The Commies are desperate: Planting racists at Rand Paul rallies.

Is this dishonest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
So the Libeluls have been unable to make an effective case (evidence) that racism is widespread in the Libertarian Movement (of all its various colors)

Nothing special, attempting to paint anyone that dares to disagree with their worldview as a racist is standard practice for many progressives, it's just another way to attempt to silence their opposition without having to actually engage in any honest debate. The fact that they're increasingly targeting their baseless accusations at libertarians is an indication that libertarian ideas are finding fertile soil among the masses.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mohandas K. Gandhi
THREE posts, count em folks, THREE posts about this inconsequential issue.
No Groupthink Team Spirit?

Talk about "Groupthink". It's what happens when one party is 90% white:

There are probably less communists than libertarians in this country.

This is a non-story.
No Groupthink Team Spirit?

Talk about "Groupthink". It's what happens when one party is 90% white:


Naturally when one party punishes whites, and attempts to reconcile their punishment by making us feel Guilty or some other form of remorse for the past, that Party will not have many whites.

LOL. Old, white, and upper middle income. Democrat because for the last twenty years the GOP has offered fools for candidates. In fact, about half the the GOP candidates for the last twenty years here in Oregon are now in jail.
Talk about "Groupthink". It's what happens when one party is 90% white:


Naturally when one party punishes whites, and attempts to reconcile their punishment by making us feel Guilty or some other form of remorse for the past, that Party will not have many whites.

LOL. Old, white, and upper middle income. Democrat because for the last twenty years the GOP has offered fools for candidates. In fact, about half the the GOP candidates for the last twenty years here in Oregon are now in jail.

So which one is it? Rdean said 90% white, I told him why. Did I say there were no whites in the Democratic Party?
For Oddball, R. C., CrusaderFrank, and other sillies who fail to realize that words have meanings


Economic and social system in which all (or nearly all) property and resources are collectively owned by a classless society and not by individual citizens. Based on the 1848 publication 'Communist Manifesto' by two German political philosophers, Karl Marx (1818-1883) and his close associate Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), it envisaged common ownership of all land and capital and withering away of the coercive power of the state. In such a society, social relations were to be regulated on the fairest of all principles: from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Differences between manual and intellectual labor and between rural and urban life were to disappear, opening up the way for unlimited development of human potential. In view of the above, there has never been a truly communist state although the Soviet Union of the past and China, Cuba, and North Korea of today stake their claims. See also Marxism and Socialism.
Read more: What is communism? definition and meaning

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