The Cost of Israel

" Israel is a global leader in everything from information technology to biotech to pharma to solar power and electrical transportation to nanotechnology, chemicals, medical devices, agriculture and military technology."

You sound like you believe that you are an expert on the subject. Since I don't know you, I will give you this benefit of doubt. However, my question to you is this, if Israel is a true Global Leader, why is it necessary for the US to prop up Israel's economy and to to provide military support to Israel? One would think that the Israelis are now self sufficient, and no longer need huge infusions of US capital in order to sustain and grow. Can the US taxpayer ever expect to be reimbursed by the people of Israel now that we are experiencing hard times here, and they are leading the world in so many areas?

You're either retarded or just stupid. I just explained to you Israel receives no economic aid from the US.

I'm using simple language so even a simpleton can understand.
Because, genius, the US wants to provide military assistance to the only democracy in the Middle East and America's closest and most reliable ally.

Now, you know.:clap2:

Are you so dense that you can't answer a simple question? Why does Izzyael need a handout?

Those with functioning brains understand.

So if you understand why izzyrael needs a handout, then just say it, otherwise we'll have to assume that you don't know.
" Israel is a global leader in everything from information technology to biotech to pharma to solar power and electrical transportation to nanotechnology, chemicals, medical devices, agriculture and military technology."

You sound like you believe that you are an expert on the subject. Since I don't know you, I will give you this benefit of doubt. However, my question to you is this, if Israel is a true Global Leader, why is it necessary for the US to prop up Israel's economy and to to provide military support to Israel? One would think that the Israelis are now self sufficient, and no longer need huge infusions of US capital in order to sustain and grow. Can the US taxpayer ever expect to be reimbursed by the people of Israel now that we are experiencing hard times here, and they are leading the world in so many areas?

You're either retarded or just stupid. I just explained to you Israel receives no economic aid from the US.

I'm using simple language so even a simpleton can understand.

Since 1974, Israel has received nearly $100 billion in assistance, including three special aid packages. The first followed the signing of the Israel-Egypt peace treaty and Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai. The redeployment of Israeli forces and rebuilding of air bases in the Negev cost $5 billion. To partially compensate for this sacrifice, Israel received $3 billion ($2.2 billion of which was in the form of high-interest loans) in U.S. aid in 1979.

The second special package was approved in 1985, following a severe economic crisis in Israel, which sent inflation rates soaring as high as 445 percent. The $1.5 billion in emergency assistance-disbursed in two installments, in 1985 and 1986-was provided as part of Israel's economic stabilization program, which was implemented under the guidance of the U.S.-Israel Joint Economic Development Group (JEDG).

An extraordinary package was approved in 1996 to help Israel fight terrorism. Israel is to receive a total of $100 million, divided equally between fiscal years 1996 and 1997.

U.S. Aid To Israel
" Israel is a global leader in everything from information technology to biotech to pharma to solar power and electrical transportation to nanotechnology, chemicals, medical devices, agriculture and military technology."

You sound like you believe that you are an expert on the subject. Since I don't know you, I will give you this benefit of doubt. However, my question to you is this, if Israel is a true Global Leader, why is it necessary for the US to prop up Israel's economy and to to provide military support to Israel? One would think that the Israelis are now self sufficient, and no longer need huge infusions of US capital in order to sustain and grow. Can the US taxpayer ever expect to be reimbursed by the people of Israel now that we are experiencing hard times here, and they are leading the world in so many areas?

You're either retarded or just stupid. I just explained to you Israel receives no economic aid from the US.

I'm using simple language so even a simpleton can understand.

Since 1974, Israel has received nearly $100 billion in assistance

The US pissed aways $1 TRILLION on the Arab Muslim trash in Iraq and $120 BILLION each year on the Arab Muslim cockroaches in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt and Jordan.

Meanwhile, Israel purchases $15 BILLION each year in US products, making Israel one of the US's largest export markets.
You're either retarded or just stupid. I just explained to you Israel receives no economic aid from the US.

I'm using simple language so even a simpleton can understand.

Since 1974, Israel has received nearly $100 billion in assistance

The US pissed aways $1 TRILLION on the Arab Muslim trash in Iraq and $120 BILLION each year on the Arab Muslim cockroaches in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt and Jordan.

Meanwhile, Israel purchases $15 BILLION each year in US products, making Israel one of the US's largest export markets.

Izzyrael STILL needs handout from us. That's ok, we give to the poor.:lol:
" Israel is a global leader in everything from information technology to biotech to pharma to solar power and electrical transportation to nanotechnology, chemicals, medical devices, agriculture and military technology."

You sound like you believe that you are an expert on the subject. Since I don't know you, I will give you this benefit of doubt. However, my question to you is this, if Israel is a true Global Leader, why is it necessary for the US to prop up Israel's economy and to to provide military support to Israel? One would think that the Israelis are now self sufficient, and no longer need huge infusions of US capital in order to sustain and grow. Can the US taxpayer ever expect to be reimbursed by the people of Israel now that we are experiencing hard times here, and they are leading the world in so many areas?

You're either retarded or just stupid. I just explained to you Israel receives no economic aid from the US.

I'm using simple language so even a simpleton can understand.

]Since 1974, Israel has received nearly $100 billion in assistance, including three special aid packages. The first followed the signing of the Israel-Egypt peace treaty and Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai. The redeployment of Israeli forces and rebuilding of air bases in the Negev cost $5 billion. To partially compensate for this sacrifice, Israel received $3 billion ($2.2 billion of which was in the form of high-interest loans) in U.S. aid in 1979.

The second special package was approved in 1985, following a severe economic crisis in Israel, which sent inflation rates soaring as high as 445 percent. The $1.5 billion in emergency assistance-disbursed in two installments, in 1985 and 1986-was provided as part of Israel's economic stabilization program, which was implemented under the guidance of the U.S.-Israel Joint Economic Development Group (JEDG).

An extraordinary package was approved in 1996 to help Israel fight terrorism. Israel is to receive a total of $100 million, divided equally between fiscal years 1996 and 1997. ]
U.S. Aid To Israel

Ho Say is uneducated and unable to discern the distinction between military and economic aid.

Israel receives no economic aid. All US aid is earmarked for military use.

Ho Say, now, you now, mariposa.:clap2:
Since 1974, Israel has received nearly $100 billion in assistance, including three special aid packages. The first followed the signing of the Israel-Egypt peace treaty and Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai.
Cool, at last we learn that, James Carter did that and gave some to egyptians too.
The redeployment of Israeli forces and rebuilding of air bases in the Negev cost $5 billion. To partially compensate for this sacrifice, Israel received $3 billion ($2.2 billion of which was in the form of high-interest loans) in U.S. aid in 1979.
So, what about paying the piper do we not understand?
You're either retarded or just stupid. I just explained to you Israel receives no economic aid from the US.

I'm using simple language so even a simpleton can understand.

]Since 1974, Israel has received nearly $100 billion in assistance, including three special aid packages. The first followed the signing of the Israel-Egypt peace treaty and Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai. The redeployment of Israeli forces and rebuilding of air bases in the Negev cost $5 billion. To partially compensate for this sacrifice, Israel received $3 billion ($2.2 billion of which was in the form of high-interest loans) in U.S. aid in 1979.

The second special package was approved in 1985, following a severe economic crisis in Israel, which sent inflation rates soaring as high as 445 percent. The $1.5 billion in emergency assistance-disbursed in two installments, in 1985 and 1986-was provided as part of Israel's economic stabilization program, which was implemented under the guidance of the U.S.-Israel Joint Economic Development Group (JEDG).

An extraordinary package was approved in 1996 to help Israel fight terrorism. Israel is to receive a total of $100 million, divided equally between fiscal years 1996 and 1997. ]
U.S. Aid To Israel

Ho Say is uneducated and unable to discern the distinction between military and economic aid.

Israel receives no economic aid. All US aid is earmarked for military use.

Ho Say, now, you now, mariposa.:clap2:

A handout is a handout, you don't give a bum $10 and tell him: spend it on food.
]Since 1974, Israel has received nearly $100 billion in assistance, including three special aid packages. The first followed the signing of the Israel-Egypt peace treaty and Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai. The redeployment of Israeli forces and rebuilding of air bases in the Negev cost $5 billion. To partially compensate for this sacrifice, Israel received $3 billion ($2.2 billion of which was in the form of high-interest loans) in U.S. aid in 1979.

The second special package was approved in 1985, following a severe economic crisis in Israel, which sent inflation rates soaring as high as 445 percent. The $1.5 billion in emergency assistance-disbursed in two installments, in 1985 and 1986-was provided as part of Israel's economic stabilization program, which was implemented under the guidance of the U.S.-Israel Joint Economic Development Group (JEDG).

An extraordinary package was approved in 1996 to help Israel fight terrorism. Israel is to receive a total of $100 million, divided equally between fiscal years 1996 and 1997. ]
U.S. Aid To Israel

Ho Say is uneducated and unable to discern the distinction between military and economic aid.

Israel receives no economic aid. All US aid is earmarked for military use.

Ho Say, now, you now, mariposa.:clap2:

A handout is a handout, you don't give a bum $10 and tell him: spend it on food.
Since 1974, Israel has received nearly $100 billion in assistance

The US pissed aways $1 TRILLION on the Arab Muslim trash in Iraq and $120 BILLION each year on the Arab Muslim cockroaches in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt and Jordan.

Meanwhile, Israel purchases $15 BILLION each year in US products, making Israel one of the US's largest export markets.

Izzyrael STILL needs handout from us. That's ok, we give to the poor.:lol:

Office of the United States Trade Representative...:clap2:
U.S. goods exports to Israel in 2008 were $14.5 billion, up 11.3 percent from the previous year. Corresponding U.S. imports from Israel were $22.3 billion, up 7.4 percent. Israel is currently the 20th largest export market for U.S. goods.

Israel | Office of the United States Trade Representative
Wonder why the libs get themselves into a fit over Israel? It almost seems that they support Theocracy and the systematic abuse of non-muslims, women, and other muslims that don't believe with enough gusto. Would they like themselves and the US better if we declared ourselves a Christian theocracy and persecuted all non-christians? If we took the Old Testament literally and killed all gay people?...wait...Muslims do that right now...bad example...I find the inconsistency, and hypocracy, of liberals and progressives offensive and will never stop fighting the cancer that they try to spread :)
Wonder why the libs get themselves into a fit over Israel? It almost seems that they support Theocracy and the systematic abuse of non-muslims, women, and other muslims that don't believe with enough gusto. Would they like themselves and the US better if we declared ourselves a Christian theocracy and persecuted all non-christians? If we took the Old Testament literally and killed all gay people?...wait...Muslims do that right now...bad example...I find the inconsistency, and hypocracy, of liberals and progressives offensive and will never stop fighting the cancer that they try to spread :)

Israel is the only country in the Middle East where all sexual orientations haveequal rights, including civil ceremonies and gays in the military.

Homosexuality in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Yemen is a capital offense punishable by death
]Since 1974, Israel has received nearly $100 billion in assistance, including three special aid packages. The first followed the signing of the Israel-Egypt peace treaty and Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai. The redeployment of Israeli forces and rebuilding of air bases in the Negev cost $5 billion. To partially compensate for this sacrifice, Israel received $3 billion ($2.2 billion of which was in the form of high-interest loans) in U.S. aid in 1979.

The second special package was approved in 1985, following a severe economic crisis in Israel, which sent inflation rates soaring as high as 445 percent. The $1.5 billion in emergency assistance-disbursed in two installments, in 1985 and 1986-was provided as part of Israel's economic stabilization program, which was implemented under the guidance of the U.S.-Israel Joint Economic Development Group (JEDG).

An extraordinary package was approved in 1996 to help Israel fight terrorism. Israel is to receive a total of $100 million, divided equally between fiscal years 1996 and 1997. ]
U.S. Aid To Israel

Ho Say is uneducated and unable to discern the distinction between military and economic aid.

Israel receives no economic aid. All US aid is earmarked for military use.

Ho Say, now, you now, mariposa.:clap2:

A handout is a handout, you don't give a bum $10 and tell him: spend it on food.

Warren Buffett...
Israel is now a major factor in commerce and in the world, and, is a smaller replica of what has been accomplished in the US and I think Americans admire that. They feel good about a society that is on the move
Wonder why the libs get themselves into a fit over Israel? It almost seems that they support Theocracy and the systematic abuse of non-muslims, women, and other muslims that don't believe with enough gusto. Would they like themselves and the US better if we declared ourselves a Christian theocracy and persecuted all non-christians? If we took the Old Testament literally and killed all gay people?...wait...Muslims do that right now...bad example...I find the inconsistency, and hypocracy, of liberals and progressives offensive and will never stop fighting the cancer that they try to spread :)
Speaking of cancer...have you noticed how Jews, Muslims and Christians trace their particular systems of faith and worship to a bronze-age psychopath who hates queers, adultery and women more than chattel slavery?

Do you find that offensive?

Or conservative?
Wonder why the libs get themselves into a fit over Israel? It almost seems that they support Theocracy and the systematic abuse of non-muslims, women, and other muslims that don't believe with enough gusto. Would they like themselves and the US better if we declared ourselves a Christian theocracy and persecuted all non-christians? If we took the Old Testament literally and killed all gay people?...wait...Muslims do that right now...bad example...I find the inconsistency, and hypocracy, of liberals and progressives offensive and will never stop fighting the cancer that they try to spread :)
Speaking of cancer...have you noticed how Jews, Muslims and Christians trace their particular systems of faith and worship to a bronze-age psychopath who hates queers, adultery and women more than chattel slavery?

Do you find that offensive?

Or conservative?
Wonder why the libs get themselves into a fit over Israel? It almost seems that they support Theocracy and the systematic abuse of non-muslims, women, and other muslims that don't believe with enough gusto. Would they like themselves and the US better if we declared ourselves a Christian theocracy and persecuted all non-christians? If we took the Old Testament literally and killed all gay people?...wait...Muslims do that right now...bad example...I find the inconsistency, and hypocracy, of liberals and progressives offensive and will never stop fighting the cancer that they try to spread :)
Speaking of cancer...have you noticed how Jews, Muslims and Christians trace their particular systems of faith and worship to a bronze-age psychopath who hates queers, adultery and women more than chattel slavery?

Do you find that offensive?

Or conservative?

Chomsky says what?

Chomsky Sucks

Noam Chomsky is Gnome Crapsky
Stalinist, Sociopath, Dingleberry
Ha Ha Ha, Hee Hee HeeI'm the laughing gnome and you can't catch me

The longest e-mails I get are from cult followers of cult personalities Ayn Rand (Nazi Uberman theory meets Darwinism and Nietzschean selfishness) and Gnome Crapsky (Stalinist Sociopath). At best I skim them because they're pretty much the same - long dissertations of ideology and hero worship, insults to my intelligence and challenges I defend my positions to their satisfaction -- as if that were possible. The goal isn't to debate anything since these people's beliefs consume their brains like burning tar. It's their way to make me waste valuable time typing just to tell me I'm wrong. I couldn't care less about defending my beliefs, especially to nihilistic ideologues. And if there's anything more I hate than ideologues, it's sociopaths. Combine the two and all I see is red, also the color of Gnome's ideology.

My favorite cultist argument is that I can't judge a putz like Gnome until I've read and fully understood everything he's written. The circular logic is that I can't have an opinion without knowing the facts, and if I don't agree once I do there's something wrong with me because the truth is obvious. It's the left-wing version of the bible thumper's who's-on-first routine of "It's true because it's in the bible, and it's in the bible because it's true". Believe you me, I've heard and read enough crap from Crapsky to know the man is a sack of crap

Gnome calls himself an anarcho-syndicalist but it's a fancy label he uses to deflect from his real ideology of stalinism, which he claims not to be, yet he enthusiastically approves and promotes its history, practitioners and ideology. You are what you are, not what you say you are. Gnome cares as much about racism, worker's rights, women's issues and the homeless as a rapist does foreplay. It's all part of the lie. Figures like Crapsky are easily defined by their words and actions, along with their friends and enemies, not the excuses and rationalizations they come up with once caught literally red-handed.

Where I once thought of The Crapper as an intellectual coward and hypocrite, I now see him as a pathological liar and an apologist for every repressive butcher who sang "The Internationale". He goes way beyond equivalence in his arguments against capitalism and the United States. He denies transgressions on the part of communist butchers like Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao. Everything is the fault of the United States and its allies. Everything.

I'm sure Crap Sack pissed his pants in joy when the Twin Towers fell. Gnome doesn't present the other side of history as points of information or inducements for debate - it's a PR campaign for an agenda that's built on lies. Anarcho-syndicalism my ass. He's also a Jewish supporter of Holocaust Revisionism, of all things.

Gnome's followers, mostly belligerent, over-educated middle class white kids for whom conspiracy theories are currency of knowledge and therefore power and independence, take it to mean something that Gnome is a MIT Professor of Linguistics, his major work on theories of innate human language learning abilities. Does he teach or have time to teach anymore? This makes him as much of a scholar of political theory as the school janitor, but for arguments' sake let's assume his expertise is based on an insightful mastery of the logic of language, as if Gnome's qualified to know a lie when he hears one. That might work, except he's one of the most ideological, hypocritical, shrill, sound bite spewing, droning and uncivil people to ever walk the earth.
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