The Common Denominator: Islam

not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims.
Anyone disagree? and before you go back to the middle ages. we are talking about today.
Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?

Can't really call this a lie, as it is based on your ignorance......

Is that all you're capable of?

Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence? War? The killing of innocents? The killing of non-believers?

Of course you can't. Why then aren't you blaming the Bible the way you want to blame the Koran?

other than the crusades---------------------what cha got?

as to muslims, we have 4000 years of history of murder, rape, torture, theft------------all in the name of islam.
A thread is entitled 'the common denominator: Islam' and then the perpetrator of the thread and all of her sycophants ultimately try to run away from the idea that they are trying to condemn all of Islam for the crimes of a few.

Very funny.


Kind of like the way some do the same with Christianity.



George Bush is a Christian, and he is responsible for needlessly killing more innocent people in Iraq than all of those attacks put together.

I see.

So Christianity is worse than Islam.



Why are you bitching at me instead of at the idiots who blaming all of Islam for the crimes of a few?

That's okay, I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

Never do!

Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?

Can't really call this a lie, as it is based on your ignorance......

Is that all you're capable of?

Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence? War? The killing of innocents? The killing of non-believers?

Of course you can't. Why then aren't you blaming the Bible the way you want to blame the Koran?

other than the crusades---------------------what cha got?

as to muslims, we have 4000 years of history of murder, rape, torture, theft------------all in the name of islam.

Four thousand years huh?


In before the edit...
A thread is entitled 'the common denominator: Islam' and then the perpetrator of the thread and all of her sycophants ultimately try to run away from the idea that they are trying to condemn all of Islam for the crimes of a few.

Very funny.


Kind of like the way some do the same with Christianity.



George Bush is a Christian, and he is responsible for needlessly killing more innocent people in Iraq than all of those attacks put together.

I see.

So Christianity is worse than Islam.



Why are you bitching at me instead of at the idiots who blaming all of Islam for the crimes of a few?

That's okay, I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

Never do!


I noticed you never objected to the fallacious premise of the OP.
not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims.
Anyone disagree? and before you go back to the middle ages. we are talking about today.


All redfish are not idiots but the idiocy is strong with this one.

Yeah, everyone with a brain disagrees. Want to explain what's going on with all those "Muslims" in post 242?

>> Yet, Americans continue to live in mortal fear of radical Islam, a fear propagated and inflamed by right wing Islamophobes. If one follows the cable news networks, it seems as if all terrorists are Muslims. It has even become axiomatic in some circles to chant: “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims.” Muslims and their “leftist dhimmi allies” respond feebly, mentioning Waco as the one counter example, unwittingly affirming the belief that “nearly all terrorists are Muslims.”

But perception is not reality. The data simply does not support such a hasty conclusion. On the FBI’s official website, there exists a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 all the way to 2005. That list can be accessed here (scroll down all the way to the bottom).

The reason that Muslim apologists and their “leftist dhimmi allies” cannot recall another non-Islamic act of terrorism other than Waco is due to the fact that the media gives menial (if any) coverage to such events. If a terrorist attack does not fit the “Islam is the perennial and existential threat of our times” narrative, it is simply not paid much attention to, which in a circuitous manner reinforces and “proves” the preconceived narrative. It is to such an extent that the average American cannot remember any Jewish or Latino terrorist; why should he when he has never even heard of the Jewish Defense League or the Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros? Surely what he does not know does not exist!
The Islamophobes claim that Islam is intrinsically a terrorist religion. The proof? Well, just about every terrorist attack is Islamic, they retort. Unfortunately for them, that’s not quite true. More like six percent. Using their defunct logic, these right wingers ought now to conclude that nearly all acts of terrorism are committed by Latinos (or Jews). Let them dare say it…they couldn’t; it would be political and social suicide to say such a thing. Most Americans would shut down such talk as bigoted; yet, similar statements continue to be said of Islam, without any repercussions.

The Islamophobes live in a fantasy world where everyone is supposedly too “politically correct” to criticize Islam and Muslims. Yet, the reality is the exact opposite: you can get away with saying anything against the crescent. Can you imagine the reaction if I said that Latinos should be profiled because after all they are the ones who commit the most terrorism in the country? (For the record: I don’t believe in such profiling, because I am–unlike the right wing nutters–a believer in American ideals.) << -- "All Terrorists are Muslim" --- Except the 94% That Aren't

"94%" may be an inflated estimate though -- this study on a different time range sez:

We counted up the number of terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims. We excluded attacks by groups which are obviously not Muslims, such as the Ku Klux Klan, Medellin Drug Cartel, Irish Republican Army, Anti-Castro Group, Mormon extremists, Vietnamese Organization to Exterminate Communists and Restore the Nation, Jewish Defense League, May 19 Communist Order, Chicano Liberation Front, Jewish Armed Resistance, American Indian Movement, Gay Liberation Front, Aryan Nation, Jewish Action Movement, National Front for the Liberation of Cuba, or Fourth Reich Skinheads.

We counted attacks by Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Black American Moslems, or anyone who even remotely sounded Muslim … for example anyone from Palestine, Lebanon or any other Arab or Muslim country, or any name including anything sounding remotely Arabic or Indonesian (like “Al” anything or “Jamaat” anything).

If we weren’t sure what the person’s affiliation was, we looked up the name of the group to determine whether it could in any way be connected to Muslims.

Based on our review of the approximately 2,400 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil contained within the START database, we determined that approximately 60 were carried out by Muslims.

In other words, approximately 2.5% of all terrorist attacks on U.S. soil between 1970 and 2012 were carried out by Muslims. <<
"Two and a half percent" / "One hundred percent" -- know the difference.

This is exactly what I keep saying about the hair-on-fire bullshit news sites like Catholic Online and Jim Fucking Hoft and Pamela Fucking Geller and JihadFuckingWatch and the gang of snake oil salesmen including the OP. For shit's sake open your eyes when you're being played like a two dollar banjo.
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Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?

Indeed -- same shit, different spot on the evolutionary path.
It's a little like, 75 years ago everybody smoked, Hollywood smoked, advertising images smoked, doctors smoked -- the rest of the world says "look, the Americans are smoking, that's cool, let's do that".

Then we find out what smoking does and we start quitting, Hollywood wipes smoking out, smoking in ads disappears, doctors say don't smoke -- then we look down our noses and say, "look, the Europeans are still smoking. What a bunch of retards.".

Yeah, let's pretend we never did that.
Oh, there's no question that great slaughter has been committed in the name of the Christian vision of the godhead, time and again and again, and to an extent which, when tallied, quite probably exceeds the head-counts that any other religion (including Islam) can boast.

But here's the thing.

Most of the violence committed by Christians was in direct contradiction to the teachings of its Founder and in contradiction to the core teachings of the New Testament.

On the other hand...

Most of the violence committed by Muslims was in direct agreement to the teachings of its Founder and in full compliance with the core teachings of the Q'uran.

Most Christian violence required a great deal of fancy footwork and juicy rationalizations to twist the minds of Believers into perceiving that they were doing the Will of God, including old favorites such as the Church doctrine of Just War - lots of spin-doctoring and reinterpretation and grasping really far into the stratosphere for a connection.

Most Muslim violence required nothing more than some tribal elder or street-corner mullah invoking the vast array of conditions under which violence or war-making may occur, along with an occasional lightweight tweak here-and-there to shore-up an equivalency.

You're right about Islam being at a different stage in its evolution.

You're wrong about this being an apples-to-apples comparison, with respect to declarations of their Founders or the content of their sacred texts.

Those striving for moral equivalency for Islam vis-a-vis Christianity will invariably point to the Old Testament for similar permissions to commit violence.

The trouble with that is, that the teachings of the New Testament override those of the Old - the Old is there merely as historical background and continuity with Judaism and is oftentimes utilized to cover situations not already covered in the New.

Jesus of Nazareth taught his followers to Love Thy Neighbor and to Turn the Other Cheek - not just sometimes, but always.

Consequently, if some passage in the Old Testament gives permission to kill or wage war, Jesus' teachings in the New Testament override and nullify that permission.

Granted, in practice, and in the Real World, it oftentimes does not work that way.

But, whenever Secular Christendom gets too bloody, the more peace-loving of its practitioners need do no more than to point to the Core Teachings of the Master, in order to begin to bring Christendom back to the Middle again, and away from the Extreme.

That serves as a "brake" or "slaughter rule" or "limiting factor" agent or reset button, within Christendom.

Islam has no such brake or reset button.

Islam also specifies that its so-called Prophet is the ultimate and very last of the Prophets, and that the word of the Q'uran is the ultimate word of God, never to be changed, never to be updated, never to be reinterpreted.

Muhammed, seeing the diversity and heresies and schisms suffered by Christianity, and Judaism, cleverly locked-out changes from Day One.

Consequently, Islam will never have a true Reformation, despite the fact that it is sorely and desperately in need of one.

We have two Houses in front of us for consideration.

Each House leans in a different way, because of the nature of its foundation.

And it is the nature of the foundation and core teachings of Islam which make it far more dangerous and undesirable and incompatible than its peers.

Ya'll can try to rationalize that all the live-long day, but, in the final analysis, this is, indeed, a matter of differences in foundation, and consequent prospects for the future.
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Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?

Can't really call this a lie, as it is based on your ignorance......

Is that all you're capable of?

Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence? War? The killing of innocents? The killing of non-believers?

Of course you can't. Why then aren't you blaming the Bible the way you want to blame the Koran?

other than the crusades---------------------what cha got?

as to muslims, we have 4000 years of history of murder, rape, torture, theft------------all in the name of islam.

Didn't Islam start in the 1st century?

Where do you want to start? The religious wars of the Old Testament?
Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?

Can't really call this a lie, as it is based on your ignorance......

Is that all you're capable of?

Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence? War? The killing of innocents? The killing of non-believers?

Of course you can't. Why then aren't you blaming the Bible the way you want to blame the Koran?

other than the crusades---------------------what cha got?

as to muslims, we have 4000 years of history of murder, rape, torture, theft------------all in the name of islam.

Four thousand years huh?


In before the edit...

how many years do you think the islam has existed? muslims claim forever. I said 4000 years, it may be 7000 or 5000, what difference does it make? their history, however long it is, is nothing but war, murder, rape, stoning, pedifilia, and perversion------------------In'ch allah. (if allah wills it)
Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?

Indeed -- same shit, different spot on the evolutionary path.
It's a little like, 75 years ago everybody smoked, Hollywood smoked, advertising images smoked, doctors smoked -- the rest of the world says "look, the Americans are smoking, that's cool, let's do that".

Then we find out what smoking does and we start quitting, Hollywood wipes smoking out, smoking in ads disappears, doctors say don't smoke -- then we look down our noses and say, "look, the Europeans are still smoking. What a bunch of retards.".

Yeah, let's pretend we never did that.
Oh, there's no question that great slaughter has been committed in the name of the Christian vision of the godhead, time and again and again, and to an extent which, when tallied, quite probably exceeds the head-counts that any other religion (including Islam) can boast.

But here's the thing.

Most of the violence committed by Christians was in direct contradiction to the teachings of its Founder and in contradiction to the core teachings of the New Testament.

On the other hand...

Most of the violence committed by Muslims was in direct agreement to the teachings of its Founder and in full compliance with the core teachings of the Q'uran.

Most Christian violence required a great deal of fancy footwork and juicy rationalizations to twist the minds of Believers into perceiving that they were doing the Will of God, including old favorites such as the Church doctrine of Just War - lots of spin-doctoring and reinterpretation and grasping really far into the stratosphere for a connection.

Most Muslim violence required nothing more than some tribal elder or street-corner mullah invoking the vast array of conditions under which violence or war-making may occur, along with an occasional lightweight tweak here-and-there to shore-up an equivalency.

You're right about Islam being at a different stage in its evolution.

You're wrong about this being an apples-to-apples comparison, with respect to declarations of their Founders or the content of their sacred texts.

Those striving for moral equivalency for Islam vis-a-vis Christianity will invariably point to the Old Testament for similar permissions to commit violence.

The trouble with that is, that the teachings of the New Testament override those of the Old - the Old is there merely as historical background and continuity with Judaism and is oftentimes utilized to cover situations not already covered in the New.

Jesus of Nazareth taught his followers to Love Thy Neighbor and to Turn the Other Cheek - not just sometimes, but always.

Consequently, if some passage in the Old Testament gives permission to kill or wage war, Jesus' teachings in the New Testament override and nullify that permission.

Granted, in practice, and in the Real World, it oftentimes does not work that way.

But, whenever Secular Christendom gets too bloody, the more peace-loving of its practitioners need do no more than to point to the Core Teachings of the Master, in order to begin to bring Christendom back to the Middle again, and away from the Extreme.

That serves as a "brake" or "slaughter rule" or "limiting factor" agent or reset button, within Christendom.

Islam has no such brake or reset button.

Islam also specifies that its so-called Prophet is the ultimate and very last of the Prophets, and that the word of the Q'uran is the ultimate word of God, never to be changed, never to be updated, never to be reinterpreted, never to change.

Consequently, Islam will never have a true Reformation, despite the fact that it is sorely and desperately in need of one.

We have two Houses in front of us for consideration.

Each House leans in a different way, because of the nature of its foundation.

And it is the nature of the foundation and core teachings of Islam which make it far more dangerous and undesirable and incompatible than its peers.

Ya'll can try to rationalize that all the live-long day, but, in the final analysis, this is, indeed, a matter of differences in foundation, and consequent prospects for the future.

good post
Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?

Can't really call this a lie, as it is based on your ignorance......

Is that all you're capable of?

Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence? War? The killing of innocents? The killing of non-believers?

Of course you can't. Why then aren't you blaming the Bible the way you want to blame the Koran?

other than the crusades---------------------what cha got?

as to muslims, we have 4000 years of history of murder, rape, torture, theft------------all in the name of islam.

Didn't Islam start in the 1st century?

Where do you want to start? The religious wars of the Old Testament?

see kondor's post #327. he covered it very well.

Kind of like the way some do the same with Christianity.



George Bush is a Christian, and he is responsible for needlessly killing more innocent people in Iraq than all of those attacks put together.

I see.

So Christianity is worse than Islam.



Why are you bitching at me instead of at the idiots who blaming all of Islam for the crimes of a few?

That's okay, I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

Never do!


I noticed you never objected to the fallacious premise of the OP.

Of course the Islamic State is Islamist.

The same as if some nutcase Christian group called itself Christian. That's for each religion to worry about, doesn't matter to me.

Now, guess what? I'm not even going to ask you to answer my questions, because I don't expect straight answers from partisan ideologues.

Just consider them rhetorical questions, what the hell.

Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?

Can't really call this a lie, as it is based on your ignorance......

Is that all you're capable of?

Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence? War? The killing of innocents? The killing of non-believers?

Of course you can't. Why then aren't you blaming the Bible the way you want to blame the Koran?

"Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence?"

Can you show where I said that....or admit you are a lying sack of you are.
not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims.
Anyone disagree? and before you go back to the middle ages. we are talking about today.

Ask the dead Palestinian women and children.

Oh well, figuratively speaking of course.

or we could ask the hundreds of thousands of innocents killed by Saddam, Ahmadinijad, Kadaffi, or Assad. or we could ask the 3000 killed on 9/11. OR, we could ask the thousands of jews killed by hamas and the "palestinians". BTW, there is not now, nor ever was, a country named Palestine.
Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?

Can't really call this a lie, as it is based on your ignorance......

Is that all you're capable of?

Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence? War? The killing of innocents? The killing of non-believers?

Of course you can't. Why then aren't you blaming the Bible the way you want to blame the Koran?

"Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence?"

Can you show where I said that....or admit you are a lying sack of you are.

Learn to read.
not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims.
Anyone disagree? and before you go back to the middle ages. we are talking about today.

Ask the dead Palestinian women and children.

Oh well, figuratively speaking of course.

or we could ask the hundreds of thousands of innocents killed by Saddam, Ahmadinijad, Kadaffi, or Assad. or we could ask the 3000 killed on 9/11. OR, we could ask the thousands of jews killed by hamas and the "palestinians". BTW, there is not now, nor ever was, a country named Palestine.

You justify the murder of innocent Palestinian women and children because there never was a country named Palestine?

That's pretty sick, man.
not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims.
Anyone disagree? and before you go back to the middle ages. we are talking about today.

Ask the dead Palestinian women and children.

Oh well, figuratively speaking of course.

or we could ask the hundreds of thousands of innocents killed by Saddam, Ahmadinijad, Kadaffi, or Assad. or we could ask the 3000 killed on 9/11. OR, we could ask the thousands of jews killed by hamas and the "palestinians". BTW, there is not now, nor ever was, a country named Palestine.

You justify the murder of innocent Palestinian women and children because there never was a country named Palestine?

That's pretty sick, man.

I am not justifying it. War is hell, innocents die. Deaths from war are not murder. Yes, its sick. We should not have gone into Iraq, we should not have gone into Viet Nam. But when the US or its citizens are attacked we should use everything we have to destroy the attackers.

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