The Condensed Liberal Handbook of Racial Code Words

Islam isn't a race, dumbshit.

Rightwing handbook of racial code words: lol

Go fuck a goat

Go fuck a donkey

Go tend your sheep

Go fuck a camel

Camels fuck you

Goats fuck you anally



It's was just Muhammad and sand

It's just sand

Afros are monkeys

Islam lovers

Islam apologists

Lovers of Allah

Israel hater!

Goddamned haters!

You want to see Israel gone

Lets bomb Libya allahu ahkbar! Lol

Those are just the ones they use when they are discussing anything related to the Middle East. Racist people

Racism does not just include race, when your are biggoted against someone due to, religoin, race, sexual preference, ect........its considered racism.

An ever expanding definition.
Racism does not just include race, when your are biggoted against someone due to, religoin, race, sexual preference, ect........its considered racism.


Maybe in your mind - but that's absolutely absurd.

On the other hand, your "definition" of racism certainly does explain the actions of the PC Police, that any criticism can be twisted into "racism".

But absurd, nonetheless.

...why would you not want our country to come together?

Would you explain precisely how screaming "racist" at every opportunity (and even making up opportunities when possible) is supposed to cause "our country to come together"?

I think it accomplishes quite the opposite.

Islam isn't a race, dumbshit.

Racism does not just include race, when your are biggoted against someone due to, religoin, race, sexual preference, ect........its considered racism.

Thanks. And yes most conservatives have bigotry against those people. So it's racism
When you claim other people are bigots, and you point to your own bigotry (against conservatives) as proof, you prove only that you're a bigot.

Malkin is just pissed that under '****' in the dictionary is a picture of Culter and not her.

Flame Zone is the only sub-forum where that particular term flies.

I'm guessing you don't see a bit of irony in posting that image.

It's definitely not racist. No way!
Nor is it hateful. Not at all. :cool:
Racism does not just include race, when your are biggoted against someone due to, religoin, race, sexual preference, ect........its considered racism.

Thanks. And yes most conservatives have bigotry against those people. So it's racism
When you claim other people are bigots, and you point to your own bigotry (against conservatives) as proof, you prove only that you're a bigot.

That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. I'm not bigoted towards any people of skin or their faith. Saying that I don't like conservatives.
Thanks. And yes most conservatives have bigotry against those people. So it's racism
When you claim other people are bigots, and you point to your own bigotry (against conservatives) as proof, you prove only that you're a bigot.

That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. I'm not bigoted towards any people of skin or their faith. Saying that I don't like conservatives.
Bigotry isn't limited to race or religion.

And yes, you are bigoted against conservatives. When you claim that "most conservatives have bigotry against those people", that's a bigoted statement and is not supported by reality.
Responding to post #8:

I would never give the dignity to this post of repeating it.

As a conservative, I never used those words, nor have I ever heard a fellow conservative using them.

I forgot most of those words when I got out of high school and had to show the world that I was a responsible grown-up adult. Which was never a rigid requirement in the Unemployment/Welfare office where liberal potty-mouths show up for their checks/food stamps paid for by the generosity of the very people they are so fond of denigrating.
Michelle Malkin » The Condensed Liberal Handbook of Racial Code Words

Thumper the Rabbit’s parents always taught him, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.” If the left’s self-appointed Omniscient Diviners of True Meaning have their way, conservatives in the public square won’t be left with anything at all to say. Ever.

It’s a treacherous business exercising your freedom of speech in the age of Obama. As a public service, I present to you: “The 2012 Condensed Liberal Handbook of Racial Code Words.” Decoder rings, activate!

–Angry. On the campaign trail this summer, President Obama has become — in the words of the mainstream Associated Press — more “aggressive.” But don’t you dare call him “angry.” According to MSNBC host Toure, that’s racist!

“You notice he said ‘anger’ twice,” Toure fumed in response to a speech last week by GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney. “He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man.” Or maybe Romney is just accurately describing the singular temperament of the growling, finger-jabbing, failure-plagued demagogue-in-chief. It’s about the past four years, not 400 years. Sheesh.

Forum copyright policy, to be found HERE, prohibits posting of pieces in their entirety.


What fun! :eusa_clap: A whole thread on the Race Card Card! :eusa_clap:
Michelle Malkin » The Condensed Liberal Handbook of Racial Code Words

Thumper the Rabbit’s parents always taught him, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.” If the left’s self-appointed Omniscient Diviners of True Meaning have their way, conservatives in the public square won’t be left with anything at all to say. Ever.

It’s a treacherous business exercising your freedom of speech in the age of Obama. As a public service, I present to you: “The 2012 Condensed Liberal Handbook of Racial Code Words.” Decoder rings, activate!

–Angry. On the campaign trail this summer, President Obama has become — in the words of the mainstream Associated Press — more “aggressive.” But don’t you dare call him “angry.” According to MSNBC host Toure, that’s racist!

“You notice he said ‘anger’ twice,” Toure fumed in response to a speech last week by GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney. “He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man.” Or maybe Romney is just accurately describing the singular temperament of the growling, finger-jabbing, failure-plagued demagogue-in-chief. It’s about the past four years, not 400 years. Sheesh.

Forum copyright policy, to be found HERE, prohibits posting of pieces in their entirety.


Being a Kenyan born muslim is one thing, being a black guy with a chip on his shoulder is just typical.
Responding to post #3:

If I were so filled, so saturated with unreasonable hatred and malice as you appear to be, I would take the effort and no doubt be successful of finding and image equally as offensive and uncomplimentary, of President Obama, and any and all of his boot-lickers, such as Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton, Ed Randell, David Corn, as the one you presented of Michelle Malkin.

But I am not, so if you want to see the real hateful distasteful and disgusting and distorted face of a liberal, look in the mirror.
When you claim other people are bigots, and you point to your own bigotry (against conservatives) as proof, you prove only that you're a bigot.

That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. I'm not bigoted towards any people of skin or their faith. Saying that I don't like conservatives.
Bigotry isn't limited to race or religion.

And yes, you are bigoted against conservatives. When you claim that "most conservatives have bigotry against those people", that's a bigoted statement and is not supported by reality.

Is it not true? I don't like conservatives
Thanks. And yes most conservatives have bigotry against those people. So it's racism
When you claim other people are bigots, and you point to your own bigotry (against conservatives) as proof, you prove only that you're a bigot.

That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. I'm not bigoted towards any people of skin or their faith. Saying that I don't like conservatives.

When you declare that you don't like someone, without knowing them, you are without a doubt, BIGOTED.

You proudly declared that you don't like conservatives.

Since "conservatives" include people of all races, all religions, all ethnic groups, people of all sexual orientations, all genders and all levels of education, in other words, more than half of all Americans, and you don't like them, you are BIGOTED!
When you claim other people are bigots, and you point to your own bigotry (against conservatives) as proof, you prove only that you're a bigot.

That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. I'm not bigoted towards any people of skin or their faith. Saying that I don't like conservatives.

When you declare that you don't like someone, without knowing them, you are without a doubt, BIGOTED.

You proudly declared that you don't like conservatives.

Since "conservatives" include people of all races, all religions, all ethnic groups, people of all sexual orientations, all genders and all levels of education, in other words, more than half of all Americans, and you don't like them, you are BIGOTED!

Certain conservatives don't have bigotry but look at who they bring to speak to them. You will find out he's a complete hoax at the end.

[ame=]YouTube - 'Ex-Terrorist' Speaks At Conservative Conference[/ame]
Dumb shit it's used against Arabs.

Iranians and Pakistanis aren't Arabs, you stupid shit.

Oh really? Haha shithead you think I don't know that? Bigotry towards all Muslims is worse than racism

And those Muslims you so courageously defend butcher, rape, kill, torture and stone Christians in their own country, from which they all want to escape to the country they all want to destroy.

Have you seen the lovely Muslim people of Dearborn, MI on TV, recently? Do you realize that if they have their way you will never be able spout your nonsense again?

When you talk about bigotry, you seem to forget that so far no Muslim in America died because of hatred and bigotry towards them. But a Muslim military officer, who, no doubt was given his rank due to Affirmative action, in his inbred hatred and bigotry against America, killed 12 Americans in a religious rampage?

What you feel towards Americans, in defense of Muslims is worse than bigotry and racism, it is downright TREASON.

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