The cops should give OWS what they want; Ignore them. Walk away.

Yes, they should give OWS what they want.

Start investigating the Ponzi scheme that led to the crash and put those suckers in jail.

Then change the laws to make sure it never happens again.

How do you put them in jail now for things they did in the past if you have to change the laws, to make what they did illegal, to prevent it from happening in the future?

Ever hear of a little thing called ex post facto law?

Uhhh...he said change the laws after you arrest them not before.

So how do you arrest them in the first place? On what charges?
Ever hear of a little called not letting the bad guys get away with it?

I have to assume that was directed at me, as you did not quote my statement, yet included part of mine in your response. Here is my retort.

Ex post facto law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Especially these pesky little parts of the constitution:

"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility" Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1.

"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed." Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3

Interesting, you want them to use lethal force against the protesters, but you are all for the constitutional rights of the bankers.

Fascinating view.

The hypocrisy of both parties builds.
Ever hear of a little called not letting the bad guys get away with it?

I have to assume that was directed at me, as you did not quote my statement, yet included part of mine in your response. Here is my retort.

Ex post facto law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Especially these pesky little parts of the constitution:

"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility" Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1.

"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed." Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3

Interesting, you want them to use lethal force against the protesters, but you are all for the constitutional rights of the bankers.

Fascinating view.

The hypocrisy of both parties builds.

Where did I say that I wanted the OWS protesters to be killed? Maybe I drunk posted?

There is a constitutional right to free speech, and assembly. There is no right for you to disrupt my ability to get to work, or prevent my ability to use the same public facility you have taken over, or to try to enter private property.
I have to assume that was directed at me, as you did not quote my statement, yet included part of mine in your response. Here is my retort.

Ex post facto law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Especially these pesky little parts of the constitution:

"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility" Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1.

"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed." Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3

Interesting, you want them to use lethal force against the protesters, but you are all for the constitutional rights of the bankers.

Fascinating view.

The hypocrisy of both parties builds.

Where did I say that I wanted the OWS protesters to be killed? Maybe I drunk posted?

There is a constitutional right to free speech, and assembly. There is no right for you to disrupt my ability to get to work, or prevent my ability to use the same public facility you have taken over, or to try to enter private property.

Have a gander at this please.
Yes God forbid the People hold a protest without the Police State there to harass and control them. How dare they? Who do they think they are?...American Citizens or something?
Interesting, you want them to use lethal force against the protesters, but you are all for the constitutional rights of the bankers.
Fascinating view.

the "protestors" = broke the law

banks = no law broken
As much as I'd like to see the police back off and allow OWS idiots show their true selves, the police are in a no-win situation. If they did back off, the OWS people would increase the vandalization, rape, drug use, and disease spreading and then the police would be blamed for not taking control of the situation.

The police are doing what the are ordered to and the people doing the ordering are making the correct call.
Interesting, you want them to use lethal force against the protesters, but you are all for the constitutional rights of the bankers.

Fascinating view.

The hypocrisy of both parties builds.

Where did I say that I wanted the OWS protesters to be killed? Maybe I drunk posted?

There is a constitutional right to free speech, and assembly. There is no right for you to disrupt my ability to get to work, or prevent my ability to use the same public facility you have taken over, or to try to enter private property.

Have a gander at this please.

File:Nashville Tea Party.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I mean where did "I" (Martybegan) say I wanted lethal force used against OWS protesters?
You specifically called me out on it, now prove it.

Besides, I can't drink tea, I have a caffine allergy.
Where did I say that I wanted the OWS protesters to be killed? Maybe I drunk posted?

There is a constitutional right to free speech, and assembly. There is no right for you to disrupt my ability to get to work, or prevent my ability to use the same public facility you have taken over, or to try to enter private property.

Have a gander at this please.

File:Nashville Tea Party.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I mean where did "I" (Martybegan) say I wanted lethal force used against OWS protesters?
You specifically called me out on it, now prove it.

Besides, I can't drink tea, I have a caffine allergy.

I'm referring to the overall sentiment of the right in this thread.
Yes, they should give OWS what they want.

Start investigating the Ponzi scheme that led to the crash and put those suckers in jail.

Then change the laws to make sure it never happens again.

How do you put them in jail now for things they did in the past if you have to change the laws, to make what they did illegal, to prevent it from happening in the future?

Ever hear of a little thing called ex post facto law?

Now, now, Chris is a good little leftist, and can't be troubled with such trifles as the constitution getting in the way of his agenda......:lol: Little things like "due process" and "rule of law" are only intended to restrict those evil conservatives; liberals can disregard those; after all, what matters is that they MEAN WELL! /sarcasm


Time to bring up Argumentation Theory.

Argumentation theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Imagine a day when American Citizens are not allowed to freely assemble without a Police State presence there to harass them? Well that day has arrived people. The Police State just can't leave the People alone. It's all about control. Why are they at all these peaceful protests? It's control and intimidation. The King of England and his thugs used to do the same thing to us before we rose up and gave them the boot. Looks like we've gone backwards in this country. Time to start demanding your freedom back. Don't sit this one out.
It's funny how the lefties were all over the collective bargaining rights for the police prior to OWS.

Now the police are pigs.

If the left does'nt get enough taxes... where do the cut first?

They might as well be consistent :dunno:
I'm so sick of the cops being made out to be the bad guys in this situation. I think all the cops should give these OWS retards exactly what they want: Ignore them. Walk away. Dont even be present near them. Just go about daily patrols and ignore these dipshits.

Let the criminals, vagrants and general public deal with the OWS'ers how they see fit. The cops should avoid the "encampments" and never come close to it. Damn 'em, let them have what they want, a copless society.

In other words forget the rule of law.

According to the left, there is no laws being broken. Cops are just there brutalizing them for no reason.
Imagine a day when American Citizens are not allowed to freely assemble without a Police State presence there to harass them? Well that day has arrived people. The Police State just can't leave the People alone. It's all about control. Why are they at all these peaceful protests? It's control and intimidation. The King of England and his thugs used to do the same thing to us before we rose up and gave them the boot. Looks like we've gone backwards in this country. Time to start demanding your freedom back. Don't sit this one out.

Somehow I can't help but think that if they got the snot kicked out of them by counter protesters they would be quick to complain about a lack of police protection. Can't have it both ways. Be careful what you for; you might get it.
Imagine a day when American Citizens are not allowed to freely assemble without a Police State presence there to harass them? Well that day has arrived people. The Police State just can't leave the People alone. It's all about control. Why are they at all these peaceful protests? It's control and intimidation. The King of England and his thugs used to do the same thing to us before we rose up and gave them the boot. Looks like we've gone backwards in this country. Time to start demanding your freedom back. Don't sit this one out.

Somehow I can't help but think that if they got the snot kicked out of them by counter protesters they would be quick to complain about a lack of police protection. Can't have it both ways. Be careful what you for; you might get it.

Thats what I think the cops should do. OWS obviousy hates their mere existence. Fuck 'em. Leave them alone, ignore them. Let the "police state" go away, and leave the douche bag OWS'ers be on their own. See what comes their way then. OWS'ers will demand to know "WHERE WERE THE COPS!!??"

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