

Why would we have to relocate anyone?

How long do you think people can survive in deserts without water and food?
Google Search: experiment showing how a 120PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature and lowers pH from 8.25 to 8.15

About 470 results


All those billion spend of climate "Research"

Actually, it is the laws of physics that made CO2 a greenhouse gas and made greenhouse gases retain heat in the atmosphere.
Which law applies?

And stuff like this is why everybody can see that you're a retard, shitweasel.

Pointing out that both CO2 and water vapor are greenhouse gases doesn't magically make CO2 not a greenhouse gas. While it is true that there is more water vapor in the atmosphere, it is also true that because CO2 accumulates in the atmosphere and water vapor doesn't, increased CO2 is the forcing that causes temperature increases while water vapor is the feedback that responds to higher temperatures and amplifies the warming produced by the CO2.
I posted the opinion of a meteorologist that explained it better than I could. Since you weren't able to process the info, he said said CO2s were insignificant in warming the atmosphere. Sorry.

Why isn't this in the religious section?
Why aren't you in a straitjacket in an insane asylum? Dd you escape?
The Warmer Moonies wouldn't let me in without a Carbon Pass.[/QUOTE]
Well, that statement means that you are REALLY insane, shitweasel. Not that you hadn't already made that crystal clear.
They said they have a jacket with your name on it and have been trying to reach you through group meditation. Uhm...or was that medication?
My "What are you talking about?" comment was aimed at Crusader Frank.

As for Edenhofer's comment, you make the mistake of believing the man has any power at all. He's an economist. He is not a government official. He holds no elected office. No one is taking direction from him. Even the IPCC as a whole has no power to set policy. And, as we have all seen, it has done a very poor job at convincing anyone to do much of anything. So, Edenhofer's comments are irrelevant. I don't believe socialism is required to solve our climate problems. I don't even think it would be helpful. And then there's the point that Edenhofer never actually said anything about socialism. He spoke about redistributing wealth. Socialism is the common ownership of the means of production. Edenhofer was pointing out that wealthy nations have caused climate warming and will end up paying to prevent or repair the damage. Poor nations will not be forced to pay and will benefit from the payments of the wealthy. That doesn't make anyone socialist.
Global welfare. That sounds grand, doesn't it? And by the way -- it's socialism.

If you believe that fighting greed is akin to socialism, then call it what you will. I have to really ask you conservative nitwits, though - what would your Jesus do? Do you believe he would approve of the current level of greed in the world?

It almost seems as if you believe proper governance requires some amount of poverty.
daveman said:
Proper governance requires the minimum amount of government interference in people's lives conducive with civilized society. Ensure everyone has the same opportunities to succeed or fail. When government meddles and starts picking winners, it does far more harm than good -- unless you think Obama flushing half a billion dollars down the Solyndra toilet was a rousing success. Wouldn't put it past you.

Erm, when fat cat CEOs are making 2,000+ times what their employees make, what opportunities to succeed to you really believe those workers have? When 1% of the world's population possesses 90% of the world's wealth, what chance to you believe the 99% actually has to succeed?

The government has already selected the winners. The winners are those with the deepest pockets, and they have already bought the government. Speaking of wasting money, what is your opinion of the 5 billion dollars that the Bush Administration shipped to Iraq that simply vanished, and is STILL unaccounted for?
Do you all know how the GOP gets away with denying human responsibility for Global Warming? Because for one they have purchased the so called "liberal" media ....
Sorry, I couldn't make it past that. You have entered into the flat Earth category.

Really? Well how do you explain that just like they got Clinton to sign NAFTA they also got him to sign this:

Telecommunications Act of 1996 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is/was just as bad as Citizens United. Allowed big major corporations to buy up all our media. Now they can control the message.

If you don't see it then maybe it's you that is :cuckoo:
Which law applies?

And stuff like this is why everybody can see that you're a retard, shitweasel.

Pointing out that both CO2 and water vapor are greenhouse gases doesn't magically make CO2 not a greenhouse gas. While it is true that there is more water vapor in the atmosphere, it is also true that because CO2 accumulates in the atmosphere and water vapor doesn't, increased CO2 is the forcing that causes temperature increases while water vapor is the feedback that responds to higher temperatures and amplifies the warming produced by the CO2.
I posted the opinion of a meteorologist that explained it better than I could. Since you weren't able to process the info, he said said CO2s were insignificant in warming the atmosphere. Sorry.

You posted the opinion of Jeff Haby, a conservative broadcast meteorologist, not a climate scientist. Next.
Do you all know how the GOP gets away with denying human responsibility for Global Warming? Because for one they have purchased the so called "liberal" media ....
Sorry, I couldn't make it past that. You have entered into the flat Earth category.

You do understand that our government is completely corrupt right? How else can you explain that from the moment they get into office they spend 4 days out of every week running around trying to get enough money so they can run again in 4 years and the spend 1 day on us and they take 2 days off. It's a joke.

So either you are super rich or you are one of the stupid middle class or poor voters they fool into voting for them over god, gays, racism and guns. What's your wedge issues? I bet I find a pattern.
How much should you spend to prevent having to relocate several hundred million people?

How much should you spend to prevent a billion people from running short on drinking water?

How much should you spend to prevent a billion people from going hungry?

Why would we have to relocate anyone?

How long do you think people can survive in deserts without water and food?

How many trillions should we spend to prevent "deserts without water and food"?

When we're done, will CO2 be 550 ppm, instead of 560 ppm?

Will the "global temperature" be 0.1 degrees lower or 0.2 degrees lower?
Do you all know how the GOP gets away with denying human responsibility for Global Warming? Because for one they have purchased the so called "liberal" media and so the news isn't telling people the truth because they don't want to seem bias. They just report facts. "The Planet Is Heating Up" but they won't admit the impact cars and corporate smokestacks are having on the planet. They can't. Those are their advertisers and CEO's and they know the CEO's and Board of Directors of other companies. It's a good old boys club. And lobbyists.

The other reason they get away with it is why change? They are still winning elections denying it and fighting healthcare reform and everything else they do because they have enough of us with bullshit wedge issues. How many poor people vote GOP because of god, gays, racism and guns? They even have the gun and god freaks arguing IN FAVOR OF GLOBAL WARMING AND WAR and anything else they want to do. And how do they get their message out? The corporate media. Fox and Rush are the big 2. Wake up America. If you are not rich you are a N(#$*r to the Republicans.

How many stupid fucking union workers in Michigan didn't show up to vote or voted for Rick Snyder? You all deserve what you got. How many people won't show up these midterms? Fuck you all if you don't care about yourselves why should I?

Do you all know how the GOP gets away with denying human responsibility for Global Warming?

How much of the warming since the end of the LIA is human responsibility?
To the nearest 0.1 degrees?


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