The Complicated State Of Black America

Why didn't you put up a video of your beloved "black conservatives"? I think it's because you have a problem with Black people in general. It would be like me putting up a video of sme KKK assholes and trying to make that represent the majority of white people. :lol:
Bad analogy. The KKK represents maybe .00003% of the white population, if that. Black welfare recipients, however, make up close to 40% of the black population.

Even if that number is true, it still is a MINORITY of Black people. Why do some people want to still use the minority to define the majority? do you think that is fair and intellectually honest?
About 39% of welfare recipients are black, about 38% are white. But whites make up about 70% of the population and blacks are only about 14%. You can do the math, but blacks, by far, are the bulk of the welfare costs in this country, both in numbers and percentages. There's no escaping that fact.

Wow, that's a change from this stat you gave in the other post: "Black welfare recipients, however, make up close to 40% of the black population."
About 39% of welfare recipients are black, about 38% are white. But whites make up about 70% of the population and blacks are only about 14%. You can do the math, but blacks, by far, are the bulk of the welfare costs in this country, both in numbers and percentages. There's no escaping that fact.

You'll excuse me if I don't take your word for it. Where are the links to the stats?

Race and ethnicity in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The non-Hispanic White percentage (63% in 2012[5]) tends to decrease every year, and this sub-group is expected to become a plurality of the overall U.S. population after the year 2043. However, White Americans overall (non-Hispanic Whites together with White Hispanics) will remain the majority, at 73.1% (or 303 million out of 420 million) in 2050, from its current, official 80%.[15][16]

About 12.4% of the American people (37.6 million, including about 885,000 Hispanic or Latino) are Black or African American.[6] Also known more simply as Black Americans, the Black or African American group is the largest racial minority, as opposed to Hispanics and Latinos, who are the largest ethnic minority. Historically, any person with any sub-Saharan African ancestry, even if they were mostly white, were designated and classified as "Black", according to the "one drop rule". Today, racial categorization depends on self-ascription.[3] Three major subgroups come under the rubric of Black American.

What is the breakdown of people on Welfare by Race? | ChaCha

hWith regard to AFDC the figures are: White 38.8% Black 39.8 Hispanic 15.7 Asian 2.4 other 3.3
National Urban League's State Of Black America 2013 Report Illustrates Mix Of Achievement And Disparity

The high school completion gap has closed by 57 percentage points.

There are more than triple the number of Blacks enrolled in college.

For every college graduate in 1963, there are now five.

Standard of Living:

The percentage of Blacks living in poverty has declined by 23 points.

The percentage of Black children living in poverty has fallen by 22 points.

The percentage of Blacks who own their home has increased by 14 points.

However, these steps forward stand in stark contrast to the ongoing lack of progress in closing the racial gap in major areas including:

In the past 50 years, the Black-White income gap has only closed by 7 points (now at 60%).
The unemployment rate gap has only closed by 6 points (now at 52%).

As in 1963, the Black/white unemployment ratio is still about 2-to-1--regardless of education, gender, region of the country, or income level.


I found the problem!
Poet's own numbers tell the story. Their standard of living has increased, and they have more opportunities than ever before (handouts), but their unemployment numbers are high. Well gee, what a surprise! Why would they want a job when they can have the free ride (especially i Whitey is paying for it). Liberals encourage dependency, racial hatred, and greed.
About 39% of welfare recipients are black, about 38% are white. But whites make up about 70% of the population and blacks are only about 14%. You can do the math, but blacks, by far, are the bulk of the welfare costs in this country, both in numbers and percentages. There's no escaping that fact.

You'll excuse me if I don't take your word for it. Where are the links to the stats?

Race and ethnicity in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The non-Hispanic White percentage (63% in 2012[5]) tends to decrease every year, and this sub-group is expected to become a plurality of the overall U.S. population after the year 2043. However, White Americans overall (non-Hispanic Whites together with White Hispanics) will remain the majority, at 73.1% (or 303 million out of 420 million) in 2050, from its current, official 80%.[15][16]

About 12.4% of the American people (37.6 million, including about 885,000 Hispanic or Latino) are Black or African American.[6] Also known more simply as Black Americans, the Black or African American group is the largest racial minority, as opposed to Hispanics and Latinos, who are the largest ethnic minority. Historically, any person with any sub-Saharan African ancestry, even if they were mostly white, were designated and classified as "Black", according to the "one drop rule". Today, racial categorization depends on self-ascription.[3] Three major subgroups come under the rubric of Black American.

What is the breakdown of people on Welfare by Race? | ChaCha

hWith regard to AFDC the figures are: White 38.8% Black 39.8 Hispanic 15.7 Asian 2.4 other 3.3

You'll excuse me if I don't buy into stats that are compiled by whites, in order to demonize and demean blacks.
Poet's own numbers tell the story. Their standard of living has increased, and they have more opportunities than ever before (handouts), but their unemployment numbers are high. Well gee, what a surprise! Why would they want a job when they can have the free ride (especially i Whitey is paying for it). Liberals encourage dependency, racial hatred, and greed.

Right. That's why Republicans have no diversity in their ranks. LOL
Poet's own numbers tell the story. Their standard of living has increased, and they have more opportunities than ever before (handouts), but their unemployment numbers are high. Well gee, what a surprise! Why would they want a job when they can have the free ride (especially i Whitey is paying for it). Liberals encourage dependency, racial hatred, and greed.

Right. That's why Republicans have no diversity in their ranks. LOL
They do, dickwad. Stop lying.
Poet's own numbers tell the story. Their standard of living has increased, and they have more opportunities than ever before (handouts), but their unemployment numbers are high. Well gee, what a surprise! Why would they want a job when they can have the free ride (especially i Whitey is paying for it). Liberals encourage dependency, racial hatred, and greed.

Right. That's why Republicans have no diversity in their ranks. LOL
They do, dickwad. Stop lying.

When Black meant Republican | Washington Times Communities

Republican National Convention: Where are the African Americans? - The Root DC Live - The Washington Post

This is the fourth Republican convention that I have attended, and it is by far the least diverse. I now know what America would look like if all
(Mark Wilson - Getty Images) blacks and other people of color mysteriously disappeared. Reporters have been calling me, practically begging me to find them some blacks to interview for their various media outlets. Is this really the 21st century? I have not been showered with this much attention since I was a little baby!

But even more alarming than the lack of blacks as convention attendees, delegates or Mitt Romney staff members is the lack of blacks in the pipeline to be future party operatives........I am embarrassed at the lack of diversity at this convention. Have the Republicans not noticed the demographic changes that are taking place in this country? Numerically, there are not enough old, white, balding males to win a national election.

The sad thing is that many of the party leaders agree with me in private conversations, but over the years, they have done absolutely nothing to address this issue. When all is said and done, there has been more said than done when it comes to changing the whiteness of the party.

In the immortal words of the Doobie Brothers: “What a fool believes, no wise man has the power to reason away; what seems to be is always better than nothing at all.”

If the Republican Party think they can continue to have a white strategy for electoral victory, what a fool!
Uh, no.....they don't.
Poet's own numbers tell the story. Their standard of living has increased, and they have more opportunities than ever before (handouts), but their unemployment numbers are high. Well gee, what a surprise! Why would they want a job when they can have the free ride (especially i Whitey is paying for it). Liberals encourage dependency, racial hatred, and greed.

Right. That's why Republicans have no diversity in their ranks. LOL
Why do you keep changing the subject?
Poet's own numbers tell the story. Their standard of living has increased, and they have more opportunities than ever before (handouts), but their unemployment numbers are high. Well gee, what a surprise! Why would they want a job when they can have the free ride (especially i Whitey is paying for it). Liberals encourage dependency, racial hatred, and greed.

Right. That's why Republicans have no diversity in their ranks. LOL
Why do you keep changing the subject?

why do you keep lying on liberals?
Right. That's why Republicans have no diversity in their ranks. LOL
They do, dickwad. Stop lying.

When Black meant Republican | Washington Times Communities

Republican National Convention: Where are the African Americans? - The Root DC Live - The Washington Post

This is the fourth Republican convention that I have attended, and it is by far the least diverse. I now know what America would look like if all
(Mark Wilson - Getty Images) blacks and other people of color mysteriously disappeared. Reporters have been calling me, practically begging me to find them some blacks to interview for their various media outlets. Is this really the 21st century? I have not been showered with this much attention since I was a little baby!

But even more alarming than the lack of blacks as convention attendees, delegates or Mitt Romney staff members is the lack of blacks in the pipeline to be future party operatives........I am embarrassed at the lack of diversity at this convention. Have the Republicans not noticed the demographic changes that are taking place in this country? Numerically, there are not enough old, white, balding males to win a national election.

The sad thing is that many of the party leaders agree with me in private conversations, but over the years, they have done absolutely nothing to address this issue. When all is said and done, there has been more said than done when it comes to changing the whiteness of the party.

In the immortal words of the Doobie Brothers: “What a fool believes, no wise man has the power to reason away; what seems to be is always better than nothing at all.”

If the Republican Party think they can continue to have a white strategy for electoral victory, what a fool!
Uh, no.....they don't.
if another race is the cause of another races failures the only option for the so called oppressed race is to overthrow their oppressors !!! can you imagine what a shit hole this country is going to be when whites are the minority !!
I suspect that what's going on is that the affirmative action of the last 4 decades has created a somewhat larger BLACK middle class, even while at the same time the marco-economy continued to exascerbate the different outcomes between the classes.

So while some small percentage of Blacks are doing better than in the past, most Blacks are still left in the dust economically.

Of course Affirmative Action has had an impact on increasing exposure to certain opportunities for some black job applicants, simply by mandating fair hiring practices. However, It is the ignorant notion of some who post here that if one is black and seeking work, that it is practically guaranteed they will be hired over a more qualified white applicant..
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I do believe that there are now slightly more working class Blacks doing slightly better than they had in comparison to working class Whites.

Sadly all working classes are doing worse generally, so the comparisons really don't amount to much REAL progress.

The same goes for the comparisons between men and women, incidently.

Basically some passengers on this Ship-of-State are getting upgraded from steerage to third class cabins even as the ship is going down.
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About 39% of welfare recipients are black, about 38% are white. But whites make up about 70% of the population and blacks are only about 14%. You can do the math, but blacks, by far, are the bulk of the welfare costs in this country, both in numbers and percentages. There's no escaping that fact.

Wow, that's a change from this stat you gave in the other post: "Black welfare recipients, however, make up close to 40% of the black population."

You noticed too? Isn't it hilarious to witness misinformed ignorance evolve into outright stupidity?
National Urban League's State Of Black America 2013 Report Illustrates Mix Of Achievement And Disparity

The high school completion gap has closed by 57 percentage points.

There are more than triple the number of Blacks enrolled in college.

For every college graduate in 1963, there are now five.

Standard of Living:

The percentage of Blacks living in poverty has declined by 23 points.

The percentage of Black children living in poverty has fallen by 22 points.

The percentage of Blacks who own their home has increased by 14 points.

However, these steps forward stand in stark contrast to the ongoing lack of progress in closing the racial gap in major areas including:

In the past 50 years, the Black-White income gap has only closed by 7 points (now at 60%).
The unemployment rate gap has only closed by 6 points (now at 52%).

As in 1963, the Black/white unemployment ratio is still about 2-to-1--regardless of education, gender, region of the country, or income level.


These numbers are no doubt fudged by black statisticians.
National Urban League's State Of Black America 2013 Report Illustrates Mix Of Achievement And Disparity

The high school completion gap has closed by 57 percentage points.

There are more than triple the number of Blacks enrolled in college.

For every college graduate in 1963, there are now five.

Standard of Living:

The percentage of Blacks living in poverty has declined by 23 points.

The percentage of Black children living in poverty has fallen by 22 points.

The percentage of Blacks who own their home has increased by 14 points.

However, these steps forward stand in stark contrast to the ongoing lack of progress in closing the racial gap in major areas including:

In the past 50 years, the Black-White income gap has only closed by 7 points (now at 60%).
The unemployment rate gap has only closed by 6 points (now at 52%).

As in 1963, the Black/white unemployment ratio is still about 2-to-1--regardless of education, gender, region of the country, or income level.


These numbers are no doubt fudged by black statisticians.

No doubt...but everyone knows black people don't run anything.

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