The Common Denominator: Islam

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing? I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

aaaaaaaand right back to the "terrorism as golf game" canard.

The question above was about religious motivations. Not volume discounts.

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

I haven't posted about "Islam". I've posted about bad logic and hair-on-fire media.
Try to keep up.

You are defending Islam from what you perceive as an attack by the op, you've stated your opinion of this thread many times, attacked the op of the thread for her views. Otherwise, why are you even here? Silly question, I know, you always show up to bloviate, and are typically a waste of time to even converse with.
I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

Once again. 99% of Muslims don't do what you claim Muslims do,

thus proving that whatever might be written in some religious storybook is not determinative of how people of that faith might practice that faith.

You certainly don't see any self-described Christians in this thread turning the other cheek and loving their enemies;

how is that possible if the 'book' forces one to act a certain way? How can you be a good Christian if you don't love the fighters in ISIS?

But 75% of them support terrorist acts in the name of islam.

Again ---- link?
other than the crusades---------------------what cha got?

as to muslims, we have 4000 years of history of murder, rape, torture, theft------------all in the name of islam.

Four thousand years huh?


In before the edit...

how many years do you think the islam has existed? muslims claim forever. I said 4000 years, it may be 7000 or 5000, what difference does it make? their history, however long it is, is nothing but war, murder, rape, stoning, pedifilia, and perversion------------------In'ch allah. (if allah wills it)

It "matters" in that it's one more manifestation of the scale of your profound ignorance. Like that 100% of terrorists thing.

The fact that you learned to transliterate inshallah with a French accent obviously wasn't the whole story.

100% of the recent terrorists are muslim. That is a fact.

No, that is complete fabrication. I gave you not one, not two but three different studies that completely obliterate that stupid mass generalization bullshit. I invited you to counter with numbers that prove your "100%" malarkey.

Your response is to adopt the fetal position and go :lalala:

Now maybe it's a play-fact in the bullshit Pamela Hoft sites you go to looking for evidence of a predetermined conclusion. But not on planet earth.

Islam calls for the violent destruction of all non-believers. That is also a fact. All muslims are not terrorists. That is also a fact.

Odd then that I've worked and lived among Muslims for some 35 years and not a single one has tried to "destroy" me, violently or otherwise. Not one has ever tried to convert me. Not one even brought the topic up unless it was a natural part of the conversation.

It's almost like they were..... people, yanno? Weird. So I look forward to your links demonstrating they're not. :thup:

if they are not muslims, what are they? buddists, shintos, druids, mormons, atheists, wickens,

I worked in the middle east for 15 years, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait. I have good friends who are muslims. that does not change the fact that it is muslims who are beheading, murdering, raping , and enslaving in the name of islam. Not all of them by any means. Not all Germans were part of the third reich.
Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

Once again. 99% of Muslims don't do what you claim Muslims do,

thus proving that whatever might be written in some religious storybook is not determinative of how people of that faith might practice that faith.

You certainly don't see any self-described Christians in this thread turning the other cheek and loving their enemies;

how is that possible if the 'book' forces one to act a certain way? How can you be a good Christian if you don't love the fighters in ISIS?

But 75% of them support terrorist acts in the name of islam.

What they support is violence in self-defense. As do you.

So all the people who have been killed due to islamic terrorism were killed for self defense?
I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

aaaaaaaand right back to the "terrorism as golf game" canard.

The question above was about religious motivations. Not volume discounts.

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

I haven't posted about "Islam". I've posted about bad logic and hair-on-fire media.
Try to keep up.

You are defending Islam from what you perceive as an attack by the op, you've stated your opinion of this thread many times, attacked the op of the thread for her views. Otherwise, why are you even here? Silly question, I know, you always show up to bloviate, and are typically a waste of time to even converse with.

This thread is an attack on all of Islam. It is the same worn out attack we've been hearing for years from the haters,

that Islam by it's alleged nature is fundamentally and irreparably unacceptable.

That is a very distinct and separate argument from the arguments that say some people's interpretations of their religion are unacceptable.

The attack of this thread is to blame the religion itself, not the bad people who claim to be of that religion.
To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

Once again. 99% of Muslims don't do what you claim Muslims do,

thus proving that whatever might be written in some religious storybook is not determinative of how people of that faith might practice that faith.

You certainly don't see any self-described Christians in this thread turning the other cheek and loving their enemies;

how is that possible if the 'book' forces one to act a certain way? How can you be a good Christian if you don't love the fighters in ISIS?

But 75% of them support terrorist acts in the name of islam.

What they support is violence in self-defense. As do you.

So all the people who have been killed due to islamic terrorism was just self defense?

Are 75% of Muslims committing acts of terror?
Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

Once again. 99% of Muslims don't do what you claim Muslims do,

thus proving that whatever might be written in some religious storybook is not determinative of how people of that faith might practice that faith.

You certainly don't see any self-described Christians in this thread turning the other cheek and loving their enemies;

how is that possible if the 'book' forces one to act a certain way? How can you be a good Christian if you don't love the fighters in ISIS?

But 75% of them support terrorist acts in the name of islam.

Again ---- link?

Michelle Malkin 19 million Muslims for jihad 8230 and that 8217 s just in Indonesia
Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

Once again. 99% of Muslims don't do what you claim Muslims do,

thus proving that whatever might be written in some religious storybook is not determinative of how people of that faith might practice that faith.

You certainly don't see any self-described Christians in this thread turning the other cheek and loving their enemies;

how is that possible if the 'book' forces one to act a certain way? How can you be a good Christian if you don't love the fighters in ISIS?

But 75% of them support terrorist acts in the name of islam.

What they support is violence in self-defense. As do you.

So all the people who have been killed due to islamic terrorism was just self defense?

Are 75% of Muslims committing acts of terror?

of course not, no one claimed they were.
Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

aaaaaaaand right back to the "terrorism as golf game" canard.

The question above was about religious motivations. Not volume discounts.

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

I haven't posted about "Islam". I've posted about bad logic and hair-on-fire media.
Try to keep up.

You are defending Islam from what you perceive as an attack by the op, you've stated your opinion of this thread many times, attacked the op of the thread for her views. Otherwise, why are you even here? Silly question, I know, you always show up to bloviate, and are typically a waste of time to even converse with.

This thread is an attack on all of Islam. It is the same worn out attack we've been hearing for years from the haters,

that Islam by it's alleged nature is fundamentally and irreparably unacceptable.

That is a very distinct and separate argument from the arguments that say some people's interpretations of their religion are unacceptable.

The attack of this thread is to blame the religion itself, not the bad people who claim to be of that religion.

Its not that simple. I wish it was.
other than the crusades---------------------what cha got?

as to muslims, we have 4000 years of history of murder, rape, torture, theft------------all in the name of islam.

Four thousand years huh?


In before the edit...

how many years do you think the islam has existed? muslims claim forever. I said 4000 years, it may be 7000 or 5000, what difference does it make? their history, however long it is, is nothing but war, murder, rape, stoning, pedifilia, and perversion------------------In'ch allah. (if allah wills it)

It "matters" in that it's one more manifestation of the scale of your profound ignorance. Like that 100% of terrorists thing.

The fact that you learned to transliterate inshallah with a French accent obviously wasn't the whole story.

100% of the recent terrorists are muslim. That is a fact.

No, that is complete fabrication. I gave you not one, not two but three different studies that completely obliterate that stupid mass generalization bullshit. I invited you to counter with numbers that prove your "100%" malarkey.

Your response is to adopt the fetal position and go :lalala:

Now maybe it's a play-fact in the bullshit Pamela Hoft sites you go to looking for evidence of a predetermined conclusion. But not on planet earth.

Islam calls for the violent destruction of all non-believers. That is also a fact. All muslims are not terrorists. That is also a fact.

Odd then that I've worked and lived among Muslims for some 35 years and not a single one has tried to "destroy" me, violently or otherwise. Not one has ever tried to convert me. Not one even brought the topic up unless it was a natural part of the conversation.

It's almost like they were..... people, yanno? Weird. So I look forward to your links demonstrating they're not. :thup:

Perhaps you like poetry.....

For your entertainment.....and education:

a. From the ‘poem’ “How To Behead,” by 23-yr old Brit,Samina Malik

How to Behead

Hold him
Tie the arms behind his back
And bandage his legs together
Just by the ankles
Blindfold the punk
So that he won’t hesitate as much
For on seeing the sharp pointy knife
He’ll begin to shake
And continuously scream like an eedyat
And jiggle like a jelly
Trust me–this will sure get you angry
It’s better to have at least two or three brothers by your side
Who can hold the fool
Because as soon as the warm sharp knife
Touches his naked flesh
He’ll come to know what’ll happen
It’s not as messy or as hard as some may think,
It’s all about the flow of the wrist.
No doubt that the punk will twitch and scream
But ignore the donkey’s ass
And continue to slice back and forth
You’ll feel the knife hit the wind and food pipe
But don’t stop
Continue with all your might.
About now you should feel the knife vibrate,
You can feel the warm heat being given off,
But this is due to the friction being caused.
World Samina Malik Day December 6th Clattery MacHinery on Poetry

Bet you running off to find similar odes by Jews or Christians.....
See what I mean about hair-on-fire websites?

Michelle Malkin -- my there's a credible source. Especially since the poll she purports to mention goes to a Yahoo page
.--- which doesn't exist.

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

aaaaaaaand right back to the "terrorism as golf game" canard.

The question above was about religious motivations. Not volume discounts.

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

I haven't posted about "Islam". I've posted about bad logic and hair-on-fire media.
Try to keep up.

You are defending Islam from what you perceive as an attack by the op, you've stated your opinion of this thread many times, attacked the op of the thread for her views. Otherwise, why are you even here? Silly question, I know, you always show up to bloviate, and are typically a waste of time to even converse with.

This thread is an attack on all of Islam. It is the same worn out attack we've been hearing for years from the haters,

that Islam by it's alleged nature is fundamentally and irreparably unacceptable.

That is a very distinct and separate argument from the arguments that say some people's interpretations of their religion are unacceptable.

The attack of this thread is to blame the religion itself, not the bad people who claim to be of that religion.

We have a very large population of people committing very violent acts in the name of their religion, so you're claiming it's not based in their religion, even though the people who are commiting the acts verbally disagree with you? What is the reason for their violence then? Mental illness? The common denominator is their religion, they're doing what they've been taught to do. If it were a small number of people, I would tend to agree with you, but it's not, it's a huge population of people and they've killed tens of thousands. Do you think nothing should be done?

Should we allow Sharia courts in the US? If Islam is just a religion, why do they have courts, why are it's laws embedded in the states where they are predominant in?
To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

aaaaaaaand right back to the "terrorism as golf game" canard.

The question above was about religious motivations. Not volume discounts.

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

I haven't posted about "Islam". I've posted about bad logic and hair-on-fire media.
Try to keep up.

You are defending Islam from what you perceive as an attack by the op, you've stated your opinion of this thread many times, attacked the op of the thread for her views. Otherwise, why are you even here? Silly question, I know, you always show up to bloviate, and are typically a waste of time to even converse with.

This thread is an attack on all of Islam. It is the same worn out attack we've been hearing for years from the haters,

that Islam by it's alleged nature is fundamentally and irreparably unacceptable.

That is a very distinct and separate argument from the arguments that say some people's interpretations of their religion are unacceptable.

The attack of this thread is to blame the religion itself, not the bad people who claim to be of that religion.

Its not that simple. I wish it was.

Like I said, you're all running away from the OP now that we've proven what it really was saying.
Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

aaaaaaaand right back to the "terrorism as golf game" canard.

The question above was about religious motivations. Not volume discounts.

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

I haven't posted about "Islam". I've posted about bad logic and hair-on-fire media.
Try to keep up.

You are defending Islam from what you perceive as an attack by the op, you've stated your opinion of this thread many times, attacked the op of the thread for her views. Otherwise, why are you even here? Silly question, I know, you always show up to bloviate, and are typically a waste of time to even converse with.

This thread is an attack on all of Islam. It is the same worn out attack we've been hearing for years from the haters,

that Islam by it's alleged nature is fundamentally and irreparably unacceptable.

That is a very distinct and separate argument from the arguments that say some people's interpretations of their religion are unacceptable.

The attack of this thread is to blame the religion itself, not the bad people who claim to be of that religion.

"Haters" like the NYTimes?

1. “We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder. Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.”

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.” Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b. Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

c. And so, the ideals and idea of America, and the iconic message of the Declaration of Independence, ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,’ is anathema to Islamism, just as it was to fascism and communism, and every totalitarian philosophy.
You are defending Islam from what you perceive as an attack by the op, you've stated your opinion of this thread many times, attacked the op of the thread for her views. Otherwise, why are you even here? Silly question, I know, you always show up to bloviate, and are typically a waste of time to even converse with.

Pogo always defends Islam.

It's the enemy of his enemy thingy.
Once again. 99% of Muslims don't do what you claim Muslims do,

thus proving that whatever might be written in some religious storybook is not determinative of how people of that faith might practice that faith.

You certainly don't see any self-described Christians in this thread turning the other cheek and loving their enemies;

how is that possible if the 'book' forces one to act a certain way? How can you be a good Christian if you don't love the fighters in ISIS?

But 75% of them support terrorist acts in the name of islam.

What they support is violence in self-defense. As do you.

So all the people who have been killed due to islamic terrorism was just self defense?

Are 75% of Muslims committing acts of terror?

of course not, no one claimed they were.

You just did.
To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

aaaaaaaand right back to the "terrorism as golf game" canard.

The question above was about religious motivations. Not volume discounts.

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

I haven't posted about "Islam". I've posted about bad logic and hair-on-fire media.
Try to keep up.

You are defending Islam from what you perceive as an attack by the op, you've stated your opinion of this thread many times, attacked the op of the thread for her views. Otherwise, why are you even here? Silly question, I know, you always show up to bloviate, and are typically a waste of time to even converse with.

This thread is an attack on all of Islam. It is the same worn out attack we've been hearing for years from the haters,

that Islam by it's alleged nature is fundamentally and irreparably unacceptable.

That is a very distinct and separate argument from the arguments that say some people's interpretations of their religion are unacceptable.

The attack of this thread is to blame the religion itself, not the bad people who claim to be of that religion.

"Haters" like the NYTimes?

1. “We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder. Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.”

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.” Know Thy Enemy National Review Online

b. Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.”

c. And so, the ideals and idea of America, and the iconic message of the Declaration of Independence, ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,’ is anathema to Islamism, just as it was to fascism and communism, and every totalitarian philosophy.

That jibberish is useful if there's a need to fill a blank page with jibberish.

Are you Christian? Why don't you turn the other cheek to these terrorists, as your book instructs you?

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