The Complicated State Of Black America

LOL you are late

The Huffington Post | By Anna Almendrala
Posted: 07/18/2012 12:44 pm Updated: 07/18/2012 2:21 pm

You might want to have new dates when you post links. Besides Compton presently isn't bankrupt......At least not to my knowledge

Compton bankruptcy possible but not a certainty, top official says
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Always the pessimist.

Oh NO! SJ's mental state goes way beyond mere pessimism when it comes to Blacks. His sick illusion makes him see ALL blacks in the same light: TAKERS! Hopefully, he is not in a position to interface with Blacks in his work. If he is, God help those who unknowingly seek his service or help! Would you want SJ to be the cook in the restaurant when you walk in the door and you are Black? I wonder how many poor souls this psychopath has already harmed in some way!
The lengths some of you will go to when you can't deal with the truth. I post government statistics that you don't like so that makes me a psychopath. Brilliant.

And who is the fucking government? White folks, who have, decidedly, forged data to make blacks look bad. And you are sitting up here, reposting them, and expecting us (black forum members) to accept them, because they are "government stats". BS. The self-same government, at one time, condoned slavery, and turned a blind eye to lynching, rape and murder happening to blacks. The "government", not too long ago, turned firehoses and dogs on American citizens, who were protesting "peacefully", I'm not all that enamored with their statistics.
First of all, I'm in denial of nothing. There is no "black dependency". That is a myth, created by and purported by right wing nuts, for the sole purpose of demonizing blacks. I don't know any dependent blacks. All the blacks that I know, "work", "hard", each and every day.
Self hate? You're insane. I am in love with myself. Like never before. And let's denial, is a symptom of my self hate? That doesn't even make any sense. We should just call the men in white coats and have them take your mentally disturbed ass away in a strait jacket.
I'm reminded of Rand Paul's recent speech at Howard University, a historically-black college, the alma mater of several of my own relatives, who are now, household names. An article details his folly:
Rand Paul: Negro Whisperer - This Week in Blackness

You cannot talk to me about black dependency, black history, slavery, the slave trade, or anything that pertains to me. In fact, I don't want to talk to you about any topic. Because you're an idiot. A racist. A fool. A know-nothing. And a homophobe, to boot.

I came out, as "openly gay", not "flaming or flamboyant", but not hiding my orientation, at 21 years of age...I'm now 60. That's a fucking long time. I long ago got over any trepidation I felt about being gay. I reconciled my relationship with God, midway...actually, when I became clean and sober, some 16 years ago.
So stop speculating on my personal life.
Indecent image removed

Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

Seeing whites make up 70 to 75% of Americans, depending on how you count Hispanics, and blacks, about 12.5%, it would appear that blacks are about 6 times as likely to be on welfare

These numbers are taken from the US Department of Commerce and dated 10/15/12

So let's take these numbers:
"Total number of Americans on welfare 4,300,000" Multiply that by 39%= 1,560,000 Black people on welfare. According to this statistic, there are 38,929,319 Black people in America. So that would equal only 4% of Black people on welfare. That's an OVERWHELMING MINORITY of Black people on welfare.

Never present them with the facts....they can't deal with them.
forged data....:lol:

I worked in a few hi tech firms, engineers, scientists, data processors, mask design and now in research & development, the number of black employees in those fields that I observed over 25 years equals 4.....thats right- 4.

McWhorter and Steele have it right, until doing well in school is not seen as 'being white' and a accorded derision, that will not change....:doubt:
forged data....:lol:

I worked in a few hi tech firms, engineers, scientists, data processors, mask design and now in research & development, the number of black employees in those fields that I observed over 25 years equals 4.....thats right- 4.

McWhorter and Steele have it right, until doing well in school is not seen as 'being white' and a accorded derision, that will not change....:doubt:

Oh, please. Let's not rule out "favoritism", "nepotism", and "cronyism", on the part of white employers as a factor as to why there aren't more blacks in the field.
I heard on NPR, today, that blacks living in Liverpool, England, have no love for Margaret Thatcher, who was anti-black and pro-apartheid...and their situations are no better than they were 30 years ago, when she was PM.
Oh NO! SJ's mental state goes way beyond mere pessimism when it comes to Blacks. His sick illusion makes him see ALL blacks in the same light: TAKERS! Hopefully, he is not in a position to interface with Blacks in his work. If he is, God help those who unknowingly seek his service or help! Would you want SJ to be the cook in the restaurant when you walk in the door and you are Black? I wonder how many poor souls this psychopath has already harmed in some way!
The lengths some of you will go to when you can't deal with the truth. I post government statistics that you don't like so that makes me a psychopath. Brilliant.

And who is the fucking government? White folks, .

Are you saying there are not black Americans working in the US government?
What city are you talking about?

I live here so I'm curious what cities you're referring to that are bankrupt or are you getting confused with fiscal cuts?

Three California cities – Stockton, San Bernardino and Mammoth Lakes – have filed for bankruptcy so far this year. They are not likely to be the last, Moody's said.

A Huff Po article even...

LOL you name three cities.....?

Stockton? Really? The population is what 291,707?

"Stockton was disproportionately affected by the collapse of the sub-prime lending market in 2007, and led the United States in foreclosures for that year, with one out of every thirty homes posted for foreclosure."

Reference: Christie, Les (August 14, 2007). "California cities fill top 10 foreclosure list".

San Bernardino? Has a population a little less than Stockton I think somewhere around 208-209,000 people.

If you lived in California you'd know that the Norton Air base closure effected the city's economic growth because it took away thousands of skilled jobs.

Mammoth Lakes? Really? A place more known for its ski areas at Mammoth Mountain than anything. Its population is no more than 8,000 people and yet you name these three cities as if you are proving something?

I had to research the city I was raised just to demonstrate my position.

Let's see what about Compton California "Hub City" this was the city I was born and raised. Very violent, high poverty rate, so surely with Compton being so ghetto and violent with a lot impoverished people not to mention corrupt mayor surely the city would be dragged to the dirt right?

I hate doing this but according to wikipedia:

"Compton was recently designated as an “Entrepreneurial Hot Spot” by Cognetics, Inc., an independent economic research firm. Compton made the national list for best places to start and grow a business, and ranked #2 in Los Angeles County out of a field of 88 cities."

Hmmmm so many violent gangs in the Hub yet ranked #2 in L.A county out of 88 cities?

So as you can see our economy although not the best, California is still in better shape than a lot of countries. As I looked again, according to statistics we are the 12th largest economy on this planet. So with all of our financial woes we are still a strong economy.

forged data....:lol:

I worked in a few hi tech firms, engineers, scientists, data processors, mask design and now in research & development, the number of black employees in those fields that I observed over 25 years equals 4.....thats right- 4.

McWhorter and Steele have it right, until doing well in school is not seen as 'being white' and a accorded derision, that will not change....:doubt:

Oh, please. Let's not rule out "favoritism", "nepotism", and "cronyism", on the part of white employers as a factor as to why there aren't more blacks in the field.
I heard on NPR, today, that blacks living in Liverpool, England, have no love for Margaret Thatcher, who was anti-black and pro-apartheid...and their situations are no better than they were 30 years ago, when she was PM.

favoritism nepotism and cronyism? :lol: right, thats the ticket...:rolleyes:
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Why are you asking me questions?
forged data....:lol:

I worked in a few hi tech firms, engineers, scientists, data processors, mask design and now in research & development, the number of black employees in those fields that I observed over 25 years equals 4.....thats right- 4.

McWhorter and Steele have it right, until doing well in school is not seen as 'being white' and a accorded derision, that will not change....:doubt:

Oh, please. Let's not rule out "favoritism", "nepotism", and "cronyism", on the part of white employers as a factor as to why there aren't more blacks in the field.
I heard on NPR, today, that blacks living in Liverpool, England, have no love for Margaret Thatcher, who was anti-black and pro-apartheid...and their situations are no better than they were 30 years ago, when she was PM.

favoritism nepotism and cronyism? :lol: right, thats the ticket...:rolleyes:

Denial is not a river over in Egypt. If white employers are not hiring qualified black candidates (and don't pretend that there are none), then you won't see them. Duh.
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Why are you asking me questions?

Are you gonna call Obama and Holder "Uncle Toms" next, Giovanni? All the black members of Congress too? I guess nobody is 'pure' but you, huh?
if another race is the cause of another races failures the only option for the so called oppressed race is to overthrow their oppressors !!! can you imagine what a shit hole this country is going to be when whites are the minority !!

Actually whites are a minority in California and we as a state alone make up what the 8th 9th most economical state in the world.. In the U.S we are second to New York. We can be a country of our own if we choose to be.

GDP wise California is still no 1 ....i think Texas is no.2 than NY....
Oh, please. Let's not rule out "favoritism", "nepotism", and "cronyism", on the part of white employers as a factor as to why there aren't more blacks in the field.
I heard on NPR, today, that blacks living in Liverpool, England, have no love for Margaret Thatcher, who was anti-black and pro-apartheid...and their situations are no better than they were 30 years ago, when she was PM.

favoritism nepotism and cronyism? :lol: right, thats the ticket...:rolleyes:

Denial is not a river over in Egypt. If white employers are not hiring qualified black candidates (and don't pretend that there are none), then you won't see them. Duh.

right, becasue in your infected mind, if there is a paucity of black candidates to start with thats whiteys fault and if there are 2 candidates that are black and 8 that are white, if whitey gets hired its becasue of favoritism nepotism and cronyism....

moronic self fulfilling race prophecy complete.

congrats, you're a dyed in the wool member of the victimization sect....:rolleyes:
Economical state? Then why are your cities going bankrupt?

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

What city are you talking about?

I live here so I'm curious what cities you're referring to that are bankrupt or are you getting confused with fiscal cuts?

Three California cities – Stockton, San Bernardino and Mammoth Lakes – have filed for bankruptcy so far this year. They are not likely to be the last, Moody's said.

A Huff Po article even...

Mammoth was because of a lawsuit judgement against it that they could not pay by some they filed for Bankruptcy.... they are a fairly small town.....
Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

Seeing whites make up 70 to 75% of Americans, depending on how you count Hispanics, and blacks, about 12.5%, it would appear that blacks are about 6 times as likely to be on welfare

These numbers are taken from the US Department of Commerce and dated 10/15/12

So let's take these numbers:
"Total number of Americans on welfare 4,300,000" Multiply that by 39%= 1,560,000 Black people on welfare. According to this statistic, there are 38,929,319 Black people in America. So that would equal only 4% of Black people on welfare. That's an OVERWHELMING MINORITY of Black people on welfare.

It IS a minority, but if you consider that 40 of every 1,000 blacks are on welfare and 6 or 7 of 1,000 whites are on welfare, the difference is very significant.

I wholeheartedly agree but to be intellectually honest we can both agree that an overwhelming minority of both of the aforementioned groups are on Welfare. I guess it can be said that 98+ percent of whites are not on welfare and 96+ percent of blacks are not on welfare. My angst is with people who try to make it look like all or most of "the Blacks" are on Welfare, when that certainly is not the case.
forged data....:lol:

I worked in a few hi tech firms, engineers, scientists, data processors, mask design and now in research & development, the number of black employees in those fields that I observed over 25 years equals 4.....thats right- 4.

McWhorter and Steele have it right, until doing well in school is not seen as 'being white' and a accorded derision, that will not change....:doubt:

That's a very low number. Do you think that it's like that in other fields?
Oh NO! SJ's mental state goes way beyond mere pessimism when it comes to Blacks. His sick illusion makes him see ALL blacks in the same light: TAKERS! Hopefully, he is not in a position to interface with Blacks in his work. If he is, God help those who unknowingly seek his service or help! Would you want SJ to be the cook in the restaurant when you walk in the door and you are Black? I wonder how many poor souls this psychopath has already harmed in some way!
The lengths some of you will go to when you can't deal with the truth. I post government statistics that you don't like so that makes me a psychopath. Brilliant.

And who is the fucking government? White folks, who have, decidedly, forged data to make blacks look bad. And you are sitting up here, reposting them, and expecting us (black forum members) to accept them, because they are "government stats". BS. The self-same government, at one time, condoned slavery, and turned a blind eye to lynching, rape and murder happening to blacks. The "government", not too long ago, turned firehoses and dogs on American citizens, who were protesting "peacefully", I'm not all that enamored with their statistics.

We quote numbers that come from federal agencies, the heads of which are all appointed by barack obama, you fool! If there is any fudging of numbers, I'd bet they are fudged in the other direction.
My GOD man! You have GOT to be the stupidest person on the board. That I.Q. you keep quoting? Are you sure you're not missing a decimal point?
I'm going with 12.6, which is likely closer that what you claim.

How about turning your rep display back on? It's splat counting time.
So let's take these numbers:
"Total number of Americans on welfare 4,300,000" Multiply that by 39%= 1,560,000 Black people on welfare. According to this statistic, there are 38,929,319 Black people in America. So that would equal only 4% of Black people on welfare. That's an OVERWHELMING MINORITY of Black people on welfare.

It IS a minority, but if you consider that 40 of every 1,000 blacks are on welfare and 6 or 7 of 1,000 whites are on welfare, the difference is very significant.

I wholeheartedly agree but to be intellectually honest we can both agree that an overwhelming minority of both of the aforementioned groups are on Welfare. I guess it can be said that 98+ percent of whites are not on welfare and 96+ percent of blacks are not on welfare. My angst is with people who try to make it look like all or most of "the Blacks" are on Welfare, when that certainly is not the case.
We spend over $1 trillion a year on welfare. Blacks receive 40% of that. They're only 14% of the population. How do you figure only 4% of them are receiving benefits? That 4% must collect one hell of a lot of welfare.
So let's take these numbers:
"Total number of Americans on welfare 4,300,000" Multiply that by 39%= 1,560,000 Black people on welfare. According to this statistic, there are 38,929,319 Black people in America. So that would equal only 4% of Black people on welfare. That's an OVERWHELMING MINORITY of Black people on welfare.

It IS a minority, but if you consider that 40 of every 1,000 blacks are on welfare and 6 or 7 of 1,000 whites are on welfare, the difference is very significant.

I wholeheartedly agree but to be intellectually honest we can both agree that an overwhelming minority of both of the aforementioned groups are on Welfare. I guess it can be said that 98+ percent of whites are not on welfare and 96+ percent of blacks are not on welfare. My angst is with people who try to make it look like all or most of "the Blacks" are on Welfare, when that certainly is not the case.

Nowhere did I claim that most blacks are on welfare, only that they are over represented by 6 times, compared to whites.
If we accept that there are 230 million whites in the US and that for the sake of argument that their 38% representation on welfare roll equals 1.5 million, then we can see that approximately 0.6% of whites are on welfare.
So, while the number of blacks on welfare is low, (1 in 25) there is a very significant over representation by blacks. (about 6.7:1)

But these numbers come from the US Commerce Department which is currently run by a white devil. The poet will continue to claim every statistic that paints his race in a negative light is a result of fudged numbers by a Cabinet Secretary appointed by a black man.
favoritism nepotism and cronyism? :lol: right, thats the ticket...:rolleyes:

Denial is not a river over in Egypt. If white employers are not hiring qualified black candidates (and don't pretend that there are none), then you won't see them. Duh.

right, becasue in your infected mind, if there is a paucity of black candidates to start with thats whiteys fault and if there are 2 candidates that are black and 8 that are white, if whitey gets hired its becasue of favoritism nepotism and cronyism....

moronic self fulfilling race prophecy complete.

congrats, you're a dyed in the wool member of the victimization sect....:rolleyes:

You see how the righties are? I accuse you of, innocuously, "being in denial", and you accuse me of having an infected mind. In other words, "sick". Ad hominem, right off the bat. And then, you play, "the white victim", by suggesting that any greivances, on my this case, the unwillingness, on the part of the white employer, (not "whitey", as you're so apt to put if I thought that way), not to hire the black candidate, somehow is not "his" fault, but the black candidate(s). And the common denominator, not being race at all, but qualifications. And, precisely, if the 2 black candidates are qualified, and the 8 white candidates are equally qualified, and the white one gets picked, then I, most certainly, cry "favoritism", "nepotism", or "cronyism". You betcha.
Moronic? Where?
Self fulfilling race prophecy???? What is that? I never heard of it. Perhaps you could fill me in, you being an emperor and all (LOL), worse....named Trajan. Would that be Trajan Schwartz?
And there are no victims here. I identified a reality, that happens every day. And your unwillingness to acknowledge it, only confirms your subterfuge and intellectual dishonesty. Next?

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