The Cosmological Arguments for God's Existence

LOL! Translation: I'm a slogan-spouting fool what doesn't actually understand the matter.
Slogan spouting! Do youeven READ ypur posts!!!

lol the fakk


The KALAM has been debunked.

Sorry that your magical sky fairy took another L, but this one happened literally decades ago.

lol slogans
His posts have quite a bit of substance to them. He's not just saying these guys said these things so we should believe these things. He's actually explaining the logic behind the proof.

You on the other hand are doing exactly what you allege he is doing. Your posts do not have any substance to them. It seems to me that you are acknowledging that you can't defeat the logic.
Youre too big of a moron.

A quantum physicist just explained why the SLOT doesnt say what you continue to say that it says aboht the origins of the universe ...and you dont refute him you just reassert your dogshit

its a waste of time
Not to me he didn't. Of course I have listened to quantum physicists that said it does mean that cyclical universes cannot avoid the fate of thermal equilibrium no matter how many times it cycles between expansion and contraction.

I also understand that if I place two objects of different temperatures next to each other they will equilibrate to the same temperature and that the culprit is the SLoT.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, GT. There are no perfect transfers or exchanges of energy to matter or vice versa that are perfectly efficient. Energy will be lost to the system as a reduction in usable energy. It's never gained back. That's the SLoT too.

So maybe you misunderstood what he was saying, which seems like the most likely answer because you can't explain how the SLoT doesn't preclude a universe eternal into the past. All you can do is say that guy says it doesn't. I know better than that. I don't believe he did.
Youre ding on the internet, youre not a well degreed astro physicist, youre not a quantum theorist/physicist, youre a guy that uses bad logic on the internet and therefore asserts bad conclusions...JUST a dude, with sloppy reasoning that write 6 paragraphs of baseless assertions making any CHANCE for a dialogue of any substance too tedious, its a head banging against a wall level of stupidity, in you.
I'm an engineer, GT. I've studied a lot of science. Especially thermo. Who the fuck are you?
Youre ding on the internet, youre not a well degreed astro physicist, youre not a quantum theorist/physicist, youre a guy that uses bad logic on the internet
Lol, is that Argument from Authority or what?


GT, you clueless ape, there is no consensus among any of these groups to assert an argument form authority anyway.
Thats the point, dipshit. If the proofs of god were proof, then we'd not be having a need for these discussions and you fundies are the last of a dying breed clinging to bad arguments. Theres a reason that theres disagreement, and its that your assertions are unsubstanciated.

Sorry that triggers you guys that think youve cracked the code to the origins of the universe...but to the rest of the sane folks, that remains a mystery, Einstein.
Lol, is that Argument from Authority or what?
No, it isn't, because he wasnt using that premise to argue anything. He was merely mocking ding, who deserves it.

But I did notice that you,not once, mustered the stones or tools to actually grapple with any of GTs actual arguments.

I see this whiny nonsense is your best substitute.
Slogan spouting! Do youeven READ ypur posts!!!

lol the fakk


The KALAM has been debunked.

Sorry that your magical sky fairy took another L, but this one happened literally decades ago.

lol slogans
His posts have quite a bit of substance to them. He's not just saying these guys said these things so we should believe these things. He's actually explaining the logic behind the proof.

You on the other hand are doing exactly what you allege he is doing. Your posts do not have any substance to them. It seems to me that you are acknowledging that you can't defeat the logic.
Youre too big of a moron.

A quantum physicist just explained why the SLOT doesnt say what you continue to say that it says aboht the origins of the universe ...and you dont refute him you just reassert your dogshit

its a waste of time
Not to me he didn't. Of course I have listened to quantum physicists that said it does mean that cyclical universes cannot avoid the fate of thermal equilibrium no matter how many times it cycles between expansion and contraction.

I also understand that if I place two objects of different temperatures next to each other they will equilibrate to the same temperature and that the culprit is the SLoT.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, GT. There are no perfect transfers or exchanges of energy to matter or vice versa that are perfectly efficient. Energy will be lost to the system as a reduction in usable energy. It's never gained back. That's the SLoT too.

So maybe you misunderstood what he was saying, which seems like the most likely answer because you can't explain how the SLoT doesn't preclude a universe eternal into the past. All you can do is say that guy says it doesn't. I know better than that. I don't believe he did.
Youre ding on the internet, youre not a well degreed astro physicist, youre not a quantum theorist/physicist, youre a guy that uses bad logic on the internet and therefore asserts bad conclusions...JUST a dude, with sloppy reasoning that write 6 paragraphs of baseless assertions making any CHANCE for a dialogue of any substance too tedious, its a head banging against a wall level of stupidity, in you.
I'm an engineer, GT. I've studied a lot of science. Especially thermo. Who the fuck are you?
You claim youre an engineer, and also an engineer is not a physicist, hes merely taken classes in physics... and youre also stupid... so Im triple-pleased to tell you to fuck off ding, you havent proven god exists, ding. Sorry that fact triggers you.
When classical theists speak of God as being infinite, they're not saying that He's an actual infinite; certainly learned, biblically orthodox Christians aren't. Rather, such theologians mean that He's infinite, not in the quantitative sense, but in the superlative sense of quality as compared to all other existents. In other words, God is incomparably superior, magnificent, wonderful. He's gloriously unique among all other existents, which, of course, He created from nothing but the sheer power of His will. God's omnipotence is not the power to do anything. It's the power to do all things possible. God's omniscience is not an innumerable collection of facts, but a single apprehension of all things possible at once. Only the contents of finite minds are comprised of bits and pieces of information.

Gravitational Time Dilation.

If God is outside the flow of time, He has infinite mass and energy.

Substitute the Easter Bunny for gods. You still have a viable argument.
No, it wouldn't, and it's not gods it's a creator. As in one.
Matter and energy cannot be eternal. So whatever God is, he is beyond matter and energy.
Matter and energy IN OUR UNIVERSE cannot be eternal.
Not without reaching thermal equilibrium which we don't see. It doesn't go away. No energy/mass was lost. It's that there will be no more useable energy.

I should have clarified that. Eventually all objects will equilibrate.
His posts have quite a bit of substance to them. He's not just saying these guys said these things so we should believe these things. He's actually explaining the logic behind the proof.

You on the other hand are doing exactly what you allege he is doing. Your posts do not have any substance to them. It seems to me that you are acknowledging that you can't defeat the logic.
Youre too big of a moron.

A quantum physicist just explained why the SLOT doesnt say what you continue to say that it says aboht the origins of the universe ...and you dont refute him you just reassert your dogshit

its a waste of time
Not to me he didn't. Of course I have listened to quantum physicists that said it does mean that cyclical universes cannot avoid the fate of thermal equilibrium no matter how many times it cycles between expansion and contraction.

I also understand that if I place two objects of different temperatures next to each other they will equilibrate to the same temperature and that the culprit is the SLoT.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, GT. There are no perfect transfers or exchanges of energy to matter or vice versa that are perfectly efficient. Energy will be lost to the system as a reduction in usable energy. It's never gained back. That's the SLoT too.

So maybe you misunderstood what he was saying, which seems like the most likely answer because you can't explain how the SLoT doesn't preclude a universe eternal into the past. All you can do is say that guy says it doesn't. I know better than that. I don't believe he did.
Youre ding on the internet, youre not a well degreed astro physicist, youre not a quantum theorist/physicist, youre a guy that uses bad logic on the internet and therefore asserts bad conclusions...JUST a dude, with sloppy reasoning that write 6 paragraphs of baseless assertions making any CHANCE for a dialogue of any substance too tedious, its a head banging against a wall level of stupidity, in you.
I'm an engineer, GT. I've studied a lot of science. Especially thermo. Who the fuck are you?
You claim youre an engineer, and also an engineer is not a physicist, hes merely taken classes in physics... and youre also stupid... so Im triple-pleased to tell you to fuck off ding, you havent proven god exists, ding. Sorry that fact triggers you.
The funny thing is, anyone with even a modest college education could form a valid argument for why gods do not exist.

The difference is, they would not be stupid enough to think it proves anything.
His posts have quite a bit of substance to them. He's not just saying these guys said these things so we should believe these things. He's actually explaining the logic behind the proof.

You on the other hand are doing exactly what you allege he is doing. Your posts do not have any substance to them. It seems to me that you are acknowledging that you can't defeat the logic.
Youre too big of a moron.

A quantum physicist just explained why the SLOT doesnt say what you continue to say that it says aboht the origins of the universe ...and you dont refute him you just reassert your dogshit

its a waste of time
Not to me he didn't. Of course I have listened to quantum physicists that said it does mean that cyclical universes cannot avoid the fate of thermal equilibrium no matter how many times it cycles between expansion and contraction.

I also understand that if I place two objects of different temperatures next to each other they will equilibrate to the same temperature and that the culprit is the SLoT.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, GT. There are no perfect transfers or exchanges of energy to matter or vice versa that are perfectly efficient. Energy will be lost to the system as a reduction in usable energy. It's never gained back. That's the SLoT too.

So maybe you misunderstood what he was saying, which seems like the most likely answer because you can't explain how the SLoT doesn't preclude a universe eternal into the past. All you can do is say that guy says it doesn't. I know better than that. I don't believe he did.
Youre ding on the internet, youre not a well degreed astro physicist, youre not a quantum theorist/physicist, youre a guy that uses bad logic on the internet and therefore asserts bad conclusions...JUST a dude, with sloppy reasoning that write 6 paragraphs of baseless assertions making any CHANCE for a dialogue of any substance too tedious, its a head banging against a wall level of stupidity, in you.
I'm an engineer, GT. I've studied a lot of science. Especially thermo. Who the fuck are you?
You claim youre an engineer, and also an engineer is not a physicist, hes merely taken classes in physics... and youre also stupid... so Im triple-pleased to tell you to fuck off ding, you havent proven god exists, ding. Sorry that fact triggers you.
Yes, I'm just an engineer who has studied more science than you. What did you say your background in science is?

I prefer to let my arguments and the lack of my opponents' arguments determine who is stupid.
Youre too big of a moron.

A quantum physicist just explained why the SLOT doesnt say what you continue to say that it says aboht the origins of the universe ...and you dont refute him you just reassert your dogshit

its a waste of time
Not to me he didn't. Of course I have listened to quantum physicists that said it does mean that cyclical universes cannot avoid the fate of thermal equilibrium no matter how many times it cycles between expansion and contraction.

I also understand that if I place two objects of different temperatures next to each other they will equilibrate to the same temperature and that the culprit is the SLoT.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, GT. There are no perfect transfers or exchanges of energy to matter or vice versa that are perfectly efficient. Energy will be lost to the system as a reduction in usable energy. It's never gained back. That's the SLoT too.

So maybe you misunderstood what he was saying, which seems like the most likely answer because you can't explain how the SLoT doesn't preclude a universe eternal into the past. All you can do is say that guy says it doesn't. I know better than that. I don't believe he did.
Youre ding on the internet, youre not a well degreed astro physicist, youre not a quantum theorist/physicist, youre a guy that uses bad logic on the internet and therefore asserts bad conclusions...JUST a dude, with sloppy reasoning that write 6 paragraphs of baseless assertions making any CHANCE for a dialogue of any substance too tedious, its a head banging against a wall level of stupidity, in you.
I'm an engineer, GT. I've studied a lot of science. Especially thermo. Who the fuck are you?
You claim youre an engineer, and also an engineer is not a physicist, hes merely taken classes in physics... and youre also stupid... so Im triple-pleased to tell you to fuck off ding, you havent proven god exists, ding. Sorry that fact triggers you.
Yes, I'm just an engineer who has studied more science than you. What did you say your background in science is?

I prefer to let my arguments and the lack of my opponents' arguments determine who is stupid.
You dont know what Ive studied, and to be clear~god isnt something thats proven and the whole earth except for you few idiots knows that and so we're left wondering who dropped you on your fucking head.

And id wonder who dropped me on mine ever engaging with a dopey and dishonest hack like you as though its not been proven ad nauseum that youre a waste of fuckin time.

Go have more bootysecks with taz while you babysit the fundy-forum, ding, but youre just too stupid for air from where i sit.
Youre too big of a moron.

A quantum physicist just explained why the SLOT doesnt say what you continue to say that it says aboht the origins of the universe ...and you dont refute him you just reassert your dogshit

its a waste of time
Not to me he didn't. Of course I have listened to quantum physicists that said it does mean that cyclical universes cannot avoid the fate of thermal equilibrium no matter how many times it cycles between expansion and contraction.

I also understand that if I place two objects of different temperatures next to each other they will equilibrate to the same temperature and that the culprit is the SLoT.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, GT. There are no perfect transfers or exchanges of energy to matter or vice versa that are perfectly efficient. Energy will be lost to the system as a reduction in usable energy. It's never gained back. That's the SLoT too.

So maybe you misunderstood what he was saying, which seems like the most likely answer because you can't explain how the SLoT doesn't preclude a universe eternal into the past. All you can do is say that guy says it doesn't. I know better than that. I don't believe he did.
Youre ding on the internet, youre not a well degreed astro physicist, youre not a quantum theorist/physicist, youre a guy that uses bad logic on the internet and therefore asserts bad conclusions...JUST a dude, with sloppy reasoning that write 6 paragraphs of baseless assertions making any CHANCE for a dialogue of any substance too tedious, its a head banging against a wall level of stupidity, in you.
I'm an engineer, GT. I've studied a lot of science. Especially thermo. Who the fuck are you?
You claim youre an engineer, and also an engineer is not a physicist, hes merely taken classes in physics... and youre also stupid... so Im triple-pleased to tell you to fuck off ding, you havent proven god exists, ding. Sorry that fact triggers you.
The funny thing is, anyone with even a modest college education could form a valid argument for why gods do not exist.

The difference is, they would not be stupid enough to think it proves anything.
At the heart of this debate is whether or not the material world was created by spirit. If the material world were not created by spirit, then everything which has occurred since the beginning of space and time are products of the material world. Everything which is incorporeal proceeded from the corporeal. There is no middle ground. There is no other option. Either the material world was created by spirit or it wasn't. All other options will simplify to one of these two lowest common denominators which are mutually exclusive.

So we need to start from that position and examine the evidence we have at our disposal which is creation itself. Specifically, the laws of nature; physical, biological and moral. And how space and time has evolved. And how we perceive God.

Your perception of God is some magical fairy tale. Everything you see is skewed to that result. There won't be one single thing that you will agree with or accept. Whereas if you were trying to objectively analyze the evidence for spirit creating the material world you would listen and consider the whole argument. Instead all you do is nitpick trivial things.

You aren't capable of having an honest discussion on this subject because your mind is made up. Your arguments are critical theory arguments. You can't say what something is. You can only say what you believe it isn't. You literally criticize what you do not believe to arrive at what you do believe without ever having to examine what you believe.
Not to me he didn't. Of course I have listened to quantum physicists that said it does mean that cyclical universes cannot avoid the fate of thermal equilibrium no matter how many times it cycles between expansion and contraction.

I also understand that if I place two objects of different temperatures next to each other they will equilibrate to the same temperature and that the culprit is the SLoT.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, GT. There are no perfect transfers or exchanges of energy to matter or vice versa that are perfectly efficient. Energy will be lost to the system as a reduction in usable energy. It's never gained back. That's the SLoT too.

So maybe you misunderstood what he was saying, which seems like the most likely answer because you can't explain how the SLoT doesn't preclude a universe eternal into the past. All you can do is say that guy says it doesn't. I know better than that. I don't believe he did.
Youre ding on the internet, youre not a well degreed astro physicist, youre not a quantum theorist/physicist, youre a guy that uses bad logic on the internet and therefore asserts bad conclusions...JUST a dude, with sloppy reasoning that write 6 paragraphs of baseless assertions making any CHANCE for a dialogue of any substance too tedious, its a head banging against a wall level of stupidity, in you.
I'm an engineer, GT. I've studied a lot of science. Especially thermo. Who the fuck are you?
You claim youre an engineer, and also an engineer is not a physicist, hes merely taken classes in physics... and youre also stupid... so Im triple-pleased to tell you to fuck off ding, you havent proven god exists, ding. Sorry that fact triggers you.
Yes, I'm just an engineer who has studied more science than you. What did you say your background in science is?

I prefer to let my arguments and the lack of my opponents' arguments determine who is stupid.
You dont know what Ive studied, and to be clear~god isnt something thats proven and the whole earth except for you few idiots knows that and so we're left wondering who dropped you on your fucking head.

And id wonder who dropped me on mine ever engaging with a dopey and dishonest hack like you as though its not been proven ad nauseum that youre a waste of fuckin time.

Go have more bootysecks with taz while you babysit the fundy-forum, ding, but youre just too stupid for air from where i sit.
That's why I asked. You declined to answer. The fault is yours, not mine.
Thats the point, dipshit. If the proofs of god were proof, then we'd not be having a need for these discussions and you fundies are the last of a dying breed clinging to bad arguments. Theres a reason that theres disagreement, and its that your assertions are unsubstanciated.
Sorry that triggers you guys that think youve cracked the code to the origins of the universe...but to the rest of the sane folks, that remains a mystery, Einstein.

Triggers only gales of laughter.

Simply because some moldy leftwing atheist sits in the basement of the library in some third rate Community college and days 'Ni!' to the existence of a Creator is meaningless UNLESS HE CAN PRESENT HIS EVIDENCE and LOGIC why.

On this topic there is NO AUTHORITY to reference, we are all on the same level regarding a Creator, loser.
People assert that spirits exist...just slip that right in there...and then use that assertion... to further assert that "only spirits could do x."

The retardation is just inescapable. It seriously is.
Thats the point, dipshit. If the proofs of god were proof, then we'd not be having a need for these discussions and you fundies are the last of a dying breed clinging to bad arguments. Theres a reason that theres disagreement, and its that your assertions are unsubstanciated.
Sorry that triggers you guys that think youve cracked the code to the origins of the universe...but to the rest of the sane folks, that remains a mystery, Einstein.

Triggers only gales of laughter.

Simply because some moldy leftwing atheist sits in the basement of the library in some third rate Community college and days 'Ni!' to the existence of a Creator is meaningless UNLESS HE CAN PRESENT HIS EVIDENCE and LOGIC why.

On this topic there is NO AUTHORITY to reference, we are all on the same level regarding a Creator, loser.
:lol: again, thats the point!
Thats the point, dipshit. If the proofs of god were proof, then we'd not be having a need for these discussions and you fundies are the last of a dying breed clinging to bad arguments. Theres a reason that theres disagreement, and its that your assertions are unsubstanciated.
Sorry that triggers you guys that think youve cracked the code to the origins of the universe...but to the rest of the sane folks, that remains a mystery, Einstein.

Triggers only gales of laughter.

Simply because some moldy leftwing atheist sits in the basement of the library in some third rate Community college and days 'Ni!' to the existence of a Creator is meaningless UNLESS HE CAN PRESENT HIS EVIDENCE and LOGIC why.

On this topic there is NO AUTHORITY to reference, we are all on the same level regarding a Creator, loser.
:lol: again, thats the point!
Lol, no, you don't have a point, Welcome to my ignore list, doofus.
I can always tell when GT knows he is losing the debate because he resorts to name calling.

Thats the point, dipshit. If the proofs of god were proof, then we'd not be having a need for these discussions and you fundies are the last of a dying breed clinging to bad arguments. Theres a reason that theres disagreement, and its that your assertions are unsubstanciated.
Sorry that triggers you guys that think youve cracked the code to the origins of the universe...but to the rest of the sane folks, that remains a mystery, Einstein.

Triggers only gales of laughter.

Simply because some moldy leftwing atheist sits in the basement of the library in some third rate Community college and days 'Ni!' to the existence of a Creator is meaningless UNLESS HE CAN PRESENT HIS EVIDENCE and LOGIC why.

On this topic there is NO AUTHORITY to reference, we are all on the same level regarding a Creator, loser.
:lol: again, thats the point!
Lol, no, you don't have a point, Welcome to my ignore list, doofus.
Okay guy on the internet, let me go cry a river

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