The Complicated State Of Black America

This is the best argument you got ?

And you claim to be well educated?

You could gain more credibility if you prove the stats are in fact "made up" and/or are inaccurate. Just you saying they are doesn't make them so. As a matter of fact it just makes you look foolish and desperate.

Some people believe in ghosts and vampires. Do I need to prove they don't exist, or can I simply believe in commonsense and logic? I don't claim to be well-educated....I am, without having to claim anything. And if you think I look foolish and desperate, then I'm on the right track, seeing that it's you.

We're not talking about ghost and vampires.

You can believe what you want but you cannot make up your own facts.

And yes, I do think you look foolish and desperate.

Your concession is duly noted.

My concession is only a figment of your delusional mind.
Any attempts at demonizing blacks while dismissing the shortcomings and criminality of whites, will be met with a rebuff. Your compliance is mandatory.
Some people believe in ghosts and vampires. Do I need to prove they don't exist, or can I simply believe in commonsense and logic? I don't claim to be well-educated....I am, without having to claim anything. And if you think I look foolish and desperate, then I'm on the right track, seeing that it's you.

We're not talking about ghost and vampires.

You can believe what you want but you cannot make up your own facts.

And yes, I do think you look foolish and desperate.

Your concession is duly noted.

My concession is only a figment of your delusional mind.
Any attempts at demonizing blacks while dismissing the shortcomings and criminality of whites, will be met with a rebuff. Your compliance is mandatory.

No I'm afraid it isn't a figment.

You see, you refused to back up your claim that the stats were some how "made-up" or "inaccurate".

You claim it's simply a demonization of blacks with absolutely nothing to back it up.

Since you failed to prove what you claimed it's only natural for you to concede. And I accept your concession.

It must be miserable being you.
National Urban League's State Of Black America 2013 Report Illustrates Mix Of Achievement And Disparity

The high school completion gap has closed by 57 percentage points.

There are more than triple the number of Blacks enrolled in college.

For every college graduate in 1963, there are now five.

Standard of Living:

The percentage of Blacks living in poverty has declined by 23 points.

The percentage of Black children living in poverty has fallen by 22 points.

The percentage of Blacks who own their home has increased by 14 points.

However, these steps forward stand in stark contrast to the ongoing lack of progress in closing the racial gap in major areas including:

In the past 50 years, the Black-White income gap has only closed by 7 points (now at 60%).
The unemployment rate gap has only closed by 6 points (now at 52%).

As in 1963, the Black/white unemployment ratio is still about 2-to-1--regardless of education, gender, region of the country, or income level.


It's fluff and bullshit. First, half of black kids gradudate highschool! LOL congratulations that 50% graduate from an system that will allow them to graduate without being able to read! Big issue with the inner city school system is the 'push along' mentality. They don't want to fail the kids, nor do they have the resources to deal with the kids, therefore, they push them along regardless of whether they can read, write or learn anything. And 50% is HORRENDOUS! 70% would be minimum acceptable. 90% would be an achievement.

Second, of course more Blacks go to college and own homes now. Both are more accessible to everyone.

Third, I call BULLSHIT and FUDGING of the numbers on your highly inaccurate and uncreditable source. Both the poverty level and usage of food stamps and welfare have increased dramatically in the last 8 years (yep even under Bush) and you are telling me Blacks got off that train. No fucking way! They still are disproportionally receive welfare and food stamps and under the poverty level.

Lastly, if things are getting SSSOOO much better like you say, then why do you bitch so much about da man!

Lies and sissy chatter. So many blacks and browns occupy the ranks of the middle class and the well-educated, it's not funny. That you choose to believe "made up" stats, which demonize and inaccurately paint blacks in a negative light, is no surprise. How often have you been accused of being racist and bigoted?
More whites are on welfare and standing in soup lines than any other group. Twirl on that .
Bitch about the man? Which I suppose you think is you. You ain't da man...your ass is in this political debate forum, and you don't run anything. And I used to work for "da man. I don't anymore. So what's to bitch about? Hmmm?

I have seen many blacks and hispanics graduate COLLEGE and do great things. I have worked with, above and under blacks and hispanics and see great results. I can say one of the best lawyers in my group is a Dominican (Black Hispanic). But you want to get boner off 50% graduation rate? I think that is a travesty! I believe those are AMERICAN children that a failing in the inner city school systems. Our public school system is a disgrace and only a complete fool would brag about 50% graduation rate.

Hey monkey, per capita Black DOUBLE the number of whites on welfare! Twirl on that!
Poet's denial about black dependency is a symptom of his self-hate. Does it stem from being black, or being gay? I suspect it's both. That must really suck.
It's fluff and bullshit. First, half of black kids gradudate highschool! LOL congratulations that 50% graduate from an system that will allow them to graduate without being able to read! Big issue with the inner city school system is the 'push along' mentality. They don't want to fail the kids, nor do they have the resources to deal with the kids, therefore, they push them along regardless of whether they can read, write or learn anything. And 50% is HORRENDOUS! 70% would be minimum acceptable. 90% would be an achievement.

Second, of course more Blacks go to college and own homes now. Both are more accessible to everyone.

Third, I call BULLSHIT and FUDGING of the numbers on your highly inaccurate and uncreditable source. Both the poverty level and usage of food stamps and welfare have increased dramatically in the last 8 years (yep even under Bush) and you are telling me Blacks got off that train. No fucking way! They still are disproportionally receive welfare and food stamps and under the poverty level.

Lastly, if things are getting SSSOOO much better like you say, then why do you bitch so much about da man!

Lies and sissy chatter. So many blacks and browns occupy the ranks of the middle class and the well-educated, it's not funny. That you choose to believe "made up" stats, which demonize and inaccurately paint blacks in a negative light, is no surprise. How often have you been accused of being racist and bigoted?
More whites are on welfare and standing in soup lines than any other group. Twirl on that .
Bitch about the man? Which I suppose you think is you. You ain't da man...your ass is in this political debate forum, and you don't run anything. And I used to work for "da man. I don't anymore. So what's to bitch about? Hmmm?

I have seen many blacks and hispanics graduate COLLEGE and do great things. I have worked with, above and under blacks and hispanics and see great results. I can say one of the best lawyers in my group is a Dominican (Black Hispanic). But you want to get boner off 50% graduation rate? I think that is a travesty! I believe those are AMERICAN children that a failing in the inner city school systems. Our public school system is a disgrace and only a complete fool would brag about 50% graduation rate.

Hey monkey, per capita Black DOUBLE the number of whites on welfare! Twirl on that!

Who the fuck believes the statistics you're purporting? Not me.
Monkey? Yet, you don't view that as a racial pejorative, when referring to blacks. You're a racist piece of shit, and nothing more. Back to ignore status.
Lies and sissy chatter. So many blacks and browns occupy the ranks of the middle class and the well-educated, it's not funny. That you choose to believe "made up" stats, which demonize and inaccurately paint blacks in a negative light, is no surprise. How often have you been accused of being racist and bigoted?
More whites are on welfare and standing in soup lines than any other group. Twirl on that .
Bitch about the man? Which I suppose you think is you. You ain't da man...your ass is in this political debate forum, and you don't run anything. And I used to work for "da man. I don't anymore. So what's to bitch about? Hmmm?

I have seen many blacks and hispanics graduate COLLEGE and do great things. I have worked with, above and under blacks and hispanics and see great results. I can say one of the best lawyers in my group is a Dominican (Black Hispanic). But you want to get boner off 50% graduation rate? I think that is a travesty! I believe those are AMERICAN children that a failing in the inner city school systems. Our public school system is a disgrace and only a complete fool would brag about 50% graduation rate.

Hey monkey, per capita Black DOUBLE the number of whites on welfare! Twirl on that!

Who the fuck believes the statistics you're purporting? Not me.
Monkey? Yet, you don't view that as a racial pejorative, when referring to blacks. You're a racist piece of shit, and nothing more. Back to ignore status.

What are some credible sources that we can look at? Government data? Education/Scholarly data?

You'll excuse us for making the same determination of your stats/sources that you make of everyone elses. Lies and sissy chatter from biased sources.
I have seen many blacks and hispanics graduate COLLEGE and do great things. I have worked with, above and under blacks and hispanics and see great results. I can say one of the best lawyers in my group is a Dominican (Black Hispanic). But you want to get boner off 50% graduation rate? I think that is a travesty! I believe those are AMERICAN children that a failing in the inner city school systems. Our public school system is a disgrace and only a complete fool would brag about 50% graduation rate.

Hey monkey, per capita Black DOUBLE the number of whites on welfare! Twirl on that!

Who the fuck believes the statistics you're purporting? Not me.
Monkey? Yet, you don't view that as a racial pejorative, when referring to blacks. You're a racist piece of shit, and nothing more. Back to ignore status.

What are some credible sources that we can look at? Government data? Education/Scholarly data?

You'll excuse us for making the same determination of your stats/sources that you make of everyone elses. Lies and sissy chatter from biased sources.

I have no credible sources, which refute your incredible sources. I simply do not believe everything that is written or said. Especially when the end result is the demonization of an entire group of people. There is always exceptions to any rule. And who are you?
Who the fuck believes the statistics you're purporting? Not me.
Monkey? Yet, you don't view that as a racial pejorative, when referring to blacks. You're a racist piece of shit, and nothing more. Back to ignore status.

What are some credible sources that we can look at? Government data? Education/Scholarly data?

You'll excuse us for making the same determination of your stats/sources that you make of everyone elses. Lies and sissy chatter from biased sources.

I have no credible sources, which refute your incredible sources. I simply do not believe everything that is written or said. Especially when the end result is the demonization of an entire group of people. There is always exceptions to any rule. And who are you?

In other words you won't believe anything that doesn't fit your preconceived ideas.

Got it!

Who the fuck believes the statistics you're purporting? Not me.
Monkey? Yet, you don't view that as a racial pejorative, when referring to blacks. You're a racist piece of shit, and nothing more. Back to ignore status.

What are some credible sources that we can look at? Government data? Education/Scholarly data?

You'll excuse us for making the same determination of your stats/sources that you make of everyone elses. Lies and sissy chatter from biased sources.

I have no credible sources, which refute your incredible sources. I simply do not believe everything that is written or said. Especially when the end result is the demonization of an entire group of people. There is always exceptions to any rule. And who are you?

I'll quote you "I have no credible sources". Noted.

I don't believe everything that is written or said either, I'm wondering what sources YOU consider credible. I know anything that paints AA's in a negative light is instantly demonized by you, so what sources can we use? You don't trust the Obama Administrations statistics from Erica Holder's DOJ? Interesting.

Who am I? Like you give a fuck. Paint me with the same broad brush you paint everyone else in for all I care.
they cheat black people out of their vote for decades and then kick the black voter for not voting for the party that cheats them?

your base is too stupid to know what to do in a voting booth. It's not hard yet you can't follow simple written and verbal directions. Then hypocritically blame someone else for your own incompetence.
They do, dickwad. Stop lying.

When Black meant Republican | Washington Times Communities

Republican National Convention: Where are the African Americans? - The Root DC Live - The Washington Post

This is the fourth Republican convention that I have attended, and it is by far the least diverse. I now know what America would look like if all
(Mark Wilson - Getty Images) blacks and other people of color mysteriously disappeared. Reporters have been calling me, practically begging me to find them some blacks to interview for their various media outlets. Is this really the 21st century? I have not been showered with this much attention since I was a little baby!

But even more alarming than the lack of blacks as convention attendees, delegates or Mitt Romney staff members is the lack of blacks in the pipeline to be future party operatives........I am embarrassed at the lack of diversity at this convention. Have the Republicans not noticed the demographic changes that are taking place in this country? Numerically, there are not enough old, white, balding males to win a national election.

The sad thing is that many of the party leaders agree with me in private conversations, but over the years, they have done absolutely nothing to address this issue. When all is said and done, there has been more said than done when it comes to changing the whiteness of the party.

In the immortal words of the Doobie Brothers: “What a fool believes, no wise man has the power to reason away; what seems to be is always better than nothing at all.”

If the Republican Party think they can continue to have a white strategy for electoral victory, what a fool!
Uh, no.....they don't.
if another race is the cause of another races failures the only option for the so called oppressed race is to overthrow their oppressors !!! can you imagine what a shit hole this country is going to be when whites are the minority !!

Actually whites are a minority in California and we as a state alone make up what the 8th 9th most economical state in the world.. In the U.S we are second to New York. We can be a country of our own if we choose to be.
Duh. How did you come to that conclusion? I don't hate myself, nor my blackness.
Blacks don't have the ability to "fudge data", and "make it stick". Whites, on the otherhand, do have that ability, write the laws and choose whether to enforce them or not.

Bullshit! in the US Congress, blacks represent 8% of the membership. When you consider that nearly 10% of all African Americans have been disenfranchised due to felony convictions, blacks are fairly represented.
As far as choosing whether to enforce laws goes, we currently have a black President and a black Attorney General who seem adept at choosing what cases and crimes are prosecuted.

Lost again, little one, but then you're used to that, aren't you?

Why are you talking to me, when you insist on being ignored? Are you schizophrenic? Don't you see the hypocrisy? Or are you simply so self-righteous that you can't resist, trying to put me in my place? Well, massa, sleep with one eye open....because some of us darkies are just waiting for you to go to sleep.

You lying sack of shit! Your ignore list was published yesterday and my name was on it, you idiot! I am talking to YOU because you keep talking to me.


Refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally: "he ignored her question".
Fail to consider (something significant): "satellite broadcasting ignores national boundaries".

disregard - neglect - slight
You are laughable, coward boy. Turned your rep display off huh?
You do realize that when you get banned, rep display defaults to "on" and we will all see your splats.
if another race is the cause of another races failures the only option for the so called oppressed race is to overthrow their oppressors !!! can you imagine what a shit hole this country is going to be when whites are the minority !!

Actually whites are a minority in California and we as a state alone make up what the 8th 9th most economical state in the world.. In the U.S we are second to New York. We can be a country of our own if we choose to be.

Economical state? Then why are your cities going bankrupt?

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
What are some credible sources that we can look at? Government data? Education/Scholarly data?

You'll excuse us for making the same determination of your stats/sources that you make of everyone elses. Lies and sissy chatter from biased sources.

I have no credible sources, which refute your incredible sources. I simply do not believe everything that is written or said. Especially when the end result is the demonization of an entire group of people. There is always exceptions to any rule. And who are you?

In other words you won't believe anything that doesn't fit your preconceived ideas.

Got it!


I thought you knew. And my preconceived notions are the only ones that matter. Hello?
I see you took my advice and kept trolling.

Don't stop!

I see you have as well. Take it to the next level. YOU are a fucking racist. 'Poet' is a fucking racist. You two should just get on with it and start fucking each other as you both know you want to. No need to report back on it, just go away and shut the fuck up - both of you.

And "fuck you". I am no racist. ...

Your words and your attitude are here for all to see, racist. You're just as bad as he is, just as stupid, and just as cowardly and dishonest about it. Fuck you both. You two ARE the fucking problem.
What are some credible sources that we can look at? Government data? Education/Scholarly data?

You'll excuse us for making the same determination of your stats/sources that you make of everyone elses. Lies and sissy chatter from biased sources.

I have no credible sources, which refute your incredible sources. I simply do not believe everything that is written or said. Especially when the end result is the demonization of an entire group of people. There is always exceptions to any rule. And who are you?

I'll quote you "I have no credible sources". Noted.

I don't believe everything that is written or said either, I'm wondering what sources YOU consider credible. I know anything that paints AA's in a negative light is instantly demonized by you, so what sources can we use? You don't trust the Obama Administrations statistics from Erica Holder's DOJ? Interesting.

Who am I? Like you give a fuck. Paint me with the same broad brush you paint everyone else in for all I care.

Please. The statistics from Eric Holder's DOJ office, were well in place, long before he got there. Consider yourself "painted".
No. I don't have any credible sources...but I'm not going to take the word of anyone "white", with a preconceived notion about blacks, or any persons of color, in which said persons are criminalized, stereotyped or demonized. To what end? To make it seem that white people are innocent, "pure as the driven snow" or "saintly"? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I'm a racist you say? That's original...

No, it's not. It's the same old stupidity that weaklings and cowards like you and 'poet' have been spewing for centuries. "Original" for you and 'poet' would be to stop being fucking racists, but neither one of you has the character or brain power to even try.

You don't know me bitch. Keep my name out of your conversations.

Everyone here knows you by your words here. You are as transparent and pathetic as your partner lonestar. You are both a blight on this great nation and humanity in general.
Poet's denial about black dependency is a symptom of his self-hate. Does it stem from being black, or being gay? I suspect it's both. That must really suck.

First of all, I'm in denial of nothing. There is no "black dependency". That is a myth, created by and purported by right wing nuts, for the sole purpose of demonizing blacks. I don't know any dependent blacks. All the blacks that I know, "work", "hard", each and every day.
Self hate? You're insane. I am in love with myself. Like never before. And let's denial, is a symptom of my self hate? That doesn't even make any sense. We should just call the men in white coats and have them take your mentally disturbed ass away in a strait jacket.
I'm reminded of Rand Paul's recent speech at Howard University, a historically-black college, the alma mater of several of my own relatives, who are now, household names. An article details his folly:

his (Rand's) audience of about 50 students, professors and other attendees rarely clapped for Paul when he made policy statements on issues that included schools, economics, jobs and race.
One man, who was not a student at the school, cursed at Paul before being escorted out of the room. But otherwise, those who attended were polite.
Paul acknowledged criticism for the speech he gave at Howard University Wednesday, saying, “I think some think a white person is not allowed to talk about black history … which I think is unfair.”
That’s what happened! A White man spoke of Black history and that’s simply not allowed. When have White men ever been allowed to talk about Black history? Criticism didn’t come up because Paul was being arrogant and condescending–it’s because he’s White. See? First Rand had to explain to us that the founding members of the NAACP were Republicans and how racist the Democrats were and now he’s explaining to me that White men can’t talk about Black history.

You cannot talk to me about black dependency, black history, slavery, the slave trade, or anything that pertains to me. In fact, I don't want to talk to you about any topic. Because you're an idiot. A racist. A fool. A know-nothing. And a homophobe, to boot.

I came out, as "openly gay", not "flaming or flamboyant", but not hiding my orientation, at 21 years of age...I'm now 60. That's a fucking long time. I long ago got over any trepidation I felt about being gay. I reconciled my relationship with God, midway...actually, when I became clean and sober, some 16 years ago.
So stop speculating on my personal life.

Poet's denial about black dependency is a symptom of his self-hate. Does it stem from being black, or being gay? I suspect it's both. That must really suck.

First of all, I'm in denial of nothing. There is no "black dependency". That is a myth, created by and purported by right wing nuts, for the sole purpose of demonizing blacks. I don't know any dependent blacks. All the blacks that I know, "work", "hard", each and every day.
Self hate? You're insane. I am in love with myself. Like never before. And let's denial, is a symptom of my self hate? That doesn't even make any sense. We should just call the men in white coats and have them take your mentally disturbed ass away in a strait jacket.
I'm reminded of Rand Paul's recent speech at Howard University, a historically-black college, the alma mater of several of my own relatives, who are now, household names. An article details his folly:
Rand Paul: Negro Whisperer - This Week in Blackness

his (Rand's) audience of about 50 students, professors and other attendees rarely clapped for Paul when he made policy statements on issues that included schools, economics, jobs and race.
One man, who was not a student at the school, cursed at Paul before being escorted out of the room. But otherwise, those who attended were polite.
Paul acknowledged criticism for the speech he gave at Howard University Wednesday, saying, “I think some think a white person is not allowed to talk about black history … which I think is unfair.”
That’s what happened! A White man spoke of Black history and that’s simply not allowed. When have White men ever been allowed to talk about Black history? Criticism didn’t come up because Paul was being arrogant and condescending–it’s because he’s White. See? First Rand had to explain to us that the founding members of the NAACP were Republicans and how racist the Democrats were and now he’s explaining to me that White men can’t talk about Black history.

You cannot talk to me about black dependency, black history, slavery, the slave trade, or anything that pertains to me. In fact, I don't want to talk to you about any topic. Because you're an idiot. A racist. A fool. A know-nothing. And a homophobe, to boot.

I came out, as "openly gay", not "flaming or flamboyant", but not hiding my orientation, at 21 years of age...I'm now 60. That's a fucking long time. I long ago got over any trepidation I felt about being gay. I reconciled my relationship with God, midway...actually, when I became clean and sober, some 16 years ago.
So stop speculating on my personal life.

I think your substance abuse problem likely stems from your self-hate. The signs are classic, and that's not speculation. And your volatile personality suggests you either still have a substance abuse problem or you haven't dealt with the root causes of it. If it's the latter, you will most likely return to your addiction. You really should seek some help.

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