The Cost of Israel

Genius, after the sandbox, show us where Palestine is in the Hebrew Bible, Christian Bible and Quran.

Take the whole weekend. :lol::lol::lol:

3 books of fiction. Sorry, your argument just suffered an EPIC FAIL. Better luck next time.

Where is "Palestine" in Italy, since the Romans invented your Palestine.:lol:

It's cool, you can stop laughing at yourself now. Go read the Torah, you need to hone up on your make believe world.
Lord Sydenham, Hansard, House of Lords, 21 June 1922: "If we are going to admit claims on conquest thousands of years ago, the whole world will have to be turned upside down."
With settlement deal, U.S. will be rewarding Israel's bad behavior

Israel is for Israel, and isn't concerned that its insatiable wants and needs are hurting this country directly, and indirectly. Continuing to support Israel blindly is going to be a major factor in our country's demise. :cuckoo:

How much better could this country be if we stopped ALL foreign aid to Israel and invested it here in the US? Pollution control to help businesses stay in business while providing jobs here at home. Investing in green technology that will provide Americans jobs, but more importantly by helping green tech migrate us off of an oil based energy system.

Israel would be less likely to piss off its neighbors if it knew that Uncle Sam wouldn't be there every time to back them up. In particular when Israel seems completely disregard human rights, and acts without any sign of guilt. Under our current policy, Israel can do what it wants without concern that its actions could lead to US sanctions, because there won't be any sanctions. The Jewish lobby in the US is too powerful to allow any real penalties to be assessed. Murdering American's who are trying to expose Israel's demonic ways go unchallenged by our State Department. Gee, I wonder why?

Americans are proving to be the people who are too dumb to know when they are being bent over and banged up the bung hole. Their priorities are selfish an are proving to be self defeating.

I agree, this country will tumble within the next twenty years not because of outside forces, but by the lack of common sense by its citizens and an apathetic attitude.
With settlement deal, U.S. will be rewarding Israel's bad behavior

Israel is for Israel, and isn't concerned that its insatiable wants and needs are hurting this country directly, and indirectly. Continuing to support Israel blindly is going to be a major factor in our country's demise.

You're not educated enough to know that Israel has a $200 billion economy and a per capita income 3x that of Turkey. Israel is a global leader in everything from information technology to biotech to pharma to solar power and electrical transportation to nanotechnology, chemicals, medical devices, agriculture and military technology.

Now, even you know. :clap2:
With settlement deal, U.S. will be rewarding Israel's bad behavior

Israel is for Israel, and isn't concerned that its insatiable wants and needs are hurting this country directly, and indirectly. Continuing to support Israel blindly is going to be a major factor in our country's demise. :cuckoo:

How much better could this country be if we stopped ALL foreign aid to Israel and invested it here in the US? Pollution control to help businesses stay in business while providing jobs here at home. Investing in green technology that will provide Americans jobs, but more importantly by helping green tech migrate us off of an oil based energy system. By stemming aid to Israel, I believe that another positive effect would be in the form of less terrorism being directed at the US. We have not been honorable in our foreign affairs, and those groups who hate the US have linked us with Israel as though we are one.

Israel would be less likely to piss off its neighbors if it knew that Uncle Sam wouldn't be there every time to back them up. In particular, when Israel seems to completely disregard human rights, and acts without any sign of guilt. Under our current policy, Israel can do what it wants without concern that its actions could lead to US sanctions,. Why? Because there won't be any sanctions. The Jewish lobby in the US is too powerful to allow any real penalties to be assessed. Example: Murdering American citizens who are trying to expose Israel's demonic ways. These crimes go unchallenged by our State Department. Gee, I wonder why?

Americans are proving to be the people who are too dumb to know when they are being bent over and banged up the bung hole. Their priorities are selfish an are proving to be self defeating. Other countries that used to rush to support the US, to remain on our "good side" are staying away when we solicit support. We are not a serious power any longer.

I agree, this country will tumble within the next twenty years not because of outside forces, but by the lack of common sense by its citizens and an their apathetic attitudes.
With settlement deal, U.S. will be rewarding Israel's bad behavior

Israel is for Israel, and isn't concerned that its insatiable wants and needs are hurting this country directly, and indirectly. Continuing to support Israel blindly is going to be a major factor in our country's demise. :cuckoo:

How much better could this country be if we stopped ALL foreign aid to Israel and invested it here in the US? Pollution control to help businesses stay in business while providing jobs here at home. Investing in green technology that will provide Americans jobs, but more importantly by helping green tech migrate us off of an oil based energy system. By stemming aid to Israel, I believe that another positive effect would be in the form of less terrorism being directed at the US. We have not been honorable in our foreign affairs, and those groups who hate the US have linked us with Israel as though we are one.

Israel would be less likely to piss off its neighbors if it knew that Uncle Sam wouldn't be there every time to back them up. In particular, when Israel seems to completely disregard human rights, and acts without any sign of guilt. Under our current policy, Israel can do what it wants without concern that its actions could lead to US sanctions,. Why? Because there won't be any sanctions. The Jewish lobby in the US is too powerful to allow any real penalties to be assessed. Example: Murdering American citizens who are trying to expose Israel's demonic ways. These crimes go unchallenged by our State Department. Gee, I wonder why?

Americans are proving to be the people who are too dumb to know when they are being bent over and banged up the bung hole. Their priorities are selfish an are proving to be self defeating. Other countries that used to rush to support the US, to remain on our "good side" are staying away when we solicit support. We are not a serious power any longer.

I agree, this country will tumble within the next twenty years not because of outside forces, but by the lack of common sense by its citizens and and their apathetic attitudes.
With settlement deal, U.S. will be rewarding Israel's bad behavior
Who's talking.

Israel is for Israel, and isn't concerned that its insatiable wants and needs are hurting this country directly, and indirectly. Continuing to support Israel blindly is going to be a major factor in our country's demise.
The US is for the US, and they aren't concerned that, its insatiable wants and needs are hurting Israel directly, and indirectly.

How much better could this country be if we stopped ALL foreign aid to Israel and invested it here in the US?
That would be violating the egyptian-israeli peace agreement, into which giving money to both had been built by Jimmy Carter, but cussing him for it is taboo - he's such a dear nobel asshole, after all. Besides, illegal aliens cost California alone three times the amount Israel gets in a year. Not a bull about it on these joo-bashin' boards, of course.

Pollution control to help businesses stay in business while providing jobs here at home.
Shutting trucking down through bogus pollution control is hardly going to save businesses and provide jobs. Unless, the intent is to create an army of "pollution controllers".

Investing in green technology that will provide Americans jobs, but more importantly by helping green tech migrate us off of an oil based energy system.
With obamanomics all investments are made abroad, of course, providing jobs for the chinese, et al.

Israel would be less likely to piss off its neighbors if it knew that Uncle Sam wouldn't be there every time to back them up.
But how will we get nobel peace prizes? That sucks.
With settlement deal, U.S. will be rewarding Israel's bad behavior[/url]

You're not educated enough to know that Israel has a $200 billion economy and a per capita income 3x that of Turkey. Israel is a global leader in everything from information technology to biotech to pharma to solar power and electrical transportation to nanotechnology, chemicals, medical devices, agriculture and military technology.

Now, even you know.:clap2:
With settlement deal, U.S. will be rewarding Israel's bad behavior[/url]

Jews living on sovereign Jewish land, decreed by history and international law, are not settlers.

Your lesson for the day, gratis. Don't you appreciate me? :lol:
You're not educated enough to know that Israel has a $200 billion economy and a per capita income 3x that of Turkey. Israel is a global leader in everything from information technology to biotech to pharma to solar power and electrical transportation to nanotechnology, chemicals, medical devices, agriculture and military technology.

Now, even you know. :clap2:[/QUOTE]

Yep, you are correct. Israel is a competitor of the US in many areas, and a master of using US funding to screw the US people with their own dollars. US tax dollars that should be spent on programs here in the US, are instead given to Israel to 1) bolster the return rate of interest. We lose billions out of our economy in order to prop Israel up. 2) Us funding is used to give universities in Israel a leg up against our own colleges and educational systems. Our tech programs are cut, and eliminated because of lack of funding. This of course makes us less competitive in the world economy, and causes the need(?) to import college grads from the Middle East into our country to do the high tech jobs. 3) Our tax dollars are used to supply Israel with free weapon systems in which they improve and modify, at our expense. What do we get out of this? Nothing, Israel doesn't share its weapons improvements technologies with the US. We just get the bill, and the interest debt load to the Chinese.

People can say that I am an anti semite. I am not, however I am not a big supporter of Israel since I would have to be less supportive of the US to be so. I just believe that we have been too generous to Israel, and for far too long.

The US doesn't support many the activities demonstrated in Israel in other countries. So, I believe it is hypocritical to condemn others while we support it in Israel. Other countries are sick of this double standard, and so am I.
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You're not educated enough to know that Israel has a $200 billion economy and a per capita income 3x that of Turkey. Israel is a global leader in everything from information technology to biotech to pharma to solar power and electrical transportation to nanotechnology, chemicals, medical devices, agriculture and military technology.

Now, even you know. :clap2:

Yep, you are correct. Israel is a competitor of the US in many areas, and a master of using US funding to screw the US people with their own dollars.

You're so stupid, it's not even funny.

Israel sharing its expertise with the US makes Israel an ally.

US/Israel space exploration partnership...
NASA - NASA Adds Israeli Technical Expertise to Lunar Science Research at Ames

US/Israel commerce partnership...
U.S. Chamber Launches U.S.-Israel Business Initiative | U.S. Chamber of Commerce

US/Israel military/medical partnership
IDF, US Army seek to coordinate medical-military R&D
" Israel is a global leader in everything from information technology to biotech to pharma to solar power and electrical transportation to nanotechnology, chemicals, medical devices, agriculture and military technology."

You sound like you believe that you are an expert on the subject. Since I don't know you, I will give you this benefit of doubt. However, my question to you is this, if Israel is a true Global Leader, why is it necessary for the US to prop up Israel's economy and to to provide military support to Israel? One would think that the Israelis are now self sufficient, and no longer need huge infusions of US capital in order to sustain and grow. Can the US taxpayer ever expect to be reimbursed by the people of Israel now that we are experiencing hard times here, and they are leading the world in so many areas?
You're not educated enough to know that Israel has a $200 billion economy and a per capita income 3x that of Turkey. Israel is a global leader in everything from information technology to biotech to pharma to solar power and electrical transportation to nanotechnology, chemicals, medical devices, agriculture and military technology.

Now, even you know. :clap2:

US tax dollars that should be spent on programs here in the US

Israel contributes $15 billion each year to "US tax dollars" in the form of export purchases, making Israel one of the largest export markets in the world.

You're very uninformed, but you already knew that. :lol:

Office of the United States Trade Representative...
U.S. goods exports in 2008 were $14.5 billion, up 11.3 percent from the previous year. Corresponding U.S. imports from Israel were $22.3 billion, up 7.4 percent. Israel is currently the 20th largest export market for U.S. goods.
Israel | Office of the United States Trade Representative
" Israel is a global leader in everything from information technology to biotech to pharma to solar power and electrical transportation to nanotechnology, chemicals, medical devices, agriculture and military technology."

You sound like you believe that you are an expert on the subject. Since I don't know you, I will give you this benefit of doubt. However, my question to you is this, if Israel is a true Global Leader, why is it necessary for the US to prop up Israel's economy and to to provide military support to Israel? One would think that the Israelis are now self sufficient, and no longer need huge infusions of US capital in order to sustain and grow. Can the US taxpayer ever expect to be reimbursed by the people of Israel now that we are experiencing hard times here, and they are leading the world in so many areas?

I am an "expert" on the subject. You, not so much.

US foreign aid to Israel is strictly military, it is not economic aid. Given Israel is surrounded by 400 million crazed jihadists, Israel needs a strong military
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" Israel is a global leader in everything from information technology to biotech to pharma to solar power and electrical transportation to nanotechnology, chemicals, medical devices, agriculture and military technology."

You sound like you believe that you are an expert on the subject. Since I don't know you, I will give you this benefit of doubt. However, my question to you is this, if Israel is a true Global Leader, why is it necessary for the US to prop up Israel's economy and to to provide military support to Israel? One would think that the Israelis are now self sufficient, and no longer need huge infusions of US capital in order to sustain and grow. Can the US taxpayer ever expect to be reimbursed by the people of Israel now that we are experiencing hard times here, and they are leading the world in so many areas?

I am an "expert" on the subject. You, not so much.

US foreign aid to Israel is strictly military, it is not economic aid. Given Israel is surrounded by 400 million crazed jihadists, Israel needs a strong military

Yes, but if the Izzyael economy is so strong, why don't you pay for your own military?
" Israel is a global leader in everything from information technology to biotech to pharma to solar power and electrical transportation to nanotechnology, chemicals, medical devices, agriculture and military technology."

You sound like you believe that you are an expert on the subject. Since I don't know you, I will give you this benefit of doubt. However, my question to you is this, if Israel is a true Global Leader, why is it necessary for the US to prop up Israel's economy and to to provide military support to Israel? One would think that the Israelis are now self sufficient, and no longer need huge infusions of US capital in order to sustain and grow. Can the US taxpayer ever expect to be reimbursed by the people of Israel now that we are experiencing hard times here, and they are leading the world in so many areas?

I am an "expert" on the subject. You, not so much.

US foreign aid to Israel is strictly military, it is not economic aid. Given Israel is surrounded by 400 million crazed jihadists, Israel needs a strong military

Yes, but if the Izzyael economy is so strong, why don't you pay for your own military?

Because, genius, the US wants to provide military assistance to the only democracy in the Middle East and America's closest and most reliable ally.

Now, you know.:clap2:
I am an "expert" on the subject. You, not so much.

US foreign aid to Israel is strictly military, it is not economic aid. Given Israel is surrounded by 400 million crazed jihadists, Israel needs a strong military

Yes, but if the Izzyael economy is so strong, why don't you pay for your own military?

Because, genius, the US wants to provide military assistance to the only democracy in the Middle East and America's closest and most reliable ally.

Now, you know.:clap2:

Are you so dense that you can't answer a simple question? Why does Izzyael need a handout?

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