The Collapse of Kamala Harris


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Charles Cooke's assessment of Harris is brutally-honest.

" Last week, a poll by Suffolk University revealed that just 28 percent of American voters approve of the job Vice President Harris is doing. That result is shocking . . . ly high...."

"Harris’s apologists like to insist that she is as unpopular as she is because she’s a non-white woman. But this explanation gets the cause of the disapproval backwards. Kamala Harris isn’t disliked because she’s a non-white woman; Kamala Harris was chosen as vice president because she’s a non-white woman, and she’s disliked because she has nothing to recommend her beyond those facts. In the highest of high dudgeon, her defenders will propose that this is Joe Biden’s fault, for not “using” Harris correctly in her role. But this too is unjust. In truth, there is no good way to “use” Kamala Harris, because Kamala Harris is a talentless mediocrity whose only political flair is for making things worse than they were before she arrived.."

"Think back over Harris’s entire career. Can you find a single utterance of hers that has so much as approached being compelling or worthwhile? I doubt it. Harris is not interesting, she’s not substantive, she’s not provocative, or innovative, or wry. She’s not funny. She’s not amiable. She’s not accomplished or persuasive or adroit. She’s a heedless, cowardly, cackling cipher — an insipid, itinerant woolgatherer, whose first instinct in any situation is to resort to farcical platitudes or to suggest wanly that we should all have a “conversation about that.” Were she to be cast in a kids’ movie, it would not be as the hero, but as the ghastly mid-level bureaucrat who sends the hero’s dog to the pound halfway through the second act..."

The Collapse of Kamala Harris | National Review
Not really
Yeah, really...most people don't know who the VP is.

The Vice Presidents That History Forgot​

The U.S. vice presidency has been filled by a rogues gallery of mediocrities, criminals and even corpses

Yeah, really...most people don't know who the VP is.

The Vice Presidents That History Forgot​

The U.S. vice presidency has been filled by a rogues gallery of mediocrities, criminals and even corpses

Ya think she's better or worse than Aaron Burr?


Do you know of any former president she might have a duel with?

How does something "collapse" when it was never actually built in the first place?

They BUILT a cult of personality underneath that meat puppet faggot Obozo, and made a rock star out of that stuttering clusterfuck.

With Joe and the Hoe, they hid those assholes in the basement and relied on the 8 million pieces of shit that mailed in 10 ballots each.

No one EVER LIKED THESE PIECES OF SHIT, and the more we see of them, the more the rest of us who even know who they are, despise them.

I been hearing a theory, that the DNC can't run her because of this polling, and Biden is not healthy enough, or young enough to run in 2024. . . so they will have a strategy. . .

Here is the hypothesis;

Sometime in the second or third year, Biden will step down, and they will nominate for VP, the person that they plan to run for President in 2024.

But. . . the speculation, who would the nominate to replace her as VP?

Hmm, does she even meet the Constitutional requirements to hold that office?

---John Eastman, a law professor at Chapman University, published an op-ed in Newsweek on Wednesday that raised questions about Harris’ eligibility for the office of vice president. ---

I been hearing a theory, that the DNC can't run her because of this polling, and Biden is not healthy enough, or young enough to run in 2024. . . so they will have a strategy. . .

Here is the hypothesis;

Sometime in the second or third year, Biden will step down, and they will nominate for VP, the person that they plan to run for President in 2024.

But. . . the speculation, who would the nominate to replace her as VP?


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