The comedy writes itself

You remain tiresome. Subjective agreement (or subjective disagreement) isnā€™t about revealing objective truth. Itā€™s about demonstrating that some things arenā€™t susceptible to mathematical or scientific analyses. Funny that you canā€™t get that through your impermeable skull.
Of course they are. You don't think your thoughts and feelings correspond to biological processes? And that those processes can't be subject to scientific analysis? Since when? Do you imagine your thoughts form out of some incomprehensible ether like the tooth fairy and leprechauns?
No no. Youā€™re too stupid to understand when your ā€œargumentā€ has been crushed. šŸ‘

Nope. I fully admit that youā€™re pitiably wrong. Indeed, Iā€™ve established it.
You've admitted your feelings are subjective. That means there is no pre legal, objective right or wrong. Just your personal feelings that may or may not be shared by others. It's okay to accept that truth about morality. It's called growing up.
You subjectively believe youā€™re right because youā€™re too dishonest to admit that your premises are absurd. Thatā€™s an objective statement about your lack of comprehension.
Wrong. That's an opinion. :lmao: Your argument isn't cemented by making hilariously ignorant claims, confidently.
Donā€™t fret. I wouldnā€™t expect a moron like you to understand much of anything. šŸ˜‚
I understand that you rely on pretend and make believe. Like you pretending the above wasn't your opinion and thinking that made a great objective argument. :lmao:
Of course they are. You don't think your thoughts and feelings correspond to biological processes? And that those processes can't be subject to scientific analysis? Since when? Do you imagine your thoughts form out of some incomprehensible ether like the tooth fairy and leprechauns?

You've admitted your feelings are subjective. That means there is no pre legal, objective right or wrong. Just your personal feelings that may or may not be shared by others. It's okay to accept that truth about morality. It's called growing up.

Wrong. That's an opinion. :lmao: Your argument isn't cemented by making hilariously ignorant claims, confidently.

I understand that you rely on pretend and make believe. Like you pretending the above wasn't your opinion and thinking that made a great objective argument.
lol. Grandpa Bingo has lost it.
I've reduced you to name calling. That's called winning. Too bad you don't have tiger blood.
Iā€™ve reduced you to whining. Now thatā€™s winning!

Too bad you donā€™t have the ability to adequately defend your own trite ā€œarguments.ā€
Iā€™ve reduced you to whining. Now thatā€™s winning!

Too bad you donā€™t have the ability to adequately defend your own trite ā€œarguments.ā€
I can defend them all day. Which of my points do you feel like manning up enough to contend?
Are you not a grandpa? Seems Bingo was a game until YOU used it as a pejorative on this board. Do not resent growing old (or being a grandpa) many are denied the privilege, donkey.
I'm not old. I'm a fairly young and spry grandpa, let's get that out of the way first. Secondly, I don't mind name calling but there should at least be some attempt at a rational argument along with it. Is that really too much to ask for?

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