The Complicated State Of Black America

Poet is the quintessential self-hating black man. He hates Whitey, for sure, but he hates his own race even more for allowing themselves to be enslaved by Whitey through welfare. The statistics embarrass him, so he covers his ears and says "liars". If he wasn't such an asshole, I would feel sorry for him.
I'm a racist you say? That's original...

No, it's not. It's the same old stupidity that weaklings and cowards like you and 'poet' have been spewing for centuries. "Original" for you and 'poet' would be to stop being fucking racists, but neither one of you has the character or brain power to even try.

I beg your pardon?

Don't bother begging, you racist douchebag. You and 'poet' are made for each other.
No, it's not. It's the same old stupidity that weaklings and cowards like you and 'poet' have been spewing for centuries. "Original" for you and 'poet' would be to stop being fucking racists, but neither one of you has the character or brain power to even try.

I beg your pardon?

Don't bother begging, you racist douchebag. You and 'poet' are made for each other.

More insults?

Not surprising.

That's what trolls do.

Keep on trolling!
No, it's not. It's the same old stupidity that weaklings and cowards like you and 'poet' have been spewing for centuries. "Original" for you and 'poet' would be to stop being fucking racists, but neither one of you has the character or brain power to even try.

I beg your pardon?

Don't bother begging, you racist douchebag. You and 'poet' are made for each other.

Bitch, you don't know me. You're a friggin' "white dog". And I'm not liable to share much with a white conservative Texan.
Keep on fucking yourself, you stupid, irrational bigot. If you are here to try and make poet look good by comparison you are failing. You are trying awfully hard, but you are still failing.

I see you took my advice and kept trolling.

Don't stop!

I see you have as well. Take it to the next level. YOU are a fucking racist. 'Poet' is a fucking racist. You two should just get on with it and start fucking each other as you both know you want to. No need to report back on it, just go away and shut the fuck up - both of you.

And "fuck you". I am no racist. Just because I point out the racism of the white conservatives here, does not make me a racist. Racist tends not to associate, on a personal basis, with the objects of their hate. I associate with white clients and friends, daily.
And, you lowlife bitch, what is it that you don't get about "happily married, for 10 years"? I wouldn't touch a political forum member with your coochie. But one can see, you're obsessed with "fucking", as that's where your mind is. I suggest you get to it.
I see you have as well. Take it to the next level. YOU are a fucking racist. 'Poet' is a fucking racist. You two should just get on with it and start fucking each other as you both know you want to. No need to report back on it, just go away and shut the fuck up - both of you.

I'm a racist you say? That's original...

No, it's not. It's the same old stupidity that weaklings and cowards like you and 'poet' have been spewing for centuries. "Original" for you and 'poet' would be to stop being fucking racists, but neither one of you has the character or brain power to even try.

You don't know me bitch. Keep my name out of your conversations.
Duh. How did you come to that conclusion? I don't hate myself, nor my blackness.
Blacks don't have the ability to "fudge data", and "make it stick". Whites, on the otherhand, do have that ability, write the laws and choose whether to enforce them or not.

Bullshit! in the US Congress, blacks represent 8% of the membership. When you consider that nearly 10% of all African Americans have been disenfranchised due to felony convictions, blacks are fairly represented.
As far as choosing whether to enforce laws goes, we currently have a black President and a black Attorney General who seem adept at choosing what cases and crimes are prosecuted.

Lost again, little one, but then you're used to that, aren't you?

Why are you talking to me, when you insist on being ignored? Are you schizophrenic? Don't you see the hypocrisy? Or are you simply so self-righteous that you can't resist, trying to put me in my place? Well, massa, sleep with one eye open....because some of us darkies are just waiting for you to go to sleep.

I could only dream you would try to catch me napping
An increase in welfare and food stamps will result in lower poverty rates, and preferential treatment will result in an increase in home ownership. The gap in income and unemployment reflect an unwillingness to take advantage of the opportunities offered to you. Looks like a motivation problem to me.

Always the pessimist.

I'll be pleasantly surprised if I scroll down and not see someone use a "plantation" reference. I have already seen an agitated one with the "shiftless and lazy' connotation. my take on it, is that "Black" people are not a monolithic group.Though we may share similar experiences and customs, we are still individuals. The overwhelming majority of Black people are living the American dream. There are people of all ethnic groups here who have problems, some more than others but that doesn't make it a "fill in the ethnicity" problem.

The foundation begins in the home.

Indeed it does. The notion that black people are a "monolithic" entity who think, act, and live in an identical fashion is at best absurd.

However, there are some who post here who seem to think that way, which prompts one to ponder where that thought process has it's roots.

When I read posts from some of those here who look at statistical data, (which can be skewed), and then utilize the same data to form questions and opinions directed towards black posters in this forum that are prefaced by lead in statements like:

"WE" should not have to carry "YOU"

"Until YOU stop accepting handouts and "free stuff", and take advantage of all that is offered to "YOU", "YOUR" acceptance in "OUR" society will not come to fruition".

And finally, one of the most typical statements...."YOU" don't want to be Americans".

All of that being said, another thought that I have considered since posting in this forum, is the ongoing obsession with "Why blacks voted for Obama?"

When I closely examine that question, I cannot resist the urge to ask, "Why did the segment of the population that voted for Romney do so?

*Was it because he represented YOUR self interest? Truth be told, Romney most likely had LESS in common with the average voter of ANY race than Obama did. He came from a highly privileged and pampered background, which could, based on the thought processes of some here, make for a compelling argument for him being a true ELITIST.

*Was it because he spoke on the subject of job growth at a more frequent rate that Obama?" The truth is that he has done more in the private sector to ELIMINATE jobs than Obama has done to create them. That fact alone, effectively nixes him as being a "job creator".

*Or was it because as many of you who allege blacks have done, vote for Romney because he was white?

Finally, I don't "hate whitey" reason to, and absolutely no time, interest or energy to waste doing so.
Not that it really matters one way or another, I probably live much better than the average American citizen of any race.

But, I can say that having lived for almost 60 years in America, have seen the Civil Rights Movement up close and personal and been sometimes elated and sometimes saddened by what America stands for, this forum and some of what I have read here, definitely stimulates thought, and it sure as hell makes for great entertainment.
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they cheat black people out of their vote for decades and then kick the black voter for not voting for the party that cheats them?
I see you have as well. Take it to the next level. YOU are a fucking racist. 'Poet' is a fucking racist. You two should just get on with it and start fucking each other as you both know you want to. No need to report back on it, just go away and shut the fuck up - both of you.

I'm a racist you say? That's original...

No, it's not. It's the same old stupidity that weaklings and cowards like you and 'poet' have been spewing for centuries. "Original" for you and 'poet' would be to stop being fucking racists, but neither one of you has the character or brain power to even try.

what is the racist things poet has said?
I'm a racist you say? That's original...

No, it's not. It's the same old stupidity that weaklings and cowards like you and 'poet' have been spewing for centuries. "Original" for you and 'poet' would be to stop being fucking racists, but neither one of you has the character or brain power to even try.

what is the racist things poet has said?

Please do try to keep up. No one is here to hold you hand and guide through the threads.

Besides what does it matter? You'd defend him no matter what.
National Urban League's State Of Black America 2013 Report Illustrates Mix Of Achievement And Disparity

The high school completion gap has closed by 57 percentage points.

There are more than triple the number of Blacks enrolled in college.

For every college graduate in 1963, there are now five.

Standard of Living:

The percentage of Blacks living in poverty has declined by 23 points.

The percentage of Black children living in poverty has fallen by 22 points.

The percentage of Blacks who own their home has increased by 14 points.

However, these steps forward stand in stark contrast to the ongoing lack of progress in closing the racial gap in major areas including:

In the past 50 years, the Black-White income gap has only closed by 7 points (now at 60%).
The unemployment rate gap has only closed by 6 points (now at 52%).

As in 1963, the Black/white unemployment ratio is still about 2-to-1--regardless of education, gender, region of the country, or income level.


It's fluff and bullshit. First, half of black kids gradudate highschool! LOL congratulations that 50% graduate from an system that will allow them to graduate without being able to read! Big issue with the inner city school system is the 'push along' mentality. They don't want to fail the kids, nor do they have the resources to deal with the kids, therefore, they push them along regardless of whether they can read, write or learn anything. And 50% is HORRENDOUS! 70% would be minimum acceptable. 90% would be an achievement.

Second, of course more Blacks go to college and own homes now. Both are more accessible to everyone.

Third, I call BULLSHIT and FUDGING of the numbers on your highly inaccurate and uncreditable source. Both the poverty level and usage of food stamps and welfare have increased dramatically in the last 8 years (yep even under Bush) and you are telling me Blacks got off that train. No fucking way! They still are disproportionally receive welfare and food stamps and under the poverty level.

Lastly, if things are getting SSSOOO much better like you say, then why do you bitch so much about da man!
they cheat black people out of their vote for decades and then kick the black voter for not voting for the party that cheats them?
You ARE voting for the party that cheated you out of your vote for decades. Democrats filibustered BOTH civil rights bills, one in 1957, and one in 1964.
They never wanted you to vote, and they never wanted you to be educated. They keep you ignorant and dependent on them for your survival, that's why a disproportional amount of blacks are on welfare. You can deny the statistics all you want but the entire world knows the truth
Blacks commit more violent crimes than any other race and are more dependent on government than any other race. Instead of denying reality you should be trying to change it.
National Urban League's State Of Black America 2013 Report Illustrates Mix Of Achievement And Disparity

The high school completion gap has closed by 57 percentage points.

There are more than triple the number of Blacks enrolled in college.

For every college graduate in 1963, there are now five.

Standard of Living:

The percentage of Blacks living in poverty has declined by 23 points.

The percentage of Black children living in poverty has fallen by 22 points.

The percentage of Blacks who own their home has increased by 14 points.

However, these steps forward stand in stark contrast to the ongoing lack of progress in closing the racial gap in major areas including:

In the past 50 years, the Black-White income gap has only closed by 7 points (now at 60%).
The unemployment rate gap has only closed by 6 points (now at 52%).

As in 1963, the Black/white unemployment ratio is still about 2-to-1--regardless of education, gender, region of the country, or income level.


It's fluff and bullshit. First, half of black kids gradudate highschool! LOL congratulations that 50% graduate from an system that will allow them to graduate without being able to read! Big issue with the inner city school system is the 'push along' mentality. They don't want to fail the kids, nor do they have the resources to deal with the kids, therefore, they push them along regardless of whether they can read, write or learn anything. And 50% is HORRENDOUS! 70% would be minimum acceptable. 90% would be an achievement.

Second, of course more Blacks go to college and own homes now. Both are more accessible to everyone.

Third, I call BULLSHIT and FUDGING of the numbers on your highly inaccurate and uncreditable source. Both the poverty level and usage of food stamps and welfare have increased dramatically in the last 8 years (yep even under Bush) and you are telling me Blacks got off that train. No fucking way! They still are disproportionally receive welfare and food stamps and under the poverty level.

Lastly, if things are getting SSSOOO much better like you say, then why do you bitch so much about da man!

Lies and sissy chatter. So many blacks and browns occupy the ranks of the middle class and the well-educated, it's not funny. That you choose to believe "made up" stats, which demonize and inaccurately paint blacks in a negative light, is no surprise. How often have you been accused of being racist and bigoted?
More whites are on welfare and standing in soup lines than any other group. Twirl on that .
Bitch about the man? Which I suppose you think is you. You ain't da man...your ass is in this political debate forum, and you don't run anything. And I used to work for "da man. I don't anymore. So what's to bitch about? Hmmm?
National Urban League's State Of Black America 2013 Report Illustrates Mix Of Achievement And Disparity

The high school completion gap has closed by 57 percentage points.

There are more than triple the number of Blacks enrolled in college.

For every college graduate in 1963, there are now five.

Standard of Living:

The percentage of Blacks living in poverty has declined by 23 points.

The percentage of Black children living in poverty has fallen by 22 points.

The percentage of Blacks who own their home has increased by 14 points.

However, these steps forward stand in stark contrast to the ongoing lack of progress in closing the racial gap in major areas including:

In the past 50 years, the Black-White income gap has only closed by 7 points (now at 60%).
The unemployment rate gap has only closed by 6 points (now at 52%).

As in 1963, the Black/white unemployment ratio is still about 2-to-1--regardless of education, gender, region of the country, or income level.


It's fluff and bullshit. First, half of black kids gradudate highschool! LOL congratulations that 50% graduate from an system that will allow them to graduate without being able to read! Big issue with the inner city school system is the 'push along' mentality. They don't want to fail the kids, nor do they have the resources to deal with the kids, therefore, they push them along regardless of whether they can read, write or learn anything. And 50% is HORRENDOUS! 70% would be minimum acceptable. 90% would be an achievement.

Second, of course more Blacks go to college and own homes now. Both are more accessible to everyone.

Third, I call BULLSHIT and FUDGING of the numbers on your highly inaccurate and uncreditable source. Both the poverty level and usage of food stamps and welfare have increased dramatically in the last 8 years (yep even under Bush) and you are telling me Blacks got off that train. No fucking way! They still are disproportionally receive welfare and food stamps and under the poverty level.

Lastly, if things are getting SSSOOO much better like you say, then why do you bitch so much about da man!

Lies and sissy chatter. So many blacks and browns occupy the ranks of the middle class and the well-educated, it's not funny. That you choose to believe "made up" stats, which demonize and inaccurately paint blacks in a negative light, is no surprise. How often have you been accused of being racist and bigoted?
More whites are on welfare and standing in soup lines than any other group. Twirl on that .
Bitch about the man? Which I suppose you think is you. You ain't da man...your ass is in this political debate forum, and you don't run anything. And I used to work for "da man. I don't anymore. So what's to bitch about? Hmmm?

This is the best argument you got ?

And you claim to be well educated?

You could gain more credibility if you prove the stats are in fact "made up" and/or are inaccurate. Just you saying they are doesn't make them so. As a matter of fact it just makes you look foolish and desperate.
they cheat black people out of their vote for decades and then kick the black voter for not voting for the party that cheats them?
You ARE voting for the party that cheated you out of your vote for decades. Democrats filibustered BOTH civil rights bills, one in 1957, and one in 1964.
They never wanted you to vote, and they never wanted you to be educated. They keep you ignorant and dependent on them for your survival, that's why a disproportional amount of blacks are on welfare. You can deny the statistics all you want but the entire world knows the truth
Blacks commit more violent crimes than any other race and are more dependent on government than any other race. Instead of denying reality you should be trying to change it.

So? And what you fail to realize, acknowledge and get into some acceptance about is that the parties "switched" ideologies in the 60's-80's. What was once the ol' racist Democratic Party is now the Republican Party...and staunch Republicans like Colin Powell, and Lawrence Wilkerson testified as much.
And who is keeping anybody ignorant and dependent??? I started voting in '74, and I was already a year into my college-level job, with only 2 years of college. How did the Democratic Party hold me back?
Welfare: A White Secret - TIME
Majority of Welfare Recipients are White, Non-urban, Study Reveals

You're entitled to your own opinion...not your own facts. I'll never believe statistics which demonize blacks to the exclusion of whites. It's racist.
It's fluff and bullshit. First, half of black kids gradudate highschool! LOL congratulations that 50% graduate from an system that will allow them to graduate without being able to read! Big issue with the inner city school system is the 'push along' mentality. They don't want to fail the kids, nor do they have the resources to deal with the kids, therefore, they push them along regardless of whether they can read, write or learn anything. And 50% is HORRENDOUS! 70% would be minimum acceptable. 90% would be an achievement.

Second, of course more Blacks go to college and own homes now. Both are more accessible to everyone.

Third, I call BULLSHIT and FUDGING of the numbers on your highly inaccurate and uncreditable source. Both the poverty level and usage of food stamps and welfare have increased dramatically in the last 8 years (yep even under Bush) and you are telling me Blacks got off that train. No fucking way! They still are disproportionally receive welfare and food stamps and under the poverty level.

Lastly, if things are getting SSSOOO much better like you say, then why do you bitch so much about da man!

Lies and sissy chatter. So many blacks and browns occupy the ranks of the middle class and the well-educated, it's not funny. That you choose to believe "made up" stats, which demonize and inaccurately paint blacks in a negative light, is no surprise. How often have you been accused of being racist and bigoted?
More whites are on welfare and standing in soup lines than any other group. Twirl on that .
Bitch about the man? Which I suppose you think is you. You ain't da man...your ass is in this political debate forum, and you don't run anything. And I used to work for "da man. I don't anymore. So what's to bitch about? Hmmm?

This is the best argument you got ?

And you claim to be well educated?

You could gain more credibility if you prove the stats are in fact "made up" and/or are inaccurate. Just you saying they are doesn't make them so. As a matter of fact it just makes you look foolish and desperate.

Some people believe in ghosts and vampires. Do I need to prove they don't exist, or can I simply believe in commonsense and logic? I don't claim to be well-educated....I am, without having to claim anything. And if you think I look foolish and desperate, then I'm on the right track, seeing that it's you.
I'm a racist you say? That's original...

No, it's not. It's the same old stupidity that weaklings and cowards like you and 'poet' have been spewing for centuries. "Original" for you and 'poet' would be to stop being fucking racists, but neither one of you has the character or brain power to even try.

what is the racist things poet has said?

He despises white conservatives, white Republicans and white racists. Black conservatives, black Republicans, and black racists (well, he doesn't really believe that blacks are racist) baffle him. He is a racist.
Lies and sissy chatter. So many blacks and browns occupy the ranks of the middle class and the well-educated, it's not funny. That you choose to believe "made up" stats, which demonize and inaccurately paint blacks in a negative light, is no surprise. How often have you been accused of being racist and bigoted?
More whites are on welfare and standing in soup lines than any other group. Twirl on that .
Bitch about the man? Which I suppose you think is you. You ain't da man...your ass is in this political debate forum, and you don't run anything. And I used to work for "da man. I don't anymore. So what's to bitch about? Hmmm?

This is the best argument you got ?

And you claim to be well educated?

You could gain more credibility if you prove the stats are in fact "made up" and/or are inaccurate. Just you saying they are doesn't make them so. As a matter of fact it just makes you look foolish and desperate.

Some people believe in ghosts and vampires. Do I need to prove they don't exist, or can I simply believe in commonsense and logic? I don't claim to be well-educated....I am, without having to claim anything. And if you think I look foolish and desperate, then I'm on the right track, seeing that it's you.

We're not talking about ghost and vampires.

You can believe what you want but you cannot make up your own facts.

And yes, I do think you look foolish and desperate.

Your concession is duly noted.

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