The common mentality of extremist christians and muslims


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
The Idealisation of some past era combined with the belief that the world has gone awry
Declared certainty of the correctness of one’s religious vision
Complete unwillingness to compromise with those who disagree
Powerful denunciation of people with different lifestyles, especially when they involve forms of homosexuality or sexual liberality
Devaluation of events in this world and an intense focus on life after death
Willingness to assume the role of God’s ‘hit man’, defending the deity and his representatives against all perceived insults
Extreme veneration of some religious leader or leaders; Disconcerting lack of concern for earthly evidence, except of the sort sanctioned by the religious system
Routine acceptance of the desired ends as justification for unsavoury means
Adoption of numerous defensive methods for avoiding serious encounters with conflicting systems of belief and their adherents
Dehumanising imagery of non-believers and other religious outgroups
Strong preference for keeping women in traditional, subordinate roles.
The Idealisation of some past era combined with the belief that the world has gone awry
Declared certainty of the correctness of one’s religious vision
Complete unwillingness to compromise with those who disagree
Powerful denunciation of people with different lifestyles, especially when they involve forms of homosexuality or sexual liberality
Devaluation of events in this world and an intense focus on life after death
Willingness to assume the role of God’s ‘hit man’, defending the deity and his representatives against all perceived insults
Extreme veneration of some religious leader or leaders; Disconcerting lack of concern for earthly evidence, except of the sort sanctioned by the religious system
Routine acceptance of the desired ends as justification for unsavoury means
Adoption of numerous defensive methods for avoiding serious encounters with conflicting systems of belief and their adherents
Dehumanising imagery of non-believers and other religious outgroups
Strong preference for keeping women in traditional, subordinate roles.

You forgot to add extremist Jews to your title. Jews DID invent terrorism after all..
Instead of teaching tolerance, inclusion, acceptance and love, extremists have a corrosive attitude of us vs them. Them are totally and utterly wrong and us are right and acting in the name of some perfect god that is speaking to them.

They want to be allowed to live their life without abuse and us want to kill them or sent them to hell.

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