College graduation ceremonies across the country being disrupted by "protesters".

A real president would send a message loud and clear about as to where the administration stands. Instead we have a complete failure trying to appease all sides leaving confusion and sowing chaos. It simply emboldens bad behavior on all sides.
He did. Get off epoch times and 4chan, traitor.
Poor kids, CV-19 cost them their High School graduations and now the Nazis are costing them their College graduations.
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So are they Marxist or Nazis, dipshit?

The proper definition of today's Left would be Marxofascist. They've are pushing Marxist via Fascist tactics. How can you not see that? Most of these goons are not the students, but Marxist losers that see an opportunity to shit on America.
The proper definition of today's Left would be Marxofascist. They've are pushing Marxist via Fascist tactics. How can you not see that? Most of these goons are not the students, but Marxist losers that see an opportunity to shit on America.
LOL you're an idiot. Tell us what Marxism is.
LOL you're an idiot. Tell us what Marxism is.

^^^ They can't stand it when you point it out.

Marxism is authoritarian socialism.... you know... today's Democrats. The difference is, the Democrats added elements of fascism with the Brown Shirts (ANTIFA) and use of government agencies to attack their political opposition.

Today's Left = Marxofascism.
^^^ They can't stand it when you point it out.

Marxism is authoritarian socialism.... you know... today's Democrats. The difference is, the Democrats added elements of fascism with the Brown Shirts (ANTIFA) and use of government agencies to attack their political opposition.

Today's Left = Marxofascism.
That is an incorrect definition. Try again, traitor.
That is an incorrect definition. Try again, traitor.

Does it hurt?


You should invest in Prep H.
He said he condemns violence. If u of m security wants protestors at graduation, so be it.
Admit it, John...Joe Biden is attempting to straddle a line on this issue! He desperately needs the Muslim vote in Michigan to have a chance at winning there so he can't be TOO pro Israel but if he's too pro Palestine then he risks alienating the Jewish vote nationwide! Basically he's screwed. But it's well deserved because he's the one that screwed up the Middle East and now he's the one dealing with the consequences! Just as a note for the future? Giving the Mullahs in Iran billions of dollars like Biden DID is just plain stupid! Did Joe really think the Iranians wouldn't use that money to foment terror? Someone that dumb shouldn't have the launch codes...just saying!
My graduation day from University of Md was one of the best memories of my life and certainly my parents neither of whom went to college. I feel so bad for those kids who worked so hard and the parents that sacrificed so much for that day only to have it crapped on by a bunch of anti-American thugs.

I am sure being one of 9K graduates was a very personal experience for you :rolleyes:

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