The Complicated State Of Black America

Nowhere did I claim that most blacks are on welfare, only that they are over represented by 6 times, compared to whites.
If we accept that there are 230 million whites in the US and that for the sake of argument that their 38% representation on welfare roll equals 1.5 million, then we can see that approximately 0.6% of whites are on welfare.
So, while the number of blacks on welfare is low, (1 in 25) there is a very significant over representation by blacks. (about 6.7:1)

But these numbers come from the US Commerce Department which is currently run by a white devil. The poet will continue to claim every statistic that paints his race in a negative light is a result of fudged numbers by a Cabinet Secretary appointed by a black man.

The Back man in the white house probably has more pressing things to focus on than miniscule numbers. However, I question the reason for those numbers in the first place! Why collect numbers on AFDC or TANF recipients when nothing is ever done with those numbers except to provide fodder for bigots to throw around message boards? Collecting such data is useless and that time could be better spent doing something more worthy of our tax dollars!

Sociologists love data like that.
The numbers can be used for what ever agenda you promote. poet will chime in and say, "Look! Data shows that there are just as many white devils on welfare as whites!"
I will state that the data shows that blacks are overwhelmingly over represented.
We are both right, of course, but did either of us learn anything?
Not really.

But, the sociologists look at the data and know where they should focus their efforts to remedy another social problem. All data are valuable.

Thanks for the sincere response but I have not seen any evidence that sociologists have
done anything positive with race based statistics that could not have been dome with race neutral statistics. I believe more would be accomplished in any social endeavor if the target group was not divided into racial components.

Sociologists were not responsible for civil rights legislation and equality under the law. On the contrary, their statistics have been ruthless, irresponsible and divisive. For some reason, the American brand of sociology stirs memories of eugenics and forced sterilization in my mind. Right wing "values", it appears, has been the driving force behind sociological discourse in this country and has provided an impetus for maintaing the status quo!

Did you learn anything from that?
if black america is doing so well then quit your constant whining and bitching

Uh, what you're categorizing as whining and bitching is me, countering the lies being told about us, just as JQPublic just did.

there are good and bad in each ethnicity, but................

You are a whing little black asshole of a bitch that takes it deep

The Back man in the white house probably has more pressing things to focus on than miniscule numbers. However, I question the reason for those numbers in the first place! Why collect numbers on AFDC or TANF recipients when nothing is ever done with those numbers except to provide fodder for bigots to throw around message boards? Collecting such data is useless and that time could be better spent doing something more worthy of our tax dollars!

Sociologists love data like that.
The numbers can be used for what ever agenda you promote. poet will chime in and say, "Look! Data shows that there are just as many white devils on welfare as whites!"
I will state that the data shows that blacks are overwhelmingly over represented.
We are both right, of course, but did either of us learn anything?
Not really.

But, the sociologists look at the data and know where they should focus their efforts to remedy another social problem. All data are valuable.

Thanks for the sincere response but I have not seen any evidence that sociologists have
done anything positive with race based statistics that could not have been dome with race neutral statistics. I believe more would be accomplished in any social endeavor if the target group was not divided into racial components.

Sociologists were not responsible for civil rights legislation and equality under the law. On the contrary, their statistics have been ruthless, irresponsible and divisive. For some reason, the American brand of sociology stirs memories of eugenics and forced sterilization in my mind. Right wing "values", it appears, has been the driving force behind sociological discourse in this country and has provided an impetus for maintaing the status quo!

Did you learn anything from that?
No. Not really.

Not everything that paints blacks unfavorably is racist or should "stir memories of eugenics and forced sterilization".
Facts are facts without agenda.
Problem: Too many people need government assistance.
Solution: Identify factors that contribute to social dependence.
Note disparities; identify cause for disparity.

Social problems can only be solved if they are fully understood.

In this case, data tells us that blacks require government assistance at >6 times the rate for whites. Why?
A bit of delving into available data says blacks are six times as likely to be incarcerated. 6 times as likely to be raised in a single parent family and 6 times as likely to have not completed high school.
Is there a correlation? I can't be positive, but it sure as hell looks like we may be on to something here.
It's clear that you desperately want to believe that, but it is painfully obvious that you are just a delusional clown.

Based on what...and you need to be detailed. ....

Based on all of your posts here, clown. Everyone sees it but you.

Unkotare, you are like the grinning dog that takes a dump on the doorstep to MC Donald's just before lunch time. After finishing, you are off to the next one;and,being so full of shit, there is plenty to spread around!
Based on what...and you need to be detailed. ....

Based on all of your posts here, clown. Everyone sees it but you.

Unkotare, you are like the grinning dog that takes a dump on the doorstep to MC Donald's just before lunch time. After finishing, you are off to the next one;and,being so full of shit, there is plenty to spread around!

That was weak, poet-level weak.
Ernie S. said:
Not everything that paints blacks unfavorably is racist or should "stir memories of eugenics and forced sterilization".

I beg to differ! If there was evidence of a balanced approach that included positive statistical data about Blacks to offset the bad, such as I have presented here, I might agree with you. But that has rarely been the case, if ever; at least not in a publicized setting and as pervasive as anti-Black data has been.

Ernie S. said:
Facts are facts without agenda.

Most decent hardworking Black people have NOTHING to do with the statistical database that maligns them. Most white people judge them by statistics that put ALL blacks in the same category. I am surprised that you think that is OK! To you, those statistical indictments are facts but to the innocent Black person they are NOT factual

Ernie S. said:
Problem: Too many people need government assistance.
Solution: Identify factors that contribute to social dependence.
Note disparities; identify cause for disparity.

So, what does race have to do with it ? Raw numbers of Americans needing government assistance is all that is needed. But even a layman like me can see that when unemployment is high, government assistance is going to go up. The Black unemployment rate has traditionally been higher than the white unemployment rate. That has been going on for decades. Where is that much touted solution that sociologists were supposedly working on all those years?

Ernie S. said:
Social problems can only be solved if they are fully understood.

I guess after fifty or more years our social problems have yet to be understood. Are you buying that? I do not! There is something else afoot here and it is not in the best interest of Blacks!

Ernie S. said:
In this case, data tells us that blacks require government assistance at >6 times the rate for whites. Why?

I don't see government statistics saying that at all. The canard "6 times X" is not part of the statistic. Most Blacks, for instance, will never be on welfare so why would that statistic include them. You cannot walk down a street, point at a black person and say "he/she is 6 times more likely to be on welfare than whites are. That just isn't true! Its called pre-judging... better known as prejudice based on statistical inference!

Ernie S. said:
A bit of delving into available data says blacks are six times as likely to be incarcerated. 6 times as likely to be raised in a single parent family and 6 times as likely to have not completed high school.
Is there a correlation? I can't be positive, but it sure as hell looks like we may be on to something here.

WE? Are you a sociologist? I think not! You are just a regular guy who is happy to read about anti-Black statistics designed specifically for you! You don't really give a damn about Blacks. You just don't want your tax dollars going to support them in any way! Its alright for them to fight in your wars so your sons and daughters didn't have to. But don't dare give the relatively few who need assistance a dime of YOUR tax dollars... am I right?

Again, I reemphasize a major point: Those same statistics have been around for decades. Nothing positive has come out of such racially charged statistics. Any positive data on Blacks has to be mined from hidden sources that mainstream media seems to overlook.
Even so, that "6 times X" BS is NOT part of the statistic because it becomes a lie when applied to non -criminal blacks and non AFDC recipients who likley will NEVER be associated with either one

Your government statistical data is not firsthand. That "6 times X" has been added by white groups with an agenda.
Based on all of your posts here, clown. Everyone sees it but you.

Unkotare, you are like the grinning dog that takes a dump on the doorstep to MC Donald's just before lunch time. After finishing, you are off to the next one;and,being so full of shit, there is plenty to spread around!

That was weak, poet-level weak.

Is there anyone in the room with you? If so, ask them to read my response. After the laughter dies down, ask them if they thought it was weak! Heh heh heh
Your side lost the election due to incompetence. You know... that Sarah Palin kind of incompetence... that RW incompetence that counted on a White vote that never came...
that Romney kind of incompetence...
Did you vote for Romney? Apparently you did. If so, I wonder if you knew what YOU were doing in that voting booth!

"That side" lost the election due to being out of touch and insensitive to the self interests of young first time voters, minorities(including Asians and Hispanics, as well as females.

As far as Sqeezo goes, I doubt that he could provide a short list of what he thinks made the other candidate any better than the one who won, except that he is not half black.

did you see your great preident lose his cool yesterday?

what a disgrace. A shameless whiner

I have never stated that I thought he is a "great President", however, like it or not, he is YOUR President too.
Damn SJ, you are really fucked up. Can you post a video of you eating your boogers?
You claim you're a song writer. I call bullshit. Let's see something you've done.

I hardly have to claim to be something, when I am. Songwriter, guitarist, producer, recordist, arranger, singer, composer, award-winning. A movie I worked on "placed"at a Chicago Film Festival, one of 200 out of thousands of submissions.
And, now, after calling me everything but a child of God, you expect me to post my work here, in this cesspool???? To prove to you that I am who I am, and I do what I do?????
Absolutely not. I don't care if you believe it or not. I could post a picture of my studio, post my music, and post my awards, and you'd claim they didn't belong to, moving on.
Unkotare, you are like the grinning dog that takes a dump on the doorstep to MC Donald's just before lunch time. After finishing, you are off to the next one;and,being so full of shit, there is plenty to spread around!

That was weak, poet-level weak.

Is there anyone in the room with you? If so, ask them to read my response. After the laughter dies down, ask them if they thought it was weak! Heh heh heh

The only person who would laugh at that weak shit is you, and you would laugh at a ball of yarn rolled across the floor. Save yourself the humiliation and keep that lame nonsense to yourself next time, giggles.
That was weak, poet-level weak.

Is there anyone in the room with you? If so, ask them to read my response. After the laughter dies down, ask them if they thought it was weak! Heh heh heh

The only person who would laugh at that weak shit is you, and you would laugh at a ball of yarn rolled across the floor. Save yourself the humiliation and keep that lame nonsense to yourself next time, giggles.

You only farted that time but at least it was a wet one! Now do you have anything to say about the OP or is this just another one of your running bowel movements?
Is there anyone in the room with you? If so, ask them to read my response. After the laughter dies down, ask them if they thought it was weak! Heh heh heh

The only person who would laugh at that weak shit is you, and you would laugh at a ball of yarn rolled across the floor. Save yourself the humiliation and keep that lame nonsense to yourself next time, giggles.

You only farted that time but at least it was a wet one! Now do you have anything to say about the OP or is this just another one of your running bowel movements?

Is this more of your hilarious comedy? Hey, look at that ball of yarn!
You claim you're a song writer. I call bullshit. Let's see something you've done.

I hardly have to claim to be something, when I am. Songwriter, guitarist, producer, recordist, arranger, singer, composer, award-winning. A movie I worked on "placed"at a Chicago Film Festival, one of 200 out of thousands of submissions.
And, now, after calling me everything but a child of God, you expect me to post my work here, in this cesspool???? To prove to you that I am who I am, and I do what I do?????
Absolutely not. I don't care if you believe it or not. I could post a picture of my studio, post my music, and post my awards, and you'd claim they didn't belong to, moving on.

Don't sweat it.

We all knew you were lying when you made those ridiculous claims.
Denial is not a river over in Egypt. If white employers are not hiring qualified black candidates (and don't pretend that there are none), then you won't see them. Duh.

right, becasue in your infected mind, if there is a paucity of black candidates to start with thats whiteys fault and if there are 2 candidates that are black and 8 that are white, if whitey gets hired its becasue of favoritism nepotism and cronyism....

moronic self fulfilling race prophecy complete.

congrats, you're a dyed in the wool member of the victimization sect....:rolleyes:

You see how the righties are? I accuse you of, innocuously, "being in denial", and you accuse me of having an infected mind. In other words, "sick". Ad hominem, right off the bat. And then, you play, "the white victim", by suggesting that any greivances, on my this case, the unwillingness, on the part of the white employer, (not "whitey", as you're so apt to put if I thought that way), not to hire the black candidate, somehow is not "his" fault, but the black candidate(s). And the common denominator, not being race at all, but qualifications. And, precisely, if the 2 black candidates are qualified, and the 8 white candidates are equally qualified, and the white one gets picked, then I, most certainly, cry "favoritism", "nepotism", or "cronyism". You betcha.
Moronic? Where?

Self fulfilling race prophecy???? What is that? I never heard of it. Perhaps you could fill me in, you being an emperor and all (LOL), worse....named Trajan. Would that be Trajan Schwartz?
And there are no victims here. I identified a reality, that happens every day. And your unwillingness to acknowledge it, only confirms your subterfuge and intellectual dishonesty. Next?

And, precisely, if the 2 black candidates are qualified, and the 8 white candidates are equally qualified, and the white one gets picked, then I, most certainly, cry "favoritism", "nepotism", or "cronyism". You betcha.

Moronic? Where?

right there.

And there are no victims here. I identified a reality, that happens every day. And your unwillingness to acknowledge it, only confirms your subterfuge and intellectual dishonesty. Next?

you have identified reality in your own closed loop.

I asked you for proof, as of yet you have not posted any, just inane ramblings. lets go back to the other thread where in I asked you to prove by surfacing a systemic platform sthat resulted in bills, legislation etc. floored, voted and enacted from the gop, driven by that supposed pack of southern democrats that moved to the gop, that ipso made the gop 'racist' in your fertile imagination.... ......well?
Uh, what you're categorizing as whining and bitching is me, countering the lies being told about us, just as JQPublic just did.

there are good and bad in each ethnicity, but................

You are a whing little black asshole of a bitch that takes it deep


Please. A ten foot pole is not long enough. There isn't enough money in Fort Knox, to make me go that way.
right, becasue in your infected mind, if there is a paucity of black candidates to start with thats whiteys fault and if there are 2 candidates that are black and 8 that are white, if whitey gets hired its becasue of favoritism nepotism and cronyism....

moronic self fulfilling race prophecy complete.

congrats, you're a dyed in the wool member of the victimization sect....:rolleyes:

You see how the righties are? I accuse you of, innocuously, "being in denial", and you accuse me of having an infected mind. In other words, "sick". Ad hominem, right off the bat. And then, you play, "the white victim", by suggesting that any greivances, on my this case, the unwillingness, on the part of the white employer, (not "whitey", as you're so apt to put if I thought that way), not to hire the black candidate, somehow is not "his" fault, but the black candidate(s). And the common denominator, not being race at all, but qualifications. And, precisely, if the 2 black candidates are qualified, and the 8 white candidates are equally qualified, and the white one gets picked, then I, most certainly, cry "favoritism", "nepotism", or "cronyism". You betcha.
Moronic? Where?

Self fulfilling race prophecy???? What is that? I never heard of it. Perhaps you could fill me in, you being an emperor and all (LOL), worse....named Trajan. Would that be Trajan Schwartz?
And there are no victims here. I identified a reality, that happens every day. And your unwillingness to acknowledge it, only confirms your subterfuge and intellectual dishonesty. Next?

And, precisely, if the 2 black candidates are qualified, and the 8 white candidates are equally qualified, and the white one gets picked, then I, most certainly, cry "favoritism", "nepotism", or "cronyism". You betcha.

Moronic? Where?

right there.

And there are no victims here. I identified a reality, that happens every day. And your unwillingness to acknowledge it, only confirms your subterfuge and intellectual dishonesty. Next?

you have identified reality in your ow closed loop.

I asked you for proof, as of yet you have not posted any, just inane ramblings. lets go back to the other thread where in I asked you to prove by surfacing a systemic platform sthat resulted in bills, legislation etc. floored, voted and enacted from the gop, driven by that supposed pack of southern democrats that moved to the gop, that ipso made the gop 'racist' in your fertile imagination.... ......well?

This bullshit here: GOP Platform | White House 2016

When you strip away the rhetoric, it amounts to anti-women, anti-minorities, anti-immigrants, anti-children, anti-elderly, anti-vets, and anti-poor. Prove that it doesn't...and I'll embarrass you again.
You see how the righties are? I accuse you of, innocuously, "being in denial", and you accuse me of having an infected mind. In other words, "sick". Ad hominem, right off the bat. And then, you play, "the white victim", by suggesting that any greivances, on my this case, the unwillingness, on the part of the white employer, (not "whitey", as you're so apt to put if I thought that way), not to hire the black candidate, somehow is not "his" fault, but the black candidate(s). And the common denominator, not being race at all, but qualifications. And, precisely, if the 2 black candidates are qualified, and the 8 white candidates are equally qualified, and the white one gets picked, then I, most certainly, cry "favoritism", "nepotism", or "cronyism". You betcha.
Moronic? Where?

Self fulfilling race prophecy???? What is that? I never heard of it. Perhaps you could fill me in, you being an emperor and all (LOL), worse....named Trajan. Would that be Trajan Schwartz?
And there are no victims here. I identified a reality, that happens every day. And your unwillingness to acknowledge it, only confirms your subterfuge and intellectual dishonesty. Next?

right there.

And there are no victims here. I identified a reality, that happens every day. And your unwillingness to acknowledge it, only confirms your subterfuge and intellectual dishonesty. Next?

you have identified reality in your ow closed loop.

I asked you for proof, as of yet you have not posted any, just inane ramblings. lets go back to the other thread where in I asked you to prove by surfacing a systemic platform sthat resulted in bills, legislation etc. floored, voted and enacted from the gop, driven by that supposed pack of southern democrats that moved to the gop, that ipso made the gop 'racist' in your fertile imagination.... ......well?

This bullshit here: GOP Platform | White House 2016

When you strip away the rhetoric, it amounts to anti-women, anti-minorities, anti-immigrants, anti-children, anti-elderly, anti-vets, and anti-poor. Prove that it doesn't...and I'll embarrass you again.

I see, so your rhetoric is what counts, got it.....forget trying to embarrass me, try not to embarrass yourself.

I'd ask you to be specific so we could discuss it specifically but thats a non starter, you cannot even figure out when you're being insulted by your own masters.:doubt:...... your a sheep, useful idiot etc etc etc ... totally and your grass, take your soma and vote the party line.......have a nice life:rolleyes:
You see how the righties are? I accuse you of, innocuously, "being in denial", and you accuse me of having an infected mind. In other words, "sick". Ad hominem, right off the bat. And then, you play, "the white victim", by suggesting that any greivances, on my this case, the unwillingness, on the part of the white employer, (not "whitey", as you're so apt to put if I thought that way), not to hire the black candidate, somehow is not "his" fault, but the black candidate(s). And the common denominator, not being race at all, but qualifications. And, precisely, if the 2 black candidates are qualified, and the 8 white candidates are equally qualified, and the white one gets picked, then I, most certainly, cry "favoritism", "nepotism", or "cronyism". You betcha.
Moronic? Where?

Self fulfilling race prophecy???? What is that? I never heard of it. Perhaps you could fill me in, you being an emperor and all (LOL), worse....named Trajan. Would that be Trajan Schwartz?
And there are no victims here. I identified a reality, that happens every day. And your unwillingness to acknowledge it, only confirms your subterfuge and intellectual dishonesty. Next?

right there.

And there are no victims here. I identified a reality, that happens every day. And your unwillingness to acknowledge it, only confirms your subterfuge and intellectual dishonesty. Next?

you have identified reality in your ow closed loop.

I asked you for proof, as of yet you have not posted any, just inane ramblings. lets go back to the other thread where in I asked you to prove by surfacing a systemic platform sthat resulted in bills, legislation etc. floored, voted and enacted from the gop, driven by that supposed pack of southern democrats that moved to the gop, that ipso made the gop 'racist' in your fertile imagination.... ......well?

This bullshit here: GOP Platform | White House 2016

When you strip away the rhetoric, it amounts to anti-women, anti-minorities, anti-immigrants, anti-children, anti-elderly, anti-vets, and anti-poor. Prove that it doesn't...and I'll embarrass you again.

hey, that's coming from Barack

It's a racist lie

just like anything you don't want to admit
It IS a minority, but if you consider that 40 of every 1,000 blacks are on welfare and 6 or 7 of 1,000 whites are on welfare, the difference is very significant.

I wholeheartedly agree but to be intellectually honest we can both agree that an overwhelming minority of both of the aforementioned groups are on Welfare. I guess it can be said that 98+ percent of whites are not on welfare and 96+ percent of blacks are not on welfare. My angst is with people who try to make it look like all or most of "the Blacks" are on Welfare, when that certainly is not the case.
We spend over $1 trillion a year on welfare. Blacks receive 40% of that. They're only 14% of the population. How do you figure only 4% of them are receiving benefits? That 4% must collect one hell of a lot of welfare.

Try doing the math in an unbiased way. Based on the stats provided by Ernie those were the numbers. 1.5 million Black people on welfare and there are 38+ million Black people in the United States . :)

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