The cold hard facts of reality and why the world wars happened.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Who ever that thinks that the Eu or any other of these bloc states are on the edge of giving up there power to the nation states; surely don't live in reality. They don't understand that the eu is the allies big win of wwII that they get to mold in there views. See both sides wanted to take over europe and that's why there was wwI and wwII. Really there was 3 sides, 1# The transnationalist(businesses,) 2# the globalist socialist, and 3# the marxist. Hitler wanted to form his "eu" if he won to within his idea of it. One that was white that had european values.

See world war II was fought over what kind of eu it would be. Hitler wanted one that had european culture(germany being the center piece) and had closed borders, but still within the global government. He wanted the white race to survive. Who won(allies) believes that the white race should be mixed out into one race. Yes, the allies fought for one race under one world government. If Hitler had WON the new world order would of been controlled by white people. Hitler had our interest at heart, but the allies wanted one uniform race.

Stalin was even more extreme then most of the allies and wanted his one race, one culture. But with a twist; he wanted all to be forced equal no matter. With a iron fist.

This is the reality of our world. It was going to happen one way or another, but differences in who controls it and how it plays out. Look at the world as a whole you can start to understand why I've come to this conclusion.

Our leaders are now working on flooding our nations with the third world and going about there goal as the victors of the great white war. There goal is one race, one culture under a world government. If you think this is a crock then what's the EU, Union of South American nations, African union, Pacific forum, Asean, ect besides bloc regional control of nations modeled the same way as the states within the United states.

People like Reagan, George HW Bush and George W Bush have spoken about a new world order. The president of the Eu has said that this is the way it's going to be and that no one nation will ever have to go through any problem a lone again. A long as the other regional states leaders...Go and read up and you will find this to be true.
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Union of South American Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Continental union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Activities of the European Union - Regional Policy
Activities of the European Union - Regional Policy

Look under the United nations and you will find somewhere something called agenda 21.

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America - FAQs

Food Chain Salmonella Surveillance, Mexico | CDC EID

Why do we have to care about Mexico? Ingration of the nations...North American union. All about merging the system. Look at the large picture.

It is all about forcing the nations to have the same general poicies and to force them to work together.

"the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America? The SPP was launched by the leaders of Canada, the United States (U.S.) and Mexico in March 2005. The SPP provides a flexible means for ongoing dialogue, priority setting, collaboration and action on issues affecting the security, prosperity and quality of life of Canadians, Americans and Mexicans. The partnership is based on the principle that our security and prosperity are mutually dependent and complementary. It addresses diverse issues, such as border facilitation, energy, the environment, food and product safety, and overall North American competitiveness."

Of course they went underground with it, but it is still occurring.

"Completed a trilateral Regulatory Cooperation Framework to lower costs for business, maximize trade and protect health, safety and the environment."

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America - FAQs
Isn't that what the EU is? Look at the spp canada site to see what they have completed half way down that page.

The performance, integration and interoperability of national and international public security, emergency management capabilities and supporting systems, through systems integration, standards and analysis.

*Pursuing common approaches to enhanced food safety and labelling, and accelerating the identification, management and recovery from food-borne and animal and plant disease hazards.
*Enhancing laboratory coordination and information-sharing by establishing a mechanism to exchange information on laboratory methods and to build confidence regarding testing procedures and results.
* Increasing cooperation in the development of regulatory policy related to the agricultural biotechnology sector through the work of the North American Biotechnology Initiative.
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America - The Food and Agriculture Regulatory Systems Working Group

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America - The Environment Working Group

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America - The Financial Services Working Group

Opportunities for collaboration on energy science and technology;
Energy efficiency standards; and
Barriers to deploying clean energy technologies in North America.

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America - The Energy Working Group

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America - The Health Working Group

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America - The Manufactured Goods and Sectoral and Regional Competitiveness Working Group

Together, these groups support the establishment of integrated and collaborative approaches that:

Secure North America from external threats,
Prevent and respond to threats within North America,
Further streamline the secure movement of low-risk traffic across borders;
Enhance the security and efficiency of transportation systems;
Enhance food safety and animal health initiatives,

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America - Security agenda

Enhancing the Global Competitiveness of North America - Commitments were made to implement a Regulatory Cooperation Framework and an Intellectual Property Action Strategy, both adopted at the Summit. Commitments were also made to develop an economic work plan on North American competitiveness and conduct an analysis of the free trade agreements that each country has negotiated subsequent to NAFTA, with a view to examining opportunities on rules of origin.
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America - Priorities

IF that on the Canadian government site doesn't convince you then you're not very bright!

All this is known and said to have been completed.

Union of south American nations
Constitutive Treaty of the Union of South American Nations - Wikisource

Article 3 Specific Objectives
The South American Union of Nations has the following objectives:
bb) The strengthening of the political dialogue among Member States to guarantee a space for consultation in order to reinforce South American integration and the participation of UNASUR in the international arena;
cc) The inclusive and equitable social and human development in order to eradicate poverty and overcome inequalities in the region;
dd) The eradication of illiteracy, the universal access to quality education and the regional recognition of courses and titles;
ee) Energy integration for the integral and sustainable use of the resources of the region, in a spirit of solidarity;
rity; ff) The development of an infrastructure for the interconnection of the region and among our peoples, based on sustainable social and economic development criterica

Article 4 Bodies
The Bodies of UNASUR are:
1. The Council of Heads of State and Government
2. The Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs
3. The Council of Delegates
4. The General Secretariat

Please read through the link.

Here is a news story of it...

What formed the African union
Constitutive Act of the African Union - Wikisource

53. The President of the Republic of Zimbabwe INSPIRED by the noble ideals which guided the founding fathers of our Continental Organization and generations of Pan-Africanists in their determination to promote unity, solidarity, cohesion and cooperation among the peoples of Africa and African States;
CONSIDERING the principles and objectives stated in the Charter of the Organization of African Unity and the Treaty establishing the African Economic Community;
RECALLING the heroic struggles waged by our peoples and our countries for political independence, human dignity and economic emancipation;
CONSIDERING that since its inception, the Organization of African Unity has played a determining and invaluable role in the liberation of the continent, the affirmation of a common identity and the process of attainment of the unity of our Continent and has provided a unique framework for our collective action in Africa and in our relations with the rest of the world;

Article 1 - Definitions

In this Constitutive Act:
"Act" means the present Constitutive Act;
"AEC" means the African Economic Community;
"Assembly" means the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Union;
"Charter" means the Charter of the OAU;
"Committee" means a Specialized Technical Committee of the Union;
"Council" means the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the Union;
"Court " means the Court of Justice of the Union;
"Executive Council" means the Executive Council of Ministers of the Union;
"Member State" means a Member State of the Union;
"OAU" means the Organization of African Unity

The African Union is hereby established in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
[edit] Article 3 - Objectives

The objectives of the Union shall be to:

a. Achieve greater unity and solidarity between the African counties and the peoples of Africa;

b. Defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of its Member States;

c. Accelerate the political and socio-economic integration of the continent;

d. Promote and defend African common positions on issues of interest to the continent and its peoples;

e. Encourage international cooperation, taking due account of the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

f. Promote peace, security, and stability on the continent;

g. Promote democratic principles and institutions, popular participation and good governance

Aseans goals for the future

Towards An ASEAN Economic Community

In the economic side of ASEAN cooperation, the most exciting issue now is how to advance ASEAN beyond AFTA – the ASEAN Free Trade Area. During the Eighth ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh last November, the Prime Minister of Singapore put forth an idea of our Association moving towards an ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Since then follow-up activities have been undertaken to try to flesh out this AEC idea.

ASEAN will move towards greater economic integration, emphasising sustainable and equitable growth. ASEAN will nourish a caring and cohesive Southeast Asian community, whose strength lies in fostering a common regional identity and a shared vision of the future.

Read both treaties from the union of south American nations and african union and you will see something that is close to what is said about the EU and you will come to the conclusion that the spp was a tool to do the same.

Lets end this to where this goes towards in the future!
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“International supervision over the issue of U.S. dollars should be introduced, and a new stable and secured global reserve currency may also be an option to avert a catastrophe caused by any single country,” the Xinhua commentary said

wow, it appears that what is goin
Who ever that thinks that the Eu or any other of these bloc states are on the edge of giving up there power to the nation states; surely don't live in reality. They don't understand that the eu is the allies big win of wwII that they get to mold in there views. See both sides wanted to take over europe and that's why there was wwI and wwII. Really there was 3 sides, 1# The transnationalist(businesses,) 2# the globalist socialist, and 3# the marxist. Hitler wanted to form his "eu" if he won to within his idea of it. One that was white that had european values.

See world war II was fought over what kind of eu it would be. Hitler wanted one that had european culture(germany being the center piece) and had closed borders, but still within the global government. He wanted the white race to survive. Who won(allies) believes that the white race should be mixed out into one race. Yes, the allies fought for one race under one world government. If Hitler had WON the new world order would of been controlled by white people. Hitler had our interest at heart, but the allies wanted one uniform race.

Stalin was even more extreme then most of the allies and wanted his one race, one culture. But with a twist; he wanted all to be forced equal no matter. With a iron fist.

This is the reality of our world. It was going to happen one way or another, but differences in who controls it and how it plays out. Look at the world as a whole you can start to understand why I've come to this conclusion.

Our leaders are now working on flooding our nations with the third world and going about there goal as the victors of the great white war. There goal is one race, one culture under a world government. If you think this is a crock then what's the EU, Union of South American nations, African union, Pacific forum, Asean, ect besides bloc regional control of nations modeled the same way as the states within the United states.

People like Reagan, George HW Bush and George W Bush have spoken about a new world order. The president of the Eu has said that this is the way it's going to be and that no one nation will ever have to go through any problem a lone again. A long as the other regional states leaders...Go and read up and you will find this to be true.

Presidents like Reagan,George Hw Bush and George w Bush? what? are you a die hard democrat or something? somehow you forgot to mention The Bushs long time buddy and pal Clinton in there.
[ame=]new world order clinton speech - YouTube[/ame]

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