The Consequences of a Post-Christian America Revealed by COVID-19

America would have had to be "Christian" in order to become "post Christian".
If it had been Christian, most social problems would have been resolved and, in addition, we would have been better prepared for something like a pandemic.
Or maybe Boomer Remover, AKA Covid 19 is a gift to be appreciated...

You're just the flip side of selfish "safety": "get rid of all the people I don't like/bug me/cost me money"

Still total selfishness.
Actually... that's the Boomers you're describing. Shut down the country, and crash the worlds economies, just so the nearly dead can squeeze out a few more months, to a year of life...

Oh I see, my apologies. But it's not just Boomers by far. It's across ages and demographics. It's the overriding ethos of our culture. "Me first, no matter the cost"
It doesnt really pan out that way. Step back and look at it pragmatically. This Wuhan Flu is for the most part only very deadly for people of a certain age, and with certain underlying conditions. For the young, and healthy its really little more than an inconvenience. Now... Look at who holds the majority of the worlds wealth, and whose hands are holding the levers of power. Covid has global leadership, and financial fatcats shitting bricks, because this virus seems tailor made to remove them from the gene pool. And these same people who are being targeted, and have the wealth, and hold the power... Are leveraging their considerable wealth, and power, to save and maintain their grasp on wealth, and power. The cost to all others be damned.
Not exactly. Follow the money. You do realize that money can be made on a crashing market, right? You do understand what shorting the market means, right?

So they didn’t do this to “save” their lives. They did this to fleece people who went long on the market. You are just a casualty of their business transaction. Short the market, dump your shares and buy back in after the crash.

Like I said, follow the money.
America would have had to be "Christian" in order to become "post Christian".
If it had been Christian, most social problems would have been resolved and, in addition, we would have been better prepared for something like a pandemic.
That is not entirely inaccurate. As a people we have forgotten God. Christian or otherwise.
Personally I believe we are getting exactly what we deserve.

And I hope you all get to suffer the consequences of your predictable surprise to the fullest possible extent.
Personally I believe we are getting exactly what we deserve.

And I hope you all get to suffer the consequences of your predictable surprise to the fullest possible extent.
A surprisingly common, if misanthropic, sentiment.
Personally I believe we are getting exactly what we deserve.

And I hope you all get to suffer the consequences of your predictable surprise to the fullest possible extent.
A surprisingly common, if misanthropic, sentiment.
Not really. Sometimes people have to suffer to progress.

There’s a self correcting law of compensation at work here.

Let’s say you have a child who is addicted to heroin and have tried everything to help them to no avail. Is the best thing for them to let them suffer the full consequences of their choices or to keep enabling them?

Would you be considered to have a misanthropic sentiment if you stopped “helping” them?
It seems to me that you people have absolutely no understanding of how God works.
We have no higher ideals in 21st century, post-Christian America than our own personal safety, and perhaps the safety of our nearest loved ones.

"Safety" is not a foundation upon which to build, or sustain, a republic. Our Founding Fathers understood that. Liberty, prosperity, even happiness does not flow from "safety". And yet, in this Coronavirus madness, the secularized masses look to their Government gods to keep them "safe", no matter the cost. Steal my liberties, lock me up, crash our long as I get another few years on this spinning rock, safe. Or I should really say, "safe".

I won't say we deserve this, but a lot of us saw this coming. When you unseat God from His Throne, you will have another god, even if you deny it. As the Bible says, "your god is your stomach" (Philippians 3:19). And now we see what happens.
Hyperbolic rightwing nonsense and demagoguery.

There is no ‘post-Christian’ America.

No one perceives government as his ‘god.’

And no one advocates for our liberties to be ‘stolen,’ for anyone to be ‘locked up,’ or for the economy to be ‘crashed.’

What you and other social conservatives ‘foresaw’ is an opportunity to exploit the C19 crisis to advance your failed, wrongheaded, authoritarian rightwing agenda.

Incorrect. See: "The Patriot Act".
Or maybe Boomer Remover, AKA Covid 19 is a gift to be appreciated...

You're just the flip side of selfish "safety": "get rid of all the people I don't like/bug me/cost me money"

Still total selfishness.
Actually... that's the Boomers you're describing. Shut down the country, and crash the worlds economies, just so the nearly dead can squeeze out a few more months, to a year of life...

Oh I see, my apologies. But it's not just Boomers by far. It's across ages and demographics. It's the overriding ethos of our culture. "Me first, no matter the cost"

My aunt has a theory it's God's way of humbling some arrogant people.
Or maybe Boomer Remover, AKA Covid 19 is a gift to be appreciated...

You're just the flip side of selfish "safety": "get rid of all the people I don't like/bug me/cost me money"

Still total selfishness.
Actually... that's the Boomers you're describing. Shut down the country, and crash the worlds economies, just so the nearly dead can squeeze out a few more months, to a year of life...

Oh I see, my apologies. But it's not just Boomers by far. It's across ages and demographics. It's the overriding ethos of our culture. "Me first, no matter the cost"

My aunt has a theory it's God's way of humbling some arrogant people.
Your Aunt is a wise woman. But just clarify it, God doesn’t do it to us, we do it to us.

If our society truly followed his ways, we wouldn’t have near the amount of problems we do. And the problems we would have would be easier to deal with. Unfortunately we have become a very materialistic society. So it is what it is.
It seems to me that you people have absolutely no understanding of how God works.

Well there's a difference between knowing how God works and sincerely hoping to see the mass of humanity destroyed.
We have no higher ideals in 21st century, post-Christian America than our own personal safety, and perhaps the safety of our nearest loved ones.

"Safety" is not a foundation upon which to build, or sustain, a republic. Our Founding Fathers understood that. Liberty, prosperity, even happiness does not flow from "safety". And yet, in this Coronavirus madness, the secularized masses look to their Government gods to keep them "safe", no matter the cost. Steal my liberties, lock me up, crash our long as I get another few years on this spinning rock, safe. Or I should really say, "safe".

I won't say we deserve this, but a lot of us saw this coming. When you unseat God from His Throne, you will have another god, even if you deny it. As the Bible says, "your god is your stomach" (Philippians 3:19). And now we see what happens.
Ummmm.....Yes, it is Governments job to keep us safe

Praying to Jesus will not help
Or maybe Boomer Remover, AKA Covid 19 is a gift to be appreciated...

You're just the flip side of selfish "safety": "get rid of all the people I don't like/bug me/cost me money"

Still total selfishness.
Actually... that's the Boomers you're describing. Shut down the country, and crash the worlds economies, just so the nearly dead can squeeze out a few more months, to a year of life...

Oh I see, my apologies. But it's not just Boomers by far. It's across ages and demographics. It's the overriding ethos of our culture. "Me first, no matter the cost"

My aunt has a theory it's God's way of humbling some arrogant people.
Your Aunt is a wise woman. But just clarify it, God doesn’t do it to us, we do it to us.

If our society truly followed his ways, we wouldn’t have near the amount of problems we do. And the problems we would have would be easier to deal with. Unfortunately we have become a very materialistic society. So it is what it is.

We are definitely on the far side of cultural decline. Like, the really far side.

But this is all pre-ordained too. It was decided before I was born, before you were born--from the beginning of the world. So while I do get upset with people's bad decisions sure, because I am human, as a Christian it's hard for me to say, all of you sinners caused this. But for Christ NONE of us would be able to save ourselves.
We have no higher ideals in 21st century, post-Christian America than our own personal safety, and perhaps the safety of our nearest loved ones.

"Safety" is not a foundation upon which to build, or sustain, a republic. Our Founding Fathers understood that. Liberty, prosperity, even happiness does not flow from "safety". And yet, in this Coronavirus madness, the secularized masses look to their Government gods to keep them "safe", no matter the cost. Steal my liberties, lock me up, crash our long as I get another few years on this spinning rock, safe. Or I should really say, "safe".

I won't say we deserve this, but a lot of us saw this coming. When you unseat God from His Throne, you will have another god, even if you deny it. As the Bible says, "your god is your stomach" (Philippians 3:19). And now we see what happens.
Ummmm.....Yes, it is Governments job to keep us safe

Praying to Jesus will not help

I laughed out loud, and I never lie about that

SO thanks for that anyway
If nothing else, this will give some people (those that learn) a better perspective on what's really important in life.

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