The continuing adventures of the chair

4WD chair gets stuck.


Yer flamingo looks bleached.

Hush now!

That's actually a work of art...hand made, soldered out of light wrought iron, hand painted.
It's in the shade, doesn't get any sun. It also has a bendy thingy ( :mad: ) at the base and through out the body, so if the wind kicks up it sways with the breeze :D
We need one.
A search shows this subject, particularly in its humor meme is lacking, and some on the left have wanted this.

Comments are fine, but images are better
"A picture is worth a thousand words" applies here.




Bring it on!
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what an idiot to think this was a winning issue for you.

BTW your hero called the people who gave him the mike IDIOTS


Daily Kos: Republican Lynches Empty Chair in Racist Presidential Effigy in Northwest Austin

Ahh, Texass

The image at left was taken by a person passing through the neighborhood. Now, one could easily argue "it's just a chair, what's the big deal? That's not racist!"

However, in light of Clint Eastwood's speech at the Republican National Convention, in which he had a largely one-sided conversation with an empty chair he pretended was Barack Obama, this imagery is now associated with the President.

The image of the chair is associated with the President. Now, lynch that chair from a tree, and you've got a pretty awful racist sentiment calling for lynching the first African-American President!


Some folks will undoubtedly point out the burning of Bush effigies throughout his administration, especially during anti-war protests.

This is different. This is the specific and deliberate use of a racially charged act of violence -- lynching -- perpetrated by white men against African-American men and women. When you add a Republican symbol for the first African-American President into the mix, you get a pretty awful picture -- the one you see at right, and one that can be seen on a front lawn here in leafy, quiet Northwest Austin.

We're a state that has a horrific history of hate crimes, and given the new context of the "empty chair" created by the Republican Party during their own convention gives this image of a chair hanging from a tree a decidedly sinister, and yes, racist, meaning.

I called the homeowner to ask about his display, citing my concerns as a fellow Austinite. He replied, and I quote, "I don't really give a damn whether it disturbs you or not. You can take [your concerns] and go straight to hell and take Obama with you. I don't give a shit. If you don't like it, don't come down my street."

Ironically, the homeowner in question, Bud Johnson, won "Yard of the Month" in August 2010 from his Homeowners Association. I guess his display was a little different that month?

It's awful. Republicans should call out this imagery and the racist rhetoric that has come to pervade their party. But I'm not holding my breath.
what an idiot to think this was a winning issue for you.

BTW your hero called the people who gave him the mike IDIOTS

And your hero calls us "enemies " calls the tea party members "teabaggers" tells us certain police "acted stupidly".
what an idiot to think this was a winning issue for you.

BTW your hero called the people who gave him the mike IDIOTS

And your hero calls us "enemies " calls the tea party members "teabaggers" tells us certain police "acted stupidly".
This BULLSHIT again!

The Tea Bag Brotherhood proudly call THEMSELVES Teabaggers, and sell buttons professing that pride at their events!!!

what an idiot to think this was a winning issue for you.

BTW your hero called the people who gave him the mike IDIOTS

And your hero calls us "enemies " calls the tea party members "teabaggers" tells us certain police "acted stupidly".
This BULLSHIT again!

The Tea Bag Brotherhood proudly call THEMSELVES Teabaggers, and sell buttons professing that pride at their events!!!


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