The Columbus Doors at the Capitol are 17 ft tall and weigh 10 tons. At 2:08 on January 6, someone gave the order to unlock them. Who gave the order?

Odds are they were opened to avoid crush injuries or to allow security to move more freely IF it was done 90 minutes after the kerfuffle began. Just a theory. I think both sides are a little irrational when it comes to this event.

of course you do you fence-riding facncy boy watermelon brained ball Sniffing arsejack.//
I see the deranged NaziCon circle-jerk on the Capitol doors continues. Maybe Sky Daddy opened the doors?
Its easy
Doors swung open to the inside after many hours of not
Why? What happened?
Sorry bout that,

1. Who unlocked these fucking doors, we want answers, and some one knows them!!!!

Stop! There is video of one of the protesters inside the Capitol kicking the doors the same video of the Shaman coming in through those doors.....

So yeah, the doors were opened from the inside to the outside but it was a protester person inside kicking and pushing them out to open them for the protesters outside to get in through the door.....

Complete Cult idiocy.

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