The coming inflation and shortages

But you need some measure of brain function to be labeled dumb.
But what were Trump's goals with tariffs?

I'm not conceeding that Biden or the dems are the central reason we lack truck drivers (we had a shortage before covid btw) and ports are backed up. I am concerned, though, that they view getting workers in rural states vacced as a much more important issue.
Empty shelves and massive inflation is just around the corner! YAY!!

Just in Time Supply Chain is something left wing communist cucks are too stupid to grasp.
Inflation is around 5 percent right now. That's not good, but it is not a disaster.

It could go either way from here. The global shutdown caused by Covid has wreaked economic chaos. Inflation is part of an economy roaring back. A lot of money got stored up while everyone was locked up. Now that stored money is being spent like gangbusters. Thus, inflation.

How high will it go? No one really knows. It is pure guesswork.

You all might remember my warning about an impending stock market collapse when I saw the China PMI was 35.7. I was mocked for that warning, but it came to pass.

Like a dead cat bounce when an economy collapses, we are seeing the metaphorical opposite now. The cat is bouncing up toward the ceiling. How high that cat will bounce is unknown. But what goes up must come down.
But what were Trump's goals with tariffs?

I'm not conceeding that Biden or the dems are the central reason we lack truck drivers (we had a shortage before covid btw) and ports are backed up. I am concerned, though, that they view getting workers in rural states vacced as a much more important issue.
I got a little secret for ya.

They don't care about rural workers getting vacced. In fact, they get trolled everyday by half wits like the governor of New York saying she wants everyone to do God's will which is to get vacced, knowing what effect that will have on people in rural areas that support Trump. Or trolled by entertainers like Kimmel, I do have a hard time calling him that since he has no sense of humor and is incapable of being entertaining, as he tells the country that those who don't get vacced should not get medical treatment.

No, the Left does not want their political opponents to get vacced. Instead, they want more of them to die, more of them to lose their jobs for not getting vacced, and essentially empower their political power over the country.
The Fed is not acting on inflation right now. They believe this inflation is transitory. I've seen some nervous nellies in the investment world predicting 10 percent, or higher, inflation by next year.

If inflation does go much higher, the Fed will start selling chunks of its portfolio and burn the cash.

If that happens, the bond market will freak out. That's why the Fed is being cautious.
The best thing to do during high inflation is to buy equities and/or gold. Maybe some bitcoin, though I am a bit of a bitcoin skeptic.

Okay, more than a bit.

Then again, when the bond market freaks out, the stock market often does, too.
I know I am wasting my time, but let me explain some of this inflation for you. First, gas prices. Crude oil was $77.40 on October 2, 2020. Today, it is at $75.35 So why are gas prices so much higher? It is the same across industries. Feeder cattle prices were $1.41 a pound a year ago, today $1.53 Three years ago, they were $1.57.

First rule of pricing, price has no relation to cost, and that is borne out by the above numbers. Second rule of price, you charge whatever you can get, period. Manufacturers are taking an increasing amount of profit, and if you want to look at the problem, then look in the mirror. If you think gas prices are too high, then stay the hell at the house. Beef prices too high, eat some chicken. Continuing to purchase these items as the price continues to skyrocket while bitching about it does nothing to solve the problem. I mean I thought you guys knew how the market works?

Then there is the labor problem. Companies are complaining that they cannot get the required labor, but they are only slowly increasing wages, and no damn wonder. Assisted by the idiot Trump corporate tax cut, well they can sell the same amount of product, or even less, and make the same money. With prices rising while cost are remaining relatively stable, they can make MORE money. We all would like to work less and make more money, you think the corporations are any different?

The moral of the story is that our asses are getting hosed. This is not about Biden, it ain't even about Trump. It is about our own unwillingness to address the root cause of the problem. STOP BUYING YOU IDIOTS. If every American would just go to work and back, eat the food they got crammed in their fridges and cupboards, and stay the hell home, it wouldn't take but a week and prices would start to fall.
High paying jobs are just as hard to fill.....try to keep up
The Fed is not acting on inflation right now. They believe this inflation is transitory. I've seen some nervous nellies in the investment world predicting 10 percent, or higher, inflation by next year.

If inflation does go much higher, the Fed will start selling chunks of its portfolio and burn the cash.

If that happens, the bond market will freak out. That's why the Fed is being cautious.
Trust in the Fed to magically make inflation go away after spending trillions upon trillions of dollars, yep, sounds like a plan.
For the love of God, don't blame the democrats for the coming economy and spirit crushing inflation and shortages!

The poor will suffer the worst.

Just know it's everyone else's fault and nothing can be done about it.

No links - Just butt hunches eh? You should have posted this nonsense in Badlands or Rubber.
High paying jobs are just as hard to fill.....try to keep up
Yeah. We have several openings for service technicians. These are jobs which require a tremendous amount of skill.

But the reason no one is biting is because my company is offering shit wages. That's why the jobs are open. Our technicians are leaving for higher wages elsewhere.

It's a worker's labor market right now. You can pretty much write your own ticket.
No links - Just butt hunches eh? You should have posted this nonsense in Badlands or Rubber.
Inflation and shortages are already all around you under Biden, but then, you never take your head out of your rump to notice

I'm just saying it is going to get worse is all.

Shortages and inflation are trade marks of Marxist regimes.
Trust in the Fed to magically make inflation go away after spending trillions upon trillions of dollars, yep, sounds like a plan.
Well, back in 2013 I wrote a topic called The Fed's Bond Bubble Doomsday Machine:

I'm still waiting for it to blow up. :lol:

"The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent."
Well, back in 2013 I wrote a topic called The Fed's Bond Bubble Doomsday Machine:

I'm still waiting for it to blow up. :lol:

"The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent."
Yep, just keep spending trillions upon trillions upon trillions.

What could possibly go wrong?
I got a little secret for ya.

They don't care about rural workers getting vacced. In fact, they get trolled everyday by half wits like the governor of New York saying she wants everyone to do God's will which is to get vacced, knowing what effect that will have on people in rural areas that support Trump. Or trolled by entertainers like Kimmel, I do have a hard time calling him that since he has no sense of humor and is incapable of being entertaining, as he tells the country that those who don't get vacced should not get medical treatment.

No, the Left does not want their political opponents to get vacced. Instead, they want more of them to die, more of them to lose their jobs for not getting vacced, and essentially empower their political power over the country.
In my State the gop gov and the non-partisan health officials truly want rural people vacced. But if they don't want to get vacced, all they can do is say .... 'you're wrong and you should get vacced."

end of story.

There's only so much govt can, and should, do. Now if people were literally dying in the streets .... maybe the govt should be more "proactive"

But my point was that while pols are not responsible for foreseeing supply chain disruptions, I'd be less concerned if someone like Klaine or Harris was directing some retired military types who did transporation to figure it out12.
In my State the gop gov and the non-partisan health officials truly want rural people vacced. But if they don't want to get vacced, all they can do is say .... 'you're wrong and you should get vacced."

end of story.

There's only so much govt can, and should, do. Now if people were literally dying in the streets .... maybe the govt should be more "proactive"

But my point was that while pols are not responsible for foreseeing supply chain disruptions, I'd be less concerned if someone like Klaine or Harris was directing some retired military types who did transporation to figure it out12.
The harder the vaccine is pushed, the more people will resist.

It is both a political and religious issue now for many, and not one about science.

From my vantage point, it is purposeful. They don't want them to live as long, don't want them to have jobs and want them to lose their jobs because they won't get the jab, and generally be ostracized from society that the DNC will dominate. So they just troll them every chance they get.
The harder the vaccine is pushed, the more people will resist.

It is both a political and religious issue now for many, and not one about science.

From my vantage point, it is purposeful. They don't want them to live as long, don't want them to have jobs and want them to lose their jobs because they won't get the jab, and generally be ostracized from society that the DNC will dominate. So they just troll them every chance they get.
I would prefer individual companies decide for themselves whether or not their employees should get the Trump Vaccine.

I would also prefer if stores decide for themselves if they want their customers to wear masks.

The vaccine saves countless lives. This is a fact. That's the science.

What I particularly worry about is ignorant parents making bad choices which affect their children. Their children end up suffering because of the bad decisions of their parents. I don't mean just the Trump Vaccine. I mean seat belts, car seats, and other vaccines. There have been measles outbreaks due to idiot parents not protecting their kids with the MMR vaccine.

I understand the religious issue. But contrary to what some people believe, religion and science are not incompatible. Jesus had a special love for children, and I am sure he would want them protected.

As for political reasons, not getting vaxxed and dying just to spite Biden is about as retarded as it gets.

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