The Comrade is trying desperately to lift sanctions.

Rachel has a Ph.D. She also provided analysis and personal commentary and input from other sources.
Rachel is also an unrepentant, uber-biased Liberal snowflake who has been CAUGHT pushing 'Fake News', severely damaging her creditability and her putting into question both her journalistic integrity as well as her ability to be objectively partisan in performing her duties....unless her duties are NOT to be objectively partisan. If that is the case, she is doing a wonderful job! :p
is this in reference to where Trump gave Russia 20% of our uranium in exchange for huge donations to the Trump Foundation???

Stop spreading bullshit.

Hillary Clinton 'gave up' 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia?

Pffft. Who is spreading the freaking lies?

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
State did not have unilateral authority to approve this deal.
is this in reference to where Trump gave Russia 20% of our uranium in exchange for huge donations to the Trump Foundation???

Stop spreading bullshit.

Hillary Clinton 'gave up' 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia?

Pffft. Who is spreading the freaking lies?

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Anyone who say Russia was given or sold any portion of the uranium mined in the US by the US subsidiaries of the companies Russia bought is lying. It is illegal to export uranium from the US to anywhere.
Rachel has a Ph.D. She also provided analysis and personal commentary and input from other sources.
Rachel is also an unrepentant, uber-biased Liberal snowflake who has been CAUGHT pushing 'Fake News', severely damaging her creditability and her putting into question both her journalistic integrity as well as her ability to be objectively partisan in performing her duties....unless her duties are NOT to be objectively partisan. If that is the case, she is doing a wonderful job! :p
name one or two partisans on the air?? hanitty o liely limpaw ?
For all those Americans unfamiliar with what a declaration of independence is, may I present:

Declaration of Independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol:

We, the members of the parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Sevastopol City Council, with regard to the charter of the United Nations and a whole range of other international documents and taking into consideration the confirmation of the status of Kosovo by the United Nations International Court of Justice on July 22, 2010, which says that unilateral declaration of independence by a part of the country does not violate any international norms, make this decision jointly:[1]

1. If a decision to become part of Russia is made at the referendum of the March 16, 2014, Crimea including the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol will be announced an independent and sovereign state with a republican order.[4]

2. Republic of Crimea will be a democratic, laic and multinational state, with an obligation to maintain peace, international and intersectarian consent in its territory.[4]

3. If the referendum brings the respective results, Republic of Crimea as an independent and sovereign state will turn to the Russian Federation with the proposition to accept the Republic of Crimea on the basis of a respective interstate treaty into the Russian Federation as a new constituent entity of the Russian Federation.[4]

Declaration approved by the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea at the extraordinary plenary session on March 11, 2014 (signed by the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov) and by the Decision of the Sevastopol City Council at the extraordinary plenary session on March 11, 2014 (signed by the Chairman of the Sevastopol city council Yury Doynikov).

The sanctions against Russia should be lifted immediately.
You do realize that all Trump need do is desperately try to sign a document to lift sanctions, right?

Which leads to the question: If he is putins puppet and wants desperately to do this, why hasn't he?
You do realize that all Trump need do is desperately try to sign a document to lift sanctions, right?

Can you repeat that in English?
Need can be used as a model. It's a bit old style but those with above a rudimentary education would understand. With that, I leave it for you and your public education to decipher.
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Funny thing is though that if Putin pulled his troops out of Ukraine and just agreed to "lease" Crimea for what Ukraine owes him for gas, there'd be no reason for sanctions. And, Putin's team dismissed the whole idea out of hand, reasoning they now own Crimea.

Putin has Billions at risk if he gives up Crimea. The Comrade in DC knows this and is doing everything he can to lift the sanction, free the oil contract, and allow Putee to collect his money. Unless the political appointee, Sessions, halts all investigations, the facts will come out. Bannon is also counting on a big pay day.
Ah well there it is. Putin had virtually a perpetual lease on Crimea. But he wanted the off shore oil/gas reserves too. So he invaded and took them. So the West has no choice but to keep the sanctions if they want to dissuade Putin from doing it again somewhere else.

Trump and his inner circle make Obama look like Nixon in foreign affairs. It's beyond funny that they should make Putin an offer he'd laugh at. Even with the sanctions, keeping the oil and gas is showing a profit despite the sanctions.

Putin plays the Comrade for an idiot, AGAIN!

Rachel Maddow had a very insightful and scary segment about this last night. Like she said - it's a win-win-win...for Putin-Putin-Putin. Just how dumb does Trump think we are? No wonder Trump is trying to delegitimize the media for reporting this stuff. It's what DICKtators do.

Well if maddow says something there is no reason for us to think for ourselves said no conservative ever

She was reporting what was in the New York Times and Washington Post. Where do you get your news? From above?

They call His Holiness, the Comrade.
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In Trump's press conference last week I thought Trump said a deal wouldn't go through because the media is picking on him and so the Russians are now instead doing bad things.

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