The consequences of hard Right-wing evil are destroying the world

ROFLMAO Did you really just quote Chomsky?

Only left loons quote that communist
You have proof he's a communist right? Of course you don't. You're a confirmed liar on this board.

Any loon sourcing Chomsky is never to be taken serious...but I never took you serious to begin with so there is that

Now gfy and show where I lied or sit down and stfu troll breath
You didn't prove Chomsky was a communist did you? Exatly! You're a proven liar. Have a seat.

Anyone who doesn't think like a conservative is a communist or socialist in the eyes of conservative.
A conservative is a socialist. They just can't admit to it. Which proves conservatives don't think.

Everyone in America is a socialist and a capitalist.

Both systems are written directly into our constitution. As our constitution requires us to have both economic systems.

Most conservatives don't even know that they are economic not political or social systems.

Conservatives love our military. Yet it's one of the purest forms of socialism in our nation. It's 100% owned and controlled by the government. They don't manufacture anything. There is no board of directors and it's not on any stock exchange. It's 100% funded by our tax dollars and controlled by the government.

Same with FEMA. NOA, NASA, our roads, schools, parks, EMT, police, FBI, CIA, TSA, the electricity, and water they use, the farmers they get their food from and a very long list of other forms of socialism in America that conservatives take for granted every day.

We also have capitalism. People are free to start a business with all the benefits and obligations of that business. People are free to become as filthy rich as they want here. The government doesn't own business here in America.

Both socialism and capitalism built the United States of America. All of it is required by the constitution and is very legal.

I will say that business is all capitalism when they are making money but when they start losing money they quickly become socialists and force us tax payers to bail their butts out.
A Disaster for Brazil: Noam Chomsky on Brazil’s New Far-Right President Jair Bolsonaro | Democracy Now!

Back in the seventies, the CIA, Nixon, and Henry Kissinger overthrew the people's government of Chile, caused the death of their president Allende and installed a military dictator Pinochet. Then began the systematic raping of the resources there that once belonged to the people. We ruined the economy and destroyed pensions. That disaster lives on today. The hundreds of thousands of people working in their sixties, seventies, and eighties, is staggering. This is the result of right-wing fanaticism, greed, and evil.

Fast forward to today and Brazil, and we are seeing the same thing happen. Now Brazil has a president who wants a military takeover, a systematic agri-business takeover of the Amazon forest, where the most diverse ecosystem on the planet exists, producing the largest amount of oxygen the planet can give us, all at the expense of exploitation, greed, and money for the few.

This is what radical right-wing evil is all about. It's an attempt to literally destroy the world. There isn't a scientist out there that wouldn't tell you that because of the massive trees in the Amazon, those trees transpire most of the oxygen we breath on the planet.

And who is supporting this military dictatorship to take away the richest resource on the planet that we depend upon to sustain life? You guessed it, we are. More specifically the likes of John Bolton and Donald Trump, and American special interests.

This move by Brazil, with there new radical president, Trump, Bolton,and other interest groups is a declaration of war against every form of life on the planet. How do we get it back? First, we need to get rid of Trump, Bolton, and the radical right from our own country who want military bases in Brazil to protect this mother load of natural resources that is a target of exploitation. This conceivably could amount to being the largest threat to the health of the world we have ever seen. And we are backing the move 100%. Put that in your sock and smell the evil coming from that for a minute. And in case you forgot what I said early on in my thread about diversity, the Amazon has the most diverse animal and plant life on the planet. Are we ready to surrender the world and those treasures to a few special interest right wing pigs, who only care about themselves and their short term enrichment? I don't think so.

Hah. Even Brazillians had enough of the socialist crap from far left tards. They booted them and elected a nationalist that is rejecting the globalist Agenda. Now go pound sand.
Noam Chomsky...……………

After the assassination attempt Bolsanaro had every right to set up a Department of Helicopter Rides
A Disaster for Brazil: Noam Chomsky on Brazil’s New Far-Right President Jair Bolsonaro | Democracy Now!

Back in the seventies, the CIA, Nixon, and Henry Kissinger overthrew the people's government of Chile, caused the death of their president Allende and installed a military dictator Pinochet. Then began the systematic raping of the resources there that once belonged to the people. We ruined the economy and destroyed pensions. That disaster lives on today. The hundreds of thousands of people working in their sixties, seventies, and eighties, is staggering. This is the result of right-wing fanaticism, greed, and evil.

Fast forward to today and Brazil, and we are seeing the same thing happen. Now Brazil has a president who wants a military takeover, a systematic agri-business takeover of the Amazon forest, where the most diverse ecosystem on the planet exists, producing the largest amount of oxygen the planet can give us, all at the expense of exploitation, greed, and money for the few.

This is what radical right-wing evil is all about. It's an attempt to literally destroy the world. There isn't a scientist out there that wouldn't tell you that because of the massive trees in the Amazon, those trees transpire most of the oxygen we breath on the planet.

And who is supporting this military dictatorship to take away the richest resource on the planet that we depend upon to sustain life? You guessed it, we are. More specifically the likes of John Bolton and Donald Trump, and American special interests.

This move by Brazil, with there new radical president, Trump, Bolton,and other interest groups is a declaration of war against every form of life on the planet. How do we get it back? First, we need to get rid of Trump, Bolton, and the radical right from our own country who want military bases in Brazil to protect this mother load of natural resources that is a target of exploitation. This conceivably could amount to being the largest threat to the health of the world we have ever seen. And we are backing the move 100%. Put that in your sock and smell the evil coming from that for a minute. And in case you forgot what I said early on in my thread about diversity, the Amazon has the most diverse animal and plant life on the planet. Are we ready to surrender the world and those treasures to a few special interest right wing pigs, who only care about themselves and their short term enrichment? I don't think so.

You are delusional...the left wing of this world has destroyed country after country, and you still believe in them...
It's okay folks, once we weed out the retards on this board from their vegetative state, we'll be able to carry on an intelligent debate.

Wow I can't believe the responses from the right on this.

I guess they didn't go to grade school science class. If they had they would know that trees make the air we breathe. The Amazon is the largest area of trees that make the largest amount of air we all breathe. It's been under attack from agribusiness since the Reagan years. They've been cutting that rain forest down at a high rate since then. All so a few people can get even more filthy rich. They're already filthy rich. They don't need more especially at the expense of the rest of us.

We are all connected. Whether it's North America or South America or the other side of the world.

It can't be sustained. We need air to live. It's also contributing to global climate change.

When is enough ever going to be enough for greedy rich people?

Yet, BWK, Allende was a junior partner to Fidel.

so was this guy......>>>

A picture proves what?
You have proof he's a communist right? Of course you don't. You're a confirmed liar on this board.

Any loon sourcing Chomsky is never to be taken serious...but I never took you serious to begin with so there is that

Now gfy and show where I lied or sit down and stfu troll breath
You didn't prove Chomsky was a communist did you? Exatly! You're a proven liar. Have a seat.

Anyone who doesn't think like a conservative is a communist or socialist in the eyes of conservative.
A conservative is a socialist. They just can't admit to it. Which proves conservatives don't think.

Everyone in America is a socialist and a capitalist.

Both systems are written directly into our constitution. As our constitution requires us to have both economic systems.

Most conservatives don't even know that they are economic not political or social systems.

Conservatives love our military. Yet it's one of the purest forms of socialism in our nation. It's 100% owned and controlled by the government. They don't manufacture anything. There is no board of directors and it's not on any stock exchange. It's 100% funded by our tax dollars and controlled by the government.

Same with FEMA. NOA, NASA, our roads, schools, parks, EMT, police, FBI, CIA, TSA, the electricity, and water they use, the farmers they get their food from and a very long list of other forms of socialism in America that conservatives take for granted every day.

We also have capitalism. People are free to start a business with all the benefits and obligations of that business. People are free to become as filthy rich as they want here. The government doesn't own business here in America.

Both socialism and capitalism built the United States of America. All of it is required by the constitution and is very legal.

I will say that business is all capitalism when they are making money but when they start losing money they quickly become socialists and force us tax payers to bail their butts out.
We also have sports socialism. This country is packed to the ceiling with Socialism. Republicans need to get over themselves;
A Disaster for Brazil: Noam Chomsky on Brazil’s New Far-Right President Jair Bolsonaro | Democracy Now!

Back in the seventies, the CIA, Nixon, and Henry Kissinger overthrew the people's government of Chile, caused the death of their president Allende and installed a military dictator Pinochet. Then began the systematic raping of the resources there that once belonged to the people. We ruined the economy and destroyed pensions. That disaster lives on today. The hundreds of thousands of people working in their sixties, seventies, and eighties, is staggering. This is the result of right-wing fanaticism, greed, and evil.

Fast forward to today and Brazil, and we are seeing the same thing happen. Now Brazil has a president who wants a military takeover, a systematic agri-business takeover of the Amazon forest, where the most diverse ecosystem on the planet exists, producing the largest amount of oxygen the planet can give us, all at the expense of exploitation, greed, and money for the few.

This is what radical right-wing evil is all about. It's an attempt to literally destroy the world. There isn't a scientist out there that wouldn't tell you that because of the massive trees in the Amazon, those trees transpire most of the oxygen we breath on the planet.

And who is supporting this military dictatorship to take away the richest resource on the planet that we depend upon to sustain life? You guessed it, we are. More specifically the likes of John Bolton and Donald Trump, and American special interests.

This move by Brazil, with there new radical president, Trump, Bolton,and other interest groups is a declaration of war against every form of life on the planet. How do we get it back? First, we need to get rid of Trump, Bolton, and the radical right from our own country who want military bases in Brazil to protect this mother load of natural resources that is a target of exploitation. This conceivably could amount to being the largest threat to the health of the world we have ever seen. And we are backing the move 100%. Put that in your sock and smell the evil coming from that for a minute. And in case you forgot what I said early on in my thread about diversity, the Amazon has the most diverse animal and plant life on the planet. Are we ready to surrender the world and those treasures to a few special interest right wing pigs, who only care about themselves and their short term enrichment? I don't think so.

You are delusional...the left wing of this world has destroyed country after country, and you still believe in them...
When the Right-wing tries to destroy the most precious resource on this planet for money, in exchange for depleting our oxygen, there are no more countries you idiot.
A Disaster for Brazil: Noam Chomsky on Brazil’s New Far-Right President Jair Bolsonaro | Democracy Now!

Back in the seventies, the CIA, Nixon, and Henry Kissinger overthrew the people's government of Chile, caused the death of their president Allende and installed a military dictator Pinochet. Then began the systematic raping of the resources there that once belonged to the people. We ruined the economy and destroyed pensions. That disaster lives on today. The hundreds of thousands of people working in their sixties, seventies, and eighties, is staggering. This is the result of right-wing fanaticism, greed, and evil.

Fast forward to today and Brazil, and we are seeing the same thing happen. Now Brazil has a president who wants a military takeover, a systematic agri-business takeover of the Amazon forest, where the most diverse ecosystem on the planet exists, producing the largest amount of oxygen the planet can give us, all at the expense of exploitation, greed, and money for the few.

This is what radical right-wing evil is all about. It's an attempt to literally destroy the world. There isn't a scientist out there that wouldn't tell you that because of the massive trees in the Amazon, those trees transpire most of the oxygen we breath on the planet.

And who is supporting this military dictatorship to take away the richest resource on the planet that we depend upon to sustain life? You guessed it, we are. More specifically the likes of John Bolton and Donald Trump, and American special interests.

This move by Brazil, with there new radical president, Trump, Bolton,and other interest groups is a declaration of war against every form of life on the planet. How do we get it back? First, we need to get rid of Trump, Bolton, and the radical right from our own country who want military bases in Brazil to protect this mother load of natural resources that is a target of exploitation. This conceivably could amount to being the largest threat to the health of the world we have ever seen. And we are backing the move 100%. Put that in your sock and smell the evil coming from that for a minute. And in case you forgot what I said early on in my thread about diversity, the Amazon has the most diverse animal and plant life on the planet. Are we ready to surrender the world and those treasures to a few special interest right wing pigs, who only care about themselves and their short term enrichment? I don't think so.
By mother "load," did you mean this OP?
When is enough ever going to be enough for greedy rich people?



Noam Chomsky's net worth is over 70X that of the average American's net worth.
Nancy Pelosi's net worth is about 3000X the average American's net worth.
The truth is that the Left Wing Leaders want to make the middle class taxpayers their slaves who work to support the welfare state.
ROFLMAO Did you really just quote Chomsky?

Only left loons quote that communist

You and odd dude have no clue about Chomsky and both of you echo without any clues the propaganda which attacks him.

I'm always happy to help the ignorant and misinformed:

Noam Chomsky - Biography, Facts and Pictures

Chomsky Biography

Below are quotes which cross most political lines, some even the two clueless may appreciate:

Noam Chomsky Quotes - BrainyQuote
We are dealing with grifters, liars, and uneducated idiots on this is board who have zero interest in cultivating any intelligence.
It's okay folks, once we weed out the retards on this board from their vegetative state, we'll be able to carry on an intelligent debate.

Wow I can't believe the responses from the right on this.

I guess they didn't go to grade school science class. If they had they would know that trees make the air we breathe. The Amazon is the largest area of trees that make the largest amount of air we all breathe. It's been under attack from agribusiness since the Reagan years. They've been cutting that rain forest down at a high rate since then. All so a few people can get even more filthy rich. They're already filthy rich. They don't need more especially at the expense of the rest of us.

We are all connected. Whether it's North America or South America or the other side of the world.

It can't be sustained. We need air to live. It's also contributing to global climate change.

When is enough ever going to be enough for greedy rich people?

Yet, BWK, Allende was a junior partner to Fidel.

so was this guy......>>>

A picture proves what?

Both a lack of thought and ignorance of history.
A Disaster for Brazil: Noam Chomsky on Brazil’s New Far-Right President Jair Bolsonaro | Democracy Now!

Back in the seventies, the CIA, Nixon, and Henry Kissinger overthrew the people's government of Chile, caused the death of their president Allende and installed a military dictator Pinochet. Then began the systematic raping of the resources there that once belonged to the people. We ruined the economy and destroyed pensions. That disaster lives on today. The hundreds of thousands of people working in their sixties, seventies, and eighties, is staggering. This is the result of right-wing fanaticism, greed, and evil.

Fast forward to today and Brazil, and we are seeing the same thing happen. Now Brazil has a president who wants a military takeover, a systematic agri-business takeover of the Amazon forest, where the most diverse ecosystem on the planet exists, producing the largest amount of oxygen the planet can give us, all at the expense of exploitation, greed, and money for the few.

This is what radical right-wing evil is all about. It's an attempt to literally destroy the world. There isn't a scientist out there that wouldn't tell you that because of the massive trees in the Amazon, those trees transpire most of the oxygen we breath on the planet.

And who is supporting this military dictatorship to take away the richest resource on the planet that we depend upon to sustain life? You guessed it, we are. More specifically the likes of John Bolton and Donald Trump, and American special interests.

This move by Brazil, with there new radical president, Trump, Bolton,and other interest groups is a declaration of war against every form of life on the planet. How do we get it back? First, we need to get rid of Trump, Bolton, and the radical right from our own country who want military bases in Brazil to protect this mother load of natural resources that is a target of exploitation. This conceivably could amount to being the largest threat to the health of the world we have ever seen. And we are backing the move 100%. Put that in your sock and smell the evil coming from that for a minute. And in case you forgot what I said early on in my thread about diversity, the Amazon has the most diverse animal and plant life on the planet. Are we ready to surrender the world and those treasures to a few special interest right wing pigs, who only care about themselves and their short term enrichment? I don't think so.
By mother "load," did you mean this OP?
I'm probably the only "mother load" you've got, that separates you from those murdering dictators who would suck every molecule of oxygen out of the air from you, just so they could rape every single resource from the planet at your expense.
Noam Chomsky can't really be very intelligent if he doesn't understand that Marxism has murdered, starved and oppressed hundreds of millions of people.
Noam Chomsky can't really be very intelligent if he doesn't understand that Marxism has murdered, starved and oppressed hundreds of millions of people.

Yeah...but they were murdered for a good cause.....making sure everyone was equally poor and miserable...except for the ruling class in the socialist society...
A Disaster for Brazil: Noam Chomsky on Brazil’s New Far-Right President Jair Bolsonaro | Democracy Now!

Back in the seventies, the CIA, Nixon, and Henry Kissinger overthrew the people's government of Chile, caused the death of their president Allende and installed a military dictator Pinochet. Then began the systematic raping of the resources there that once belonged to the people. We ruined the economy and destroyed pensions. That disaster lives on today. The hundreds of thousands of people working in their sixties, seventies, and eighties, is staggering. This is the result of right-wing fanaticism, greed, and evil.

Fast forward to today and Brazil, and we are seeing the same thing happen. Now Brazil has a president who wants a military takeover, a systematic agri-business takeover of the Amazon forest, where the most diverse ecosystem on the planet exists, producing the largest amount of oxygen the planet can give us, all at the expense of exploitation, greed, and money for the few.

This is what radical right-wing evil is all about. It's an attempt to literally destroy the world. There isn't a scientist out there that wouldn't tell you that because of the massive trees in the Amazon, those trees transpire most of the oxygen we breath on the planet.

And who is supporting this military dictatorship to take away the richest resource on the planet that we depend upon to sustain life? You guessed it, we are. More specifically the likes of John Bolton and Donald Trump, and American special interests.

This move by Brazil, with there new radical president, Trump, Bolton,and other interest groups is a declaration of war against every form of life on the planet. How do we get it back? First, we need to get rid of Trump, Bolton, and the radical right from our own country who want military bases in Brazil to protect this mother load of natural resources that is a target of exploitation. This conceivably could amount to being the largest threat to the health of the world we have ever seen. And we are backing the move 100%. Put that in your sock and smell the evil coming from that for a minute. And in case you forgot what I said early on in my thread about diversity, the Amazon has the most diverse animal and plant life on the planet. Are we ready to surrender the world and those treasures to a few special interest right wing pigs, who only care about themselves and their short term enrichment? I don't think so.

Hah. Even Brazillians had enough of the socialist crap from far left tards. They booted them and elected a nationalist that is rejecting the globalist Agenda. Now go pound sand.
In the mean time, let's burn off the rain forest and choke to death on their radical right-wing stupidity.

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