The Conservatives.

Now let me think, who can i vote for ? :abgg2q.jpg:

Bit soft on them I thought.
Mrs T has bought me a nice bottle of Barolo to help me cruise through the night. Im not sure I can last all night but I am going to tape everything so I can watch on a loop for the nexy 4 years.
I think my brother is hosting a shots party where a shot must be drunk every time one of the shits goes down.
They are all in trouble Gullis is odds on to lose, so is Mogg.
Its going to be fucking epic.
Then we can start on Starmer.
Bit soft on them I thought.
Mrs T has bought me a nice bottle of Barolo to help me cruise through the night. Im not sure I can last all night but I am going to tape everything so I can watch on a loop for the nexy 4 years.
I think my brother is hosting a shots party where a shot must be drunk every time one of the shits goes down.
They are all in trouble Gullis is odds on to lose, so is Mogg.
Its going to be fucking epic.
Then we can start on Starmer.
:abgg2q.jpg: Well i just hope it's the horror show for the Tories they have been predicting, i want to see them annihilated and their smug faces ground into the dirt, indeed Starmer will have to be dealt with at some time, i would like to see many smaller parties and independents do well, but many of those who support Farage never seem to learn, we need more rightwing nonsense like a hole in the head.

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