The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again

Keep it coming my man......better than you have tried and failed at what you're doing......

Like water off a ducks back.
Shit pants is that the best you got , telling me to keep it coming over and over. You think since I'm burying your ass , that you would actually respond , this now is the same as you just disappearing. When you have nothing you have nothing. and yes I will keep it up and actually say something other then (KEEP IT COMING MAN) what a wimp.
I have to ask , how do you think Diaper Don will do when everyone knows he walks around with shit in his pants all day long. I guess people close to him have heard him shit and then watch it run down his leg. That is the hate Nazi's God and leader. What a image , now have you had the same happen to you.
Shit pants is that the best you got , telling me to keep it coming over and over. You think since I'm burying your ass , that you would actually respond , this now is the same as you just disappearing. When you have nothing you have nothing. and yes I will keep it up and actually say something other then (KEEP IT COMING MAN) what a wimp.
Do your best dude....................many before you have failed at what you attempt to do.

Keep it in the're doing a fine job.
My god would have nothing to do with your head , you idiot. He is against everything you are for , With your hate and bigotry , homophobic. xenophobia and as ugly as any person can be. God has better Patriotic heads to be in other then a head of a American traitor. Your God and leader Diaper Don , smells up the world shitting in his pants so bad that people gag and throw up around him , His wife is literally leaving shit pants because of the smell. By the way My God is Jesus and if gays were sitting on one side of a room and you and your make believe fake asshole Godly claimers were on the other side of the room Jesus would sit with the Gays. Nothing else needs to be said. Nothing worse then a fake Christian, That to me is the sin of sins. That's you ace.
Jesus loves me.
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He’s on trial for breaking federal law

Trump only had interest in breaking the law and not being held accountable. hes managed to stay out of jail

Ah, yes he has. He’s do to go on trial for it….illiterate.

Now, here is your education.
I don’t care what they say and neither does the law. You can’t call sedition”insurrection” because they share similarities. Both are each individual statutes under the law. Our cotus doesn’t say anything about sedition, it clearly spells out insurrection and treason.

What you are reading is someone trying to conflate the two so that they can make people think “oh it’s all the same thing”. That will soften people up to get them to go along with it.

To be found guilty of insurrection or to remove him from office for insurrection, he has to be charged with insurrection.
Of course he has….every crime he’s been accused of is linked to insurrection just like every single crime of a child molester is linked to being a serial child molested. Btw, you obviously have no experience with the criminal Justice system. That’s how it works.
“Linked to insurrection” but not insurrection. You don’t get to charge someone who committed involuntary manslaughter with a murder charge if he wasn’t found guilty of murder.

Btw, you obviously have no experience with the criminal Justice system. That’s how it works.

So, our justice system says that people can face penalties for crimes they were never charged for? I’m not sure that’s how it works. The laws are very specific.
Do your best dude....................many before you have failed at what you attempt to do.

Keep it in the're doing a fine job.
Really I bet no one has enjoyed beating your ass more then me though. Shit pants what do you think about the idea that Diaper Don will literally lose a large group of the hate and stupid vote because of him smelling so bad that he is like standing next to a open sewer. People get embarrassed having a person who shits in their pants and it drains down their leg while they are talking in public , being their God and leader. I know it doesn't bother other shit pants like you but what about the rest of your hate Nazi's , and since everyone has found out about Diaper Don now, people will be looking closely for it. and it is said that he does it all the time. just wondering.
Jesus loves me.
By the way My God is Jesus and if gays were sitting on one side of a room and you and your make believe fake asshole Godly claimers were on the other side of the room Jesus would sit with the Gays. Nothing else needs to be said. Nothing worse then a fake Christian
Really I bet no one has enjoyed beating your ass more then me though. Shit pants what do you think about the idea that Diaper Don will literally lose a large group of the hate and stupid vote because of him smelling so bad that he is like standing next to a open sewer. People get embarrassed having a person who shits in their pants and it drains down their leg while they are talking in public , being their God and leader. I know it doesn't bother other shit pants like you but what about the rest of your hate Nazi's , and since everyone has found out about Diaper Don now, people will be looking closely for it. and it is said that he does it all the time. just wondering.


Oh, almost forgot......keep 'em coming, you're getting better with each post.

Thank you for the kind words......

By the way My God is Jesus and if gays were sitting on one side of a room and you and your make believe fake asshole Godly claimers were on the other side of the room Jesus would sit with the Gays. Nothing else needs to be said. Nothing worse then a fake Christian

You're such a fine example of a Christian.
“Linked to insurrection” but not insurrection. You don’t get to charge someone who committed involuntary manslaughter with a murder charge if he wasn’t found guilty of murder.

So, our justice system says that people can face penalties for crimes they were never charged for? I’m not sure that’s how it works. The laws are very specific.
It’s amazing you don’t get this basic concept of law enforcement and subsequent prosecution . Yes, even during trial the prosecution can add charges. The idea behind a successful indictment is to have as many legitimate charges as possible, not fewer.

One charge of insurrection is really stupid. I know you Trumpers like stupid but 91 charges, each with its own penalty. That would properly define an insurrection and should be what the citizenry would favor to protect them from criminals who can get off in one crime with a technicality but could not avoid 91.

Boy, you seem awfully dumb. The official insurrection charge could be added later…if It makes you fools happy.
It’s amazing you don’t get this basic concept of law enforcement and subsequent prosecution . Yes, even during trial the prosecution can add charges. The idea behind a successful indictment is to have as many legitimate charges as possible, not fewer.

One charge of insurrection is really stupid. I know you Trumpers like stupid but 91 charges, each with its own penalty. That would properly define an insurrection and should be what the citizenry would favor to protect them from criminals who can get off in one crime with a technicality but could not avoid 91.

Boy, you seem awfully dumb. The official insurrection charge could be added later…if It makes you fools happy.

Hey, if they add an insurrection charge later, that’s fine, but until then, they can’t just arbitrarily start removing him from the ballot when he hasn’t even been charged under the 14th amendment or the insurrection act.

Also, let’s be clear, it’s 4 indictments with 91 charges. Only 2 of the indictments with 17 charges have anything to do with the elections, so the other 2 indictments and 74 charges are not insurrection removal issues.
Hey, if they add an insurrection charge later, that’s fine, but until then, they can’t just arbitrarily start removing him from the ballot when he hasn’t even been charged under the 14th amendment or the insurrection act.

Also, let’s be clear, it’s 4 indictments with 91 charges. Only 2 of the indictments with 17 charges have anything to do with the elections, so the other 2 indictments and 74 charges are not insurrection removal issues.
Here you go Humper.
A listing of the 91 charges, any of which could find its way into an insurrection charge. ANY.
They don’t have to be just related to the election, Any of the documents he HAS STOLEN for example , could easily be linked to use for the overthrow of the govt.
Trump is a traitor. But keep Humping for him.
Here you go Humper.
A listing of the 91 charges, any of which could find its way into an insurrection charge. ANY.
They don’t have to be just related to the election, Any of the documents he HAS STOLEN for example , could easily be linked to use for the overthrow of the govt.
Trump is a traitor. But keep Humping for him.

What insurrection against the constitution could his tax filings have? Or his document scandal? Remember, Biden is embroiled in just as much of a document scandal. You don’t see the issue here do you? What you are trying to do to trump can just as easily be applied to Biden.

Still, there are those who will say that trump never incited an insurrection, that his speech at the eclipse that day was not a call to violent action(it wasn’t). So how do you resolve that? There has to be a federal trial to officially determine that he was involved with the insurrection. Without that, you’ll have some states saying he was and other saying he wasn’t.

All of this is just an unbelievably bad precedent, one that could have future ramifications on other elections.
What insurrection against the constitution could his tax filings have?
That’s a state civil case bubba.
Buden is not embroiled in anything bubba.
You’re bouncing all over the place conflating civil cases, You’re bouncing to Biden and, you’ll talk about Bill at some point all to defend a fking traitor.

There are four criminal cases against Trump….which include the 91 charges.
Try to stay on track. In any one of those cases, there are charges that could EASILY support a ultimate insurrection change… with it bubba.
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One charge of insurrection is really stupid. I know you Trumpers like stupid but 91 charges, each with its own penalty. That would properly define an insurrection

But not a single one of those charges is 18 USC § 2383:

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

And just so we're clear, I voted against Trump 2X and think he should have been impeached and convicted in the Senate. I can't stand the pedophilic, pants-shitter. Unfortunately, that doesn't matter. The Constitution is the Constitution and the law is the law.

I don't agree with states removing him from the ballot absent a conviction under the statute or successful impeachment. I think it would be a lot easier to keep his name off the ballot then, but short of that, he should be on the ballot in every state, and then voters in each state need to wake the fuck up.
Blow it out your ass. It says no such thing you filthy psycho pathetic liar.

If it did, then any time there is a candidate on the ticket the other party doesn't like, they could just drum up baseless accusations to bump him off.

And it wouldn't take THREE YEARS of intense investigation and digging. It would be obvious and cut and dry and would be known immediately, not decided three years later.

Even Eugene V. Debbs, a determined true insurrectionist charged with acts against the United States wasn't excluded from office. To do that requires the highest standards of proof, not the rash baseless opinions of four hack leftwing judges in Denver. I mean, Debbs was in prison for sedition and he STILL was allowed to run for office!!!

Debbs was an Ideal Democrat.
But not a single one of those charges is 18 USC § 2383:

And just so we're clear, I voted against Trump 2X and think he should have been impeached and convicted in the Senate. I can't stand the pedophilic, pants-shitter. Unfortunately, that doesn't matter. The Constitution is the Constitution and the law is the law.

I don't agree with states removing him from the ballot absent a conviction under the statute or successful impeachment. I think it would be a lot easier to keep his name off the ballot then, but short of that, he should be on the ballot in every state, and then voters in each state need to wake the fuck up.
Don't you mean WOKE the fuck up? Anyone who votes Democrat nowadays IS a traitor.

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