The Commies are desperate: Planting racists at Rand Paul rallies.

Is this dishonest?

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    Votes: 6 85.7%
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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
So the Libeluls have been unable to make an effective case (evidence) that racism is widespread in the Libertarian Movement (of all its various colors), so they've decided that they needed to fabricate the evidence instead:

(Also, they wouldn't be taking these risk if they didn't' perceive Rand Paul as a threat)

BUSTED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | Regator - Curated Blog Search and Discovery

Same thing in earlier in 2010:

Fake Racist Plant at Rand Paul Rally Was Obama Campaign Worker
Oh, where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat...............................

It was proven and admitted to.

Now run along.

Having lived in Organ, I can tell you that there is nothing lower than Oregon, blue state filth.

You can't argue with hippies. I dare you to try. Old cocks, I mean Rocks, is probably forming a drum circle right now!
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The same leftist groups promised to do this at the tea parties, as well. No surprise. They send in some clowns to act like their slanted view of the typical rightie. Usually, someone who will spout obvious racial slurs or carry signs claiming 'white supremacy' or other nonsense. There are liberals who were taught that all non-liberals want to imprison or enslave all minorities and take food out of the mouths of poor children. That's after we dirty the air, water and make sure grandma has to eat dog food. Then we'll all sit on big piles of money and laugh at all the little people. Of course, we'll drive our big vehicles, use regular light bulbs and say no to low flow toilets, too. And we use more than one square of toilet paper. Animals!!!

Liberals don't get it that we would rather see people all elevate themselves and reach their full potential. We want people to know that they have the power to shape their lives and that government is not capable of achieving social justice and when they try, it has the opposite effect.

The left just hates it when so many people reject nanny government and they must attack all independent thinkers out there and they resort to these cheap tactics to gin up hate.
Looks like Rand Paul did OK in the racist department wihout plants.

Rand Paul's 'Southern Avenger' departs Capitol Hill - The Maddow Blog

Even by the standards of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), it was an unfortunate revelation. Two weeks ago, we learned that the senator had hired Jack Hunter -- also known as the "Southern Avenger" -- to work in his Senate office, despite Hunter's past as a neo-Confederate, pro-secessionist activist. Indeed, the staffer used to make public appearances in a Confederate flag wrestling mask and has boasted that he "raise a personal toast every May 10 to celebrate John Wilkes Booth's birthday."

After Paul acknowledged having mixed feelings about Abraham Lincoln, the senator defended Hunter, saying he was just "a youth" when he wrote ridiculous things. (Hunter was 35 when he was still defending the Confederacy in print columns.)

As of now, the activist's Capitol Hill career has apparently come to an end -- Hunter has resigned from Paul's Senate office (thanks to my colleague Tricia McKinney for the tip).
That's no plant. It's so OBVIOUSLY not a plant. If it is then it's the worst ever. It was just some woman trying to make fun of the crowd.

It's like if a tea partier went to a gay rally and held a sign about wanting to marry their hamster. Ridiculous.
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Is this dishonest?

of course it is

but hey when has that been a new thing

with the leftists
That's no plant. It's so OBVIOUSLY not a plant. If it is then it's the worst ever. It was just some woman trying to make fun of the crowd.

It's like if a tea partier went to a gay rally and held a sign about wanting to marry their hamster. Ridiculous.

Read the articles. It turns out to be a well connected leftie.

So? A REAL plant would've held a sign that said something like "get the ******* out of our country!"

Her sign said, "we are racist and proud." That's CLEARLY sarcasm! If that was a plant job then that's embarrassing.
That's no plant. It's so OBVIOUSLY not a plant. If it is then it's the worst ever. It was just some woman trying to make fun of the crowd.

It's like if a tea partier went to a gay rally and held a sign about wanting to marry their hamster. Ridiculous.

Read the articles. It turns out to be a well connected leftie.

So? A REAL plant would've held a sign that said something like "get the ******* out of our country!"

Her sign said, "we are racist and proud." That's CLEARLY sarcasm! If that was a plant job then that's embarrassing.

Embarrassing is what defines your party. It's ideas have allowed the rise of Mao, Stalin and Hitler, and many many more Satanic tyrants that dwarfed the tyranny of all previous centuries of mankind combined.
Looks like Rand Paul did OK in the racist department wihout plants.

Rand Paul's 'Southern Avenger' departs Capitol Hill - The Maddow Blog

Even by the standards of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), it was an unfortunate revelation. Two weeks ago, we learned that the senator had hired Jack Hunter -- also known as the "Southern Avenger" -- to work in his Senate office, despite Hunter's past as a neo-Confederate, pro-secessionist activist. Indeed, the staffer used to make public appearances in a Confederate flag wrestling mask and has boasted that he "raise a personal toast every May 10 to celebrate John Wilkes Booth's birthday."

After Paul acknowledged having mixed feelings about Abraham Lincoln, the senator defended Hunter, saying he was just "a youth" when he wrote ridiculous things. (Hunter was 35 when he was still defending the Confederacy in print columns.)

As of now, the activist's Capitol Hill career has apparently come to an end -- Hunter has resigned from Paul's Senate office (thanks to my colleague Tricia McKinney for the tip).

Hating Lincoln doesn't make you a racist. Lincoln was a tyrant, a dictator and a war criminal on the order of Stalin or Hitler. Every decent American should hate him.
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Read the articles. It turns out to be a well connected leftie.

So? A REAL plant would've held a sign that said something like "get the ******* out of our country!"

Her sign said, "we are racist and proud." That's CLEARLY sarcasm! If that was a plant job then that's embarrassing.

Embarrassing is what defines your party. It's ideas have allowed the rise of Mao, Stalin and Hitler, and many many more Satanic tyrants that dwarfed the tyranny of all previous centuries of mankind combined.

Oh please. You'd be amazed at how many of your beliefs those evil assholes Mao, Stalin, and Hitler would agree with you about. :cool:
So? A REAL plant would've held a sign that said something like "get the ******* out of our country!"

Her sign said, "we are racist and proud." That's CLEARLY sarcasm! If that was a plant job then that's embarrassing.

Embarrassing is what defines your party. It's ideas have allowed the rise of Mao, Stalin and Hitler, and many many more Satanic tyrants that dwarfed the tyranny of all previous centuries of mankind combined.

Oh please. You'd be amazed at how many of your beliefs those evil assholes Mao, Stalin, and Hitler would agree with you about. :cool:

Name them, you made a powerful insinuation, an extraordinary insinuation requires an extraordinary claim, which requires extraordinary proof.
She may have not been a plant from the DNC but she is a product of the DNC. Even if she meant it as some sort of unfunny joke it is still a lie a smear an untruth all typical of the new Democrat Party.
Looks like Rand Paul did OK in the racist department wihout plants.

Rand Paul's 'Southern Avenger' departs Capitol Hill - The Maddow Blog

Even by the standards of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), it was an unfortunate revelation. Two weeks ago, we learned that the senator had hired Jack Hunter -- also known as the "Southern Avenger" -- to work in his Senate office, despite Hunter's past as a neo-Confederate, pro-secessionist activist. Indeed, the staffer used to make public appearances in a Confederate flag wrestling mask and has boasted that he "raise a personal toast every May 10 to celebrate John Wilkes Booth's birthday."

After Paul acknowledged having mixed feelings about Abraham Lincoln, the senator defended Hunter, saying he was just "a youth" when he wrote ridiculous things. (Hunter was 35 when he was still defending the Confederacy in print columns.)

As of now, the activist's Capitol Hill career has apparently come to an end -- Hunter has resigned from Paul's Senate office (thanks to my colleague Tricia McKinney for the tip).

Hating Lincoln doesn't make you a racist. Lincoln was a tyrant, a dictator and a war criminal on the order of Stalin or Hitler. Every decent American should hate him.

Yes of course to the lost causers he was a tyrant. Yet Jeffereson Davis was President of the Confederacy that whole purpose was to defend the real tyranny of slavery. The south should be the ones hated for bring a war upon the nation over something so evil as slavery. Maybe Lincoln should not of suspended Habeas corpus but I'll still take that over starting a war over slavery.

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