The Common Denominator: Islam

...Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion...
That argument is now beyond threadbare, and few buy into it any longer.

Really? Can we start killing the innocent Muslims with impunity then?

Can we use gas chambers as an exercise in efficiency?

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing? I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.
Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?

Can't really call this a lie, as it is based on your ignorance......

Is that all you're capable of?

Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence? War? The killing of innocents? The killing of non-believers?

Of course you can't. Why then aren't you blaming the Bible the way you want to blame the Koran?

other than the crusades---------------------what cha got?

as to muslims, we have 4000 years of history of murder, rape, torture, theft------------all in the name of islam.

Four thousand years huh?


In before the edit...

how many years do you think the islam has existed? muslims claim forever. I said 4000 years, it may be 7000 or 5000, what difference does it make? their history, however long it is, is nothing but war, murder, rape, stoning, pedifilia, and perversion------------------In'ch allah. (if allah wills it)

It "matters" in that it's one more manifestation of the scale of your profound ignorance. Like that 100% of terrorists thing.

The fact that you learned to transliterate inshallah with a French accent obviously wasn't the whole story.
If Islam itself is the problem, why the clamor from you rightwing neocons to spend more blood and treasure to save Iraq?

Iraq is an Islamic theocracy, by virtue of the self-determination you people you desperately desired to obtain for them.

You idiots don't know what you believe.
That argument is now beyond threadbare, and few buy into it any longer.

Really? Can we start killing the innocent Muslims with impunity then?

Can we use gas chambers as an exercise in efficiency?

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing? I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Keep in mind, the conservative consensus is that we are a Christian nation. The farthest thing from the conservative mind is religious freedom.
...Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion...
That argument is now beyond threadbare, and few buy into it any longer.

Really? Can we start killing the innocent Muslims with impunity then?

Can we use gas chambers as an exercise in efficiency?

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing? I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

Ali Muhammad (any third, fourth, or more names)
should be deported ASAP...., or, HUNG ! :up:

Post number two -- literally the first one after the OP.

Granted, "who" implies human so that may be a stretch. How 'bout this one...

It is far past time to dust off our white robes and our fire up some crosses and start lynching us some negr-, er...ragheads.
Whatever duffus..............They wear their little rags around their heads too tight and chop the heads off of infants............
Why the hell not............Let's Lynch them...........for being the animals they are.............Your absolutely right............
Against them, those animals..........I'm racist as hell.......Thank You.
...Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion...
That argument is now beyond threadbare, and few buy into it any longer.

Really? Can we start killing the innocent Muslims with impunity then?

Can we use gas chambers as an exercise in efficiency?

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing? I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

Learn to read.
If the common denominator is Islam, why the alliance with the Kurds?

Why is Turkey in NATO?

Why is Keith Ellison allowed in the US Congress? He's one of them...remember?
...Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion...
That argument is now beyond threadbare, and few buy into it any longer.

Really? Can we start killing the innocent Muslims with impunity then?

Can we use gas chambers as an exercise in efficiency?

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing? I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation.

You claimed you'd never heard of anyone shooting an abortion doctor, and I showed you posting about that very thing, on this board, in the past.

You should grow up.
lol, so you think, you actually think, that we could persecute peaceful Muslims by passing a law that declares their religion not to be a religion.

Then we'd have people claiming "Islam isn't a religion but atheism is".

How far we've come.

Did you mention atheism?

Just put your foot in your mouth again:

"Atheists living in 13 countries risk being condemned to death, just for their beliefs (or non-belief) according to a new, comprehensive report from the International Humanist and Ethical Union out on Tuesday. All 13 countries identified by the study are Muslim majority."
There Are 13 Countries Where Atheism Is Punishable by Death - The Wire

..... and?? :dunno:

Are you just unaware that there are those among us who would maintain that "atheism is a religion"? Here's an entire thread about that myth. Therefore I noted the irony that given the idea expressed above of also redefining Islam into not-a-religion, if such wackularity were to actually stick we would end up, presumably as a collective, declaring that one major world religion isn't a religion at all, while simultaneously the absence of one particular modality of many religions, IS a religion.

How in the wide world of fuck is that "foot in the mouth"?

On the contrary, it would bring the delicious irony of using the base dynamic of atheism -- denial that a concept exists -- and applying it to deny that an entire religion exists.

Is all of this over your pointy little head?

Earlier you were forced to posit that there was a similar homicidal element in Christianity....

....of course that was a stupid position.

Now I used your reference to atheism to show that there are entire nations for which the penalty is death.....and all are Muslim nations.

Say something else stupid....and only open your mouth to change feet.

I wasn't "forced to posit" jack shit. I saw a reeeeally stupid question posed (Newby) and proceeded to obliterate it. I'm easy tha tway with low-hanging fruit. It did have to do with Christianism, which has zero to do with atheism.

I'm afraid you've conflated two entirely unrelated points. Not for the first time and sadly, probably not the last.

Oh, my, my......look who I've skewered!

The vulgarity gives you away.

Get used to it....won't be the last time.
That argument is now beyond threadbare, and few buy into it any longer.

Really? Can we start killing the innocent Muslims with impunity then?

Can we use gas chambers as an exercise in efficiency?

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing? I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?
Can't really call this a lie, as it is based on your ignorance......

Is that all you're capable of?

Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence? War? The killing of innocents? The killing of non-believers?

Of course you can't. Why then aren't you blaming the Bible the way you want to blame the Koran?

other than the crusades---------------------what cha got?

as to muslims, we have 4000 years of history of murder, rape, torture, theft------------all in the name of islam.

Four thousand years huh?


In before the edit...

how many years do you think the islam has existed? muslims claim forever. I said 4000 years, it may be 7000 or 5000, what difference does it make? their history, however long it is, is nothing but war, murder, rape, stoning, pedifilia, and perversion------------------In'ch allah. (if allah wills it)

It "matters" in that it's one more manifestation of the scale of your profound ignorance. Like that 100% of terrorists thing.

The fact that you learned to transliterate inshallah with a French accent obviously wasn't the whole story.

100% of the recent terrorists are muslim. That is a fact. Islam calls for the violent destruction of all non-believers. That is also a fact. All muslims are not terrorists. That is also a fact.

Can you tell us about any Jewish or Christian suicide bombers?
Really? Can we start killing the innocent Muslims with impunity then?

Can we use gas chambers as an exercise in efficiency?

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing? I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

aaaaaaaand right back to the "terrorism as golf game" canard.

The question above was about religious motivations. Not volume discounts.

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

I haven't posted about "Islam". I've posted about bad logic and hair-on-fire media.
Try to keep up.
That argument is now beyond threadbare, and few buy into it any longer.

Really? Can we start killing the innocent Muslims with impunity then?

Can we use gas chambers as an exercise in efficiency?

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing? I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation.

You claimed you'd never heard of anyone shooting an abortion doctor, and I showed you posting about that very thing, on this board, in the past.

You should grow up.

I made no such claim, I made the claim that one person being shot does not equate to an entire crusade against the modern world by millions of extremists all from one religion, Islam. Along with the fact that you look like a total fool brining up the shooting of one abortion doctor as a response to Islamic terrorism. The common denominator among ALL of them is their religion. You can post until you're blue in the face, you cannot change the facts.
Can't really call this a lie, as it is based on your ignorance......

Is that all you're capable of?

Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence? War? The killing of innocents? The killing of non-believers?

Of course you can't. Why then aren't you blaming the Bible the way you want to blame the Koran?

other than the crusades---------------------what cha got?

as to muslims, we have 4000 years of history of murder, rape, torture, theft------------all in the name of islam.

Four thousand years huh?


In before the edit...

how many years do you think the islam has existed? muslims claim forever. I said 4000 years, it may be 7000 or 5000, what difference does it make? their history, however long it is, is nothing but war, murder, rape, stoning, pedifilia, and perversion------------------In'ch allah. (if allah wills it)

It "matters" in that it's one more manifestation of the scale of your profound ignorance. Like that 100% of terrorists thing.

The fact that you learned to transliterate inshallah with a French accent obviously wasn't the whole story.

not all phonetic translations of arabic are the same. note all the spellings of Qadaffi.
Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

Only you are coming to the conclusion that to destroy the religion itself means you have to destroy all of its practitioners, and then apparently assuming everyone else thinks the same way you do. Why is your first resort violence?

Do you agree that muslims in this country should be able to practice Sharia law and have their own courts that supercede US courts? Is that part of the 'religion' too?

C'mon NYC, can you have a grown up discussion? Answer the last question. Do agree with Sharia courts in the US?
Really? Can we start killing the innocent Muslims with impunity then?

Can we use gas chambers as an exercise in efficiency?

Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing? I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

Once again. 99% of Muslims don't do what you claim Muslims do,

thus proving that whatever might be written in some religious storybook is not determinative of how people of that faith might practice that faith.

You certainly don't see any self-described Christians in this thread turning the other cheek and loving their enemies;

how is that possible if the 'book' forces one to act a certain way? How can you be a good Christian if you don't love the fighters in ISIS?
Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

Only you are coming to the conclusion that to destroy the religion itself means you have to destroy all of its practitioners, and then apparently assuming everyone else thinks the same way you do. Why is your first resort violence?

Do you agree that muslims in this country should be able to practice Sharia law and have their own courts that supercede US courts? Is that part of the 'religion' too?

C'mon NYC, can you have a grown up discussion? Answer the last question. Do agree with Sharia courts in the US?

Are you now trying to argue that the OP is not a condemnation of Islam itself?
Do you enjoy looking like an idiot? You want to quote anyone in here, other than yourself, who's even suggested such a thing? I know that's what those of you on the left would love to do with christians, so it does reveal where your thoughts are when you try to ascribe them to others in a pathetic attempt to smear.

I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

Once again. 99% of Muslims don't do what you claim Muslims do,

thus proving that whatever might be written in some religious storybook is not determinative of how people of that faith might practice that faith.

You certainly don't see any self-described Christians in this thread turning the other cheek and loving their enemies;

how is that possible if the 'book' forces one to act a certain way? How can you be a good Christian if you don't love the fighters in ISIS?

But 75% of them support terrorist acts in the name of islam.
Is that all you're capable of?

Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence? War? The killing of innocents? The killing of non-believers?

Of course you can't. Why then aren't you blaming the Bible the way you want to blame the Koran?

other than the crusades---------------------what cha got?

as to muslims, we have 4000 years of history of murder, rape, torture, theft------------all in the name of islam.

Four thousand years huh?


In before the edit...

how many years do you think the islam has existed? muslims claim forever. I said 4000 years, it may be 7000 or 5000, what difference does it make? their history, however long it is, is nothing but war, murder, rape, stoning, pedifilia, and perversion------------------In'ch allah. (if allah wills it)

It "matters" in that it's one more manifestation of the scale of your profound ignorance. Like that 100% of terrorists thing.

The fact that you learned to transliterate inshallah with a French accent obviously wasn't the whole story.

100% of the recent terrorists are muslim. That is a fact.

No, that is complete fabrication. I gave you not one, not two but three different studies that completely obliterate that stupid mass generalization bullshit. I invited you to counter with numbers that prove your "100%" malarkey.

Your response is to adopt the fetal position and go :lalala:

Now maybe it's a play-fact in the bullshit Pamela Hoft sites you go to looking for evidence of a predetermined conclusion. But not on planet earth.

Islam calls for the violent destruction of all non-believers. That is also a fact. All muslims are not terrorists. That is also a fact.

Odd then that I've worked and lived among Muslims for some 35 years and not a single one has tried to "destroy" me, violently or otherwise. Not one has ever tried to convert me. Not one even brought the topic up unless it was a natural part of the conversation.

It's almost like they were..... people, yanno? Weird. So I look forward to your links demonstrating they're not. :thup:
I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow? Do muslims support abortion? Their women can't even expose their faces to any other males except their husbands, but they're not being oppressed? Islam stands in diametric opposition to everything liberals claim to be for, yet it's liberals that continue to defend it and support it. How's that for irony? So do you really not stand against oppression? Are you against women's rights? How do you rationalize supporting a religion that oppresses people?

Once again. 99% of Muslims don't do what you claim Muslims do,

thus proving that whatever might be written in some religious storybook is not determinative of how people of that faith might practice that faith.

You certainly don't see any self-described Christians in this thread turning the other cheek and loving their enemies;

how is that possible if the 'book' forces one to act a certain way? How can you be a good Christian if you don't love the fighters in ISIS?

But 75% of them support terrorist acts in the name of islam.

What they support is violence in self-defense. As do you.

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