The comedy writes itself

Well this thread triggered the godless heathen Democrats. That our rights don't require government permission drives these government control freaks insane. They want government to control every damn thing in our lives from cradle to grave.

Do you morons think freedom and rights are the same thing? They aren't. Rights are responsibilities. Freedom is the absence of responsibility. You don't need government to have freedom. You can fuck on off into the wilderness and live free with no one telling you what to do. Rights however are an obligation. Your right to life and liberty imposes a responsibility on me to not harm your life and a responsibility on government to hold me accountable if I do. In the wilderness and in absolute freedom if I harm you that's just tough shit. I'm free to do as I please. If you want the protection of rights which is an imposition of responsibility on others then that requires cooperation and agreement and so your rights and responsibilities become whatever we all agree to. That's the real world. If you don't like some laws, convince a big enough majority to agree with you and impose that responsibility on the rest of us. Or fuck off to the wilderness. :dunno:

Do you morons think freedom and rights are the same thing? They aren't. Rights are responsibilities. Freedom is the absence of responsibility. You don't need government to have freedom. You can fuck on off into the wilderness and live free with no one telling you what to do. Rights however are an obligation. Your right to life and liberty imposes a responsibility on me to not harm your life and a responsibility on government to hold me accountable if I do. In the wilderness and in absolute freedom if I harm you that's just tough shit. I'm free to do as I please. If you want the protection of rights which is an imposition of responsibility on others then that requires cooperation and agreement and so your rights and responsibilities become whatever we all agree to. That's the real world. If you don't like some laws, convince a big enough majority to agree with you and impose that responsibility on the rest of us. Or fuck off to the wilderness. :dunno:
I have a god given right to my life, if someone tries to take my life they eat a 12 gauge. Government did not grant me this right I was born with it. Obviously if there were no government around I'd still have this right.

You government control freaks have lost it. :cuckoo: You want government to be your mommy and daddy and you want government to force other people to live by your world view.
I have a god given right to my life, if someone tries to take my life they eat a 12 gauge.
Doesn’t the person eating a 12 gauge also have a God given right to life? Sounds like God is superfluous in this equation and the important thing is the 12 gauge.
Government did not grant me this right I was born with it. Obviously if there were no government around I'd still have this right.
But what good is to you? A legal right comes with the weight and penalty of an entire society.
You government control freaks have lost it. :cuckoo: You want government to be your mommy and daddy and you want government to force other people to live by your world view.
I haven't even discussed what I think government and society should or shouldn't control I'm just trying to explain the difference between rights and freedoms to you.
The so-called founders did not believe in a national religion.
I realize you’re extraordinarily stupid and ignorant — but, one can both believe in God and yet still oppose a national religion.

You’re welcome.
Then prove it.

Or, option 2: Gfy. I don’t much care what a moron like you believes or doesn’t believe. In fact, for shitbags like you, it’s perfectly ok for you to deny that rights exist. You have no rights, so STFU. 👍

I have edited away the balance of your endless retarded spew.

Doesn’t the person eating a 12 gauge also have a God given right to life? Sounds like God is superfluous in this equation and the important thing is the 12 gauge.

But what good is to you? A legal right comes with the weight and penalty of an entire society.

I haven't even discussed what I think government and society should or shouldn't control I'm just trying to explain the difference between rights and freedoms to you.
Not sure what third world shit hole you are from but the USA was founded on a constitution and bill of rights that told government what our rights are. Further, limited government's ability to infringe upon or take away our rights, granted by God. It's a shoulder check on government into the glass.
It's not on me to prove unicorns, Santa Claus, Sky Daddy or mystical rights don't exist. It's on the person claiming they exist to prove that they do.

I don't care how you want to phrase it you little pedantic pussy. :dunno:

What rights pre-existed any attempt to inscribe them into law and where do they come from?

I believe laws govern how society operates. In some societies the laws restrain what the government or other people can do to you, under penalty of law, and in other societies its legal and just to stone people for being gay. That's reality. If you're gay and living in a society where being gay is punishable by death then what good is a non or pre legal right to life to you?

I don't mind you asking your own questions but that doesn't let you off of mine.

How can I detect these innate rights in you to know they're really there?

I dont even know what that means outside of the legal sense. What is a pre legal right? You still havent explained it. All I've gotten from you so far is that its innate. That isnt very helpful. How can I know if someone has something if you can't even explain to me what that something is?

People try to kill each other all the time. The only thing holding them accountable are laws or your ability to defend yourself. As far as pre legal rights go I couldn't fucking tell you what use they'd be in a fight because I don't know what they are or what you imagine them to be or what use you imagine them to have.

If there are no laws preventing him, who cares? What sense does that question even make? Does he have to ask permission from some guild? How does your fantasy pre legal society operate? Let's set the scene. We're pre law and someone is trying to kill me, do you have me asking by what right he's trying to assault me? Why the fuck would that be the most pertinent thing at the moment?

I think if they're real we should be able to either touch them, taste them, hear them, see them or feel them. For instance the weight of the justice system can be felt by the enforcement of the police, the judgement of a court or the despair of a prison cell. What tangibility marks the presence of pre legal rights?

Sure, that why all I've gotten out of you so far is that they're innate. :lmao:

On the contrary I care slightly about the amusement your simple arguments bring me.

So how what else you got other than "they're innate"? :dunno:
Here’s who gives you your rights huh?

You’re just not at all bright or original.
Your ride is here...

short bus.jpg
You remind me of this guy .. another first class welscher,

View attachment 908421
You remind me of a pile of shit. 💩

But I suppose on some organic level, unlike your existence, a pile of shit has some purpose.

Now, since you refuse to be topical, I guess it’s up to me to drag you back to the thread topic:

In your insufferable narrow minded jaundiced and baseless point of view:

  • Do you have any rights?
  • Where do you say those rights come from?
  • If they come from man (government) then aren’t you suggesting that man or government is just as able to withdraw those rights?
  • Is that something you idiot libturds are comfortable with?
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Not sure what third world shit hole you are from but the USA was founded on a constitution and bill of rights that told government what our rights are.
Well if they wrote it down somewhere then it mist be true! :lmao:
Further, limited government's ability to infringe upon or take away our rights, granted by God. It's a shoulder check on government into the glass.
The constitution does that and it didn't shoulder check the government when it came to all the slaves the Founders had because the constitution at the time didn't give a shit about them.
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You remind me of a pile of shit. 💩

But I suppose on some organic level, unlike your existence, a pile of shit has some purpose.

Now, since you refuse to be topical, I guess it’s up to me to drag you back to the thread topic:

In your insufferable narrow minded jaundiced and baseless point of view:

  • Do you have any rights?
  • Where do you say those rights come from?
  • If they come from man (government) then aren’t you suggesting that man or government is just as able to withdraw those rights?
  • Is that something you idiot libturds are comfortable with?
Obviously you're the one uncomfortable with the fact that there is no magical judge in the sky telling people they're wrong for violating you outside of government.
Obviously you're the one uncomfortable with the fact that there is no magical judge in the sky telling people they're wrong for violating you outside of government.
Not obvious. Not even remotely true.

You’re amazingly stupid, Jerk Chicken.

You assume way too much with far too little evidence.

My religious belief is paper thin. I believe in God* and that’s about the full extent of my religious beliefs. I have never (to my knowledge and memory) “heard” His “voice. Therefore it neither surprises me nor does it make me at all “uncomfortable” that He has not advised me about right or wrong.

As is almost always the case with you, you old dolt, you aren’t just wrong but laughably wrong.

*I believe in God; but I doubt that God believes in religion.

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