The College Trap.

I think the key with the college trap is that college is not for everyone. Some students thrive in a college environment while others can graduate without being able to construct a coherent paragraph

Not that I am talking about PC or anything
1. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact.

Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear.

Obama and the Liberals offer an example of the above in the case of college loans.

2. "Limit Payments to 10 Percent of Income: Borrowers choosing the income-based repayment plan will pay no more than 10 percent of their income....blah blah blah...."
Ensuring That Student Loans are Affordable | The White House

3. Of course the real result is that the loans will cost more to repay....and will probably never be repaid.

"Disadvantages of IBR
You may pay more interest—A reduced monthly payment in IBR generally means you’ll be repaying your loan for a longer period of time, so you may pay more total interest over the life of the loan than you would under other repayment plans."
Income-Based Plan | Federal Student Aid

More feel-good policy from the folks who brought you the home-loans-to-all Mortgage Meltdown.
I think the key with the college trap is that college is not for everyone. Some students thrive in a college environment while others can graduate without being able to construct a coherent paragraph

Not that I am talking about PC or anything

Yet you keep returning, with no ability to rebut, or even respond to the points raised.

1. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact.
Why should we believe a indoctrinated college grad like him?
1. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact.
Why should we believe a indoctrinated college grad like him?

If you had any idea who Thomas Sowell is, or what he has supported, accomplished and where he stands on indoctrination ... You wouldn't ask the question.

"Also, owning a home shouldn't be such a huge deal for young people. Work, save, and wait until you can afford to pay for the house without borrowing much money."


And that is the difference between you and what folks like the Food-Stamp President have created.

You were blessed with folks who taught you something, instilled something, you cannot learn in government schools.

Those values are missing, and in large measure it is not by accident. The Liberal doctrine is a determination to make the electorate dependent. "

I learned a lot from watching my dad work yes. But in contrary to what you would think, here is the most important lessons learned..all of which hold true today and you cannot in any way find an argument against them.

He never learned that the worker is supposed to be at odds with his employer. A good worker is always looking for ways to better themselves monetarily. He never learned that working all those extra hours were in vain because he never saw the rewards. He never learned that he was being taken advantage of by his employer of 30 some years. Why he did what he did that long I will never know but it surely wasnt in his interest in any way , shape or form. In the end, he forgot to get an education which surely would have served him much more than without one. Secondly, I don't agree its a schools job to teach work ethic or what you speak to. That's a parents job. That comes from within the person, it isn't taught. I learned that work is simply a means to a paycheck. If one makes it more than that, to me its a mistake. All the truths above I have learned.
He never learned that the worker is supposed to be at odds with his employer. A good worker is always looking for ways to better themselves monetarily. He never learned that working all those extra hours were in vain because he never saw the rewards. He never learned that he was being taken advantage of by his employer of 30 some years. Why he did what he did that long I will never know but it surely wasnt in his interest in any way , shape or form. In the end, he forgot to get an education which surely would have served him much more than without one. Secondly, I don't agree its a schools job to teach work ethic or what you speak to. That's a parents job. That comes from within the person, it isn't taught. I learned that work is simply a means to a paycheck. If one makes it more than that, to me its a mistake. All the truths above I have learned.

You saw what happened to your father ... But you didn't really learn anything in the long run.

Join the military under the GI Bill ... Save money while the government feeds, clothes and houses you while in the service.
Attend college for free ... Have enough money to buy a small house, car and have fun while in college.

Graduate college ... Sell the house and car ... Buy another house, car and boat.
Put the pretty diploma in a nice frame ... Forget about it and get a real job.

Work circles around your co-workers ... Get all the extra training possible.
Advance your career by leaps and bounds compared to others ... Using the skills you learned in the military in regards to teamwork, time management, mission focus and a drive for excellence.

Sell the house, car, boat ... Buy new ones ... Open a business and laugh at people who complain about being stuck in debt because they went to college and are as dumb as a box of rocks.

I forgot to mention that there is still risk involved ... You may get killed or torn up before you ever get to the second sentence.


Sounds a lot like my own story. I joined the military and saved a lot of money-of course there is not much to spend on when you are "haze grey underway".

After 4 years active - I Used GI Bill to pay for college. I also stayed in the reserves for the extra cash and benefits.

Meanwhile I got a full time job and attended college at night. With the GI bill I bought a small house for $1.00 down and rented out rooms to my buddies to afford the mortgage. I worked my ass off and improved the house. I sold that house and used part of the profit to start my own company and never looked back.....

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"You saw what happened to your father ... But you didn't really learn anything in the long run"

I did. Spending your whole life "working hard" is nothing, zero to be proud of. I'm not saying don't work and yes I do agree that we need to encourage people to work. I agree 100 percent. The key is education. Get yourself trained so you don't have to do a low paying job. Nobody, not one adult, should be working for anything close to minimum wage. Those jobs are for kids. The way to avoid working hard for some lousy company or owner is to get yourself educated. Otherwise, one ends up working hard for modest wages. Can you comprehend or do I need to explain it more deeply? I know its hard for you.
I did. Spending your whole life "working hard" is nothing, zero to be proud of. I'm not saying don't work and yes I do agree that we need to encourage people to work. I agree 100 percent. The key is education. Get yourself trained so you don't have to do a low paying job. Nobody, not one adult, should be working for anything close to minimum wage. Those jobs are for kids. The way to avoid working hard for some lousy company or owner is to get yourself educated. Otherwise, one ends up working hard for modest wages. Can you comprehend or do I need to explain it more deeply? I know its hard for you.

What do you think you could possibly teach me about what is necessary to succeed in the business world?
I don't blame companies for people who are too stupid to understand that if they want to tie themselves to the yoke of security they will limit their own opportunities.

My sister and I both learned an important lesson watching our parents work themselves to an early death ... Completing college and going back for more to meet the ever increasing demands when necessary.
They learned that a formal education in the lofty halls of higher learning is exactly what they needed to remain slaves to the system.

My Sister and I both own our own businesses ... We both graduated from college ... And neither of us have a business that remotely involves what we earned a degree in.
We enjoy more comforts than what our parents did ... Have more leisure time on our hands ... And all because we actually learned something from watching our parents.

1. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact.
Why should we believe a indoctrinated college grad like him?

1 ."...Why should we believe a indoctrinated...."

That should be AN indoctrinated.....

Bad grammar makes me (sic).

2. "...indoctrinated college grad like him?" mistake after another!!!

And in a single sentence!!!

Not all succumb to to the indoctrination.....only the weak, i.e., Liberals.
Up through 8th grade I attended a catholic school. Purely an indoctrination center. I blame my parents for helping indoctrinate me as they sent me there.
PC what makes you think even private religious colleges are controlled by liberals?

Not certain what point you are trying to make....

But consider this:

Todd Gitlin, former president of SDS, said the Left began “marching on the English Department while the Right took the White House.”
Gitlin, “Twilight of Common Dreams: Why America is Wracked by Culture Wars,” p. 147
1. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact.
Why should we believe a indoctrinated college grad like him?

If you had any idea who Thomas Sowell is, or what he has supported, accomplished and where he stands on indoctrination ... You wouldn't ask the question.

He is a product of Affirmative Action and indoctrinated by the Right.
1. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact.
Why should we believe a indoctrinated college grad like him?

1 ."...Why should we believe a indoctrinated...."

That should be AN indoctrinated.....

Bad grammar makes me (sic).

2. "...indoctrinated college grad like him?" mistake after another!!!

And in a single sentence!!!

Not all succumb to to the indoctrination.....only the weak, i.e., Liberals.
There is nobody more mentally weak and indoctrinated than the Right. You are proof of that!

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