The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question OnCensus

I agree with the premise if the criminally corrupt trump regime manages to get this xenophobic racist question put on for his obvious dark reasons, yeah, decent Americans will definitely freak out. The census is for counting all people living in the USA, not only citizens. Getting the question put on will result in a massive undercount. trump knows that and so does his largely white nationalist base.
You have spawned the pure socialist and communist movement here in our nation. The Progs are part of the swamp. Just like the Repubs. Even if Progs take control, the same system will be in control. The agendas different but the system the same. You must take down the system and rebuild it. Take out/remove the people who are empowered throughout the nation at every level. Even with that, not all of you who will fight for the revolution will get paid off well. Pelosi took evolution to its limits and split the nation as values and morals were changed to political beliefs. Revolution is the logical next step and its time for your groups to branch out. The ironic thing is that the new power will promote marriages and respecting our children at some point. There are many people who have gotten screwed over. By corrupted, inept, incompetent, and power loving people at all levels. Those who have not had any of those things done to them addressed will not be so anti you as you think. They may notbe in your lines, but a free pass will be forwarded as they think of the muthas who ph uked with them. Just watching what you achieved the last 4 years of Obama and even with Trump in power is incredible. But you must eliminate the people who helped you to power that arr Progs. Many sold out Repubs as frauds and they will sell you out. The safe thing is them all. I am not wrong. Look at other nations that have done what you want.
What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.
The Democrat position is that it will force much of their base to either lie or not respond.
I agree with the premise if the criminally corrupt trump regime manages to get this xenophobic racist question put on for his obvious dark reasons, yeah, decent Americans will definitely freak out. The census is for counting all people living in the USA, not only citizens. Getting the question put on will result in a massive undercount. trump knows that and so does his largely white nationalist base.

Why? Because the dishonest people who snuck across the border, obtained false or stolen id and got themselves illegally hired, make Trump xenophobicand racist? What a ridiculous assertion. Are you aware that there are roughly a million illegals who have gone through the due process and have deportation orders but refuse to leave? Yep and that costs the taxpayer lots of money! Give America a break.
I agree with the premise if the criminally corrupt trump regime manages to get this xenophobic racist question put on for his obvious dark reasons, yeah, decent Americans will definitely freak out. The census is for counting all people living in the USA, not only citizens. Getting the question put on will result in a massive undercount. trump knows that and so does his largely white nationalist base.
How about if we count everyone and also have the citizenship question? Then we can use the results to determine the actual number of IAs in this country. Then we could finally put that BS estimate of 11 million illegal aliens to rest forever. Logical people know there's more like 30-40 million illegals. Hell, they said there were 8-11 million during the 1986 amnesty. The whole point of a census is to have an accurate count of people. Accurate includes legal status.
What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.

Actually, it is just a reminder of how mean-spirited Trump and his supporters are.

The biggest problem with doing the Census every ten years is that because we do an "actual enumeration", we have to count every last household.

The problem is, about 30% of census forms that get sent out don't get returned. some of them because someone stuck it in a pile of papers. Some because you get these nuts who think the Government is going to put a microchip in their ass. And some because they don't want the government to know where they are.

The Census Bureau doesn't call it a day, which is probably what Trump is hoping for. Instead, it sends out enumerators to check each and every address that no one sent a form back for. They usually get about 90% of the non-responders that way, but the rest go to a team that researches public records, utilities, school districts to find out who lives at a given address.
Why? Because the dishonest people who snuck across the border, obtained false or stolen id and got themselves illegally hired, make Trump xenophobicand racist? What a ridiculous assertion. Are you aware that there are roughly a million illegals who have gone through the due process and have deportation orders but refuse to leave? Yep and that costs the taxpayer lots of money! Give America a break.

How are any of those people bothering you?

DId you really have your heart set on that toilet cleaning job they are doing?

You could solve this problem fairly quickly. Instead of trying to catch and deport them, which is like trying to bail out the ocean with a spoon, go after the people who hire them.

Not just the farm owners and sweatshop operators, but the rich asshole who hires Lupe because she's just like a member of the family they don't have to pay.

The asshole who goes to the Home Depot and picks up a truckload of Day Laborers after they find out that DIY project wasn't as easy as Chip and Joanna made it look.

The restaurant owner who hires someone to do the dishes, because teenagers aren't terribly into hard work.

We won't go after these people. We'll just keep enjoying the benefits of the cheap labor and then whine about how those people are in our way.
How about if we count everyone and also have the citizenship question? Then we can use the results to determine the actual number of IAs in this country. Then we could finally put that BS estimate of 11 million illegal aliens to rest forever. Logical people know there's more like 30-40 million illegals. Hell, they said there were 8-11 million during the 1986 amnesty. The whole point of a census is to have an accurate count of people. Accurate includes legal status.

Actually, there were about 3 million in the 1986 Amnesty that actually claimed amnesty.

The problem with the citizenship question is that it really doesn't distinguish between illegal aliens and green card holders. It just tells us how many non-citizens we have.

the thing is, the non-citizens will just not turn in their forms, and then someone else will have to figure out who they are and count them with no real idea if they are citizens or not.

Or they can just outright lie and say they are.... Heck, the Census hasn't gotten back to me yet when I listed my race as "Klingon" on the 1990 Census. (I was in a serious Trekkie phase at the time.)
I agree with the premise if the criminally corrupt trump regime manages to get this xenophobic racist question put on for his obvious dark reasons, yeah, decent Americans will definitely freak out. The census is for counting all people living in the USA, not only citizens. Getting the question put on will result in a massive undercount. trump knows that and so does his largely white nationalist base.

LOL @ citizenship being "racist"
How about if we count everyone and also have the citizenship question? Then we can use the results to determine the actual number of IAs in this country. Then we could finally put that BS estimate of 11 million illegal aliens to rest forever. Logical people know there's more like 30-40 million illegals. Hell, they said there were 8-11 million during the 1986 amnesty. The whole point of a census is to have an accurate count of people. Accurate includes legal status.

Actually, there were about 3 million in the 1986 Amnesty that actually claimed amnesty.

The problem with the citizenship question is that it really doesn't distinguish between illegal aliens and green card holders. It just tells us how many non-citizens we have.

the thing is, the non-citizens will just not turn in their forms, and then someone else will have to figure out who they are and count them with no real idea if they are citizens or not.

Or they can just outright lie and say they are.... Heck, the Census hasn't gotten back to me yet when I listed my race as "Klingon" on the 1990 Census. (I was in a serious Trekkie phase at the time.)
We should keep a track of visas and asylum seekers because they use publicly funded services.
The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census

The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census
July 8, 2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
Cue the meltdown because one looks like one could hit liberal America very soon. We’ve been haggling over the citizenship question in the 2020 census. It’s been asked before in past surveys. As the Department of Justice was ordered to look into ways to include the key question, AG Barr recently announced that a path might have been found (via Post and Courier ): Attorney General Barr tells SC reporters he's found a legal recourse on Census question | News |
Again, the Democrats are going to go ballistic, so grab some popcorn. We’ll see what happens.

I have no problem with illegals being counted... it's nice to know where they're at so we can direct our ICE resources to the right areas. I have a problem with illegals being used for apportionment of Congressional Districts. Besides... Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA Democrats shouldn't need the illegals with all the dead people they have voting. The Constitution demands that a citizenship question be included on the decadal census. (See: Article 1, Section 2, "The 3/5ths Compromise"). Now, this might seem a strange place to start, but bear with me because the 3/5th compromise is relevant to the constitutional amendment which articulates the need for the citizenship question. That amendment is the 14th Amendment which provided full citizenship for everyone regardless of race. Section '1' of the 14th Amendment defines the criteria for being a U.S. citizen and also states that anyone who is a U.S. citizen is a citizen in all states.

The courts will bar Barr from doing so. There is no way it will happen. The Constitution does not require a citizenship question as it has not been asked since 1950.
The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census

The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census
July 8, 2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
Cue the meltdown because one looks like one could hit liberal America very soon. We’ve been haggling over the citizenship question in the 2020 census. It’s been asked before in past surveys. As the Department of Justice was ordered to look into ways to include the key question, AG Barr recently announced that a path might have been found (via Post and Courier ): Attorney General Barr tells SC reporters he's found a legal recourse on Census question | News |
Again, the Democrats are going to go ballistic, so grab some popcorn. We’ll see what happens.

I have no problem with illegals being counted... it's nice to know where they're at so we can direct our ICE resources to the right areas. I have a problem with illegals being used for apportionment of Congressional Districts. Besides... Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA Democrats shouldn't need the illegals with all the dead people they have voting. The Constitution demands that a citizenship question be included on the decadal census. (See: Article 1, Section 2, "The 3/5ths Compromise"). Now, this might seem a strange place to start, but bear with me because the 3/5th compromise is relevant to the constitutional amendment which articulates the need for the citizenship question. That amendment is the 14th Amendment which provided full citizenship for everyone regardless of race. Section '1' of the 14th Amendment defines the criteria for being a U.S. citizen and also states that anyone who is a U.S. citizen is a citizen in all states.

The courts will bar Barr from doing so. There is no way it will happen. The Constitution does not require a citizenship question as it has not been asked since 1950.
The 14th Amendment contains semi-colons between sentences, not periods.
Thus, the clauses contained within concern those legally within the US.
The Fed cannot blithely Tax US citizens and visa holders to support trespassers.
What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.
The Democrat position is that it will force much of their base to either lie or not respond.

That also is the Republican position which is why the question is being asked. This is nothing but a political power grab.

"A Republican consultant involved in the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census believed that adding the question would pave the way for redistricting that would increase the political power of “Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to explosive documents revealed in federal court Thursday.

The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents."
The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census

The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census
July 8, 2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
Cue the meltdown because one looks like one could hit liberal America very soon. We’ve been haggling over the citizenship question in the 2020 census. It’s been asked before in past surveys. As the Department of Justice was ordered to look into ways to include the key question, AG Barr recently announced that a path might have been found (via Post and Courier ): Attorney General Barr tells SC reporters he's found a legal recourse on Census question | News |
Again, the Democrats are going to go ballistic, so grab some popcorn. We’ll see what happens.

I have no problem with illegals being counted... it's nice to know where they're at so we can direct our ICE resources to the right areas. I have a problem with illegals being used for apportionment of Congressional Districts. Besides... Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA Democrats shouldn't need the illegals with all the dead people they have voting. The Constitution demands that a citizenship question be included on the decadal census. (See: Article 1, Section 2, "The 3/5ths Compromise"). Now, this might seem a strange place to start, but bear with me because the 3/5th compromise is relevant to the constitutional amendment which articulates the need for the citizenship question. That amendment is the 14th Amendment which provided full citizenship for everyone regardless of race. Section '1' of the 14th Amendment defines the criteria for being a U.S. citizen and also states that anyone who is a U.S. citizen is a citizen in all states.

The courts will bar Barr from doing so. There is no way it will happen. The Constitution does not require a citizenship question as it has not been asked since 1950.
The 14th Amendment contains semi-colons between sentences, not periods.
Thus, the clauses contained within concern those legally within the US.
The Fed cannot blithely Tax US citizens and visa holders to support trespassers.

Requesting asylum is a legal activity and must be done from the US.
What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.
The Democrat position is that it will force much of their base to either lie or not respond.

That also is the Republican position which is why the question is being asked. This is nothing but a political power grab.

"A Republican consultant involved in the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census believed that adding the question would pave the way for redistricting that would increase the political power of “Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to explosive documents revealed in federal court Thursday.

The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents."
Democrats are afraid of losing 10% of their base.
I figure the only reason Democrats like sanctuary cities is because it allows them to cheat in elections and increase their influence in Congress.
Imagine what will happen if 30% of their voters turn out not to be citizens and 10% of them are actually criminal aliens.
What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.
The Democrat position is that it will force much of their base to either lie or not respond.

That also is the Republican position which is why the question is being asked. This is nothing but a political power grab.

"A Republican consultant involved in the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census believed that adding the question would pave the way for redistricting that would increase the political power of “Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to explosive documents revealed in federal court Thursday.

The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents."
You may as well post an article from "". Its the same thing as huffypuffy.
What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.

It's against federal law to lie on a census form. Telling them to lie would be entrapment. Of course the average cop would want his victims to commit some crime. That's what bad cops do.
When it comes to illegal motherfuckers, that would be a good cop. Fuck illegals and the people who harbor them.

What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.

It's against federal law to lie on a census form. Telling them to lie would be entrapment. Of course the average cop would want his victims to commit some crime. That's what bad cops do.
When it comes to illegal motherfuckers, that would be a good cop. Fuck illegals and the people who harbor them.


Your support for law breaking cops is noted.
I agree with the premise if the criminally corrupt trump regime manages to get this xenophobic racist question put on for his obvious dark reasons, yeah, decent Americans will definitely freak out. The census is for counting all people living in the USA, not only citizens. Getting the question put on will result in a massive undercount. trump knows that and so does his largely white nationalist base.

Everybody on both sides knows why Trump wants that question.
We know. We also know why democrats want them to count. They are trying to get more electoral power in California.

That's why we the zero-fiths compromise.

All the illegal motherfuckers can go to California and it helps the dems ZERO.


This is such dishonest bullshit that I am prepared to go to war with you commie fuckers over this clear abuse of the electoral process.

What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.

It's against federal law to lie on a census form. Telling them to lie would be entrapment. Of course the average cop would want his victims to commit some crime. That's what bad cops do.
When it comes to illegal motherfuckers, that would be a good cop. Fuck illegals and the people who harbor them.


Your support for law breaking cops is noted.
Your support for destroying our nation is noted, you cocksucking commie piece of fucking shit.

You don't deserve to live here. We should deport you to Venezuela where your commie ass belongs.


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