The consequences of hard Right-wing evil are destroying the world

Noam Chomsky can't really be very intelligent if he doesn't understand that Marxism has murdered, starved and oppressed hundreds of millions of people.
It makes sense now that Chomsky was nominated the most intelligent man in the world, when folks like you expose yourselves as the dumbest and most ignorant. Chomsky is voted world's top public intellectual Every time someone is too smart, they are always communist according to dumb asses like you.

Dude, at this point you are fighting against reality, not me.
"Reality"? You must have that word confused with the truth? Something you have yet to discover. No one, including you has proven Chomsky to be a communist. Therefore, your weapon of choice is to make up lies that we expose. Which is why Chomsky is smarter than you. He doesn't get caught making shit up about somebody. But you do. Which explains why you are a dumb ass.

But intelligent people understand that redistribution of income is the essence of Marxism.
And? What's that got to do with your lies?
ROFLMAO Did you really just quote Chomsky?

Only left loons quote that communist

You and odd dude have no clue about Chomsky and both of you echo without any clues the propaganda which attacks him.

I'm always happy to help the ignorant and misinformed:

Noam Chomsky - Biography, Facts and Pictures

Chomsky Biography

Below are quotes which cross most political lines, some even the two clueless may appreciate:

Noam Chomsky Quotes - BrainyQuote

We are dealing with grifters, liars, and uneducated idiots on this is board who have zero interest in cultivating any intelligence.

Sadly that's true, part of the fun is mocking them, and part of the no fun is knowing people all over the world are mocking America about how poorly educated these fools are.

"Rational discussion is useful only when there is a significant base of shared assumptions."
Noam Chomsky
There was no such thing as an Allende communist dictatorship. Do you wear a suit? Because if you do, you're an idiot with one on, just like your evil dumb ass president. You know shit about history. Get the hell out of here bozo.

There was no such thing as an Allende communist dictatorship.

Hard to have a dictatorship when your brains are on the wall behind your desk, eh comrade?
And how does that prove a communist dictatorship again?

He killed the shit out of that commie.
Okay, we appreciate your talent for lying, but you lose. You have proved nothing.Try again.

Why don't you post all your proof concerning damage to Chilean pensions?
Then we can see if my claim about those pensions, compared to others, was correct.

Spasibo tovarisch.
I've got a better idea. Why don't you visit the country for about six months like I have, and ask them yourself. I see it first hand.
The proof you ask for is idiotic. You have to see and talk to the people yourself and get the proof from them dumb ass. You ask for stupid things that are not possible to cover your tracks from a failed argument you have.
ROFLMAO Did you really just quote Chomsky?

Only left loons quote that communist

You and odd dude have no clue about Chomsky and both of you echo without any clues the propaganda which attacks him.

I'm always happy to help the ignorant and misinformed:

Noam Chomsky - Biography, Facts and Pictures

Chomsky Biography

Below are quotes which cross most political lines, some even the two clueless may appreciate:

Noam Chomsky Quotes - BrainyQuote

We are dealing with grifters, liars, and uneducated idiots on this is board who have zero interest in cultivating any intelligence.

Sadly that's true, part of the fun is mocking them, and part of the no fun is knowing people all over the world are mocking America about how poorly educated these fools are.

"Rational discussion is useful only when there is a significant base of shared assumptions."
Noam Chomsky
Traveling as they say, is lethal to bigotry. And in the U.S., the world is the USA, so they assume they know everything, when they know very little. You are right. It is sad, and tragic at the same time. What to do about our gross ignorance in our own country? I don't have an answer.
There was no such thing as an Allende communist dictatorship.

Hard to have a dictatorship when your brains are on the wall behind your desk, eh comrade?
And how does that prove a communist dictatorship again?

He killed the shit out of that commie.
Okay, we appreciate your talent for lying, but you lose. You have proved nothing.Try again.

Why don't you post all your proof concerning damage to Chilean pensions?
Then we can see if my claim about those pensions, compared to others, was correct.

Spasibo tovarisch.
I've got a better idea. Why don't you visit the country for about six months like I have, and ask them yourself. I see it first hand.
The proof you ask for is idiotic. You have to see and talk to the people yourself and get the proof from them dumb ass. You ask for stupid things that are not possible to cover your tracks from a failed argument you have.

Why don't you visit the country for about six months like I have, and ask them yourself

I prefer hard data to anecdotes. Don't you have any data?

The proof you ask for is idiotic.

That's only fair when your claims are idiotic.
Any loon sourcing Chomsky is never to be taken serious...but I never took you serious to begin with so there is that

Now gfy and show where I lied or sit down and stfu troll breath
You didn't prove Chomsky was a communist did you? Exatly! You're a proven liar. Have a seat.

Anyone who doesn't think like a conservative is a communist or socialist in the eyes of conservative.
A conservative is a socialist. They just can't admit to it. Which proves conservatives don't think.

Everyone in America is a socialist and a capitalist.

Both systems are written directly into our constitution. As our constitution requires us to have both economic systems.

Most conservatives don't even know that they are economic not political or social systems.

Conservatives love our military. Yet it's one of the purest forms of socialism in our nation. It's 100% owned and controlled by the government. They don't manufacture anything. There is no board of directors and it's not on any stock exchange. It's 100% funded by our tax dollars and controlled by the government.

Same with FEMA. NOA, NASA, our roads, schools, parks, EMT, police, FBI, CIA, TSA, the electricity, and water they use, the farmers they get their food from and a very long list of other forms of socialism in America that conservatives take for granted every day.

We also have capitalism. People are free to start a business with all the benefits and obligations of that business. People are free to become as filthy rich as they want here. The government doesn't own business here in America.

Both socialism and capitalism built the United States of America. All of it is required by the constitution and is very legal.

I will say that business is all capitalism when they are making money but when they start losing money they quickly become socialists and force us tax payers to bail their butts out.
We also have sports socialism. This country is packed to the ceiling with Socialism. Republicans need to get over themselves;

Lawrence O'Donnell has made some very good points.

I would add, the Green Bay Packers is pure socialism. Its owned by the people of the community. There is no private owner of that football team. The community benefits from that football team because the community owns it.

O'Donnell asks a very good question. Why is the government putting one business above others? Commercial fishermen don't get insurance for their success.

He left out flood and nuclear insurance. The government pays for all the floods either in insurance or through FEMA. A lot of them are on high valued beach coastal areas so those people aren't poor. Why should those rich people get socialism? Why should people be allowed to live in known flood areas while we the taxpayers have to subsidize them? No private insurance company will cover a nuclear plant. So nuclear plants get socialism from us taxpayers. The government is putting them above other businesses.

O'Donnell is right. There's good socialism and bad socialism.

What I find funny is that business owners are big capitalists when they're making money but when they're losing money they quickly become socialists and run to us taxpayers to bail them out.
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Noam Chomsky can't really be very intelligent if he doesn't understand that Marxism has murdered, starved and oppressed hundreds of millions of people.

Ignoramus ^^^

If you care about other people, you might try to organize to undermine power and authority. That's not going to happen if you care only about yourself.
Noam Chomsky
Hmm, and yet, those Democrats didn't lie and vote for tax cuts going to the wealthy. Smart Republicans did that while telling dumb Republicans they were getting a tax cut, when that was a lie. And all of that, with an addition to the deficit of another $2 trillion dollars.
I got a tax cut, and I'm nowhere near wealthy.
No one got a tax cut, when gas prices went up, medical costs went up, groceries went up, services went up, and we grew the deficit in order to give Republicans the excuse they have been looking for to try and gut entitlements. How do I know that? Because I understand math. The tax cut grew the deficit. The math proved that. And who has to pay that back?
ROFLMAO Did you really just quote Chomsky?

Only left loons quote that communist

You and odd dude have no clue about Chomsky and both of you echo without any clues the propaganda which attacks him.

I'm always happy to help the ignorant and misinformed:

Noam Chomsky - Biography, Facts and Pictures

Chomsky Biography

Below are quotes which cross most political lines, some even the two clueless may appreciate:

Noam Chomsky Quotes - BrainyQuote

We are dealing with grifters, liars, and uneducated idiots on this is board who have zero interest in cultivating any intelligence.

Sadly that's true, part of the fun is mocking them, and part of the no fun is knowing people all over the world are mocking America about how poorly educated these fools are.

"Rational discussion is useful only when there is a significant base of shared assumptions."
Noam Chomsky
Traveling as they say, is lethal to bigotry. And in the U.S., the world is the USA, so they assume they know everything, when they know very little. You are right. It is sad, and tragic at the same time. What to do about our gross ignorance in our own country? I don't have an answer.

It begins when demagogues and charlatans are discredited and exposed as the Oz behind the curtain.

We can't develop an informed populace (which democracy requires) when someone like Trump, and those who echo him, claim the MSM is Fake News; that our Universities brainwash its students, and those who hold opinions out of the norm are enemies of the people.
Hmm, and yet, those Democrats didn't lie and vote for tax cuts going to the wealthy. Smart Republicans did that while telling dumb Republicans they were getting a tax cut, when that was a lie. And all of that, with an addition to the deficit of another $2 trillion dollars.
I got a tax cut, and I'm nowhere near wealthy.
No one got a tax cut, when gas prices went up, medical costs went up, groceries went up, services went up, and we grew the deficit in order to give Republicans the excuse they have been looking for to try and gut entitlements. How do I know that? Because I understand math. The tax cut grew the deficit. The math proved that. And who has to pay that back?
So you're saying that my tax accountant and I are liars.

Pound sand up your ass, commie turd.
Hmm, and yet, those Democrats didn't lie and vote for tax cuts going to the wealthy. Smart Republicans did that while telling dumb Republicans they were getting a tax cut, when that was a lie. And all of that, with an addition to the deficit of another $2 trillion dollars.
I got a tax cut, and I'm nowhere near wealthy.
No one got a tax cut, when gas prices went up, medical costs went up, groceries went up, services went up, and we grew the deficit in order to give Republicans the excuse they have been looking for to try and gut entitlements. How do I know that? Because I understand math. The tax cut grew the deficit. The math proved that. And who has to pay that back?
So you're saying that my tax accountant and I are liars.

Pound sand up your ass, commie turd.
No, I'm saying your tax accountant forgot to tell you about the off setting increases in goods, services, and the increasing deficit. Did your accountant tell you about that?
Hmm, and yet, those Democrats didn't lie and vote for tax cuts going to the wealthy. Smart Republicans did that while telling dumb Republicans they were getting a tax cut, when that was a lie. And all of that, with an addition to the deficit of another $2 trillion dollars.
I got a tax cut, and I'm nowhere near wealthy.
No one got a tax cut, when gas prices went up, medical costs went up, groceries went up, services went up, and we grew the deficit in order to give Republicans the excuse they have been looking for to try and gut entitlements. How do I know that? Because I understand math. The tax cut grew the deficit. The math proved that. And who has to pay that back?

No one got a tax cut, when gas prices went up,

I pay less for gas than I did while Obama was President.
No, I'm saying your tax accountant forgot to tell you about the off setting increases in goods, services, and the increasing deficit. Did your accountant tell you about that?
None of those thing have to do with my tax bill...You're just a phony hack, who doesn't know his ass from a hot rock.
Noam Chomsky can't really be very intelligent if he doesn't understand that Marxism has murdered, starved and oppressed hundreds of millions of people.

calling a socailist marxist is like calling a conservatives fascists

No, I'm saying your tax accountant forgot to tell you about the off setting increases in goods, services, and the increasing deficit. Did your accountant tell you about that?
None of those thing have to do with my tax bill...You're just a phony hack, who doesn't know his ass from a hot rock.
I never said it did. My argument is over math, for which you have zero understanding of. Reality about math, is to say I actually got a tax cut without a fine from goods, services, and an increase to the deficit. Without a clear understanding of that fact the ass found you with dumb.
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We can't develop an informed populace (which democracy requires) when someone like Trump, and those who echo him, claim the MSM is Fake News; that our Universities brainwash its students, and those who hold opinions out of the norm are enemies of the people.
We certainly can't develop an informed populace when the Government Approved Main Stream Media consistently slants, distorts and just doesn't print news that doesn't fit their agenda. That's true.

And everyone is aware that academia, like the media, is simply an arm of the left wing and students are indeed
indoctrinated all the way through school, quite often. My son went through California schools and frequently brought home textbooks by Howard Zinn and other biased leftists.
To claim otherwise is simply a laughably lame attempt to deny what is easily observed.

As for people who hold views outside of the norm try walking on a college campus with a MAGA hat.
You'll see quickly who is considered an enemy of the people.

How is it you are so consistently wrong and uninformed?
Hmm, and yet, those Democrats didn't lie and vote for tax cuts going to the wealthy. Smart Republicans did that while telling dumb Republicans they were getting a tax cut, when that was a lie. And all of that, with an addition to the deficit of another $2 trillion dollars.
I got a tax cut, and I'm nowhere near wealthy.
No one got a tax cut, when gas prices went up, medical costs went up, groceries went up, services went up, and we grew the deficit in order to give Republicans the excuse they have been looking for to try and gut entitlements. How do I know that? Because I understand math. The tax cut grew the deficit. The math proved that. And who has to pay that back?

No one got a tax cut, when gas prices went up,

I pay less for gas than I did while Obama was President.
For over a year I didn't. The tax cut doesn't help when that happens. Again, one needs to know math.

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