The Cost of Israel

GOOD NEWS!! Georgie boy...Israel won't need U.S. aid forever they are working to be free of it.:clap2:

OECD entrance is 'seal of approval,' Netanyahu says
31 members of the OECD unanimously voted in favor of accepting Israel as a member of the group.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría, January 20, 2010

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed Monday Israel's entrance into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development saying it was a "seal of approval" which would attract many financial investors.

"Joining [the OECD] is like receiving a university degree," Netanyahu said. "Just as it is significant to have a degree from the Technion, for example, when entering the job market, entering [the OECD] will open doors and provide access to many fields. It's a seal of approval."

Earlier Monday, the 31 members of the OECD unanimously voted in favor of accepting Israel as a member of the group, a senior Jerusalem source said.

In a special press conference, Netanyahu discussed the importance of the admittance into the Paris-based international economic group and noted several economic realities in Israel which the government would focus on improving.

"There is still too much centralization in the private business sector," Netanyahu said of Israel's economy, adding that "we intend to act adamantly to diminish this centralization."

OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem in January.

Netanyahu added that Israel was in the worst place in the world regarding bureaucracy, and said that "we are in a category of our own when it comes to bureaucratic complications."

"Our goal is to climb to the 15 leading economies in the world for their gross national product," Netanyahu said.

Israeli officials have said acceptance would be an important stamp of approval for the country's economy, boosting its credit rating and strengthening ties with foreign investors.

Three OECD members - Switzerland, Ireland and Norway – had previously expressed reservations about Israel's membership. They have focused on the settlements, which Israel does not treat as a separate economic entity. All new members require the approval of all 31 members.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman welcomed Israel's acceptance into the prestigious economic organization, and said that it was "a stamp of approval for the country's economy and its achievements in technology."

"The resolution was unanimous, despite attempts by anti-Israel entities to prevent the acceptance of Israel into the OECD," Lieberman said in a statement, adding that "the fact that the attempts failed is proof of Israel's solid standing with the international community, and that it is recognized for its achievements, despite the fierce incitement against it in every conceivable arena: political, security or economic."

Foreign Ministry officials earlier said that Palestinians had intensified their efforts to keep Israel out of the organization in recent days, saying that Israel infringes on Palestinians' human rights and violates OECD values.

Israel says Palestinian Prime Minister Salem Fayyad called many of the leaders of OECD countries over the past day to argue against Israel's acceptance. One of the Palestinian arguments is that Israel provided false financial data by not separating out the data related to the settlements.

Israel had launched a campaign of its own to bolster support for its membership. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to several other world leaders on the

OECD entrance is 'seal of approval,' Netanyahu says - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Maybe not so good news, Jroc...

Remember how the banks brought down white South African apartheid?

"The international banking sanctions campaign in New York against apartheid South Africa during the 1980s is regarded as the most effective strategy in bringing about a nonviolent end to the country’s apartheid system.

"The campaign culminated in President FW de Klerk’s announcement in February 1990, releasing Nelson Mandela and other political prisoners, and the beginning of constitutional negotiations towards a non-racial and democratic society..."

"Although access to New York banks remains essential for foreign exchange transactions because of the role of the dollar, interbank transfer instructions are conducted through the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), which is based in Belgium.

"So, instead of New York — as in the period when sanctions were applied on South Africa– Belgium is now the pressure point.

"SWIFT links 8,740 financial institutions in 209 countries. Without access to SWIFT and its interbank payment network, countries are unable either to pay for imports or to receive payment for exports.

"In short, no payment — no trade.

"Should it come to a point where trade sanctions are imposed on Israel, it may be able to evade them. Instead of chasing trade sanctions-busters and plugging loopholes, it is both faster and much more effective to suspend the payment system."

Do you think "bibi" would find life worth living without money?

"Avi" (the racist) Lieberman will have to be real smart to pull Israel into the short list of the world's 15 leading economies without the ability to pay for imports or receive payment for exports.

To end the occupation...
Dream on Georgie boy… Netanyahu is a true leader. And people like you not liking him is just another resume enhancement in my book, Maybe you should worry more about those Arabs and other Muslims leaders pocketing all that oil money while most of their people get nothing, or how about the oppression of women, the killing of gays, the Brainwashing and abuse of little children ect…You’re stupid,. Jew hating, anti Israel bias gets old after a while because you’re a hypocrite
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Netanyahu, like his pal Bill Clinton, has more in common with a hypocrite than a leader.

In 2001 while taking a short respite from politics bibi paid a visit to a home in Ofra where "he makes a series of unguarded admissions about his first period as prime minister, from 1996 to 1999."

"Seated on a sofa in the house, he tells the family that he deceived the US president of the time, Bill Clinton, into believing he was helping implement the Oslo accords, the US-sponsored peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, by making minor withdrawals from the West Bank while actually entrenching the occupation.

"He boasts that he thereby destroyed the Oslo process.

"He dismisses the US as 'easily moved to the right direction' and calls high levels of popular American support for Israel 'absurd'..."

While elites Arabs are at least as hypocritical as Bubba and bibi, were not investing millions of dollars a day in military aid anywhere except the Jewish State of Israel.

Perhaps being regarded as "easily moved" and having your support for Israel trivialized as "absurd" enhances your opinion of bibi's "leadership"?

It reminds me of what rhymes with rich.

Netanyahu: I deceived...
What is the true cost of Israel, one should ask what is the true cost of paying professors like Chomsky who have no idea of what happened in history.

Imagine our tax money pays Chomsky who gets rich writing books and giving speeches that idiots on the internet link to, post, people who know even less than Chomsky. People who can only link to Chomsky for an answer.

Ask George a question and he must run off to Chomsky for the answer.

What is the cost of life, of history, of mankind, of human nature.

Look at yourself, look at your grandfathers and grandmothers, look at your friends and their families, you are the people George and Chomsky are calling evil. Is that you, are you evil, did your grandpa always want to take over the world.

I dont know about your family but my family came to this country because of the Tyrants of Europe, the Tyrants of Russia, and the Tyrants of the Middle East, George and Chomsky believe that it is I who fled the tyrant who is the one trying to destroy who, the tyrant.

Yes, those who have found refugee should not speak out against the tyrants.

It is only Jews and the USA that are the problem in the world.

Chomsky does not know the history, he has never taken the time to become a scholar on history. He studied talking, thats all, talk, and know we must debate Chomsky's rants through his mouth piece George.

Idiots link to Chomsky.
Almost 400 replies, now that is funny, that is 400 times somebody was stupid enough to fall for a trick.

The question is canard, a trick, as soon as you ask the question, repeat it in your head, and try to answer the question you have accepted its premise.

Chomsky, linguistics is a branch of cognitive psychology; so Chomsky set you up, you took the bait, now you must question your beliefs of not only history but human nature.

You should understand who Chomsky is and recognize the psychological tricks built into everything he states.

The entire field of linguistics as a branch of cognitive psychology is dominated by Chomsky's theories, he is a hero in his field, and now he is preaching hatred of the USA, most likely a twisted test of a theory that Chomsky discovered makes him millions.
What is the true cost of Israel, one should ask what is the true cost of paying professors like Chomsky who have no idea of what happened in history.

Imagine our tax money pays Chomsky who gets rich writing books and giving speeches that idiots on the internet link to, post, people who know even less than Chomsky. People who can only link to Chomsky for an answer.

Ask George a question and he must run off to Chomsky for the answer.

What is the cost of life, of history, of mankind, of human nature.

Look at yourself, look at your grandfathers and grandmothers, look at your friends and their families, you are the people George and Chomsky are calling evil. Is that you, are you evil, did your grandpa always want to take over the world.

I dont know about your family but my family came to this country because of the Tyrants of Europe, the Tyrants of Russia, and the Tyrants of the Middle East, George and Chomsky believe that it is I who fled the tyrant who is the one trying to destroy who, the tyrant.

Yes, those who have found refugee should not speak out against the tyrants.

It is only Jews and the USA that are the problem in the world.

Chomsky does not know the history, he has never taken the time to become a scholar on history. He studied talking, thats all, talk, and know we must debate Chomsky's rants through his mouth piece George.

Idiots link to Chomsky.
When you say Noam has no idea what happened in history, are we to assume you do?

Chomsky is the eighth most quoted author in history.


Maybe we could analyze Chomsky's views of corporate influence on government since WWII? Do you agree with the following?

"The general point was put accurately enough by a leading diplomatic historian, Gerald Haines, in a recent book, (he is also the senior historian of the CIA).1

"He observes that after WWII the United States 'assumed, out of self-interest, responsibility for the welfare of the world capitalist system,' which is a fair enough formula, but to understand it we have to carry out a few translations.

"The first is that the word 'capitalist' doesn't mean capitalist.

"Rather, what it refers to is state-subsidised and protected private power centres 'collectivist legal entities,' as they are called by legal historians, internally tyrannical, unaccountable to the public, granted extraordinary rights by US courts in radical violation of classical liberal ideals.

"That's why the corporatisation of America, as it's called, early in this century was bitterly condemned by conservatives, a breed that has since vanished, aside from the name.

"The corporatisation was condemned as 'a form of communism,' a return to 'feudalistic' structures, and not without reason. Progressive intellectuals, who generally supported the process, gave a rather similar assessment.

"One of the leading ones, Woodrow Wilson, wrote that 'most men are servants of corporations,' which now account for the 'greater part of the business of the country.'

"It is 'a very different America from the old, . .. . no longer a scene of individual enterprise,. . . individual opportunity and individual achievement.'

"In the new America, 'small groups of men in control of great corporations wield a power and control over the wealth and business opportunities of the country,' becoming 'rivals of the government itself.'"

Based on your extensive education do you believe US "capitalism" refers to a state subsidized and protected private power centers or "collectivist legal entities" that are internally tyrannical, unaccountable to the public and granted extraordinary rights by US courts in radical violation of classical liberal ideals?

Power in the Global Arena
What is the true cost of Israel, one should ask what is the true cost of paying professors like Chomsky who have no idea of what happened in history.

Imagine our tax money pays Chomsky who gets rich writing books and giving speeches that idiots on the internet link to, post, people who know even less than Chomsky. People who can only link to Chomsky for an answer.

Ask George a question and he must run off to Chomsky for the answer.

What is the cost of life, of history, of mankind, of human nature.

Look at yourself, look at your grandfathers and grandmothers, look at your friends and their families, you are the people George and Chomsky are calling evil. Is that you, are you evil, did your grandpa always want to take over the world.

I dont know about your family but my family came to this country because of the Tyrants of Europe, the Tyrants of Russia, and the Tyrants of the Middle East, George and Chomsky believe that it is I who fled the tyrant who is the one trying to destroy who, the tyrant.

Yes, those who have found refugee should not speak out against the tyrants.

It is only Jews and the USA that are the problem in the world.

Chomsky does not know the history, he has never taken the time to become a scholar on history. He studied talking, thats all, talk, and know we must debate Chomsky's rants through his mouth piece George.

Idiots link to Chomsky.
When you say Noam has no idea what happened in history, are we to assume you do?

Chomsky is the eighth most quoted author in history.


Maybe we could analyze Chomsky's views of corporate influence on government since WWII? Do you agree with the following?

"The general point was put accurately enough by a leading diplomatic historian, Gerald Haines, in a recent book, (he is also the senior historian of the CIA).1

"He observes that after WWII the United States 'assumed, out of self-interest, responsibility for the welfare of the world capitalist system,' which is a fair enough formula, but to understand it we have to carry out a few translations.

"The first is that the word 'capitalist' doesn't mean capitalist.

"Rather, what it refers to is state-subsidised and protected private power centres 'collectivist legal entities,' as they are called by legal historians, internally tyrannical, unaccountable to the public, granted extraordinary rights by US courts in radical violation of classical liberal ideals.

"That's why the corporatisation of America, as it's called, early in this century was bitterly condemned by conservatives, a breed that has since vanished, aside from the name.

"The corporatisation was condemned as 'a form of communism,' a return to 'feudalistic' structures, and not without reason. Progressive intellectuals, who generally supported the process, gave a rather similar assessment.

"One of the leading ones, Woodrow Wilson, wrote that 'most men are servants of corporations,' which now account for the 'greater part of the business of the country.'

"It is 'a very different America from the old, . .. . no longer a scene of individual enterprise,. . . individual opportunity and individual achievement.'

"In the new America, 'small groups of men in control of great corporations wield a power and control over the wealth and business opportunities of the country,' becoming 'rivals of the government itself.'"

Based on your extensive education do you believe US "capitalism" refers to a state subsidized and protected private power centers or "collectivist legal entities" that are internally tyrannical, unaccountable to the public and granted extraordinary rights by US courts in radical violation of classical liberal ideals?

Power in the Global Arena

I am sorry George, I did not try and trick you into thinking I was the expert, I am not.

Does Chomsky know more than the people who actually lived the history.

Again, this is all you got, just bullshit telling me how great Chomsky is. that is all you got, you cannot prove one thing you posted, your the one who posted the shit I responded to, go to Chomsky and get the information, obviously you missed something in your cut and paste.

Chomsky is great, good, now use Chomsky's writings to make the point, go ahead.

Travels in Arabia Deserta by Charles M. Doughty, Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T. E. Lawrence
Almost 400 replies, now that is funny, that is 400 times somebody was stupid enough to fall for a trick.

The question is canard, a trick, as soon as you ask the question, repeat it in your head, and try to answer the question you have accepted its premise.

Chomsky, linguistics is a branch of cognitive psychology; so Chomsky set you up, you took the bait, now you must question your beliefs of not only history but human nature.

You should understand who Chomsky is and recognize the psychological tricks built into everything he states.

The entire field of linguistics as a branch of cognitive psychology is dominated by Chomsky's theories, he is a hero in his field, and now he is preaching hatred of the USA, most likely a twisted test of a theory that Chomsky discovered makes him millions.
Putting aside the fact you're currently #387 on the Stupid 400 list when has Chomsky preached "hatred of the USA?"

He expects all countries including his own to follow a universal moral principle, namely if you don't want someone killing your children for money don't kill other people's children for money.

Few countries in history have killed more children than the US, and none have gotten nearly as much money while doing it.
Almost 400 replies, now that is funny, that is 400 times somebody was stupid enough to fall for a trick.

The question is canard, a trick, as soon as you ask the question, repeat it in your head, and try to answer the question you have accepted its premise.

Chomsky, linguistics is a branch of cognitive psychology; so Chomsky set you up, you took the bait, now you must question your beliefs of not only history but human nature.

You should understand who Chomsky is and recognize the psychological tricks built into everything he states.

The entire field of linguistics as a branch of cognitive psychology is dominated by Chomsky's theories, he is a hero in his field, and now he is preaching hatred of the USA, most likely a twisted test of a theory that Chomsky discovered makes him millions.
Putting aside the fact you're currently #387 on the Stupid 400 list when has Chomsky preached "hatred of the USA?"

He expects all countries including his own to follow a universal moral principle, namely if you don't want someone killing your children for money don't kill other people's children for money.

Few countries in history have killed more children than the US, and none have gotten nearly as much money while doing it.

Your telling us what Chomsky expects, you are babbling. Universal, is that better than National, killing children for money, what happened to our original conversation, hard to even remember what it was about now that you want to get paid money for killing children.

Look how easy it is to get a Chomsky worshiper all fucked up, sorry to side track you like that, should of tried harder to keep you on the subject.
I’m no authority on Chomsky, All just know that’s he's a socialist wacko who dreams of a utopia that can never be. These types of people look at the U.S. as the problem in the world and ignore the true tyrants. Georgie seems to look up to that kind of thinking, how does that correlate with his support of all the muslim dictatorships? I don't really get that part, No criticism of these Wackos, only excuses and Bashing this county and Israel... While I do have a problem with big government crony capitalism, It’s the true conservatives who are out there trying to role that shit back…while people like Georgie here sit back and criticize, He’s part of the problem.:cuckoo:
Almost 400 replies, now that is funny, that is 400 times somebody was stupid enough to fall for a trick.

The question is canard, a trick, as soon as you ask the question, repeat it in your head, and try to answer the question you have accepted its premise.

Chomsky, linguistics is a branch of cognitive psychology; so Chomsky set you up, you took the bait, now you must question your beliefs of not only history but human nature.

You should understand who Chomsky is and recognize the psychological tricks built into everything he states.

The entire field of linguistics as a branch of cognitive psychology is dominated by Chomsky's theories, he is a hero in his field, and now he is preaching hatred of the USA, most likely a twisted test of a theory that Chomsky discovered makes him millions.
Putting aside the fact you're currently #387 on the Stupid 400 list when has Chomsky preached "hatred of the USA?"

He expects all countries including his own to follow a universal moral principle, namely if you don't want someone killing your children for money don't kill other people's children for money.

Few countries in history have killed more children than the US, and none have gotten nearly as much money while doing it.

Your telling us what Chomsky expects, you are babbling. Universal, is that better than National, killing children for money, what happened to our original conversation, hard to even remember what it was about now that you want to get paid money for killing children.

Look how easy it is to get a Chomsky worshiper all fucked up, sorry to side track you like that, should of tried harder to keep you on the subject.
Cite an example of Chomsky preaching hatred.
I’m no authority on Chomsky, All just know that’s he's a socialist wacko who dreams of a utopia that can never be. These types of people look at the U.S. as the problem in the world and ignore the true tyrants. Georgie seems to look up to that kind of thinking, how does that correlate with his support of all the muslim dictatorships? I don't really get that part, No criticism of these Wackos, only excuses and Bashing this county and Israel... While I do have a problem with big government crony capitalism, It’s the true conservatives who are out there trying to role that shit back…while people like Georgie here sit back and criticize, He’s part of the problem.:cuckoo:
Chomsky refers to himself as a Libertarian socialist, someone opposed to all coercive forms of social organization. Before you jump too quickly to another wrong conclusion, try to imagine how the liberties all Americans enjoy today would have seemed like utopian dreams to black slaves in 19th Century Mississippi.

I'm not sure of whom you're accusing of supporting Muslim dictatorships, but I can guarantee Chomsky has spent his life opposing all totalitarian structures. Especially those in this country that most US conservatives never tire of supporting.

Like the military-industrial-congressional complex, for example, where some of the greatest (corporate) tyrants who ever lived continue to use government as their own private piggy bank.

"More accurately, these corporations were casting over society the shadow that we call politics, as John Dewey put it a little later, making obvious points about the extreme limitations on democracy when 'the life of the country', the production and information systems and so on, are ruled by private tyrannies, in a system that he described as industrial 'feudalism' -- the contemporary system."

Power in The Global...

Finally, Noam has no doubts about the existence of class war in this country or about which side is winning.

Do you?
Putting aside the fact you're currently #387 on the Stupid 400 list when has Chomsky preached "hatred of the USA?"

He expects all countries including his own to follow a universal moral principle, namely if you don't want someone killing your children for money don't kill other people's children for money.

Few countries in history have killed more children than the US, and none have gotten nearly as much money while doing it.

Your telling us what Chomsky expects, you are babbling. Universal, is that better than National, killing children for money, what happened to our original conversation, hard to even remember what it was about now that you want to get paid money for killing children.

Look how easy it is to get a Chomsky worshiper all fucked up, sorry to side track you like that, should of tried harder to keep you on the subject.
Cite an example of Chomsky preaching hatred.

Cite an example of Chomsky preaching love of his country
Chomsky refers to himself as a Libertarian socialist, someone opposed to all coercive forms of social organization. Before you jump too quickly to another wrong conclusion, try to imagine how the liberties all Americans enjoy today would have seemed like utopian dreams to black slaves in 19th Century Mississippi

The problem is georgie boy... Socialism does not work; it leads to massive Federal government which in turn enslaves people to it. People are people there is no "socialist utopia" like I said, it can never be. The more power we give to government the more the people at the top the “privilege class” of which guys like Chompsky are apart of, will be pulling the stings, while the rest of us suffer

I'm not sure of whom you're accusing of supporting Muslim dictatorships, but I can guarantee Chomsky has spent his life opposing all totalitarian structures. Especially those in this country that most US conservatives never tire of supporting.

I'm accusing you, I've never heard you criticize the Arab dictatorships you just make excuses for them

Like the military-industrial-congressional complex, for example, where some of the greatest (corporate) tyrants who ever lived continue to use government as their own private piggy bank.

Big government leads to "crony capitalism" Socialism is big government the two go hand in hand.

Finally, Noam has no doubts about the existence of class war in this country or about which side is winning.

Yep and it's being waged by left wingers like him:cuckoo:
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I’m no authority on Chomsky, All just know that’s he's a socialist wacko who dreams of a utopia that can never be. These types of people look at the U.S. as the problem in the world and ignore the true tyrants. Georgie seems to look up to that kind of thinking, how does that correlate with his support of all the muslim dictatorships? I don't really get that part, No criticism of these Wackos, only excuses and Bashing this county and Israel... While I do have a problem with big government crony capitalism, It’s the true conservatives who are out there trying to role that shit back…while people like Georgie here sit back and criticize, He’s part of the problem.:cuckoo:
Chomsky refers to himself as a Libertarian socialist, someone opposed to all coercive forms of social organization. Before you jump too quickly to another wrong conclusion, try to imagine how the liberties all Americans enjoy today would have seemed like utopian dreams to black slaves in 19th Century Mississippi.

I'm not sure of whom you're accusing of supporting Muslim dictatorships, but I can guarantee Chomsky has spent his life opposing all totalitarian structures. Especially those in this country that most US conservatives never tire of supporting.

Like the military-industrial-congressional complex, for example, where some of the greatest (corporate) tyrants who ever lived continue to use government as their own private piggy bank.

"More accurately, these corporations were casting over society the shadow that we call politics, as John Dewey put it a little later, making obvious points about the extreme limitations on democracy when 'the life of the country', the production and information systems and so on, are ruled by private tyrannies, in a system that he described as industrial 'feudalism' -- the contemporary system."

Power in The Global...

Finally, Noam has no doubts about the existence of class war in this country or about which side is winning.

Do you?

I would rather discuss how Chomsky uses simple sentence structures to force said subject to accept Chomsky's premise.

Compare the 19th century to the 21st century, I bet they would be pissed that the bling today is so shiny and big.

imagine how the liberties all Americans enjoy today would have seemed like utopian dreams to black slaves in 19th Century Mississippi.
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10,000 Americans "earn" 30% of the income in the US.

Their median annual income is $50,000,000.

"They have $350,000,000 in assets, and since 1978, that is an increase of 550% -

"how have you done the past 30 years?"

Chomsky is NOT part of the richest 0.01% of the US population. He HAS spent a big part of his life revealing how the Rich hide the role class plays in America.

“The war against working people should be understood to be a real war…. Specifically in the U.S., which happens to have a highly class-conscious business class…. And they have long seen themselves as fighting a bitter class war, except they don’t want anybody else to know about it.” — Noam Chomsky

Full Report:

America is 234...
Chomsky is NOT part of the richest 0.01% of the US population. He HAS spent a big part of his life revealing how the Rich hide the role class plays in America.

“The war against working people should be understood to be a real war…. Specifically in the U.S., which happens to have a highly class-conscious business class…. And they have long seen themselves as fighting a bitter class war, except they don’t want anybody else to know about it.” — Noam Chomsky that case... Fine…. We'll let Chomski and his Ivey league intellectuals decide how to distribute wealth a little more fairly:cool: ...Yeah, they could put together a little Politburo and decide what’s fair for all the people:doubt:, You libs seem so eager to give up you’re individual liberties... Unreal.:cuckoo:

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