The Common Denominator: Islam

not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims.
Anyone disagree? and before you go back to the middle ages. we are talking about today.

Ask the dead Palestinian women and children.

Oh well, figuratively speaking of course.

or we could ask the hundreds of thousands of innocents killed by Saddam, Ahmadinijad, Kadaffi, or Assad. or we could ask the 3000 killed on 9/11. OR, we could ask the thousands of jews killed by hamas and the "palestinians". BTW, there is not now, nor ever was, a country named Palestine.

So ahead of me in line at the supermarket the other day was a woman in a headscarf, presumably a Muslim.

What punishment do you wish to inflict on her for the beheadings of late?

Deny her the right to practice her religion? Deny her the right to a mosque? Make her take off that headscarf?

...or would you just rather persecute her in more subtle ways that will allow you to practice your bigotry without perhaps running afoul of our Constitution?
Interesting graphic from a sub-link in my last link above:


(Full page with background is here)


totally misleading. do the same chart with the proviso "in the name of Christianity or in the name of islam" you will get just the opposite result.
not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims.
Anyone disagree? and before you go back to the middle ages. we are talking about today.

Ask the dead Palestinian women and children.

Oh well, figuratively speaking of course.

or we could ask the hundreds of thousands of innocents killed by Saddam, Ahmadinijad, Kadaffi, or Assad. or we could ask the 3000 killed on 9/11. OR, we could ask the thousands of jews killed by hamas and the "palestinians". BTW, there is not now, nor ever was, a country named Palestine.

So ahead of me in line at the supermarket the other day was a woman in a headscarf, presumably a Muslim.

What punishment do you wish to inflict on her for the beheadings of late?

Deny her the right to practice her religion? Deny her the right to a mosque? Make her take off that headscarf?

...or would you just rather persecute her in more subtle ways that will allow you to practice your bigotry without perhaps running afoul of our Constitution?

Unless she breaks a US law, she should be free to live and worship as she chooses. the bigotry in this thread is coming from you and NY carbon.
Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?

Can't really call this a lie, as it is based on your ignorance......

Is that all you're capable of?

Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence? War? The killing of innocents? The killing of non-believers?

Of course you can't. Why then aren't you blaming the Bible the way you want to blame the Koran?

"Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence?"

Can you show where I said that....or admit you are a lying sack of you are.

Learn to read.

Since you have failed to provide any such post......we are agreed, then, that you are a lying sack of stinking sewage?

Wear the title've earned it.
Interesting graphic from a sub-link in my last link above:


(Full page with background is here)


totally misleading. do the same chart with the proviso "in the name of Christianity or in the name of islam" you will get just the opposite result.

Funny -- that's the whole blatant fallacy this thread is built on. It started I believe with converting the act of political terrorism that was 9/11 into "Islamic militants" on the basis of a Composition Fallacy.

The site breaks down both coincidental (which this thread OP has never acknowledged) and purposed religious-centered terrorism.

Quoting in part as an example:
>> As for Christianity, the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda initiated hostilities that displaced two million people. Although it is an African cult, it is Christian in origin and the result of Western Christian missionaries preaching in Africa. If Saudi Wahhabi preachers can be in part blamed for the Taliban, why do Christian missionaries skate when we consider the blowback from their pupils?

Despite the very large number of European Muslims, in 2007-2009 less than 1 percent of terrorist acts in that continent were committed by people from that community. <<
And "from that community" would include coincidental (politically motivated like 9/11) acts as well as religious-based acts. And they still come up with less than one percent.

My previous links zeroed in on those motivations. And came up with two-and-a-half percent. You had it at 100.

Suffice to say you won't be doing my tax return.

I posted three studies that pin some actual numbers down. What you got?
Last edited:
not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims.
Anyone disagree? and before you go back to the middle ages. we are talking about today.

Ask the dead Palestinian women and children.

Oh well, figuratively speaking of course.

or we could ask the hundreds of thousands of innocents killed by Saddam, Ahmadinijad, Kadaffi, or Assad. or we could ask the 3000 killed on 9/11. OR, we could ask the thousands of jews killed by hamas and the "palestinians". BTW, there is not now, nor ever was, a country named Palestine.

So ahead of me in line at the supermarket the other day was a woman in a headscarf, presumably a Muslim.

What punishment do you wish to inflict on her for the beheadings of late?

Deny her the right to practice her religion? Deny her the right to a mosque? Make her take off that headscarf?

...or would you just rather persecute her in more subtle ways that will allow you to practice your bigotry without perhaps running afoul of our Constitution?

Unless she breaks a US law, she should be free to live and worship as she chooses. the bigotry in this thread is coming from you and NY carbon.

I'm lost as to who you're even talking to (looks like you are too) but ---

Who posted this?

not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims.
Anyone disagree? and before you go back to the middle ages. we are talking about today.

That's not bigotry?

Well, no it isn't -- if you prove it.

Kinda ...... in waiting mode on that.
If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Every Muslim is violent?

No reading comprehension?

I've asked twice now who blew up an abortion clinic and when? Who shot and abortion doctor and when? I'm still waiting.

This is what makes someone an asshole.

You pretend you don't know of anyone who ever murdered an abortion doctor, and yet it takes me a minute to find this thread about the murder of an abortion doctor,

with YOUR posts in it:

Roeder Found Guilty of Murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Grow the fuck up, asshole.

Uh oh, someone is losing his temper... tsk tsk....

You're the asshole who is sadly attempting to equate islamic violence around the world with an abortion doctor being killed, and while doing so totally belittling all of those people who have lost their lives because of islamic terrorism. And you're the asshole who is sitting here in this thread defending it with every post. You pretend there haven't been tens of thousands killed in the name of 'islam.

Vulgarity is.

What you call 'name calling' is accurately describing.
I'm good at that.

Okay, then you're a mentally retarded bigot. Happy now?

So do you seroiusly equate world wide islamic terrorism that occurs on a daily basis with chrisitian violence? Do you see them as equivalent? One reaps as much death as the other? Do you really want to appear as being that foolish?

Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. The vast majority of each religion's adherents do not participate in that violence or condone it. In that they are certainly comparable. However, the main difference seems to be that with one religion you are willing to blame the entire religion for the acts of it's extremists yet cry foul when the other religion is tarred in a similar way. In order to do that, of course, you have to be able to show that the entire religion is at fault by attacking it's Holy Book, yet that falls apart when closely examined as the Bible contains far more calls to violence - unrestricted violence - than the Quran.

Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.
Both are being 'conducted'? Perhaps you'd like to list the number of abortion clinic bombings in the last year and the number of casualities, and then list the number of Islamic violent acts and the number of casualites, and then explain to us all how you find it 'comparable'. Tell us the number of 'Christian extremists' there are in the world reeking havoc, and then tell us the number of islamic extremists.

You people are totally freakin' insane. And you apparently don't realize how ridiculous you sound to the normal person. Do us all a favor, strike up a conversation at your work place with your coworkers and see how many of them would agree with you that christian extremist violence is even remotely on the same scale as islamic extremist violence and see how many of them either think you're joking or laugh you out of the room.

Yes. Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. I didn't realize that would be rocket science. Extremists are not representative of the entire religion.

'Both'.... Okay, so you're saying that both happen on an equal scale throughout the world? Both pose the exact same threat to innocent people everywhere? That you are just as likely to be killed by christian terrorism as you are islamic terrorism? The they both pose an equal problem that needs to be addressed?
If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Every Muslim is violent?

No reading comprehension?

I've asked twice now who blew up an abortion clinic and when? Who shot and abortion doctor and when? I'm still waiting.

This is what makes someone an asshole.

You pretend you don't know of anyone who ever murdered an abortion doctor, and yet it takes me a minute to find this thread about the murder of an abortion doctor,

with YOUR posts in it:

Roeder Found Guilty of Murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Grow the fuck up, asshole.

Uh oh, someone is losing his temper... tsk tsk....

You're the asshole who is sadly attempting to equate islamic violence around the world with an abortion doctor being killed, and while doing so totally belittling all of those people who have lost their lives because of islamic terrorism. And you're the asshole who is sitting here in this thread defending it with every post. You pretend there haven't been tens of thousands killed in the name of 'islam.

Vulgarity is.

What you call 'name calling' is accurately describing.
I'm good at that.

Okay, then you're a mentally retarded bigot. Happy now?

So do you seroiusly equate world wide islamic terrorism that occurs on a daily basis with chrisitian violence? Do you see them as equivalent? One reaps as much death as the other? Do you really want to appear as being that foolish?

Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. The vast majority of each religion's adherents do not participate in that violence or condone it. In that they are certainly comparable. However, the main difference seems to be that with one religion you are willing to blame the entire religion for the acts of it's extremists yet cry foul when the other religion is tarred in a similar way. In order to do that, of course, you have to be able to show that the entire religion is at fault by attacking it's Holy Book, yet that falls apart when closely examined as the Bible contains far more calls to violence - unrestricted violence - than the Quran.

Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.

Both are being 'conducted'? Perhaps you'd like to list the number of abortion clinic bombings in the last year and the number of casualities, and then list the number of Islamic violent acts and the number of casualites, and then explain to us all how you find it 'comparable'. Tell us the number of 'Christian extremists' there are in the world reeking havoc, and then tell us the number of islamic extremists.

You people are totally freakin' insane. And you apparently don't realize how ridiculous you sound to the normal person. Do us all a favor, strike up a conversation at your work place with your coworkers and see how many of them would agree with you that christian extremist violence is even remotely on the same scale as islamic extremist violence and see how many of them either think you're joking or laugh you out of the room.

You pretended you'd never heard of anyone killing an abortion doctor. That makes you a liar a fraud a phoney and a perfect match for the author of this thread.

And you pretend that christian terrorism is on the same scale as is islamic terrorism when you're referring to a hanful of incidents caused by a handful of people 20 years ago. That makes you the biggest liar on this thread to date.

Not to mention the strawman you keep posting about innocents being perecuted when no one has said any such thing. Lie is all you know, it's the only way your agenda works, so I get it. But your lies aren't going to continue to hold much water the more the 'minority' of millions of muslims wage war on the rest of the world.
...Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion...
That argument is now beyond threadbare, and few buy into it any longer.

Really? Can we start killing the innocent Muslims with impunity then?

Can we use gas chambers as an exercise in efficiency?

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing? I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.
Pure entertainment right here. First the hissyfit:

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing?

Followed immeidately -- next sentence, not even a paragraph break -- by doing himself what he just accuses somebody else of:

I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

Having it both ways:
Pure entertainment right here. First the hissyfit:

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing?

Followed immeidately -- next sentence, not even a paragraph break -- by doing himself what he just accuses somebody else of:

I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

Having it both ways:

Irony... priceless... So you don't like being accused of what you're accusing others of? Imagine that.

I notice that you never took issue with the bozo who keeps posting things that no one has ever said, falsely ascribing words and thoughts to people who never had them? You're okay when someone on your side does it, right? How ethical of you!
PC kicks NYC's ass once again, way to go! As well as a few others along the way!
Pure entertainment right here. First the hissyfit:

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing?

Followed immedately -- next sentence, not even a paragraph break -- by doing himself what he just accuses somebody else of:

I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

Having it both ways:

Irony... priceless... So you don't like being accused of what you're accusing others of? Imagine that.

I notice that you never took issue with the bozo who keeps posting things that no one has ever said, falsley ascribing words and thoughts to people who never had them? You're okay when someone on your side does it, right? How ethical of you!

I'm not even involved in that pissing competition or any "accusation" either way. I just observe when a pisser has poor aim. "Urine trouble", as it were.

Y'all really have "sides"? What is it, like a chat box where you plan strategies? Might need work.
Yeah, you don't have a 'side'.... there's that integrity popping up again! lol
Every Muslim is violent?

No reading comprehension?

I've asked twice now who blew up an abortion clinic and when? Who shot and abortion doctor and when? I'm still waiting.

This is what makes someone an asshole.

You pretend you don't know of anyone who ever murdered an abortion doctor, and yet it takes me a minute to find this thread about the murder of an abortion doctor,

with YOUR posts in it:

Roeder Found Guilty of Murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Grow the fuck up, asshole.

Uh oh, someone is losing his temper... tsk tsk....

You're the asshole who is sadly attempting to equate islamic violence around the world with an abortion doctor being killed, and while doing so totally belittling all of those people who have lost their lives because of islamic terrorism. And you're the asshole who is sitting here in this thread defending it with every post. You pretend there haven't been tens of thousands killed in the name of 'islam.
Okay, then you're a mentally retarded bigot. Happy now?

So do you seroiusly equate world wide islamic terrorism that occurs on a daily basis with chrisitian violence? Do you see them as equivalent? One reaps as much death as the other? Do you really want to appear as being that foolish?

Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. The vast majority of each religion's adherents do not participate in that violence or condone it. In that they are certainly comparable. However, the main difference seems to be that with one religion you are willing to blame the entire religion for the acts of it's extremists yet cry foul when the other religion is tarred in a similar way. In order to do that, of course, you have to be able to show that the entire religion is at fault by attacking it's Holy Book, yet that falls apart when closely examined as the Bible contains far more calls to violence - unrestricted violence - than the Quran.

Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.
Both are being 'conducted'? Perhaps you'd like to list the number of abortion clinic bombings in the last year and the number of casualities, and then list the number of Islamic violent acts and the number of casualites, and then explain to us all how you find it 'comparable'. Tell us the number of 'Christian extremists' there are in the world reeking havoc, and then tell us the number of islamic extremists.

You people are totally freakin' insane. And you apparently don't realize how ridiculous you sound to the normal person. Do us all a favor, strike up a conversation at your work place with your coworkers and see how many of them would agree with you that christian extremist violence is even remotely on the same scale as islamic extremist violence and see how many of them either think you're joking or laugh you out of the room.

Yes. Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. I didn't realize that would be rocket science. Extremists are not representative of the entire religion.

'Both'.... Okay, so you're saying that both happen on an equal scale throughout the world? Both pose the exact same threat to innocent people everywhere? That you are just as likely to be killed by christian terrorism as you are islamic terrorism? The they both pose an equal problem that needs to be addressed?
Every Muslim is violent?

No reading comprehension?

I've asked twice now who blew up an abortion clinic and when? Who shot and abortion doctor and when? I'm still waiting.

This is what makes someone an asshole.

You pretend you don't know of anyone who ever murdered an abortion doctor, and yet it takes me a minute to find this thread about the murder of an abortion doctor,

with YOUR posts in it:

Roeder Found Guilty of Murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Grow the fuck up, asshole.

Uh oh, someone is losing his temper... tsk tsk....

You're the asshole who is sadly attempting to equate islamic violence around the world with an abortion doctor being killed, and while doing so totally belittling all of those people who have lost their lives because of islamic terrorism. And you're the asshole who is sitting here in this thread defending it with every post. You pretend there haven't been tens of thousands killed in the name of 'islam.
Okay, then you're a mentally retarded bigot. Happy now?

So do you seroiusly equate world wide islamic terrorism that occurs on a daily basis with chrisitian violence? Do you see them as equivalent? One reaps as much death as the other? Do you really want to appear as being that foolish?

Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. The vast majority of each religion's adherents do not participate in that violence or condone it. In that they are certainly comparable. However, the main difference seems to be that with one religion you are willing to blame the entire religion for the acts of it's extremists yet cry foul when the other religion is tarred in a similar way. In order to do that, of course, you have to be able to show that the entire religion is at fault by attacking it's Holy Book, yet that falls apart when closely examined as the Bible contains far more calls to violence - unrestricted violence - than the Quran.

Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.

Both are being 'conducted'? Perhaps you'd like to list the number of abortion clinic bombings in the last year and the number of casualities, and then list the number of Islamic violent acts and the number of casualites, and then explain to us all how you find it 'comparable'. Tell us the number of 'Christian extremists' there are in the world reeking havoc, and then tell us the number of islamic extremists.

You people are totally freakin' insane. And you apparently don't realize how ridiculous you sound to the normal person. Do us all a favor, strike up a conversation at your work place with your coworkers and see how many of them would agree with you that christian extremist violence is even remotely on the same scale as islamic extremist violence and see how many of them either think you're joking or laugh you out of the room.

You pretended you'd never heard of anyone killing an abortion doctor. That makes you a liar a fraud a phoney and a perfect match for the author of this thread.

And you pretend that christian terrorism is on the same scale as is islamic terrorism when you're referring to a hanful of incidents caused by a handful of people 20 years ago. That makes you the biggest liar on this thread to date.

Not to mention the strawman you keep posting about innocents being perecuted when no one has said any such thing. Lie is all you know, it's the only way your agenda works, so I get it. But your lies aren't going to continue to hold much water the more the 'minority' of millions of muslims wage war on the rest of the world.

How is it relevant to innocent Muslims how many Muslim terrorists there are?
No reading comprehension?

I've asked twice now who blew up an abortion clinic and when? Who shot and abortion doctor and when? I'm still waiting.

This is what makes someone an asshole.

You pretend you don't know of anyone who ever murdered an abortion doctor, and yet it takes me a minute to find this thread about the murder of an abortion doctor,

with YOUR posts in it:

Roeder Found Guilty of Murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Grow the fuck up, asshole.

Uh oh, someone is losing his temper... tsk tsk....

You're the asshole who is sadly attempting to equate islamic violence around the world with an abortion doctor being killed, and while doing so totally belittling all of those people who have lost their lives because of islamic terrorism. And you're the asshole who is sitting here in this thread defending it with every post. You pretend there haven't been tens of thousands killed in the name of 'islam.
So do you seroiusly equate world wide islamic terrorism that occurs on a daily basis with chrisitian violence? Do you see them as equivalent? One reaps as much death as the other? Do you really want to appear as being that foolish?

Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. The vast majority of each religion's adherents do not participate in that violence or condone it. In that they are certainly comparable. However, the main difference seems to be that with one religion you are willing to blame the entire religion for the acts of it's extremists yet cry foul when the other religion is tarred in a similar way. In order to do that, of course, you have to be able to show that the entire religion is at fault by attacking it's Holy Book, yet that falls apart when closely examined as the Bible contains far more calls to violence - unrestricted violence - than the Quran.

Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.
Both are being 'conducted'? Perhaps you'd like to list the number of abortion clinic bombings in the last year and the number of casualities, and then list the number of Islamic violent acts and the number of casualites, and then explain to us all how you find it 'comparable'. Tell us the number of 'Christian extremists' there are in the world reeking havoc, and then tell us the number of islamic extremists.

You people are totally freakin' insane. And you apparently don't realize how ridiculous you sound to the normal person. Do us all a favor, strike up a conversation at your work place with your coworkers and see how many of them would agree with you that christian extremist violence is even remotely on the same scale as islamic extremist violence and see how many of them either think you're joking or laugh you out of the room.

Yes. Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. I didn't realize that would be rocket science. Extremists are not representative of the entire religion.

'Both'.... Okay, so you're saying that both happen on an equal scale throughout the world? Both pose the exact same threat to innocent people everywhere? That you are just as likely to be killed by christian terrorism as you are islamic terrorism? The they both pose an equal problem that needs to be addressed?
No reading comprehension?

I've asked twice now who blew up an abortion clinic and when? Who shot and abortion doctor and when? I'm still waiting.

This is what makes someone an asshole.

You pretend you don't know of anyone who ever murdered an abortion doctor, and yet it takes me a minute to find this thread about the murder of an abortion doctor,

with YOUR posts in it:

Roeder Found Guilty of Murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Grow the fuck up, asshole.

Uh oh, someone is losing his temper... tsk tsk....

You're the asshole who is sadly attempting to equate islamic violence around the world with an abortion doctor being killed, and while doing so totally belittling all of those people who have lost their lives because of islamic terrorism. And you're the asshole who is sitting here in this thread defending it with every post. You pretend there haven't been tens of thousands killed in the name of 'islam.
So do you seroiusly equate world wide islamic terrorism that occurs on a daily basis with chrisitian violence? Do you see them as equivalent? One reaps as much death as the other? Do you really want to appear as being that foolish?

Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. The vast majority of each religion's adherents do not participate in that violence or condone it. In that they are certainly comparable. However, the main difference seems to be that with one religion you are willing to blame the entire religion for the acts of it's extremists yet cry foul when the other religion is tarred in a similar way. In order to do that, of course, you have to be able to show that the entire religion is at fault by attacking it's Holy Book, yet that falls apart when closely examined as the Bible contains far more calls to violence - unrestricted violence - than the Quran.

Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.

Both are being 'conducted'? Perhaps you'd like to list the number of abortion clinic bombings in the last year and the number of casualities, and then list the number of Islamic violent acts and the number of casualites, and then explain to us all how you find it 'comparable'. Tell us the number of 'Christian extremists' there are in the world reeking havoc, and then tell us the number of islamic extremists.

You people are totally freakin' insane. And you apparently don't realize how ridiculous you sound to the normal person. Do us all a favor, strike up a conversation at your work place with your coworkers and see how many of them would agree with you that christian extremist violence is even remotely on the same scale as islamic extremist violence and see how many of them either think you're joking or laugh you out of the room.

You pretended you'd never heard of anyone killing an abortion doctor. That makes you a liar a fraud a phoney and a perfect match for the author of this thread.

And you pretend that christian terrorism is on the same scale as is islamic terrorism when you're referring to a hanful of incidents caused by a handful of people 20 years ago. That makes you the biggest liar on this thread to date.

Not to mention the strawman you keep posting about innocents being perecuted when no one has said any such thing. Lie is all you know, it's the only way your agenda works, so I get it. But your lies aren't going to continue to hold much water the more the 'minority' of millions of muslims wage war on the rest of the world.

How is it relevant to innocent Muslims how many Muslim terrorists there are?

It should be relevant to everyone on the planet how many muslim terrorists there are, especially those who are against their religion being used to murder people.
...Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion...
That argument is now beyond threadbare, and few buy into it any longer.

Really? Can we start killing the innocent Muslims with impunity then?

Can we use gas chambers as an exercise in efficiency?

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing? I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?
This is what makes someone an asshole.

You pretend you don't know of anyone who ever murdered an abortion doctor, and yet it takes me a minute to find this thread about the murder of an abortion doctor,

with YOUR posts in it:

Roeder Found Guilty of Murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Grow the fuck up, asshole.

Uh oh, someone is losing his temper... tsk tsk....

You're the asshole who is sadly attempting to equate islamic violence around the world with an abortion doctor being killed, and while doing so totally belittling all of those people who have lost their lives because of islamic terrorism. And you're the asshole who is sitting here in this thread defending it with every post. You pretend there haven't been tens of thousands killed in the name of 'islam.
Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. The vast majority of each religion's adherents do not participate in that violence or condone it. In that they are certainly comparable. However, the main difference seems to be that with one religion you are willing to blame the entire religion for the acts of it's extremists yet cry foul when the other religion is tarred in a similar way. In order to do that, of course, you have to be able to show that the entire religion is at fault by attacking it's Holy Book, yet that falls apart when closely examined as the Bible contains far more calls to violence - unrestricted violence - than the Quran.

Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.
Both are being 'conducted'? Perhaps you'd like to list the number of abortion clinic bombings in the last year and the number of casualities, and then list the number of Islamic violent acts and the number of casualites, and then explain to us all how you find it 'comparable'. Tell us the number of 'Christian extremists' there are in the world reeking havoc, and then tell us the number of islamic extremists.

You people are totally freakin' insane. And you apparently don't realize how ridiculous you sound to the normal person. Do us all a favor, strike up a conversation at your work place with your coworkers and see how many of them would agree with you that christian extremist violence is even remotely on the same scale as islamic extremist violence and see how many of them either think you're joking or laugh you out of the room.

Yes. Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. I didn't realize that would be rocket science. Extremists are not representative of the entire religion.

'Both'.... Okay, so you're saying that both happen on an equal scale throughout the world? Both pose the exact same threat to innocent people everywhere? That you are just as likely to be killed by christian terrorism as you are islamic terrorism? The they both pose an equal problem that needs to be addressed?
This is what makes someone an asshole.

You pretend you don't know of anyone who ever murdered an abortion doctor, and yet it takes me a minute to find this thread about the murder of an abortion doctor,

with YOUR posts in it:

Roeder Found Guilty of Murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Grow the fuck up, asshole.

Uh oh, someone is losing his temper... tsk tsk....

You're the asshole who is sadly attempting to equate islamic violence around the world with an abortion doctor being killed, and while doing so totally belittling all of those people who have lost their lives because of islamic terrorism. And you're the asshole who is sitting here in this thread defending it with every post. You pretend there haven't been tens of thousands killed in the name of 'islam.
Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. The vast majority of each religion's adherents do not participate in that violence or condone it. In that they are certainly comparable. However, the main difference seems to be that with one religion you are willing to blame the entire religion for the acts of it's extremists yet cry foul when the other religion is tarred in a similar way. In order to do that, of course, you have to be able to show that the entire religion is at fault by attacking it's Holy Book, yet that falls apart when closely examined as the Bible contains far more calls to violence - unrestricted violence - than the Quran.

Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.

Both are being 'conducted'? Perhaps you'd like to list the number of abortion clinic bombings in the last year and the number of casualities, and then list the number of Islamic violent acts and the number of casualites, and then explain to us all how you find it 'comparable'. Tell us the number of 'Christian extremists' there are in the world reeking havoc, and then tell us the number of islamic extremists.

You people are totally freakin' insane. And you apparently don't realize how ridiculous you sound to the normal person. Do us all a favor, strike up a conversation at your work place with your coworkers and see how many of them would agree with you that christian extremist violence is even remotely on the same scale as islamic extremist violence and see how many of them either think you're joking or laugh you out of the room.

You pretended you'd never heard of anyone killing an abortion doctor. That makes you a liar a fraud a phoney and a perfect match for the author of this thread.

And you pretend that christian terrorism is on the same scale as is islamic terrorism when you're referring to a hanful of incidents caused by a handful of people 20 years ago. That makes you the biggest liar on this thread to date.

Not to mention the strawman you keep posting about innocents being perecuted when no one has said any such thing. Lie is all you know, it's the only way your agenda works, so I get it. But your lies aren't going to continue to hold much water the more the 'minority' of millions of muslims wage war on the rest of the world.

How is it relevant to innocent Muslims how many Muslim terrorists there are?

It should be relevant to everyone on the planet how many muslim terrorists there are, especially those who are against their religion being used to murder people.

Persecuting everyone in a religion is what the Nazis did.
...Persecuting everyone in a religion is what the Nazis did.
Failing to recognize the nature of the wooden horse is what did the Trojans in.

It will be up to the people of this country to determine what sort of middle-ground might be appropriate in the case of this newcomer threat-vector.
...Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion...
That argument is now beyond threadbare, and few buy into it any longer.

Really? Can we start killing the innocent Muslims with impunity then?

Can we use gas chambers as an exercise in efficiency?

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing? I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

Only you are coming to the conclusion that to destroy the religion itself means you have to destroy all of its practitioners, and then apparently assuming everyone else thinks the same way you do. Why is your first resort violence?

Do you agree that muslims in this country should be able to practice Sharia law and have their own courts that supercede US courts? Is that part of the 'religion' too?
I doubt that the Constitution would need to be amended.

It would only require Federal -level legislation which re-classifies the way in which Islam is viewed at-law.

If it is no longer (or not purely) a religion - at-law - then a variety of Constitutional issues evaporate.

lol, so you think, you actually think, that we could persecute peaceful Muslims by passing a law that declares their religion not to be a religion.

Then we'd have people claiming "Islam isn't a religion but atheism is".

How far we've come.

Did you mention atheism?

Just put your foot in your mouth again:

"Atheists living in 13 countries risk being condemned to death, just for their beliefs (or non-belief) according to a new, comprehensive report from the International Humanist and Ethical Union out on Tuesday. All 13 countries identified by the study are Muslim majority."
There Are 13 Countries Where Atheism Is Punishable by Death - The Wire

..... and?? :dunno:

Are you just unaware that there are those among us who would maintain that "atheism is a religion"? Here's an entire thread about that myth. Therefore I noted the irony that given the idea expressed above of also redefining Islam into not-a-religion, if such wackularity were to actually stick we would end up, presumably as a collective, declaring that one major world religion isn't a religion at all, while simultaneously the absence of one particular modality of many religions, IS a religion.

How in the wide world of fuck is that "foot in the mouth"?

On the contrary, it would bring the delicious irony of using the base dynamic of atheism -- denial that a concept exists -- and applying it to deny that an entire religion exists.

Is all of this over your pointy little head?

Earlier you were forced to posit that there was a similar homicidal element in Christianity....

....of course that was a stupid position.

Now I used your reference to atheism to show that there are entire nations for which the penalty is death.....and all are Muslim nations.

Say something else stupid....and only open your mouth to change feet.

I wasn't "forced to posit" jack shit. I saw a reeeeally stupid question posed (Newby) and proceeded to obliterate it. I'm easy tha tway with low-hanging fruit. It did have to do with Christianism, which has zero to do with atheism.

I'm afraid you've conflated two entirely unrelated points. Not for the first time and sadly, probably not the last.

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