The Common Denominator: Islam

The only danger inherent is Islam is that if you invade their countries and try to take their shit, they will kill you.

Just like anyone else would.

Islam's so-called holy texts are absolutely saturated with conditional permissions to engage in violence against non-believers and to make war, and its founder encouraged blood-letting and violence across a wide-spectrum of circumstances which may be easily invoked and which are operative today within Islam in accordance with core values.

Judaism's similar texts and corresponding permissions are fewer and less given-over to violence-rationalizing and are viewed largely as historical narrative and are not operative amongst global Judaism....

Or so it seems to this observer.

All the Abrahamic Religions are equally barbarous and backwards and stupid. The Muslims just aren't as good at ignoring the icky parts as Christians and Jews are.


Give back Palestine, stop invading their countries, stop propping up assholes like Saddam and Bin Laden (both of who the CIA thought were great guys before they turned on us) and we won't have a problem with them.

Even better, invest in a crash alternative energy program that renders oil worthless. Then they won't have the funds to make trouble.
1. Because Liberals subscribe to the multicultural thesis....all cultures are equal. So, if one believes in cutting off the heads of innocents.....who are we to say it's wrong.

2. The roots of postmodernism can be traced to the anthropologist Franz Boas, who, in an effort to study exotic cultures without prejudice, found it useful to take the position that no culture is superior to any other. Thus was born the idea of cultural relativity.

3. The idea spread like wildfire through the universities, catapulted by the radical impetus of the sixties. ready and willing to reject "the universality of Western norms and principles."
Bawer, "The Victim's Revolution"

Hey, maybe you should stop telling people what they think or why they think it.

Let's get real here. Bin Laden didn't pop out of a secret lab behind a Mosque. HIs family fortune came from building stuff for the Saudis with all the oil money we sent them, and then the CIA trained him to kill Russians because they might teach girls how to read.

See, when he was killing Russian Communists, he was a "Freedom Fighter". When he was killing American Plutocrats, he was a "Terrorist". Just very important to make that distinction.

Same thing with our buddy Saddam. When he was killing Iranians, he was the kind of sensible, pro-western leader we could work with. And you hero, Reagan, completely turned a blind eye to those Kurds he gassed the shit out of. Then he invaded Kuwait and threatened the Zionists and Oil Companies' profit, and lo and behold, he was the Next Hitler who just HAD to be stopped.

Look, PC, you can be a tool and dance to whatever song Hate Radio wants to sing for you, but I kind of ask these questions.
The only danger inherent is Islam is that if you invade their countries and try to take their shit, they will kill you.

Just like anyone else would.

Islam's so-called holy texts are absolutely saturated with conditional permissions to engage in violence against non-believers and to make war, and its founder encouraged blood-letting and violence across a wide-spectrum of circumstances which may be easily invoked and which are operative today within Islam in accordance with core values.

Judaism's similar texts and corresponding permissions are fewer and less given-over to violence-rationalizing and are viewed largely as historical narrative and are not operative amongst global Judaism....

Or so it seems to this observer.

All the Abrahamic Religions are equally barbarous and backwards and stupid. The Muslims just aren't as good at ignoring the icky parts as Christians and Jews are.


Give back Palestine, stop invading their countries, stop propping up assholes like Saddam and Bin Laden (both of who the CIA thought were great guys before they turned on us) and we won't have a problem with them.

Even better, invest in a crash alternative energy program that renders oil worthless. Then they won't have the funds to make trouble.

"All the Abrahamic Religions are equally barbarous blah a
It's actually difficult to understand....or and why Liberals shill for the maniacal blood cult.....

When the Liberal Peanut President installed the Ayatollah in Iran, the blood cult went into high gear!

a. How is it that the Shah has been replaced by a more repressive, more brutal, more corrupt, less competent Islamic regime? The fact is the Ayatollah has more power than any king, and claimed to speak for God; his followers said “going against Khomeini is going against God himself.”
Dr. Abbas Milani, the Director of the Iranian Studies Program at Stanford University. His recent book is “The Shah”

b. "When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter,the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years.Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

What are they defending??????

No one's defending extremism. Another PC strawman.

"No one's defending extremism. Another PC strawman."
Nay, nay.

Now....tell the truth.

Yours is a spirited defense of Islamism

"Islamism-a fundamentalist Islamic revivalist movement generally characterized by moral conservatism and the literal interpretation of the Koran and the attempt to implement Islamic values in all aspects of life"
Islamism - definition of Islamism by The Free Dictionary

"...the literal interpretation of the Koran..." would include:

Quran 4:89: "They (infidels) desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper."

Quran 8:12: "Instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers;"

Quran 2:191: "... kill the disbelievers wherever we find them

Quran 22:19-22: "… for them (the unbelievers) garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods."

Quran 8:12: "Your Lord inspired the angels with the message: 'I will terrorize the unbelievers. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes.'"

Political Chic, I am not going to engage in another lengthy attempt at dismantling your argument when all I get in return is a shallow one-liner and then a fresh new argument on something else.

Nay nay :D

Well.....what do we find in the news today.....

Oh, nothing unusual.....simply an Islamic conspiracy in randomly behead innocents....

" Australia raids over 'Islamic State plot to behead'
Police have carried out anti-terror raids in Sydney sparked by intelligence reports that Islamic extremists were planning random killings in Australia.
...a senior Australian Islamic State militant had called for "demonstration killings", reportedly including a public beheading.

....planned to "gruesomely" execute someone.
Australian media reports said a plot involved beheading a random member of the public after draping them in an Islamic State flag.

"So this is not just suspicion, this is intent and that's why the police and security agencies decided to act in the way they have."
BBC News - Australia raids over Islamic State plot to behead

(Emphasis added so the brain-dead won't miss it.)
It's actually difficult to understand....or and why Liberals shill for the maniacal blood cult.....

When the Liberal Peanut President installed the Ayatollah in Iran, the blood cult went into high gear!

a. How is it that the Shah has been replaced by a more repressive, more brutal, more corrupt, less competent Islamic regime? The fact is the Ayatollah has more power than any king, and claimed to speak for God; his followers said “going against Khomeini is going against God himself.”
Dr. Abbas Milani, the Director of the Iranian Studies Program at Stanford University. His recent book is “The Shah”

b. "When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter,the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years.Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

What are they defending??????

No one's defending extremism. Another PC strawman.

"No one's defending extremism. Another PC strawman."
Nay, nay.

Now....tell the truth.

Yours is a spirited defense of Islamism

"Islamism-a fundamentalist Islamic revivalist movement generally characterized by moral conservatism and the literal interpretation of the Koran and the attempt to implement Islamic values in all aspects of life"
Islamism - definition of Islamism by The Free Dictionary

"...the literal interpretation of the Koran..." would include:

Quran 4:89: "They (infidels) desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper."

Quran 8:12: "Instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers;"

Quran 2:191: "... kill the disbelievers wherever we find them

Quran 22:19-22: "… for them (the unbelievers) garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods."

Quran 8:12: "Your Lord inspired the angels with the message: 'I will terrorize the unbelievers. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes.'"

Political Chic, I am not going to engage in another lengthy attempt at dismantling your argument when all I get in return is a shallow one-liner and then a fresh new argument on something else.

Nay nay :D

I posted #303 with you in mind.
Beside some Neanderthal has suggested that?

You did with this thread.

Not a day goes by that you are not shown to be a low-life, dirt-eating liar.

Today is usual for you.

Yes, making a monkey out of you is the usual for any given day.
You're the "monkey" displaying your stupidity daily
A thread is entitled 'the common denominator: Islam' and then the perpetrator of the thread and all of her sycophants ultimately try to run away from the idea that they are trying to condemn all of Islam for the crimes of a few.

Very funny.

Just pointing out that islam has a problem no other religion has.... There is no equivalency today in the 21st century

No other religion has extremists? We've already proven that wrong.

An avalanche is coming down the mountain, and you compare it to a mote in your eye.

Essentially, another lie, your specialty.
  • Thanks
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A thread is entitled 'the common denominator: Islam' and then the perpetrator of the thread and all of her sycophants ultimately try to run away from the idea that they are trying to condemn all of Islam for the crimes of a few.

Very funny.


Kind of like the way some do the same with Christianity.



George Bush is a Christian, and he is responsible for needlessly killing more innocent people in Iraq than all of those attacks put together.
You did with this thread.

Not a day goes by that you are not shown to be a low-life, dirt-eating liar.

Today is usual for you.

Yes, making a monkey out of you is the usual for any given day.
You're the "monkey" displaying your stupidity daily
A thread is entitled 'the common denominator: Islam' and then the perpetrator of the thread and all of her sycophants ultimately try to run away from the idea that they are trying to condemn all of Islam for the crimes of a few.

Very funny.

Just pointing out that islam has a problem no other religion has.... There is no equivalency today in the 21st century

No other religion has extremists? We've already proven that wrong.

An avalanche is coming down the mountain, and you compare it to a mote in your eye.

Essentially, another lie, your specialty.

That claim is irrelevant to innocent Muslims.
A thread is entitled 'the common denominator: Islam' and then the perpetrator of the thread and all of her sycophants ultimately try to run away from the idea that they are trying to condemn all of Islam for the crimes of a few.

Very funny.


Kind of like the way some do the same with Christianity.



George Bush is a Christian, and he is responsible for needlessly killing more innocent people in Iraq than all of those attacks put together.

I see.

So Christianity is worse than Islam.


A thread is entitled 'the common denominator: Islam' and then the perpetrator of the thread and all of her sycophants ultimately try to run away from the idea that they are trying to condemn all of Islam for the crimes of a few.

Very funny.


Kind of like the way some do the same with Christianity.



George Bush is a Christian, and he is responsible for needlessly killing more innocent people in Iraq than all of those attacks put together.

I see.

So Christianity is worse than Islam.


The statement is absurd. The point there, and in that litany of "Christian abortion terrorism" posted yesterday --- is presenting the same fallacy the OP built this fallacious thread on -- as a comparator to demonstrate the fallacy.

"The common denominator: Islam".
"The common denominator: Christianism".
"The common denominator: Jews"

--- all equally fallacious. The common denominator is mass generalization composition fallacy. A tired old tactic that's been used as long as organized religions -- or races, or classes, or ethnic groups -- have existed. That's what this thread is here to traffic in. Belongs in the Hair-on-Fire Two Minutes Hate forum. It isn't legitimate political discourse.

Never has been.

What exactly is the point in pretending not to see a blatant fallacy?
A thread is entitled 'the common denominator: Islam' and then the perpetrator of the thread and all of her sycophants ultimately try to run away from the idea that they are trying to condemn all of Islam for the crimes of a few.

Very funny.


Kind of like the way some do the same with Christianity.



George Bush is a Christian, and he is responsible for needlessly killing more innocent people in Iraq than all of those attacks put together.

I see.

So Christianity is worse than Islam.


The statement is absurd. The point there, and in that litany of "Christian abortion terrorism" posted yesterday --- is presenting the same fallacy the OP built this fallacious thread on -- as a comparator to demonstrate the fallacy.

"The common denominator: Islam".
"The common denominator: Christianism".
"The common denominator: Jews"

--- all equally fallacious. The common denominator is mass generalization composition fallacy. A tired old tactic that's been used as long as organized religions -- or races, or classes, or ethnic groups -- have existed. That's what this thread is here to traffic in. Belongs in the Hair-on-Fire Two Minutes Hate forum. It isn't legitimate political discourse.

Never has been.

What exactly is the point in pretending not to see a blatant fallacy?

Indeed, such fallacies are counter-productive.

Which was the point of my question.

Well, that, and curiosity about whether I could get a straight answer.

A thread is entitled 'the common denominator: Islam' and then the perpetrator of the thread and all of her sycophants ultimately try to run away from the idea that they are trying to condemn all of Islam for the crimes of a few.

Very funny.


Kind of like the way some do the same with Christianity.



George Bush is a Christian, and he is responsible for needlessly killing more innocent people in Iraq than all of those attacks put together.

I see.

So Christianity is worse than Islam.



Why are you bitching at me instead of at the idiots who blaming all of Islam for the crimes of a few?
A thread is entitled 'the common denominator: Islam' and then the perpetrator of the thread and all of her sycophants ultimately try to run away from the idea that they are trying to condemn all of Islam for the crimes of a few.

Very funny.


Kind of like the way some do the same with Christianity.



George Bush is a Christian, and he is responsible for needlessly killing more innocent people in Iraq than all of those attacks put together.

I see.

So Christianity is worse than Islam.


The statement is absurd. The point there, and in that litany of "Christian abortion terrorism" posted yesterday --- is presenting the same fallacy the OP built this fallacious thread on -- as a comparator to demonstrate the fallacy.

"The common denominator: Islam".
"The common denominator: Christianism".
"The common denominator: Jews"

--- all equally fallacious. The common denominator is mass generalization composition fallacy. A tired old tactic that's been used as long as organized religions -- or races, or classes, or ethnic groups -- have existed. That's what this thread is here to traffic in. Belongs in the Hair-on-Fire Two Minutes Hate forum. It isn't legitimate political discourse.

Never has been.

What exactly is the point in pretending not to see a blatant fallacy?

Indeed, such fallacies are counter-productive.

Which was the point of my question.

Well, that, and curiosity about whether I could get a straight answer.


I was applying THEIR reasoning, dimmie.
A thread is entitled 'the common denominator: Islam' and then the perpetrator of the thread and all of her sycophants ultimately try to run away from the idea that they are trying to condemn all of Islam for the crimes of a few.

Very funny.


Kind of like the way some do the same with Christianity.



George Bush is a Christian, and he is responsible for needlessly killing more innocent people in Iraq than all of those attacks put together.

I see.

So Christianity is worse than Islam.



Why are you bitching at me instead of at the idiots who blaming all of Islam for the crimes of a few?

As I asked --- what's the point of pretending the fallacy this thread is built on doesn't exist?
Hell, you can see it right in the title. Ain't like it's obscure. :dunno:
Really? Can we start killing the innocent Muslims with impunity then?

Can we use gas chambers as an exercise in efficiency?
Typical Liberal hyperbull.

But we can work to create legislation that recognizes Islam as a hybrid cultural-political mechanism disguised as a religion, and, therefore, not to be treated in the same fashion at-law as other far less volatile and far less violence-prone religions.

Islam is a cancer, and entirely and completely incompatible with The West - a poison pill that we would do well to recognize as such.

You need to talk to the author of this thread because she claims that no one is condemning all of Islam,

including innocent Muslims.
Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?
Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?

Can't really call this a lie, as it is based on your ignorance......
Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?

Indeed -- same shit, different spot on the evolutionary path.
It's a little like, 75 years ago everybody smoked, Hollywood smoked, advertising images smoked, doctors smoked -- the rest of the world says "look, the Americans are smoking, that's cool, let's do that".

Then we find out what smoking does and we start quitting, Hollywood wipes smoking out, smoking in ads disappears, doctors say don't smoke -- then we look down our noses and say, "look, the Europeans are still smoking. What a bunch of retards.".

Yeah, let's pretend we never did that.
Islam is a cancer, and entirely and completely incompatible with The West - a poison pill that we would do well to recognize as such.
You need to talk to the author of this thread because she claims that no one is condemning all of Islam, including innocent Muslims.
Not really. I don't much care what is being claimed here. I merely articulate the reality of the dangers associated with drawing a faux equivalency between Islam and its counterparts. Its counterparts are solely spiritual in nature. Islam is also a system of political and cultural conquest and assimilation, and it is thirsty for blood. Apples and oranges.
Islam is a cancer, and entirely and completely incompatible with The West - a poison pill that we would do well to recognize as such.
You need to talk to the author of this thread because she claims that no one is condemning all of Islam, including innocent Muslims.
Not really. I don't much care what is being claimed here. I merely articulate the reality of the dangers associated with drawing a faux equivalency between Islam and its counterparts. Its counterparts are solely spiritual in nature. Islam is also a system of political and cultural conquest and assimilation, and it is thirsty for blood. Apples and oranges.

Given that 99% of Muslims are not engaging in 'conquest' or bloodlust, your theory is shit on its face.

In fact, more 'conquest' has been perpetrated or attempted in history under the banner of Christianity.
Judaism and Christianity have a far more violent history in sum total than does Islam.

What changed? Their holy books didn't change. Why blame the Koran for Islamic extremist violence when you won't blame the Bible for Judeo-Christian death and destruction?

Can't really call this a lie, as it is based on your ignorance......

Is that all you're capable of?

Can you prove that the Bible never inspired violence? War? The killing of innocents? The killing of non-believers?

Of course you can't. Why then aren't you blaming the Bible the way you want to blame the Koran?

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