The Complicated State Of Black America

Denial is not a river over in Egypt. If white employers are not hiring qualified black candidates (and don't pretend that there are none), then you won't see them. Duh.

right, becasue in your infected mind, if there is a paucity of black candidates to start with thats whiteys fault and if there are 2 candidates that are black and 8 that are white, if whitey gets hired its becasue of favoritism nepotism and cronyism....

moronic self fulfilling race prophecy complete.

congrats, you're a dyed in the wool member of the victimization sect....:rolleyes:

You see how the righties are? I accuse you of, innocuously, "being in denial", and you accuse me of having an infected mind. In other words, "sick". Ad hominem, right off the bat. And then, you play, "the white victim", by suggesting that any greivances, on my this case, the unwillingness, on the part of the white employer, (not "whitey", as you're so apt to put if I thought that way), not to hire the black candidate, somehow is not "his" fault, but the black candidate(s). And the common denominator, not being race at all, but qualifications. And, precisely, if the 2 black candidates are qualified, and the 8 white candidates are equally qualified, and the white one gets picked, then I, most certainly, cry "favoritism", "nepotism", or "cronyism". You betcha.
Moronic? Where?
Self fulfilling race prophecy???? What is that? I never heard of it. Perhaps you could fill me in, you being an emperor and all (LOL), worse....named Trajan. Would that be Trajan Schwartz?
And there are no victims here. I identified a reality, that happens every day. And your unwillingness to acknowledge it, only confirms your subterfuge and intellectual dishonesty. Next?
Damn, poet! You really ARE screwed up. Hey, can you post one of your songs?
right, becasue in your infected mind, if there is a paucity of black candidates to start with thats whiteys fault and if there are 2 candidates that are black and 8 that are white, if whitey gets hired its becasue of favoritism nepotism and cronyism....

moronic self fulfilling race prophecy complete.

congrats, you're a dyed in the wool member of the victimization sect....:rolleyes:

You see how the righties are? I accuse you of, innocuously, "being in denial", and you accuse me of having an infected mind. In other words, "sick". Ad hominem, right off the bat. And then, you play, "the white victim", by suggesting that any greivances, on my this case, the unwillingness, on the part of the white employer, (not "whitey", as you're so apt to put if I thought that way), not to hire the black candidate, somehow is not "his" fault, but the black candidate(s). And the common denominator, not being race at all, but qualifications. And, precisely, if the 2 black candidates are qualified, and the 8 white candidates are equally qualified, and the white one gets picked, then I, most certainly, cry "favoritism", "nepotism", or "cronyism". You betcha.
Moronic? Where?
Self fulfilling race prophecy???? What is that? I never heard of it. Perhaps you could fill me in, you being an emperor and all (LOL), worse....named Trajan. Would that be Trajan Schwartz?
And there are no victims here. I identified a reality, that happens every day. And your unwillingness to acknowledge it, only confirms your subterfuge and intellectual dishonesty. Next?
Damn, poet! You really ARE screwed up. Hey, can you post one of your songs?

Damn SJ, you are really fucked up. Can you post a video of you eating your boogers?
You see how the righties are? I accuse you of, innocuously, "being in denial", and you accuse me of having an infected mind. In other words, "sick". Ad hominem, right off the bat. And then, you play, "the white victim", by suggesting that any greivances, on my this case, the unwillingness, on the part of the white employer, (not "whitey", as you're so apt to put if I thought that way), not to hire the black candidate, somehow is not "his" fault, but the black candidate(s). And the common denominator, not being race at all, but qualifications. And, precisely, if the 2 black candidates are qualified, and the 8 white candidates are equally qualified, and the white one gets picked, then I, most certainly, cry "favoritism", "nepotism", or "cronyism". You betcha.
Moronic? Where?
Self fulfilling race prophecy???? What is that? I never heard of it. Perhaps you could fill me in, you being an emperor and all (LOL), worse....named Trajan. Would that be Trajan Schwartz?
And there are no victims here. I identified a reality, that happens every day. And your unwillingness to acknowledge it, only confirms your subterfuge and intellectual dishonesty. Next?
Damn, poet! You really ARE screwed up. Hey, can you post one of your songs?

Damn SJ, you are really fucked up. Can you post a video of you eating your boogers?
You claim you're a song writer. I call bullshit. Let's see something you've done.
It IS a minority, but if you consider that 40 of every 1,000 blacks are on welfare and 6 or 7 of 1,000 whites are on welfare, the difference is very significant.

I wholeheartedly agree but to be intellectually honest we can both agree that an overwhelming minority of both of the aforementioned groups are on Welfare. I guess it can be said that 98+ percent of whites are not on welfare and 96+ percent of blacks are not on welfare. My angst is with people who try to make it look like all or most of "the Blacks" are on Welfare, when that certainly is not the case.
We spend over $1 trillion a year on welfare. Blacks receive 40% of that. They're only 14% of the population. How do you figure only 4% of them are receiving benefits? That 4% must collect one hell of a lot of welfare.

I have to question that figure of $1 trillion spent on welfare. Where did you dig that number up? Here is what I found for fiscal year 2009:

Financial data, FY 2009

In federal fiscal year 2009, the states spent a total of $13,022,958,260 of federal funds on cash, childcare, and transportation assistance to TANF recipients. That's a whopping $7,541.68 per family '" for the entire year '" or $628.47 per month.

13 BILLION is a LONG way from $1 Trillion.

And Black recipients do not necessarily receive 40% of that total because there is no uniformity on how the funds are disbursed in every state. Some states have very few Blacks but lots of poor whites. So, if tradition has anything to do with it, states that are predominantly white are going to spend more on helping poor white people!
I wholeheartedly agree but to be intellectually honest we can both agree that an overwhelming minority of both of the aforementioned groups are on Welfare. I guess it can be said that 98+ percent of whites are not on welfare and 96+ percent of blacks are not on welfare. My angst is with people who try to make it look like all or most of "the Blacks" are on Welfare, when that certainly is not the case.
We spend over $1 trillion a year on welfare. Blacks receive 40% of that. They're only 14% of the population. How do you figure only 4% of them are receiving benefits? That 4% must collect one hell of a lot of welfare.

I have to question that figure of $1 trillion spent on welfare. Where did you dig that number up? Here is what I found for fiscal year 2009:

Financial data, FY 2009

In federal fiscal year 2009, the states spent a total of $13,022,958,260 of federal funds on cash, childcare, and transportation assistance to TANF recipients. That's a whopping $7,541.68 per family '" for the entire year '" or $628.47 per month.

13 BILLION is a LONG way from $1 Trillion.

And Black recipients do not necessarily receive 40% of that total because there is no uniformity on how the funds are disbursed in every state. Some states have very few Blacks but lots of poor whites. So, if tradition has anything to do with it, states that are predominantly white are going to spend more on helping poor white people!
Total Welfare Spending Now at $1 Trillion | National Review Online
It IS a minority, but if you consider that 40 of every 1,000 blacks are on welfare and 6 or 7 of 1,000 whites are on welfare, the difference is very significant.

I wholeheartedly agree but to be intellectually honest we can both agree that an overwhelming minority of both of the aforementioned groups are on Welfare. I guess it can be said that 98+ percent of whites are not on welfare and 96+ percent of blacks are not on welfare. My angst is with people who try to make it look like all or most of "the Blacks" are on Welfare, when that certainly is not the case.

Nowhere did I claim that most blacks are on welfare, only that they are over represented by 6 times, compared to whites.
If we accept that there are 230 million whites in the US and that for the sake of argument that their 38% representation on welfare roll equals 1.5 million, then we can see that approximately 0.6% of whites are on welfare.
So, while the number of blacks on welfare is low, (1 in 25) there is a very significant over representation by blacks. (about 6.7:1)

But these numbers come from the US Commerce Department which is currently run by a white devil. The poet will continue to claim every statistic that paints his race in a negative light is a result of fudged numbers by a Cabinet Secretary appointed by a black man.

The Back man in the white house probably has more pressing things to focus on than miniscule numbers. However, I question the reason for those numbers in the first place! Why collect numbers on AFDC or TANF recipients when nothing is ever done with those numbers except to provide fodder for bigots to throw around message boards? Collecting such data is useless and that time could be better spent doing something more worthy of our tax dollars!
they cheat black people out of their vote for decades and then kick the black voter for not voting for the party that cheats them?

your base is too stupid to know what to do in a voting booth. It's not hard yet you can't follow simple written and verbal directions. Then hypocritically blame someone else for your own incompetence.

Your side lost the election due to incompetence. You know... that Sarah Palin kind of incompetence... that RW incompetence that counted on a White vote that never came...
that Romney kind of incompetence...
Did you vote for Romney? Apparently you did. If so, I wonder if you knew what YOU were doing in that voting booth!
They do, dickwad. Stop lying.

When Black meant Republican | Washington Times Communities

Republican National Convention: Where are the African Americans? - The Root DC Live - The Washington Post

This is the fourth Republican convention that I have attended, and it is by far the least diverse. I now know what America would look like if all
(Mark Wilson - Getty Images) blacks and other people of color mysteriously disappeared. Reporters have been calling me, practically begging me to find them some blacks to interview for their various media outlets. Is this really the 21st century? I have not been showered with this much attention since I was a little baby!

But even more alarming than the lack of blacks as convention attendees, delegates or Mitt Romney staff members is the lack of blacks in the pipeline to be future party operatives........I am embarrassed at the lack of diversity at this convention. Have the Republicans not noticed the demographic changes that are taking place in this country? Numerically, there are not enough old, white, balding males to win a national election.

The sad thing is that many of the party leaders agree with me in private conversations, but over the years, they have done absolutely nothing to address this issue. When all is said and done, there has been more said than done when it comes to changing the whiteness of the party.

In the immortal words of the Doobie Brothers: “What a fool believes, no wise man has the power to reason away; what seems to be is always better than nothing at all.”

If the Republican Party think they can continue to have a white strategy for electoral victory, what a fool!
Uh, no.....they don't.
if another race is the cause of another races failures the only option for the so called oppressed race is to overthrow their oppressors !!! can you imagine what a shit hole this country is going to be when whites are the minority !!

Smart decent whites are already in the minority... most of them are Liberals!
Smart decent whites are already in the minority... most of them are Liberals!
While I know this is not true.
Oh its true alright, all one has to do is review the past two Presidential elections to see the parade of Republican idiots who tried to run for president against the brilliance of Obama! SInce a majority of Republican constituents were composed of dummies like you, ( angry white RW aging males) they actually believed they could win without the votes of minorities, women and young progressive white males. The Republican circus needed more elephants but all they had was a bunch of clowns!

I am sure the reverse is: smart and decent blacks, though an extreme minority, are conservative.

Oh STFU, "Black Conservative" is just another euphemism for "My kind of nigra." Lets not play games here. Where were these"conservatives" when Dr King was marching down in Selma?
Smart decent whites are already in the minority... most of them are Liberals!
While I know this is not true.
Oh its true alright, all one has to do is review the past two Presidential elections to see the parade of Republican idiots who tried to run for president against the brilliance of Obama! SInce a majority of Republican constituents were composed of dummies like you, ( angry white RW aging males) they actually believed they could win without the votes of minorities, women and young progressive white males. The Republican circus needed more elephants but all they had was a bunch of clowns!

I am sure the reverse is: smart and decent blacks, though an extreme minority, are conservative.

Oh STFU, "Black Conservative" is just another euphemism for "My kind of nigra." Lets not play games here. Where were these"conservatives" when Dr King was marching down in Selma?
I have no idea why Obama didn't get 70% of the vote since you seem to believe only older straight white male voted for Romney.

Anyway, look to government statistics for the state of Black America in pretty much any category you want and get back to me. Like you said, let's not play games. I am not going to bother with IQ results by race, even though it would be fair to contrast our differing claims of smart Blacks/Whites. You've got one hell of an uphill battle regardless.
While I know this is not true.
Oh its true alright, all one has to do is review the past two Presidential elections to see the parade of Republican idiots who tried to run for president against the brilliance of Obama! SInce a majority of Republican constituents were composed of dummies like you, ( angry white RW aging males) they actually believed they could win without the votes of minorities, women and young progressive white males. The Republican circus needed more elephants but all they had was a bunch of clowns!

I am sure the reverse is: smart and decent blacks, though an extreme minority, are conservative.

Oh STFU, "Black Conservative" is just another euphemism for "My kind of nigra." Lets not play games here. Where were these"conservatives" when Dr King was marching down in Selma?
I have no idea why Obama didn't get 70% of the vote since you seem to believe only older straight white male voted for Romney.

Anyway, look to government statistics for the state of Black America in pretty much any category you want and get back to me. Like you said, let's not play games. I am not going to bother with IQ results by race, even though it would be fair to contrast our differing claims of smart Blacks/Whites. You've got one hell of an uphill battle regardless.

You mean statistics like these:

In closing, here are some verified African American Male statistics on education, economics and employment. Statistics you probably have never heard. Statistics I would challenge you to try discussing on your next visit to the local stylist, academic setting, or community activist meeting. What will sadden you most is to watch the debate, watch the resistance, and watch the denial from people who desire most to hold on to false claims about us… myths, stereotypes and misinformation that only perpetuates the denigration of us all.

· There are more Black Males in College[1] than in Jails, Prisons, Private Corrections, Military Jails and Institutions for the Criminally Insane combined[2] (1,236,443 in College/841,000 Incarcerates – regardless of age)

· 4 to 1: The ratio of 18-24 year old Black Males in College[3] vs. Jails, Prisons, Private Corrections, Military Jails and Institutions for the Criminally Insane[4].

(674,000 in College/164,400 Incarcerates)

32.3% (1 in 3) Black Males ages 18-24 are enrolled in College[5]
(674,000 in College/2,082,000 Total)

1.37 to 1: The ratio of 18-24 year old Black Females enrolled in College to Black Males[6].
(930,000 Black Females Enrolled/674,000 Black Males Enrolled)

6.3%: Black Males (age 18-55+) enroll in College at a higher rate by sex than White Males and Hispanic Males and are surpassed only by Asian Males[7].
(Black Males is 6.3%, White Males is 5.8%, Hispanic Males is 4.7%, and Asian Males is 9.7%)

25.1% of Black Males (age 25 or over) have either an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Professional, or Doctoral Degree[8].
(2,519,000 with Degrees/10,018,000 Total)

82.1% of Black Males (age 18 or over) have at least a High School Diploma or GED[9] .
(9,897,000 with HS Diploma or GED/12,044,000 Total)

12.1%: The Black Male Dropout Rate[10] (ages 16-24) for 2008.
(301,000 Dropouts/2,583,000 Total)[11]

5.1%: Percent of married Black Men who marry White Women[12]
(279,000 Black Husband-White Wife/5,654,000 Married Black Men)

88.8%: Percent of Black Males earning income[13] ages 25-64 (employment)
(7,899,000 Employed/8,893,000 Total)

$23,738: Average Income for Black Males[14] 15 and older
$19,470 Average Income Black Females

1,812,000 The number of Black Men making $50,000/year or more[15]
71.6% of Black Men pay their agreed to or Court Awarded Child Support[16]
(855,000 Payers/1,194,000 Recipients)

$253 Billion: Total Income earned by Black Males[17] (15 and over)
($262 Billion earned by Black Females)

13,104,000 Total Black Men age 15 or over[18]
(15,816,000 Total Black Females age 15 or over)
Hood-Winked | Black Men In America
Do you consider facts like that there are more black males in college than in prisons a vindication of the state of black America?! I have no idea of what you're trying to prove with the statistics you provided from a link. Crime, education and health of Blacks is lagging far behind every other demographic in the US and indeed through most of the world. I thought you said you didn't want to play games?
Oh NO! SJ's mental state goes way beyond mere pessimism when it comes to Blacks. His sick illusion makes him see ALL blacks in the same light: TAKERS! Hopefully, he is not in a position to interface with Blacks in his work. If he is, God help those who unknowingly seek his service or help! Would you want SJ to be the cook in the restaurant when you walk in the door and you are Black? I wonder how many poor souls this psychopath has already harmed in some way!
The lengths some of you will go to when you can't deal with the truth. I post government statistics that you don't like so that makes me a psychopath. Brilliant.

And who is the fucking government? White folks, who have, decidedly, forged data to make blacks look bad. And you are sitting up here, reposting them, and expecting us (black forum members) to accept them, because they are "government stats". BS. The self-same government, at one time, condoned slavery, and turned a blind eye to lynching, rape and murder happening to blacks. The "government", not too long ago, turned firehoses and dogs on American citizens, who were protesting "peacefully", I'm not all that enamored with their statistics.

if black america is doing so well then quit your constant whining and bitching
The lengths some of you will go to when you can't deal with the truth. I post government statistics that you don't like so that makes me a psychopath. Brilliant.

And who is the fucking government? White folks, who have, decidedly, forged data to make blacks look bad. And you are sitting up here, reposting them, and expecting us (black forum members) to accept them, because they are "government stats". BS. The self-same government, at one time, condoned slavery, and turned a blind eye to lynching, rape and murder happening to blacks. The "government", not too long ago, turned firehoses and dogs on American citizens, who were protesting "peacefully", I'm not all that enamored with their statistics.

if black america is doing so well then quit your constant whining and bitching
Yes please.
they cheat black people out of their vote for decades and then kick the black voter for not voting for the party that cheats them?

your base is too stupid to know what to do in a voting booth. It's not hard yet you can't follow simple written and verbal directions. Then hypocritically blame someone else for your own incompetence.

Your side lost the election due to incompetence. You know... that Sarah Palin kind of incompetence... that RW incompetence that counted on a White vote that never came...
that Romney kind of incompetence...
Did you vote for Romney? Apparently you did. If so, I wonder if you knew what YOU were doing in that voting booth!

"That side" lost the election due to being out of touch and insensitive to the self interests of young first time voters, minorities(including Asians and Hispanics, as well as females.

As far as Sqeezo goes, I doubt that he could provide a short list of what he thinks made the other candidate any better than the one who won, except that he is not half black.
I wholeheartedly agree but to be intellectually honest we can both agree that an overwhelming minority of both of the aforementioned groups are on Welfare. I guess it can be said that 98+ percent of whites are not on welfare and 96+ percent of blacks are not on welfare. My angst is with people who try to make it look like all or most of "the Blacks" are on Welfare, when that certainly is not the case.
We spend over $1 trillion a year on welfare. Blacks receive 40% of that. They're only 14% of the population. How do you figure only 4% of them are receiving benefits? That 4% must collect one hell of a lot of welfare.

I have to question that figure of $1 trillion spent on welfare. Where did you dig that number up? Here is what I found for fiscal year 2009:

Financial data, FY 2009

In federal fiscal year 2009, the states spent a total of $13,022,958,260 of federal funds on cash, childcare, and transportation assistance to TANF recipients. That's a whopping $7,541.68 per family '" for the entire year '" or $628.47 per month.

13 BILLION is a LONG way from $1 Trillion.

And Black recipients do not necessarily receive 40% of that total because there is no uniformity on how the funds are disbursed in every state. Some states have very few Blacks but lots of poor whites. So, if tradition has anything to do with it, states that are predominantly white are going to spend more on helping poor white people!

Hush, truth. They invent this stuff, believe it, and then, stake their whole beings on it, like it was truth. Where did he get the figure from, I'm curious to know?
Damn, poet! You really ARE screwed up. Hey, can you post one of your songs?

Damn SJ, you are really fucked up. Can you post a video of you eating your boogers?
You claim you're a song writer. I call bullshit. Let's see something you've done.

I hardly have to claim to be something, when I am. Songwriter, guitarist, producer, recordist, arranger, singer, composer, award-winning. A movie I worked on "placed"at a Chicago Film Festival, one of 200 out of thousands of submissions.
And, now, after calling me everything but a child of God, you expect me to post my work here, in this cesspool???? To prove to you that I am who I am, and I do what I do?????
Absolutely not. I don't care if you believe it or not. I could post a picture of my studio, post my music, and post my awards, and you'd claim they didn't belong to, moving on.
they cheat black people out of their vote for decades and then kick the black voter for not voting for the party that cheats them?

your base is too stupid to know what to do in a voting booth. It's not hard yet you can't follow simple written and verbal directions. Then hypocritically blame someone else for your own incompetence.

Your side lost the election due to incompetence. You know... that Sarah Palin kind of incompetence... that RW incompetence that counted on a White vote that never came...
that Romney kind of incompetence...
Did you vote for Romney? Apparently you did. If so, I wonder if you knew what YOU were doing in that voting booth!

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