The Consequences of a Post-Christian America Revealed by COVID-19

We have no higher ideals in 21st century, post-Christian America than our own personal safety, and perhaps the safety of our nearest loved ones
Is the American Deep South (say Alabama) pos-Christian?
"Safety" is not a foundation upon which to build, or sustain, a republic. Our Founding Fathers understood that. Liberty, prosperity, even happiness does not flow from "safety". And yet, in this Coronavirus madness, the secularized masses look to their Government gods to keep them "safe", no matter the cost....

Steal my liberties, lock me up, crash our long as I get another few years on this spinning rock, safe. Or I should really say, "safe".

You say that people look to the government to keep them safe...and then list how the government does not keep us safe. Keep in mind it is the people's actions that are crashing our economies. People selling off stock, people hoarding goods that do not need to be hoarded. Heaven forbid that schools close and parents actually take a real part in their children's education or cook their meals instead of eating out. I can go out any time I want, I am not locked up. I can be patient and use cheap shampoo for liquid hand soap (or use a bar of soap) when people who are uneasy buy up the supply. I can work in my garden. When I see a store is low on certain items, I can do without so those with a greater need might have them.

Our freedoms are still securely in our own hands, now how are we going to use and build on that freedom? Think "Emmanuel", meaning God is with us. He knows we sometimes encounter trouble on this earth. We can call on Him to strengthen our spirits and calm our fears. The Lord is my safe waters He leads me...He restores my strength. Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm for you are at my side...

The gov't main focus, per our nation's founding is only to PROTECT God-given individual rights. It is not to "bestow" anything.
We have no higher ideals in 21st century, post-Christian America than our own personal safety, and perhaps the safety of our nearest loved ones
Is the American Deep South (say Alabama) pos-Christian?

What's your point? Make it
My point that the vast majority of people there consider themselves to be religious, say that the religion plays an important role in their lives. Needless to say that this majority regards themselves as Christians.

I already said above what in my opinion a true Christian shouldn't do. But the hoarding hasn't been something totally uncommon over there.
"Safety" is not a foundation upon which to build, or sustain, a republic. Our Founding Fathers understood that. Liberty, prosperity, even happiness does not flow from "safety". And yet, in this Coronavirus madness, the secularized masses look to their Government gods to keep them "safe", no matter the cost....

Steal my liberties, lock me up, crash our long as I get another few years on this spinning rock, safe. Or I should really say, "safe".

You say that people look to the government to keep them safe...and then list how the government does not keep us safe. Keep in mind it is the people's actions that are crashing our economies. People selling off stock, people hoarding goods that do not need to be hoarded. Heaven forbid that schools close and parents actually take a real part in their children's education or cook their meals instead of eating out. I can go out any time I want, I am not locked up. I can be patient and use cheap shampoo for liquid hand soap (or use a bar of soap) when people who are uneasy buy up the supply. I can work in my garden. When I see a store is low on certain items, I can do without so those with a greater need might have them.

Our freedoms are still securely in our own hands, now how are we going to use and build on that freedom? Think "Emmanuel", meaning God is with us. He knows we sometimes encounter trouble on this earth. We can call on Him to strengthen our spirits and calm our fears. The Lord is my safe waters He leads me...He restores my strength. Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm for you are at my side...

The gov't main focus, per our nation's founding is only to PROTECT God-given individual rights. It is not to "bestow" anything.

But you just said a few posts before this that Christians know that know other human being can keep them safe.

I wonder, does that mean children cannot be Christian, or do you think children believe their parents cannot keep them safe?
What exactly did you see coming?

For that matter, what is it you think the "secularized masses" are looking for the government to do?

Do you think that this virus came about because the United States isn't a theocracy? That's kind of the impression you give.

No the virus didn't come about because the US isn't a theocracy (?). But the response to the virus is absolutely due to our post-Christian status. It's a response borne of fear and the need for safety ALL THE TIME. It's a safe-space response.

What do you think would have been a proper response? You're speaking in very general terms. Also, what does it mean that we are in a "post-Christian status"? In a country in which the majority of people self-identify as Christian, I'm not sure how the US is post-Christian.

Would a more Christian country not have done anything, because that would just have been a fear response? Do you think Christians are never fearful?

Of course Christians feel fear.

We are a nation completely given over to the dictates of our government overlords and we are depending on them to Keep Us Safe, and we value our own safety above any other principle.

I am here to tell you that no matter what people say on a survey, Christians know that no other human being can keep them safe. And they don't value safety over anything anyway.

It's wonderful the way you speak for all Americans and all Christians. Is it difficult to know what so many people think and believe? :lol:
"Safety" is not a foundation upon which to build, or sustain, a republic. Our Founding Fathers understood that. Liberty, prosperity, even happiness does not flow from "safety". And yet, in this Coronavirus madness, the secularized masses look to their Government gods to keep them "safe", no matter the cost....

Steal my liberties, lock me up, crash our long as I get another few years on this spinning rock, safe. Or I should really say, "safe".

You say that people look to the government to keep them safe...and then list how the government does not keep us safe. Keep in mind it is the people's actions that are crashing our economies. People selling off stock, people hoarding goods that do not need to be hoarded. Heaven forbid that schools close and parents actually take a real part in their children's education or cook their meals instead of eating out. I can go out any time I want, I am not locked up. I can be patient and use cheap shampoo for liquid hand soap (or use a bar of soap) when people who are uneasy buy up the supply. I can work in my garden. When I see a store is low on certain items, I can do without so those with a greater need might have them.

Our freedoms are still securely in our own hands, now how are we going to use and build on that freedom? Think "Emmanuel", meaning God is with us. He knows we sometimes encounter trouble on this earth. We can call on Him to strengthen our spirits and calm our fears. The Lord is my safe waters He leads me...He restores my strength. Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm for you are at my side...

The gov't main focus, per our nation's founding is only to PROTECT God-given individual rights. It is not to "bestow" anything.

But you just said a few posts before this that Christians know that know other human being can keep them safe.

I wonder, does that mean children cannot be Christian, or do you think children believe their parents cannot keep them safe?

Christian children understand that their parents are fallible and we live in a fallen world. Yes.
"Safety" is not a foundation upon which to build, or sustain, a republic. Our Founding Fathers understood that. Liberty, prosperity, even happiness does not flow from "safety". And yet, in this Coronavirus madness, the secularized masses look to their Government gods to keep them "safe", no matter the cost....

Steal my liberties, lock me up, crash our long as I get another few years on this spinning rock, safe. Or I should really say, "safe".

You say that people look to the government to keep them safe...and then list how the government does not keep us safe. Keep in mind it is the people's actions that are crashing our economies. People selling off stock, people hoarding goods that do not need to be hoarded. Heaven forbid that schools close and parents actually take a real part in their children's education or cook their meals instead of eating out. I can go out any time I want, I am not locked up. I can be patient and use cheap shampoo for liquid hand soap (or use a bar of soap) when people who are uneasy buy up the supply. I can work in my garden. When I see a store is low on certain items, I can do without so those with a greater need might have them.

Our freedoms are still securely in our own hands, now how are we going to use and build on that freedom? Think "Emmanuel", meaning God is with us. He knows we sometimes encounter trouble on this earth. We can call on Him to strengthen our spirits and calm our fears. The Lord is my safe waters He leads me...He restores my strength. Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm for you are at my side...

The gov't main focus, per our nation's founding is only to PROTECT God-given individual rights. It is not to "bestow" anything.

But you just said a few posts before this that Christians know that know other human being can keep them safe.

I wonder, does that mean children cannot be Christian, or do you think children believe their parents cannot keep them safe?

Christian children understand that their parents are fallible and we live in a fallen world. Yes.

So let me see if I get this. Christians know that one human being cannot keep another human being safe. I suppose that means that bodyguards are useless, parents shouldn't bother to teach their children not to play with fire or knives, the invention of things like vaccines or PPE were pointless, etc. Because of this, I can only assume that the government's main focus to protect individual rights is doomed to fail, since the government is made up of humans who can't keep other humans (and their rights) safe. In addition, Christian children don't think that their parents can keep them safe. Is that about the size of it, in your opinion? :popcorn:
"Safety" is not a foundation upon which to build, or sustain, a republic. Our Founding Fathers understood that. Liberty, prosperity, even happiness does not flow from "safety". And yet, in this Coronavirus madness, the secularized masses look to their Government gods to keep them "safe", no matter the cost....

Steal my liberties, lock me up, crash our long as I get another few years on this spinning rock, safe. Or I should really say, "safe".

You say that people look to the government to keep them safe...and then list how the government does not keep us safe. Keep in mind it is the people's actions that are crashing our economies. People selling off stock, people hoarding goods that do not need to be hoarded. Heaven forbid that schools close and parents actually take a real part in their children's education or cook their meals instead of eating out. I can go out any time I want, I am not locked up. I can be patient and use cheap shampoo for liquid hand soap (or use a bar of soap) when people who are uneasy buy up the supply. I can work in my garden. When I see a store is low on certain items, I can do without so those with a greater need might have them.

Our freedoms are still securely in our own hands, now how are we going to use and build on that freedom? Think "Emmanuel", meaning God is with us. He knows we sometimes encounter trouble on this earth. We can call on Him to strengthen our spirits and calm our fears. The Lord is my safe waters He leads me...He restores my strength. Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm for you are at my side...

The gov't main focus, per our nation's founding is only to PROTECT God-given individual rights. It is not to "bestow" anything.

But you just said a few posts before this that Christians know that know other human being can keep them safe.

I wonder, does that mean children cannot be Christian, or do you think children believe their parents cannot keep them safe?

Christian children understand that their parents are fallible and we live in a fallen world. Yes.

So let me see if I get this. Christians know that one human being cannot keep another human being safe. I suppose that means that bodyguards are useless, parents shouldn't bother to teach their children not to play with fire or knives, the invention of things like vaccines or PPE were pointless, etc. Because of this, I can only assume that the government's main focus to protect individual rights is doomed to fail, since the government is made up of humans who can't keep other humans (and their rights) safe. In addition, Christian children don't think that their parents can keep them safe. Is that about the size of it, in your opinion? :popcorn:

I do not play liberal gotcha games, sweetheart. I guarantee I'm better at it than you are, and have been at it longer than you have.
I do not play liberal gotcha games, sweetheart. I guarantee I'm better at it than you are, and have been at it longer than you have.

Yes, you've had a lot of practice being stupid, racist and ignorant. You've raised it to an art form.
You say that people look to the government to keep them safe...and then list how the government does not keep us safe. Keep in mind it is the people's actions that are crashing our economies. People selling off stock, people hoarding goods that do not need to be hoarded. Heaven forbid that schools close and parents actually take a real part in their children's education or cook their meals instead of eating out. I can go out any time I want, I am not locked up. I can be patient and use cheap shampoo for liquid hand soap (or use a bar of soap) when people who are uneasy buy up the supply. I can work in my garden. When I see a store is low on certain items, I can do without so those with a greater need might have them.

Our freedoms are still securely in our own hands, now how are we going to use and build on that freedom? Think "Emmanuel", meaning God is with us. He knows we sometimes encounter trouble on this earth. We can call on Him to strengthen our spirits and calm our fears. The Lord is my safe waters He leads me...He restores my strength. Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm for you are at my side...

The gov't main focus, per our nation's founding is only to PROTECT God-given individual rights. It is not to "bestow" anything.

But you just said a few posts before this that Christians know that know other human being can keep them safe.

I wonder, does that mean children cannot be Christian, or do you think children believe their parents cannot keep them safe?

Christian children understand that their parents are fallible and we live in a fallen world. Yes.

So let me see if I get this. Christians know that one human being cannot keep another human being safe. I suppose that means that bodyguards are useless, parents shouldn't bother to teach their children not to play with fire or knives, the invention of things like vaccines or PPE were pointless, etc. Because of this, I can only assume that the government's main focus to protect individual rights is doomed to fail, since the government is made up of humans who can't keep other humans (and their rights) safe. In addition, Christian children don't think that their parents can keep them safe. Is that about the size of it, in your opinion? :popcorn:

I do not play liberal gotcha games, sweetheart. I guarantee I'm better at it than you are, and have been at it longer than you have.

Liberal gotcha games, is it? I didn't know liberals created gotcha games, nor that trying to get you to clarify the things you've said was either liberal or a gotcha game.

Also, if you're better at it, why not play? :lol:

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the claim that Christians know no other human can keep them safe. That's a new one, and seems to make little sense. I guess if you explain it I've got ya! :p
The gov't main focus, per our nation's founding is only to PROTECT God-given individual rights. It is not to "bestow" anything.

But you just said a few posts before this that Christians know that know other human being can keep them safe.

I wonder, does that mean children cannot be Christian, or do you think children believe their parents cannot keep them safe?

Christian children understand that their parents are fallible and we live in a fallen world. Yes.

So let me see if I get this. Christians know that one human being cannot keep another human being safe. I suppose that means that bodyguards are useless, parents shouldn't bother to teach their children not to play with fire or knives, the invention of things like vaccines or PPE were pointless, etc. Because of this, I can only assume that the government's main focus to protect individual rights is doomed to fail, since the government is made up of humans who can't keep other humans (and their rights) safe. In addition, Christian children don't think that their parents can keep them safe. Is that about the size of it, in your opinion? :popcorn:

I do not play liberal gotcha games, sweetheart. I guarantee I'm better at it than you are, and have been at it longer than you have.

Liberal gotcha games, is it? I didn't know liberals created gotcha games, nor that trying to get you to clarify the things you've said was either liberal or a gotcha game.

Also, if you're better at it, why not play? :lol:

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the claim that Christians know no other human can keep them safe. That's a new one, and seems to make little sense. I guess if you explain it I've got ya! :p

Okay genius, I'll play your little game, since you insist.

Please tell me how Your Precious Government can keep us safe, every day, in every circumstance, from this virus, if we comply.

That's your game, pal. It's called strawmanning. Embrace it, since you took such glee in ramping it up for me.
But you just said a few posts before this that Christians know that know other human being can keep them safe.

I wonder, does that mean children cannot be Christian, or do you think children believe their parents cannot keep them safe?

Christian children understand that their parents are fallible and we live in a fallen world. Yes.

So let me see if I get this. Christians know that one human being cannot keep another human being safe. I suppose that means that bodyguards are useless, parents shouldn't bother to teach their children not to play with fire or knives, the invention of things like vaccines or PPE were pointless, etc. Because of this, I can only assume that the government's main focus to protect individual rights is doomed to fail, since the government is made up of humans who can't keep other humans (and their rights) safe. In addition, Christian children don't think that their parents can keep them safe. Is that about the size of it, in your opinion? :popcorn:

I do not play liberal gotcha games, sweetheart. I guarantee I'm better at it than you are, and have been at it longer than you have.

Liberal gotcha games, is it? I didn't know liberals created gotcha games, nor that trying to get you to clarify the things you've said was either liberal or a gotcha game.

Also, if you're better at it, why not play? :lol:

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the claim that Christians know no other human can keep them safe. That's a new one, and seems to make little sense. I guess if you explain it I've got ya! :p

Okay genius, I'll play your little game, since you insist.

Please tell me how Your Precious Government can keep us safe, every day, in every circumstance, from this virus, if we comply.

That's your game, pal. It's called strawmanning. Embrace it, since you took such glee in ramping it up for me.

The difference with your post, of course, is that you didn't base your questions on anything I said. You just made them up. I, on the other hand, have quotes from you saying that Christians know no human can keep them safe (post #59), and you responding with a yes when I asked you if Christian children know their parents cannot keep them safe (post #67).

You didn't actually answer my questions, but I'm happy to answer yours.

The US government is my government and your government, assuming you are a US citizen. I don't think of it as precious. I certainly don't think it can keep everyone safe every day in every circumstance, from this virus or anything else. On the other hand, I also don't think that this is a binary equation in which the government either keeps everyone safe from everything all of the time, or does nothing.

Of course, I also think it's possible for one person to keep another person safe, at least in some circumstances. ;)
Christian children understand that their parents are fallible and we live in a fallen world. Yes.

So let me see if I get this. Christians know that one human being cannot keep another human being safe. I suppose that means that bodyguards are useless, parents shouldn't bother to teach their children not to play with fire or knives, the invention of things like vaccines or PPE were pointless, etc. Because of this, I can only assume that the government's main focus to protect individual rights is doomed to fail, since the government is made up of humans who can't keep other humans (and their rights) safe. In addition, Christian children don't think that their parents can keep them safe. Is that about the size of it, in your opinion? :popcorn:

I do not play liberal gotcha games, sweetheart. I guarantee I'm better at it than you are, and have been at it longer than you have.

Liberal gotcha games, is it? I didn't know liberals created gotcha games, nor that trying to get you to clarify the things you've said was either liberal or a gotcha game.

Also, if you're better at it, why not play? :lol:

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the claim that Christians know no other human can keep them safe. That's a new one, and seems to make little sense. I guess if you explain it I've got ya! :p

Okay genius, I'll play your little game, since you insist.

Please tell me how Your Precious Government can keep us safe, every day, in every circumstance, from this virus, if we comply.

That's your game, pal. It's called strawmanning. Embrace it, since you took such glee in ramping it up for me.

The difference with your post, of course, is that you didn't base your questions on anything I said. You just made them up. I, on the other hand, have quotes from you saying that Christians know no human can keep them safe (post #59), and you responding with a yes when I asked you if Christian children know their parents cannot keep them safe (post #67).

You didn't actually answer my questions, but I'm happy to answer yours.

The US government is my government and your government, assuming you are a US citizen. I don't think of it as precious. I certainly don't think it can keep everyone safe every day in every circumstance, from this virus or anything else. On the other hand, I also don't think that this is a binary equation in which the government either keeps everyone safe from everything all of the time, or does nothing.

Of course, I also think it's possible for one person to keep another person safe, at least in some circumstances. ;)

You expect me to actually respond to your stupid, inane, junior high level strawman argument

And include a winky sign because you think you actually GOT ME. That's embarrassing, for you. But okay.

I'm going to start again with the OP, alright there, pal? The FUNCTION of the US govt is not to "keep us safe". That's why we have the 2nd amendment. It is only a small measure of safety against "enemies, foreign and domestic". You somehow now want to twist this into gotcha games with human beings and parents-children, as if you prove some kind of point that parents can, in some measure, keep children safe, you have won a Constitutional argument, or proven what the government's role should be.

The Constitution was written, and works, because the American populace never NEEDED the government to "keep us safe". I'm really going to end there because your skills at argumentation are beyond frustrating, to be honest.
I have never understood the logic behind believing that unless everyone is kept safe or nothing bad can ever happen that there can be no God.

Could one of you good people explain that to me?

Coyote Montrovant JoeB131 ESay
I'm going to start again with the OP, alright there, pal? The FUNCTION of the US govt is not to "keep us safe". That's why we have the 2nd amendment.

That's awesome! Let's go out and shoot those viruses! that'll help.

The Constitution was written, and works, because the American populace never NEEDED the government to "keep us safe". I'm really going to end there because your skills at argumentation are beyond frustrating, to be honest.

The constitution was written by guys who shit in chamberpots and thought that bleeding was a good treatment for Strep Throat.

I'd prefer to live in the 21st century, where we have sensible government dealing with it... at least until idiots like you put a Game Show Host in charge because he was "Right with Jesus!"
Seems like bad things happened to people who believed in God during the OT and NT times.
I mean some pretty bad things happened to Job and he had a relationship with God, right?

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