The College Trap.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008


What would you say if you found out that those who didn't attend college were more likely to be debt-free and home-owners than those who did?

Judging by the low caliber of education college provides- indoctrination doesn't count as education- it is only a good deal if the financial burden is less than the future earnings.

Simple economics---even a Liberal should understand that.

1. It has been widely reported that college student debt has been increasing in recent years as the cost of higher education increases at public and private institutions
and as more students enroll in postsecondary institutions.

In 2010, student loan debt
— about $1 trillion
— exceeded the amount that Americans owed in credit debt and the cost of a college education increased at a rate greater than inflation over the past three decades. Nearly 6 in 10 (56%) of the recent college graduates in our survey
borrowed from a government program or private banking institution. Another 8% said they borrowed money from a parent or relative that they are going to pay back.

Where, exactly, does 'borrow' fit into the list of values we teach?

2. Upon graduation, the majority of students (55%) owed $20,000 (median) to pay off the costs of their education. .... the median public college or university debt was $18,680 whereas private college debt was $24,460. Male graduates owed $5,000 more than female graduates ($25,000 versus $20,000). Recent college graduates enrolled in graduate and professional programs already owed $10,000 more than those who have not
pursued additional education ($20,000 versus $30,000).

3. One to five years since graduation, most of the students in our survey have made very
little progress in paying down their debt.
Only 13% have paid off all of their debts for
their college education; one in four has not paid off any of it, thus far (see Figure 10).
Four in ten who graduated in 2009, 2010, and 2011 reported that they yet to pay off
any of their debt. Compounding their financial challenges is the fact that nearly half
(46%) reported that they also have other financial debts, such as credit cards.

4. These findings are understandable given the labor market difficulties and modest
earnings that recent college graduates are experiencing,
as noted above. Just over
half were employed full time. Nearly one in four were either unemployed (6%), or unemployed and not looking for work (5%) or working part time and looking for full-time
work, (6%) or not working while attending graduate school (6%).

College graduates enrolled in graduate and professional education are borrowing additional funds for tuition and living expenses and, with few exceptions, are struggling to pay off their undergraduate debts.

Over 6 in 10 students enrolled in graduate and professional school have not paid off any of their debt.

5. The burden of student loans reveals its impact in the lifestyle decisions made by
young college graduates (see Figure 11). More than one in four (27%) said their decision to live with parents or family members was due to the need to save money that
could be directed to pay off their college loans.

Significant numbers of students are also taking jobs they are not enthusiastic about so they can pay down their loans(25%) or delaying the further education that most think they will need (28%). Nearly one in five have taken a second job to help pay all their bills.

The debt burden is also influencing the decisions of 40% of our respondents to delay major purchases such as a car or house. Another 14% also reported that they are delaying marriage or other committed relationships due to their loan obligations.

6. Most recent college graduates are also far from financially independent of their parents or other family members (see Figure 12). Family members are helping their young
graduates with basic necessities, such as food (22%), health care (15%), housing
(30%), and car payments (9%). Overall, 51% of the respondents to our survey get financial support from their parents or relatives.

7. Today’s graduates from four-year colleges are entering the labor market with a sense
of insecurity about their preparation. While it is, of course, perceptual and they may
not have any way of actually knowing, half of them felt they are less well prepared for
the world of work
than was the generation before them. Just 28% felt they are better
prepared, and 21% felt that they are similarly prepared to the previous generation.

"Education" is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberals, and the results are the result of Liberal policies.

Remember that, graduates.
I went to college but I paid for it in cash by working and saving.... I did have a little debt but never larger than 2k.
College does not do the one thing that will learn and earn you more, OJT, so when you get out you are starting at the bottom as all do...

The call for management in many sectors is not done due to knowledge necessities but former grads that want to lock in positions for alumni.

You can be as smart if not smarter than a book learner if you apply yourself and have real experience, which I value more than many book learning trades....


What would you say if you found out that those who didn't attend college were more likely to be debt-free and home-owners than those who did?

Judging by the low caliber of education college provides- indoctrination doesn't count as education- it is only a good deal if the financial burden is less than the future earnings.

Simple economics---even a Liberal should understand that.

1. It has been widely reported that college student debt has been increasing in recent years as the cost of higher education increases at public and private institutions
and as more students enroll in postsecondary institutions.

In 2010, student loan debt
— about $1 trillion
— exceeded the amount that Americans owed in credit debt and the cost of a college education increased at a rate greater than inflation over the past three decades. Nearly 6 in 10 (56%) of the recent college graduates in our survey
borrowed from a government program or private banking institution. Another 8% said they borrowed money from a parent or relative that they are going to pay back.

Where, exactly, does 'borrow' fit into the list of values we teach?

2. Upon graduation, the majority of students (55%) owed $20,000 (median) to pay off the costs of their education. .... the median public college or university debt was $18,680 whereas private college debt was $24,460. Male graduates owed $5,000 more than female graduates ($25,000 versus $20,000). Recent college graduates enrolled in graduate and professional programs already owed $10,000 more than those who have not
pursued additional education ($20,000 versus $30,000).

3. One to five years since graduation, most of the students in our survey have made very
little progress in paying down their debt.
Only 13% have paid off all of their debts for
their college education; one in four has not paid off any of it, thus far (see Figure 10).
Four in ten who graduated in 2009, 2010, and 2011 reported that they yet to pay off
any of their debt. Compounding their financial challenges is the fact that nearly half
(46%) reported that they also have other financial debts, such as credit cards.

4. These findings are understandable given the labor market difficulties and modest
earnings that recent college graduates are experiencing,
as noted above. Just over
half were employed full time. Nearly one in four were either unemployed (6%), or unemployed and not looking for work (5%) or working part time and looking for full-time
work, (6%) or not working while attending graduate school (6%).

College graduates enrolled in graduate and professional education are borrowing additional funds for tuition and living expenses and, with few exceptions, are struggling to pay off their undergraduate debts.

Over 6 in 10 students enrolled in graduate and professional school have not paid off any of their debt.

5. The burden of student loans reveals its impact in the lifestyle decisions made by
young college graduates (see Figure 11). More than one in four (27%) said their decision to live with parents or family members was due to the need to save money that
could be directed to pay off their college loans.

Significant numbers of students are also taking jobs they are not enthusiastic about so they can pay down their loans(25%) or delaying the further education that most think they will need (28%). Nearly one in five have taken a second job to help pay all their bills.

The debt burden is also influencing the decisions of 40% of our respondents to delay major purchases such as a car or house. Another 14% also reported that they are delaying marriage or other committed relationships due to their loan obligations.

6. Most recent college graduates are also far from financially independent of their parents or other family members (see Figure 12). Family members are helping their young
graduates with basic necessities, such as food (22%), health care (15%), housing
(30%), and car payments (9%). Overall, 51% of the respondents to our survey get financial support from their parents or relatives.

7. Today’s graduates from four-year colleges are entering the labor market with a sense
of insecurity about their preparation. While it is, of course, perceptual and they may
not have any way of actually knowing, half of them felt they are less well prepared for
the world of work
than was the generation before them. Just 28% felt they are better
prepared, and 21% felt that they are similarly prepared to the previous generation.

"Education" is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberals, and the results are the result of Liberal policies.

Remember that, graduates.


Leave it to a Plutocrat to focus on "the root of all evil" and to offer a subjective opinion that "Education" (why in quotes?) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberals (sic liberals).

One must assume in the Plutocrats opinion that a liberal arts education is not "Education" at all but simply a process to inculcate a political agenda into the masses, i.e. propaganda. Yet the Plutocrat fails to identify the sources of said liberal education which lead the Plutocrat to said conclusion. Again we assume her source is Anne Coulter or another faux iconoclast who profits as a purveyor of propaganda attacking History, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology and the character of others as a means to an end - personnel profit.

Which leads to the seminal question: What motivates the Plutocrat? A desperate need for attention? A desire to get back at classmates who laughed at her opinions (and at her)? Given her writing 'skill', we might assume Ms. Plutocrat isn't a paid agent provocateur, but at second glance and given those who praise 'her' ideas it remains possible that she is paid to write down to the conservative ruck; a set who fail to understand that they vote against their own interests.
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What would you say if you found out that those who didn't attend college were more likely to be debt-free and home-owners than those who did?

Judging by the low caliber of education college provides- indoctrination doesn't count as education- it is only a good deal if the financial burden is less than the future earnings.

Simple economics---even a Liberal should understand that.

1. It has been widely reported that college student debt has been increasing in recent years as the cost of higher education increases at public and private institutions
and as more students enroll in postsecondary institutions.

In 2010, student loan debt
— about $1 trillion
— exceeded the amount that Americans owed in credit debt and the cost of a college education increased at a rate greater than inflation over the past three decades. Nearly 6 in 10 (56%) of the recent college graduates in our survey
borrowed from a government program or private banking institution. Another 8% said they borrowed money from a parent or relative that they are going to pay back.

Where, exactly, does 'borrow' fit into the list of values we teach?

2. Upon graduation, the majority of students (55%) owed $20,000 (median) to pay off the costs of their education. .... the median public college or university debt was $18,680 whereas private college debt was $24,460. Male graduates owed $5,000 more than female graduates ($25,000 versus $20,000). Recent college graduates enrolled in graduate and professional programs already owed $10,000 more than those who have not
pursued additional education ($20,000 versus $30,000).

3. One to five years since graduation, most of the students in our survey have made very
little progress in paying down their debt.
Only 13% have paid off all of their debts for
their college education; one in four has not paid off any of it, thus far (see Figure 10).
Four in ten who graduated in 2009, 2010, and 2011 reported that they yet to pay off
any of their debt. Compounding their financial challenges is the fact that nearly half
(46%) reported that they also have other financial debts, such as credit cards.

4. These findings are understandable given the labor market difficulties and modest
earnings that recent college graduates are experiencing,
as noted above. Just over
half were employed full time. Nearly one in four were either unemployed (6%), or unemployed and not looking for work (5%) or working part time and looking for full-time
work, (6%) or not working while attending graduate school (6%).

College graduates enrolled in graduate and professional education are borrowing additional funds for tuition and living expenses and, with few exceptions, are struggling to pay off their undergraduate debts.

Over 6 in 10 students enrolled in graduate and professional school have not paid off any of their debt.

5. The burden of student loans reveals its impact in the lifestyle decisions made by
young college graduates (see Figure 11). More than one in four (27%) said their decision to live with parents or family members was due to the need to save money that
could be directed to pay off their college loans.

Significant numbers of students are also taking jobs they are not enthusiastic about so they can pay down their loans(25%) or delaying the further education that most think they will need (28%). Nearly one in five have taken a second job to help pay all their bills.

The debt burden is also influencing the decisions of 40% of our respondents to delay major purchases such as a car or house. Another 14% also reported that they are delaying marriage or other committed relationships due to their loan obligations.

6. Most recent college graduates are also far from financially independent of their parents or other family members (see Figure 12). Family members are helping their young
graduates with basic necessities, such as food (22%), health care (15%), housing
(30%), and car payments (9%). Overall, 51% of the respondents to our survey get financial support from their parents or relatives.

7. Today’s graduates from four-year colleges are entering the labor market with a sense
of insecurity about their preparation. While it is, of course, perceptual and they may
not have any way of actually knowing, half of them felt they are less well prepared for
the world of work
than was the generation before them. Just 28% felt they are better
prepared, and 21% felt that they are similarly prepared to the previous generation.

"Education" is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberals, and the results are the result of Liberal policies.

Remember that, graduates.


Leave it to a Plutocrat to focus on "the root of all evil" and to offer a subjective opinion that "Education" (why in quotes?) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberals (sic liberals).

One must assume in the Plutocrats opinion that a liberal arts education is not "Education" at all but simply a process to inculcate a political agenda into the masses, i.e. propaganda. Yet the Plutocrat fails to identify the sources of said liberal education which lead the Plutocrat to said conclusion. Again we assume her source is Anne Coulter or another faux iconoclast who profits as a purveyor of propaganda attacking History, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology and the character of others as a means to an end - personnel profit.

Which leads to the seminal question: What motivates the Plutocrat? A desperate need for attention? A desire to get back at classmates who laughed at her opinions (and at her)? Given her writing 'skill', we might assume Ms. Plutocrat isn't a paid agent provocateur, but at second glance and given those who praise 'her' ideas it remains possible that she is paid to write down to the conservative ruck; a set who fail to understand that they vote against their own interests.

Look who's here!

The human piñata! Ooops....did I say 'human'?? My bad.

1. It has been observed many times that good writing is a by-product of good reading. Clearly, yours has been restricted to fortune cookies and Bazooka comics.

Here is your first lesson for the day:
Money is not known as "the root of all evil" is "the love of money is the root of all evil."

2. Now for the irony of the day: While English is not my first language, I must, regularly, teach it to fools like you:

You actually wrote: " offer a subjective opinion..."

You moron....all opinions are subjective!!!

3. ""Education" (why in quotes?) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberals (sic liberals).

In quotes because the educational establishment doesn't dispense produces dunces like you.

a. In fact, feeling good is so central to Liberalism, that it is a higher value than truth. The Left has changed American school textbooks from books attempting to convey history to books attempting to make women and members of select minorities feel good about themselves. Democrat lawmakers pass laws demanding that textbooks be rewritten to include more Democrat Party blocs.
California Gay Textbooks: Proposal Would Require LGBT Lessons In Schools

b. “'History should be honest,' Gov. Jerry Brown says in signing the state law, which had sparked hot debate among legislators.”
State laws: New state law requires textbooks to include gays' achievements - Los Angeles Times

4. "One must assume in the Plutocrats opinion that a liberal arts education is not "Education" at all but simply a process to inculcate a political agenda into the masses, i.e. propaganda."


'Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing! Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.”

Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?"
Prager, "Still The Best Hope."

5. " Again we assume her source..."
When you assume.....right, you are an ass.

BTW....links provided to my sources.


6. "A desperate need for attention? "

You may have heard: the Pope actually found a potato chip that looked just like me.

7. " remains possible that she is paid to write..."

Proverbs 31:10 'She is far more precious than jewels.'

8. "...who fail to understand that they vote against their own interests..."

You, being brainless, are lucky enough to have masters who tell you how to vote, huh?

When ever you’ve had enough, just yell “check please.”
The above ^^^ is classic PC, start with an ad hominem, end with an ad hominem and include a Rush Limbaugh type response to fill the middle (RL hangs up from everyone who disagrees with his bombastic hyperbole, half-truths, innuendos and character assassinations, and then lectures the person long gone). It's PC's "style'; arrogance wrapped in narcissism and tied together with conservative commentator jargon.

Learning English isn't her native language wasn't a surprise, her claim to have earned a degree from Columbia is belied by her inability to compose an essay; the body of her work posted on this forum would have earned an 'F' in most university Reading and Composition courses.

BTW, supply side economic theory is nothing more than an assumption as is everything posted by PC; her sources are iconoclasts who assassinate the character of all modern Democratic Presidents, economists who have scorned voodoo economics and anyone who doesn't support the ultra right wing conservative dogma.

Think PC, in a closed mind society the person who allows their mind to open even slightly might be queen; try it sometime.
College is a waste of money

Too many students go to expensive schools and all they learn is how to cut and paste the work of others
Not surprisingly, only people claiming a college education is desireable all work for the college industry. Look through professional career want-ads sometime, in addition to a degree you need experience above and beyond an internship of some sort. College degree alone isn't a lock on getting such work.

Would go as far as to say a degree is not desireable at all unless you can get it without starting your working life in debt.

If all you want is to earn more money, can do that sans college. But having a degree wont necessarily help with that goal. If you wanna do something useful, college can help. But if money's your primary motivator college is redundant.
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The above ^^^ is classic PC, start with an ad hominem, end with an ad hominem and include a Rush Limbaugh type response to fill the middle (RL hangs up from everyone who disagrees with his bombastic hyperbole, half-truths, innuendos and character assassinations, and then lectures the person long gone). It's PC's "style'; arrogance wrapped in narcissism and tied together with conservative commentator jargon.

Learning English isn't her native language wasn't a surprise, her claim to have earned a degree from Columbia is belied by her inability to compose an essay; the body of her work posted on this forum would have earned an 'F' in most university Reading and Composition courses.

BTW, supply side economic theory is nothing more than an assumption as is everything posted by PC; her sources are iconoclasts who assassinate the character of all modern Democratic Presidents, economists who have scorned voodoo economics and anyone who doesn't support the ultra right wing conservative dogma.

Think PC, in a closed mind society the person who allows their mind to open even slightly might be queen; try it sometime.

It seems too many students can attend an Ivy League school like Columbia and graduate without knowing how to construct a paragraph or make a coherent argument

It seems they substitute cut and paste for critical thinking skills
Education's value is intrinsic; be it OJT, life itself or a university experience. To suggest the latter is able to inculcate a political agenda in others is patently absurd, and no more or less true than how a life experiences impact our individual world view.

We all take from experience certain lessons, and under most conditions we apply what we learned to new experiences, which may validate or not previous lessons learned. In this way we grow, intellectually and morally - at least most of us. Some are so influenced by 'mentors' they get stuck and cease to learn. Those generally become afflicted with cognitive dissonance anytime they hear, see or read that which challenges their beliefs. A closed mind is a terrible thing to observe, yet simply by watching one in action (or inaction, to be specific) is an experience was can all learn from.

Thus I need to thank PC, for in a way she never expected, she provides us an experience from which we can all learn, or reinforce a lesson previously learned.
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The above ^^^ is classic PC, start with an ad hominem, end with an ad hominem and include a Rush Limbaugh type response to fill the middle (RL hangs up from everyone who disagrees with his bombastic hyperbole, half-truths, innuendos and character assassinations, and then lectures the person long gone). It's PC's "style'; arrogance wrapped in narcissism and tied together with conservative commentator jargon.

Learning English isn't her native language wasn't a surprise, her claim to have earned a degree from Columbia is belied by her inability to compose an essay; the body of her work posted on this forum would have earned an 'F' in most university Reading and Composition courses.

BTW, supply side economic theory is nothing more than an assumption as is everything posted by PC; her sources are iconoclasts who assassinate the character of all modern Democratic Presidents, economists who have scorned voodoo economics and anyone who doesn't support the ultra right wing conservative dogma.

Think PC, in a closed mind society the person who allows their mind to open even slightly might be queen; try it sometime.

It seems too many students can attend an Ivy League school like Columbia and graduate without knowing how to construct a paragraph or make a coherent argument

It seems they substitute cut and paste for critical thinking skills

Let's be honest.....'re only here because I destroy everything you most firmly believe, and your complaints about format is your alternative to gnashing your teeth.


Either that, or you mis-dialed again, looking for the incontinence hotline....
The above ^^^ is classic PC, start with an ad hominem, end with an ad hominem and include a Rush Limbaugh type response to fill the middle (RL hangs up from everyone who disagrees with his bombastic hyperbole, half-truths, innuendos and character assassinations, and then lectures the person long gone). It's PC's "style'; arrogance wrapped in narcissism and tied together with conservative commentator jargon.

Learning English isn't her native language wasn't a surprise, her claim to have earned a degree from Columbia is belied by her inability to compose an essay; the body of her work posted on this forum would have earned an 'F' in most university Reading and Composition courses.

BTW, supply side economic theory is nothing more than an assumption as is everything posted by PC; her sources are iconoclasts who assassinate the character of all modern Democratic Presidents, economists who have scorned voodoo economics and anyone who doesn't support the ultra right wing conservative dogma.

Think PC, in a closed mind society the person who allows their mind to open even slightly might be queen; try it sometime.

Thanks so much for not denying a single point that I made in post #4.

I knew it was all 100% true....

...nice to know that you did, as well.
The above ^^^ is classic PC, start with an ad hominem, end with an ad hominem and include a Rush Limbaugh type response to fill the middle (RL hangs up from everyone who disagrees with his bombastic hyperbole, half-truths, innuendos and character assassinations, and then lectures the person long gone). It's PC's "style'; arrogance wrapped in narcissism and tied together with conservative commentator jargon.

Learning English isn't her native language wasn't a surprise, her claim to have earned a degree from Columbia is belied by her inability to compose an essay; the body of her work posted on this forum would have earned an 'F' in most university Reading and Composition courses.

BTW, supply side economic theory is nothing more than an assumption as is everything posted by PC; her sources are iconoclasts who assassinate the character of all modern Democratic Presidents, economists who have scorned voodoo economics and anyone who doesn't support the ultra right wing conservative dogma.

Think PC, in a closed mind society the person who allows their mind to open even slightly might be queen; try it sometime.

It seems too many students can attend an Ivy League school like Columbia and graduate without knowing how to construct a paragraph or make a coherent argument

It seems they substitute cut and paste for critical thinking skills

Let's be honest.....'re only here because I destroy everything you most firmly believe, and your complaints about format is your alternative to gnashing your teeth.


Either that, or you mis-dialed again, looking for the incontinence hotline....

Here we go again, lead with an ad hominem (framed in the voice of a narcissist); fill in the blanks with RL 'style' gobbledygook, and end with an ad hominem. Classic PC.
It seems too many students can attend an Ivy League school like Columbia and graduate without knowing how to construct a paragraph or make a coherent argument

It seems they substitute cut and paste for critical thinking skills

Let's be honest.....'re only here because I destroy everything you most firmly believe, and your complaints about format is your alternative to gnashing your teeth.


Either that, or you mis-dialed again, looking for the incontinence hotline....

Here we go again, lead with an ad hominem (framed in the voice of a narcissist); fill in the blanks with RL 'style' gobbledygook, and end with an ad hominem. Classic PC.

You imagine "narcissist" to be a pejorative?

That's only because you have a deep and abiding.....and totally compelling, self-hatred.

Well-earned, I might add.

And, your education continues: rather than continuing to be as dull and boring, repetitive and insipid as usual, consider alternating narcissist with prideful, or solipsistic.....

Try to be more thoughtful........Ooooops! Hit on your weakness again.
College is a waste of money

Too many students go to expensive schools and all they learn is how to cut and paste the work of others

She could have acquired her only apparent skill in 1 min +/- on YouTube for free, saving tons of money and Columbia endless embarrassment. Unfortunately the dearth of logic and coherency has to be chalked up I guess as just another one of Nature's cruel incurable afflictions.

[ame=]How to Copy and paste on a Computer - YouTube[/ame]
College is a waste of money

Too many students go to expensive schools and all they learn is how to cut and paste the work of others

She could have acquired her only apparent skill in 1 min +/- on YouTube for free, saving tons of money and Columbia endless embarrassment. Unfortunately the dearth of logic and coherency has to be chalked up I guess as just another one of Nature's cruel incurable afflictions.

[ame=]How to Copy and paste on a Computer - YouTube[/ame]

I knew you couldn't find a single thing wrong with the content of the post, Smugly.

You're not the brightest poster, are you.
The above ^^^ is classic PC, start with an ad hominem, end with an ad hominem and include a Rush Limbaugh type response to fill the middle (RL hangs up from everyone who disagrees with his bombastic hyperbole, half-truths, innuendos and character assassinations, and then lectures the person long gone). It's PC's "style'; arrogance wrapped in narcissism and tied together with conservative commentator jargon.

Learning English isn't her native language wasn't a surprise, her claim to have earned a degree from Columbia is belied by her inability to compose an essay; the body of her work posted on this forum would have earned an 'F' in most university Reading and Composition courses.

BTW, supply side economic theory is nothing more than an assumption as is everything posted by PC; her sources are iconoclasts who assassinate the character of all modern Democratic Presidents, economists who have scorned voodoo economics and anyone who doesn't support the ultra right wing conservative dogma.

Think PC, in a closed mind society the person who allows their mind to open even slightly might be queen; try it sometime.

It seems too many students can attend an Ivy League school like Columbia and graduate without knowing how to construct a paragraph or make a coherent argument

It seems they substitute cut and paste for critical thinking skills

Let's be honest.....'re only here because I destroy everything you most firmly believe, and your complaints about format is your alternative to gnashing your teeth.


Either that, or you mis-dialed again, looking for the incontinence hotline....

Actually, we are trying to help you

Your writing skills, or lack of writing skills keep you from being that ass kicker of Liberals that you want to be

Being concise would benefit you quite a bit

But few from either side read your droll cut and pastes or know what the fuck point you are trying to make
It seems too many students can attend an Ivy League school like Columbia and graduate without knowing how to construct a paragraph or make a coherent argument

It seems they substitute cut and paste for critical thinking skills

Let's be honest.....'re only here because I destroy everything you most firmly believe, and your complaints about format is your alternative to gnashing your teeth.


Either that, or you mis-dialed again, looking for the incontinence hotline....

Actually, we are trying to help you

Your writing skills, or lack of writing skills keep you from being that ass kicker of Liberals that you want to be

Being concise would benefit you quite a bit

But few from either side read your droll cut and pastes or know what the fuck point you are trying to make're lying.

Not only do you and I know that, but those who have considered our exchanges know it, too.

I am exactly what you fear. That's the cause for your lying.

I'll let you slide, based on you being......superannuated.

BTW.....That Navaho jewelry goes with your complexion, a lovely green.
I went to college but I paid for it in cash by working and saving.... I did have a little debt but never larger than 2k.

Back when you were of college age, that was doable. It's not anymore. The costs have skyrocketed beyond that of inflation, mainly thanks to the government.
Let's be honest.....'re only here because I destroy everything you most firmly believe, and your complaints about format is your alternative to gnashing your teeth.


Either that, or you mis-dialed again, looking for the incontinence hotline....

Actually, we are trying to help you

Your writing skills, or lack of writing skills keep you from being that ass kicker of Liberals that you want to be

Being concise would benefit you quite a bit

But few from either side read your droll cut and pastes or know what the fuck point you are trying to make're lying.

Not only do you and I know that, but those who have considered our exchanges know it, too.

I am exactly what you fear. That's the cause for your lying.

I'll let you slide, based on you being......superannuated.

BTW.....That Navaho jewelry goes with your complexion, a lovely green.

Maybe this would help you


It would help you more than Columbia University did
Actually, we are trying to help you

Your writing skills, or lack of writing skills keep you from being that ass kicker of Liberals that you want to be

Being concise would benefit you quite a bit

But few from either side read your droll cut and pastes or know what the fuck point you are trying to make're lying.

Not only do you and I know that, but those who have considered our exchanges know it, too.

I am exactly what you fear. That's the cause for your lying.

I'll let you slide, based on you being......superannuated.

BTW.....That Navaho jewelry goes with your complexion, a lovely green.

Maybe this would help you


It would help you more than Columbia University did

You must be at your wit's end......hardly a long journey.

Why would you post what is so easily identifiable as a lie?

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