The consequences of hard Right-wing evil are destroying the world

We can't develop an informed populace (which democracy requires) when someone like Trump, and those who echo him, claim the MSM is Fake News; that our Universities brainwash its students, and those who hold opinions out of the norm are enemies of the people.
We certainly can't develop an informed populace when the Government Approved Main Stream Media consistently slants, distorts and just doesn't print news that doesn't fit their agenda. That's true.

And everyone is aware that academia, like the media, is simply an arm of the left wing and students are indeed
indoctrinated all the way through school, quite often. My son went through California schools and frequently brought home textbooks by Howard Zinn and other biased leftists.
To claim otherwise is simply a laughably lame attempt to deny what is easily observed.

As for people who hold views outside of the norm try walking on a college campus with a MAGA hat.
You'll see quickly who is considered an enemy of the people.

How is it you are so consistently wrong and uninformed?
What are the confirmed slants and distortions by the media
A Disaster for Brazil: Noam Chomsky on Brazil’s New Far-Right President Jair Bolsonaro | Democracy Now!

Back in the seventies, the CIA, Nixon, and Henry Kissinger overthrew the people's government of Chile, caused the death of their president Allende and installed a military dictator Pinochet. Then began the systematic raping of the resources there that once belonged to the people. We ruined the economy and destroyed pensions. That disaster lives on today. The hundreds of thousands of people working in their sixties, seventies, and eighties, is staggering. This is the result of right-wing fanaticism, greed, and evil.

Fast forward to today and Brazil, and we are seeing the same thing happen. Now Brazil has a president who wants a military takeover, a systematic agri-business takeover of the Amazon forest, where the most diverse ecosystem on the planet exists, producing the largest amount of oxygen the planet can give us, all at the expense of exploitation, greed, and money for the few.

This is what radical right-wing evil is all about. It's an attempt to literally destroy the world. There isn't a scientist out there that wouldn't tell you that because of the massive trees in the Amazon, those trees transpire most of the oxygen we breath on the planet.

And who is supporting this military dictatorship to take away the richest resource on the planet that we depend upon to sustain life? You guessed it, we are. More specifically the likes of John Bolton and Donald Trump, and American special interests.

This move by Brazil, with there new radical president, Trump, Bolton,and other interest groups is a declaration of war against every form of life on the planet. How do we get it back? First, we need to get rid of Trump, Bolton, and the radical right from our own country who want military bases in Brazil to protect this mother load of natural resources that is a target of exploitation. This conceivably could amount to being the largest threat to the health of the world we have ever seen. And we are backing the move 100%. Put that in your sock and smell the evil coming from that for a minute. And in case you forgot what I said early on in my thread about diversity, the Amazon has the most diverse animal and plant life on the planet. Are we ready to surrender the world and those treasures to a few special interest right wing pigs, who only care about themselves and their short term enrichment? I don't think so.
Every jobless crime ridden town in America is run by democrats
Noam Chomsky can't really be very intelligent if he doesn't understand that Marxism has murdered, starved and oppressed hundreds of millions of people.

calling a socailist marxist is like calling a conservatives fascists

Well of course they always say that they are only socialist
"They" ? :21: Who do you think you are and support? You like your roads, dams, and bridges don't you? You like the fact that we are financing professional sports through Socialism right? What about farmers, who get their Socialism against the failures of farming?
A Disaster for Brazil: Noam Chomsky on Brazil’s New Far-Right President Jair Bolsonaro | Democracy Now!

Back in the seventies, the CIA, Nixon, and Henry Kissinger overthrew the people's government of Chile, caused the death of their president Allende and installed a military dictator Pinochet. Then began the systematic raping of the resources there that once belonged to the people. We ruined the economy and destroyed pensions. That disaster lives on today. The hundreds of thousands of people working in their sixties, seventies, and eighties, is staggering. This is the result of right-wing fanaticism, greed, and evil.

Fast forward to today and Brazil, and we are seeing the same thing happen. Now Brazil has a president who wants a military takeover, a systematic agri-business takeover of the Amazon forest, where the most diverse ecosystem on the planet exists, producing the largest amount of oxygen the planet can give us, all at the expense of exploitation, greed, and money for the few.

This is what radical right-wing evil is all about. It's an attempt to literally destroy the world. There isn't a scientist out there that wouldn't tell you that because of the massive trees in the Amazon, those trees transpire most of the oxygen we breath on the planet.

And who is supporting this military dictatorship to take away the richest resource on the planet that we depend upon to sustain life? You guessed it, we are. More specifically the likes of John Bolton and Donald Trump, and American special interests.

This move by Brazil, with there new radical president, Trump, Bolton,and other interest groups is a declaration of war against every form of life on the planet. How do we get it back? First, we need to get rid of Trump, Bolton, and the radical right from our own country who want military bases in Brazil to protect this mother load of natural resources that is a target of exploitation. This conceivably could amount to being the largest threat to the health of the world we have ever seen. And we are backing the move 100%. Put that in your sock and smell the evil coming from that for a minute. And in case you forgot what I said early on in my thread about diversity, the Amazon has the most diverse animal and plant life on the planet. Are we ready to surrender the world and those treasures to a few special interest right wing pigs, who only care about themselves and their short term enrichment? I don't think so.
Every jobless crime ridden town in America is run by democrats
Now here's one for the archives folks. What the hell does this statement have to do with the thread topic? Republicans are getting crazier by the day. Get this nut back in his or her straight jacket.
"They" ? :21: Who do you think you are and support? You like your roads, dams, and bridges don't you? You like the fact that we are financing professional sports through Socialism right? What about farmers, who get their Socialism against the failures of farming?

What are the confirmed slants and distortions by the media
Liberal News Media Bias Has a Serious Effect -

Try Google. No amount of information will ever satisfy the true believer zealot but the information is there anyway.
The Examiner is known for it's conservative political stance. In other words, the slants you are basing your evidence on comes from a conservative outlet with bias tendencies;Washington Examiner - Wikipedia The writer of your article wasn't written by the NYT. It's also just an opinion that has no documentary evidence. Try again loser.
Hmm, and yet, those Democrats didn't lie and vote for tax cuts going to the wealthy. Smart Republicans did that while telling dumb Republicans they were getting a tax cut, when that was a lie. And all of that, with an addition to the deficit of another $2 trillion dollars.
I got a tax cut, and I'm nowhere near wealthy.
No one got a tax cut, when gas prices went up, medical costs went up, groceries went up, services went up, and we grew the deficit in order to give Republicans the excuse they have been looking for to try and gut entitlements. How do I know that? Because I understand math. The tax cut grew the deficit. The math proved that. And who has to pay that back?

No one got a tax cut, when gas prices went up,

I pay less for gas than I did while Obama was President.
For over a year I didn't. The tax cut doesn't help when that happens. Again, one needs to know math.

The tax cut doesn't help when that happens.

Why do you feel a tax cut made your gas more expensive?

Run thru your logic for me.
"They" ? :21: Who do you think you are and support? You like your roads, dams, and bridges don't you? You like the fact that we are financing professional sports through Socialism right? What about farmers, who get their Socialism against the failures of farming?

View attachment 238739

You have no counter argument. Thanks! What a bunch of weak losers.

I don't counter-argue cement-headed economic illiteracy and shameless demagoguery...I just mock it and move on.
Hmm, and yet, those Democrats didn't lie and vote for tax cuts going to the wealthy. Smart Republicans did that while telling dumb Republicans they were getting a tax cut, when that was a lie. And all of that, with an addition to the deficit of another $2 trillion dollars.
I got a tax cut, and I'm nowhere near wealthy.
No one got a tax cut, when gas prices went up, medical costs went up, groceries went up, services went up, and we grew the deficit in order to give Republicans the excuse they have been looking for to try and gut entitlements. How do I know that? Because I understand math. The tax cut grew the deficit. The math proved that. And who has to pay that back?

No one got a tax cut, when gas prices went up,

I pay less for gas than I did while Obama was President.
For over a year I didn't. The tax cut doesn't help when that happens. Again, one needs to know math.

The tax cut doesn't help when that happens.

Why do you feel a tax cut made your gas more expensive?

Run thru your logic for me.
I didn't say that. Did you say that? Naturally things go up when con artists like Trump and his tax cut pretend to be giving us something. Doesn't mean gas prices have anything to do with it, but markets have their own responding mechanisms when people get more money. Hence, why the tax cut doesn't help. The vulture chart for thirty years proved to us that tax cuts going to the wealthy through income inequality went unchanged for the middle class, further proving that the price for goods and services have risen accordingly, to keep those incomes flat. And if the incomes stay flat, there never really was a tax cut going to the middle class to begin with. Which is why I am comfortable saying that no one got a tax cut when gas prices went up. Doesn't mean that gas prices had something to do with it like you insinuate. But it certainly doesn't help. Of course, folks like you aren't smart enough to separate out that difference. That's on you. Tax cuts that you think go to you, coincide with income inequality and GDP to keep our wages flat, while making us think we are getting something, when we are not. It's really just simple accounting to make us think we are getting something when we are not. Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
I don't counter-argue cement-headed economic illiteracy and shameless demagoguery

Discounting an M.I.T. PhD Odd one?


Chomsky's credentials and accolades are in the realm of linguistics and semantics, in which he is an acknowledged genius...Those skills don't automatically cross over to make one an oracle on politics.
He's smarter than you according to the world. I'll let that stand on its own footing for my argument.
He's smarter than you according to the world. I'll let that stand on its own footing for my argument.
He's so smart that I can catch him in the linguistic techniques he uses, to dupe gullible jackasses like you into believing that he's a political sage and soothsayer.....Which makes the both of us far smarter than you'll ever be.
I got a tax cut, and I'm nowhere near wealthy.
No one got a tax cut, when gas prices went up, medical costs went up, groceries went up, services went up, and we grew the deficit in order to give Republicans the excuse they have been looking for to try and gut entitlements. How do I know that? Because I understand math. The tax cut grew the deficit. The math proved that. And who has to pay that back?

No one got a tax cut, when gas prices went up,

I pay less for gas than I did while Obama was President.
For over a year I didn't. The tax cut doesn't help when that happens. Again, one needs to know math.

The tax cut doesn't help when that happens.

Why do you feel a tax cut made your gas more expensive?

Run thru your logic for me.
I didn't say that. Did you say that? Naturally things go up when con artists like Trump and his tax cut pretend to be giving us something. Doesn't mean gas prices have anything to do with it, but markets have their own responding mechanisms when people get more money. Hence, why the tax cut doesn't help. The vulture chart for thirty years proved to us that tax cuts going to the wealthy through income inequality went unchanged for the middle class, further proving that the price for goods and services have risen accordingly, to keep those incomes flat. And if the incomes stay flat, there never really was a tax cut going to the middle class to begin with. Which is why I am comfortable saying that no one got a tax cut when gas prices went up. Doesn't mean that gas prices had something to do with it like you insinuate. But it certainly doesn't help. Of course, folks like you aren't smart enough to separate out that difference. That's on you. Tax cuts that you think go to you, coincide with income inequality and GDP to keep our wages flat, while making us think we are getting something, when we are not. It's really just simple accounting to make us think we are getting something when we are not. Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Naturally things go up when con artists like Trump and his tax cut pretend to be giving us something.

Since he didn't stop pretending to be giving us something and gas prices are now lower than under Obama, they must have nothing to do with the tax cuts.

So I prefer to have more after tax income, whether gas prices are higher or lower.

Ed Schultz was an angry idiot.
A Disaster for Brazil: Noam Chomsky on Brazil’s New Far-Right President Jair Bolsonaro | Democracy Now!

Back in the seventies, the CIA, Nixon, and Henry Kissinger overthrew the people's government of Chile, caused the death of their president Allende and installed a military dictator Pinochet. Then began the systematic raping of the resources there that once belonged to the people. We ruined the economy and destroyed pensions. That disaster lives on today. The hundreds of thousands of people working in their sixties, seventies, and eighties, is staggering. This is the result of right-wing fanaticism, greed, and evil.

Fast forward to today and Brazil, and we are seeing the same thing happen. Now Brazil has a president who wants a military takeover, a systematic agri-business takeover of the Amazon forest, where the most diverse ecosystem on the planet exists, producing the largest amount of oxygen the planet can give us, all at the expense of exploitation, greed, and money for the few.

This is what radical right-wing evil is all about. It's an attempt to literally destroy the world. There isn't a scientist out there that wouldn't tell you that because of the massive trees in the Amazon, those trees transpire most of the oxygen we breath on the planet.

And who is supporting this military dictatorship to take away the richest resource on the planet that we depend upon to sustain life? You guessed it, we are. More specifically the likes of John Bolton and Donald Trump, and American special interests.

This move by Brazil, with there new radical president, Trump, Bolton,and other interest groups is a declaration of war against every form of life on the planet. How do we get it back? First, we need to get rid of Trump, Bolton, and the radical right from our own country who want military bases in Brazil to protect this mother load of natural resources that is a target of exploitation. This conceivably could amount to being the largest threat to the health of the world we have ever seen. And we are backing the move 100%. Put that in your sock and smell the evil coming from that for a minute. And in case you forgot what I said early on in my thread about diversity, the Amazon has the most diverse animal and plant life on the planet. Are we ready to surrender the world and those treasures to a few special interest right wing pigs, who only care about themselves and their short term enrichment? I don't think so.

LOL. Noam Chomsky. Yeah, Brazil was so much better under their former Marxist administration with their sky high crime rate and massive unemployment.
A Disaster for Brazil: Noam Chomsky on Brazil’s New Far-Right President Jair Bolsonaro | Democracy Now!

Back in the seventies, the CIA, Nixon, and Henry Kissinger overthrew the people's government of Chile, caused the death of their president Allende and installed a military dictator Pinochet. Then began the systematic raping of the resources there that once belonged to the people. We ruined the economy and destroyed pensions. That disaster lives on today. The hundreds of thousands of people working in their sixties, seventies, and eighties, is staggering. This is the result of right-wing fanaticism, greed, and evil.

Fast forward to today and Brazil, and we are seeing the same thing happen. Now Brazil has a president who wants a military takeover, a systematic agri-business takeover of the Amazon forest, where the most diverse ecosystem on the planet exists, producing the largest amount of oxygen the planet can give us, all at the expense of exploitation, greed, and money for the few.

This is what radical right-wing evil is all about. It's an attempt to literally destroy the world. There isn't a scientist out there that wouldn't tell you that because of the massive trees in the Amazon, those trees transpire most of the oxygen we breath on the planet.

And who is supporting this military dictatorship to take away the richest resource on the planet that we depend upon to sustain life? You guessed it, we are. More specifically the likes of John Bolton and Donald Trump, and American special interests.

This move by Brazil, with there new radical president, Trump, Bolton,and other interest groups is a declaration of war against every form of life on the planet. How do we get it back? First, we need to get rid of Trump, Bolton, and the radical right from our own country who want military bases in Brazil to protect this mother load of natural resources that is a target of exploitation. This conceivably could amount to being the largest threat to the health of the world we have ever seen. And we are backing the move 100%. Put that in your sock and smell the evil coming from that for a minute. And in case you forgot what I said early on in my thread about diversity, the Amazon has the most diverse animal and plant life on the planet. Are we ready to surrender the world and those treasures to a few special interest right wing pigs, who only care about themselves and their short term enrichment? I don't think so.

LOL. Noam Chomsky. Yeah, Brazil was so much better under their former Marxist administration with their sky high crime rate and massive unemployment.

An entire history of American interventionalism , not just the last two jamokes Brazil 'elected' would be the point

fwiw, we've a similar history in the M.E.


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