The Cost of Israel

israel created guys like khomeini.
Is being a dumbass individual a prerequisite for being an arab cheerleader? Luckily, the net has the magnificent me to educate the unwashed. So, let's begin.
"Neither the State Department nor the intelligence community took Islamic fundamentalism seriously, while American scholars on Iran deprecated the idea that the clergy would participate directly in forming or running a government."
Steven F. Hayward
There goes our McGovern idiot. One Bill Miller said that, Khomeini would be a progressive human rights activist, and one mr. Sullivan was even more idiotic, having had compared Khomeini to Ghandi. The first idiot was in the senate intelligence committee, the second idiot was the ambassador at the time. Dumbass morons? I'd say so. I must admit, though, I understand that, even if Carter screwed Iran quite royally, it is taboo to ever blame him, he is a Nobel schmuck, after all, like O'Bammah.
And you're arguing with me, so what does that make you? Besides a bagel boy and israeli apologist of course.

Go to your nurse-maid, it's breast-feeding time.

Man, is sucking on a tit supposed to be insulting? They don't allow that in joodism?:lol:

Sucking on the tit of an inflatable doll doesn't count, loser. Too bad real women laugh at you, needle dick.
So, islamics are terrorists, after all, cool.

Most muslims and jews are terrorists, except your self-hating jews who don't agree with what Israel is doing and some deluded muslims who don't think you have to live under sharia law to be a muslim.

Most Jews and Muslims are good people.

Muslims have to live or at least want to live under sharia law to be a muslim, that means treating women like shit.
Jews need to support israel no matter what or they get ostracized and labelled self-hating jews.
Both don't marry outside their ethnic circle, which is a sin, making them racists as well.
For us to all be anti-semite, we would all have to hate the religion. My guess is that not very many non-jews even know much about judaism, I know I don't. Funny zorro hats, curly sideburns, a bar mizva, forced inbreeding and that's about all I know.
It's a rare treat to witness one's own candid admission to being ignorant. Bravo.
For us to all be anti-semite, we would all have to hate the religion. My guess is that not very many non-jews even know much about judaism, I know I don't. Funny zorro hats, curly sideburns, a bar mizva, forced inbreeding and that's about all I know.
It's a rare treat to witness one's own candid admission to being ignorant. Bravo.

Being ignorant of judaism makes me an anti-semite?
For us to all be anti-semite, we would all have to hate the religion. My guess is that not very many non-jews even know much about judaism, I know I don't. Funny zorro hats, curly sideburns, a bar mizva, forced inbreeding and that's about all I know.
It's a rare treat to witness one's own candid admission to being ignorant. Bravo.
Being ignorant of judaism makes me an anti-semite?
Is this a dating ad site?
Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years"Unlikely, because no other minority in American history has ever hijacked so much money from the American taxpayers in order to invest in a 'homeland'.

"It is as if the American taxpayer had been obliged to support the Pope in his reconquest of the Papal States simply because one third of our people are Roman Catholic.

"Had this been attempted, there would have been a great uproar and Congress would have said no.

"But a religious minority of less than two per cent has bought or intimidated seventy senators (the necessary two thirds to overcome an unlikely presidential veto) while enjoying support of the media."
Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years"Unlikely, because no other minority in American history has ever hijacked so much money from the American taxpayers in order to invest in a 'homeland'.

"It is as if the American taxpayer had been obliged to support the Pope in his reconquest of the Papal States simply because one third of our people are Roman Catholic.

"Had this been attempted, there would have been a great uproar and Congress would have said no.

"But a religious minority of less than two per cent has bought or intimidated seventy senators (the necessary two thirds to overcome an unlikely presidential veto) while enjoying support of the media."

Bull..... The Jimmy Carter (no Jew lover) brokered that peace deal between Egypt and Israel..Israel would give back Sinai to Egypt ( the only oil rich land they had) in return they'd get the aid from the U.S. and a peace deal with Egypt they also get aid

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