The Consequences of a Post-Christian America Revealed by COVID-19

You're just the flip side of selfish "safety": "get rid of all the people I don't like/bug me/cost me money"

Still total selfishness.
Actually... that's the Boomers you're describing. Shut down the country, and crash the worlds economies, just so the nearly dead can squeeze out a few more months, to a year of life...

Oh I see, my apologies. But it's not just Boomers by far. It's across ages and demographics. It's the overriding ethos of our culture. "Me first, no matter the cost"

My aunt has a theory it's God's way of humbling some arrogant people.
Your Aunt is a wise woman. But just clarify it, God doesn’t do it to us, we do it to us.

If our society truly followed his ways, we wouldn’t have near the amount of problems we do. And the problems we would have would be easier to deal with. Unfortunately we have become a very materialistic society. So it is what it is.

We are definitely on the far side of cultural decline. Like, the really far side.

But this is all pre-ordained too. It was decided before I was born, before you were born--from the beginning of the world. So while I do get upset with people's bad decisions sure, because I am human, as a Christian it's hard for me to say, all of you sinners caused this. But for Christ NONE of us would be able to save ourselves.
Doesn’t believing something has already been decided go against the concept of free will?
People with your problem are the reason insulin shock therapy was invented.

Naw, man... I just find it hilarious that all you guys knew for years Trump was unfit for office, and now we have a crisis he has no idea how to deal with, and it shows.

We are definitely on the far side of cultural decline. Like, the really far side.

But this is all pre-ordained too. It was decided before I was born, before you were born--from the beginning of the world. So while I do get upset with people's bad decisions sure, because I am human, as a Christian it's hard for me to say, all of you sinners caused this. But for Christ NONE of us would be able to save ourselves.

Yawn... Always tell when the Bible Thumpers are stumped, when they claim "prophecy" is being fulfilled when the world doesn't work their way.

I remember when the AIDS thing hit, and all you Bible thumpers were screaming it was God's Judgement. 9/11? God's judgement. Coronavirus (Trump's Plague) - God's judgement. Adam Sandler Movies? God's Judgement. (Okay, I made that last one up.)

God doesn't solve these problems, people do using reason and science.
What exactly did you see coming?

For that matter, what is it you think the "secularized masses" are looking for the government to do?

Do you think that this virus came about because the United States isn't a theocracy? That's kind of the impression you give.

No the virus didn't come about because the US isn't a theocracy (?). But the response to the virus is absolutely due to our post-Christian status. It's a response borne of fear and the need for safety ALL THE TIME. It's a safe-space response.
Trying to prevent deaths is generally seen as commendable. Why do you resent it ?

Look at two bigger factors:

1. The cost of keeping you "safe" and

2. The shaming you endure if you don't agree with that cost

That's our culture. The "safe space" culture. My hind end above all other considerations.
How do you want society to actually deal with this disease ? Ts and Ps ?
What exactly did you see coming?

For that matter, what is it you think the "secularized masses" are looking for the government to do?

Do you think that this virus came about because the United States isn't a theocracy? That's kind of the impression you give.

No the virus didn't come about because the US isn't a theocracy (?). But the response to the virus is absolutely due to our post-Christian status. It's a response borne of fear and the need for safety ALL THE TIME. It's a safe-space response.

What do you think would have been a proper response? You're speaking in very general terms. Also, what does it mean that we are in a "post-Christian status"? In a country in which the majority of people self-identify as Christian, I'm not sure how the US is post-Christian.

Would a more Christian country not have done anything, because that would just have been a fear response? Do you think Christians are never fearful?
"Safety" is not a foundation upon which to build, or sustain, a republic. Our Founding Fathers understood that. Liberty, prosperity, even happiness does not flow from "safety". And yet, in this Coronavirus madness, the secularized masses look to their Government gods to keep them "safe", no matter the cost....

Steal my liberties, lock me up, crash our long as I get another few years on this spinning rock, safe. Or I should really say, "safe".

You say that people look to the government to keep them safe...and then list how the government does not keep us safe. Keep in mind it is the people's actions that are crashing our economies. People selling off stock, people hoarding goods that do not need to be hoarded. Heaven forbid that schools close and parents actually take a real part in their children's education or cook their meals instead of eating out. I can go out any time I want, I am not locked up. I can be patient and use cheap shampoo for liquid hand soap (or use a bar of soap) when people who are uneasy buy up the supply. I can work in my garden. When I see a store is low on certain items, I can do without so those with a greater need might have them.

Our freedoms are still securely in our own hands, now how are we going to use and build on that freedom? Think "Emmanuel", meaning God is with us. He knows we sometimes encounter trouble on this earth. We can call on Him to strengthen our spirits and calm our fears. The Lord is my safe waters He leads me...He restores my strength. Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm for you are at my side...
I won't say we deserve this, but a lot of us saw this coming. When you unseat God from His Throne, you will have another god, even if you deny it. As the Bible says, "your god is your stomach" (Philippians 3:19). And now we see what happens.
Since many of us who believe have never unseated God from His Throne (or even believe He is (or has been) unseated) we find God as close to us as He always is.

God is with us.
Would a more Christian country not have done anything, because that would just have been a fear response?
Good question. Before criticizing the government, let's consider what an individual should/would do when an illness threatens the family unit. For example, my younger daughter was visiting her sister stationed in South Korea when the virus hit hard there. My focus was getting the younger one home when flights started getting cancelled and her being within reach of my help should she come down with the virus. It cost me the money she didn't have to arrange new flights. Her older sister was stressed not only because of her job, but because she saw it as her responsibility to get her sister out of danger.

When the younger one arrived back in the US, her employer wanted her to self quarantine for seventeen days, which she did. Even so, a few of her colleagues were still antsy when she returned to work after all that time symptom free. (Notice this had nothing to do with Federal or even State requirements.) People were wanting as many as possible to be safe and a person who understood the fears was willing to accommodate them despite the inconveniences to herself.

I still have one daughter in South Korea (this one a Federal employee) working horrifically long hours to keep people calm, confident, and safe. Basically the Federal government is doing what we as individuals were already doing, but they are doing it for the larger 'family'.
Personally I believe we are getting exactly what we deserve.

And I hope you all get to suffer the consequences of your predictable surprise to the fullest possible extent.
Personally I believe we are getting exactly what we deserve.

who's we bing - keep your christianity to yourself. the same for the other moribund desert religions, may you all congregate together to pray ... and take all your books with you.
Personally I believe we are getting exactly what we deserve.

And I hope you all get to suffer the consequences of your predictable surprise to the fullest possible extent.
Personally I believe we are getting exactly what we deserve.

who's we bing - keep your christianity to yourself. the same for the other moribund desert religions, may you all congregate together to pray ... and take all your books with you.
That’s exactly what hobelim says.

I knew you were him. :lol:

Where’s a mod when you need one. Can’t wait until they ban you both. :lol:
Personally I believe we are getting exactly what we deserve.

And I hope you all get to suffer the consequences of your predictable surprise to the fullest possible extent.
Personally I believe we are getting exactly what we deserve.

who's we bing - keep your christianity to yourself. the same for the other moribund desert religions, may you all congregate together to pray ... and take all your books with you.
WillHaftawaite check this guys IP.
We have no higher ideals in 21st century, post-Christian America than our own personal safety, and perhaps the safety of our nearest loved ones.

"Safety" is not a foundation upon which to build, or sustain, a republic. Our Founding Fathers understood that. Liberty, prosperity, even happiness does not flow from "safety". And yet, in this Coronavirus madness, the secularized masses look to their Government gods to keep them "safe", no matter the cost. Steal my liberties, lock me up, crash our long as I get another few years on this spinning rock, safe. Or I should really say, "safe".

I won't say we deserve this, but a lot of us saw this coming. When you unseat God from His Throne, you will have another god, even if you deny it. As the Bible says, "your god is your stomach" (Philippians 3:19). And now we see what happens.
I don’t see how the masses had it any better when God ruled their lives frankly.
What exactly did you see coming?

For that matter, what is it you think the "secularized masses" are looking for the government to do?

Do you think that this virus came about because the United States isn't a theocracy? That's kind of the impression you give.

No the virus didn't come about because the US isn't a theocracy (?). But the response to the virus is absolutely due to our post-Christian status. It's a response borne of fear and the need for safety ALL THE TIME. It's a safe-space response.
I don’t that has to do with religion.
The state is looking after us while God has gone fishing.

God's job is not to "look after us" Tommy. Well not His major job at any rate.

My goodness we are the most wimpified culture in the history of humanity. Exhibit A. WIMPS all of us
Sure it is. We are told to trust in him and submit to him, and in return for that company,etc acceptance of authority he looks after us...a shepherd and his sheep.
Or maybe Boomer Remover, AKA Covid 19 is a gift to be appreciated...

You're just the flip side of selfish "safety": "get rid of all the people I don't like/bug me/cost me money"

Still total selfishness.
Actually... that's the Boomers you're describing. Shut down the country, and crash the worlds economies, just so the nearly dead can squeeze out a few more months, to a year of life...

Oh I see, my apologies. But it's not just Boomers by far. It's across ages and demographics. It's the overriding ethos of our culture. "Me first, no matter the cost"
True...but then again it is a direct result of the American culture of individualism and individual rights over common good and group rights.
In search of toilet paper, and walking down an aisle of a store with empty shelves

a very surreal experience that makes one laugh at the apocalyptic

What does Christianity have to do with greed when the bed we made is our own
In search of toilet paper, and walking down an aisle of a store with empty shelves

a very surreal experience that makes one laugh at the apocalyptic

What does Christianity have to do with greed when the bed we made is our own
What does Christianity have to do with greed when the bed we made is our own


what's with, the bed - we - made is - our - own ... the only people you are talking about are the desert religions, they abandoned the religion of antiquity long ago. just maybe there is a change in plans the Almighty took care of them once before they can do it again.

the sooner the better.
The state is looking after us while God has gone fishing.

God's job is not to "look after us" Tommy. Well not His major job at any rate.

My goodness we are the most wimpified culture in the history of humanity. Exhibit A. WIMPS all of us
Sure it is. We are told to trust in him and submit to him, and in return for that company,etc acceptance of authority he looks after us...a shepherd and his sheep.

Do not confuse OUR chief role with HIS chief role
What exactly did you see coming?

For that matter, what is it you think the "secularized masses" are looking for the government to do?

Do you think that this virus came about because the United States isn't a theocracy? That's kind of the impression you give.

No the virus didn't come about because the US isn't a theocracy (?). But the response to the virus is absolutely due to our post-Christian status. It's a response borne of fear and the need for safety ALL THE TIME. It's a safe-space response.

What do you think would have been a proper response? You're speaking in very general terms. Also, what does it mean that we are in a "post-Christian status"? In a country in which the majority of people self-identify as Christian, I'm not sure how the US is post-Christian.

Would a more Christian country not have done anything, because that would just have been a fear response? Do you think Christians are never fearful?

Of course Christians feel fear.

We are a nation completely given over to the dictates of our government overlords and we are depending on them to Keep Us Safe, and we value our own safety above any other principle.

I am here to tell you that no matter what people say on a survey, Christians know that no other human being can keep them safe. And they don't value safety over anything anyway.
Would a more Christian country not have done anything, because that would just have been a fear response? Do you think Christians are never fearful?
It is not about what 'country' (ie government) should do. It is about what people themselves should or shouldn't do. For example, I can't imagine that a Christian can allow themselves to buy a two month stock of some goods knowing they leave others without even one day amount of it.

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