The comedy writes itself

No they arent.

Right to life

Right to liberty

Right to free speech

Right to self determination

Right to freely associate

Right to worship what I want

etc etc.

Again if your "rights" come from a Government they aren't rights anymore they are privileges. A right is something I have whether you want me to or not. A government might be able to suppress that right but I still have that right. Not so much with privileges.
You people are stuck in Civics 101 in Junior High Schools :auiqs.jpg:
Sorry but I was very specific that laws are made for civilization.

Is there a civilization on an island by yourself?


Then it was a dumb question
According to you, you have no rights because nobody granted them to you.

Now tell us you’re not just a pussy.
According to you, you have no rights because nobody granted them to you.

Now tell us you’re not just a pussy.
That’s NOT “according to me”.

That’s some stupid shit you pulled out yer ass
It's not on me to prove unicorns, Santa Claus, Sky Daddy or mystical rights don't exist.

Your denigration of religious belief is simply an instance of you being a twat.

Rights aren’t mystical. You’re beyond help.
It's on the person claiming they exist to prove that they do.
Generally, of course, that’s true. But proving that rights exist is not dependent on a moron like you agreeing with the proof presented.
I don't care how you want to phrase it you little pedantic pussy.
Just like nobody actually cares about your denial or your pansy efforts to denigrate anybody’s religious belief. You faggot.
What rights pre-existed any attempt to inscribe them into law and where do they come from?
The right to life. Everyone recognizes that you aren’t allow to just walk up to another person and bludgeon him to death. Even a retard like you.
I believe laws govern how society operates.

Zzz. Ok. That’s nice. Not relevant. But it’s fine.
In some societies the laws restrain what the government or other people can do to you, under penalty of law,
And prior to such laws, people would deal with miscreants in their own. Go figure, huh?
and in other societies its legal and just to stone people for being gay.
A denial of the right to life. The claim that it’s “legal” doesn’t make it anything but a denial of the right to life. Again, for you hard of thinking retards, a violation of a right isn’t the same as a negation of that right.
That's reality.
It’s reality that it has happened and may still happen. But it’s not reality that this amounts to evidence that the right doesn’t exist.
If you're gay and living in a society where being gay is punishable by death then what good is a non or pre legal right to life to you?
It sounds like you’re complaining that rights can be violated. Good complaint. But it’s not relevant to the question of whether the right exists. I mean, murder is also against the law. Yet murders happen. So, your question would be, “what good is a law?”
I don't mind you asking your own questions but that doesn't let you off of mine.
I don’t care if you mind or not. But you’re not very good at answering questions. You pussy.
How can I detect these innate rights in you to know they're really there?
If you have an accelarator, you might be able to prove the existence of atomic particles. But you cannot see them otherwise. So, to you, atoms are just magic fairy things.
I dont even know what that means
That sentence excerpt summarizes you entire ability to comprehend.

The rest of you incredibly verbose post just got edited to save electrons. You electron-hating bigot.
Lol, no. That's a republican thing. I'm a live and let live kinda guy.

Nah. You’re not. You’re a judgmental twit.
Not what I said at all, but cool try at deflecting.
Sure. :itsok:

What do you think your rights are for?
Lol. What are “rights” “for?” Let’s pretend that you have a right to free speech. Oh. That’s right. You seem to grasp that much. You’re sort of babbling away. And let’s say you have a right to vote. I’ll bet you vote.

Maybe (spit balling here) what a right is for depends on which right you’re attempting to discuss.
What good are they?
If you speak or vote, you already know. Truly stupid question, Crappy.
Explain to me what you get from these rights.
Read the above, you idiot.
I never said they didn't exist, I said the come from your society, that would be the humans around you.
And you were wrong then, too. 👍
Lol. What are “rights” “for?” Let’s pretend that you have a right to free speech. Oh. That’s right. You seem to grasp that much. You’re sort of babbling away. And let’s say you have a right to vote. I’ll bet you vote.
The question was "if you're alone." What do you have rights for if you are all by yourself?
You’re very slow. Slow witted too.

I of course concede your defeat.

It was written in the stars.

You suck at this. 😎
You idiot.

The Founders are the ones who said our rights come from God and not man.

You do realize this, right?

The so-called founders did not believe in a national religion.
Your denigration of religious belief is simply an instance of you being a twat.

Rights aren’t mystical. You’re beyond help.
Then prove it. So far you haven't given me any tangible reason to believe they exist.
Generally, of course, that’s true. But proving that rights exist is not dependent on a moron like you agreeing with the proof presented.
What proof? So far I have your insistence they exist and the description that they're innate and that's it. That's all you've given me.
Just like nobody actually cares about your denial or your pansy efforts to denigrate anybody’s religious belief. You faggot.
Sure sounds like it doesn't bother you.... :lmao:
The right to life. Everyone recognizes that you aren’t allow to just walk up to another person and bludgeon him to death. Even a retard like you.
Does everyone recognize that? Murder happens all the time. If everyone recognized that then murder wouldn't happen and we wouldn't need laws punishing it.
Zzz. Ok. That’s nice. Not relevant. But it’s fine.

And prior to such laws, people would deal with miscreants in their own. Go figure, huh?
Ok... but those aren't rights, those are abilities. Someone out in the wilderness wants to rob or murder you, maybe you can defend yourself, maybe you can't. Where do rights come in?
A denial of the right to life. The claim that it’s “legal” doesn’t make it anything but a denial of the right to life.
I also deny unicorns exist until someone can show me evidence of their existence.
Again, for you hard of thinking retards, a violation of a right isn’t the same as a negation of that right.
And a claim of a right isn't proof of a right.
It’s reality that it has happened and may still happen. But it’s not reality that this amounts to evidence that the right doesn’t exist.
And it's still not proof that it does exist you moron. You're the one with the claim that these things are real so you're the one with the burden to prove that they are. How hard is that for you to grasp?
It sounds like you’re complaining that rights can be violated. Good complaint. But it’s not relevant to the question of whether the right exists. I mean, murder is also against the law. Yet murders happen. So, your question would be, “what good is a law?”
The difference is that I have an answer to that. The good of the law is that there is still a system in place to punish people who murder and hold them accountable so they don't do it again. What good is a pre legal right to life that gets violated?
I don’t care if you mind or not. But you’re not very good at answering questions. You pussy.
I answer all your questions while you run and dodge like a little bitch.
If you have an accelarator, you might be able to prove the existence of atomic particles. But you cannot see them otherwise. So, to you, atoms are just magic fairy things.
We can see atoms with microscopes, we can detect the presence of forces through their interaction with other things. What's the experiment to know if these pre legal rights are real?
That sentence excerpt summarizes you entire ability to comprehend.

The rest of you incredibly verbose post just got edited to save electrons. You electron-hating bigot.
I prefer not to get this wordy, I'd just like answer to my simple question of what are pre legal rights and where they come from and what use are they?
Humans are animals. But we have rights. Sadly or not, bears and rabbits don’t.
We have legal rights. So do animals to some minial extent. Like it's illegal to molest them or use them for sex. It's illegal to hunt endangered animals.
Damn, you’re retarded.
No, you are. You think of animals don't have any legal rights.
You supporting the murder of babies while claiming moral high ground.

What moral high ground? Stop shadow boxing with some imaginary enemy. I don't even believe in objective morality so the idea of a moral high ground to me is stupid. Morality is subjective and therefore equally valid or invalid depending whether you're glass half full or half empty kind of guy.
Well this thread triggered the godless heathen Democrats. That our rights don't require government permission drives these government control freaks insane. They want government to control every damn thing in our lives from cradle to grave.

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