The Cost of Israel

Israelis purchased $20 BILLION in American products last year, making Israel one of the US's largest export markets in the world.
United States International Trade Commission[/url]

Thus, Israel is not just America's closest and most reliable ally, Israel is a lucrative one.

Muslims in Iraq have cost Americans $1 TRILLION and thousands of American lives and the Iraqi ingrates do not even appreciate it.

1/4 of the u.s casualties was caused by iran
which mean more then 1000 u.s Soldiers died because of iran
Which really means all US and Iraqi dead, maimed, displaced and jailed were caused by a pair of US draft dodgers named Dick and Dubya.

I'm sure the money had nothing to do with it.

Just like Jerusalem.

Alcohol destroys brain cells.
39 pages of BULLS**T, and one wonders why the US supports Isreal.

Because, the US supports democracies, such as Israel.
And Egypt.
And Saudi Arabia.
And Iraq.

All dictatorships, dummy. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.

But only Israel gets $7 million per day from the US taxpayers fighting foreclosures and impending homelessness.

Israel gives the US $15 billon/year in export purchases. You just buy gay porn. :lol:

Office of the United States Trade Representative...
U.S. goods exports {to Israel] in 2008 were $14.5 billion, up 11.3 percent from the previous year. Corresponding U.S. imports from Israel were $22.3 billion, up 7.4 percent. Israel is currently the 20th largest export market for U.S. goods.

Israel | Office of the United States Trade Representative
Aid to Israel, I just checked and I see no aid going to Israel.

Most US aid to Israel never leaves the US and must be spent with American defense contractors, so, the aid remains in the US economy.

Furthermore, Israel is one of the US's largest export markets, buying $15 BILLION in US products/year, offsetitng US aid.

The level of ignorance in this forum is embarrassing.

Office of the United States Trade Representative...
U.S. goods exports [to Israel] in 2008 were $14.5 billion, up 11.3 percent from the previous year. Corresponding U.S. imports from Israel were $22.3 billion, up 7.4 percent. Israel is currently the 20th largest export market for U.S. goods.

Israel | Office of the United States Trade Representative
I thought someone could easily link to the source, I guess the anti-semitics are just spewing propaganda they learn from the anti-american-chomsky, chomsky does not use a source so its not surprising those that echo chomsky's calling have no source as well.
Aid to Israel, I just checked and I see no aid going to Israel.

Most US aid to Israel never leaves the US and must be spent with American defense contractors, so, the aid remains in the US economy.

Furthermore, Israel is one of the US's largest export markets, buying $15 BILLION in US products/year, offsetitng US aid.

The level of ignorance in this forum is embarrassing.

Office of the United States Trade Representative...
U.S. goods exports [to Israel] in 2008 were $14.5 billion, up 11.3 percent from the previous year. Corresponding U.S. imports from Israel were $22.3 billion, up 7.4 percent. Israel is currently the 20th largest export market for U.S. goods.

Israel | Office of the United States Trade Representative
Any level of ignorance in this forum is dwarfed by your lies and propaganda. You've never told us how much you're paid to SPAM for the Jewish state. Just like you always forget to credit Israel for contributing another $7.8 billion (2008) to the US trade deficit.

The amount of US tax dollars going to American defense contractors is a primary reason why Main St. USA declines while rich parasites on Wall Street and shills like you prosper.

Here's hoping you and Wall Street reap exactly what you've sown.
Most US aid to Israel never leaves the US and must be spent with American defense contractors, so, the aid remains in the US economy.

Furthermore, Israel is one of the US's largest export markets, buying $15 BILLION in US products/year, offsetitng US aid.

The level of ignorance in this forum is embarrassing.

Office of the United States Trade Representative...

Israel | Office of the United States Trade Representative
Any level of ignorance in this forum is dwarfed by your lies and propaganda. You've never told us how much you're paid to SPAM for the Jewish state. Just like you always forget to credit Israel for contributing another $7.8 billion (2008) to the US trade deficit.

The amount of US tax dollars going to American defense contractors is a primary reason why Main St. USA declines while rich parasites on Wall Street and shills like you prosper.

Here's hoping you and Wall Street reap exactly what you've sown.

Hey, jihadist alcoholic, US defense contractors employ millions of Americans and form the foundation of the US economoy. Every state is entitled to self-defense from jihadists like you.

75% of US aid to Israel must be spent in the US.

Unlike the $120 billion in US aid to Islamic shitholes Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan.

And, Israel is one of the largest US export markets in the world, purchasing $15 billion in American products...

Office of the United States Trade Representative
U.S. goods exports [to Israel] in 2008 were $14.5 billion, up 11.3 percent from the previous year. Corresponding U.S. imports from Israel were $22.3 billion, up 7.4 percent. Israel is currently the 20th largest export market for U.S. goods.
Israel | Office of the United States Trade Representative

Allahu fucku!:lol:
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Most US aid to Israel never leaves the US and must be spent with American defense contractors, so, the aid remains in the US economy.

Furthermore, Israel is one of the US's largest export markets, buying $15 BILLION in US products/year, offsetitng US aid.

The level of ignorance in this forum is embarrassing.

Office of the United States Trade Representative...

Israel | Office of the United States Trade Representative
Any level of ignorance in this forum is dwarfed by your lies and propaganda. You've never told us how much you're paid to SPAM for the Jewish state. Just like you always forget to credit Israel for contributing another $7.8 billion (2008) to the US trade deficit.

The amount of US tax dollars going to American defense contractors is a primary reason why Main St. USA declines while rich parasites on Wall Street and shills like you prosper.

Here's hoping you and Wall Street reap exactly what you've sown.

Maybe the link is in this thread, I cannot find it, but that may be a mistake on my part. What is the source, we know Chumpsky has no source, is this it, we debate heresy.

FrontPage Magazine - The Hypocrisy of Noam Chomsky

The long political history of this aging activist demonstrates that double standards of the same kind have characterized his entire career.

Chomsky has declared himself a libertarian and anarchist but has defended some of the most authoritarian and murderous regimes in human history. His political philosophy is purportedly based on empowering the oppressed and toiling masses but he has contempt for ordinary people who he regards as ignorant dupes of the privileged and the powerful. He has defined the responsibility of the intellectual as the pursuit of truth and the exposure of lies, but has supported the regimes he admires by suppressing the truth and perpetrating falsehoods. He has endorsed universal moral principles but has only applied them to Western liberal democracies, while continuing to rationalize the crimes of his own political favorites. He is a mandarin who denounces mandarins. When caught out making culpably irresponsible misjudgments, as he was over Cambodia and Sudan, he has never admitted he was wrong.

Today, Chomsky’s hypocrisy stands as the most revealing measure of the sorry depths to which the left-wing political activism he has done so much to propagate has now sunk.

Still shilling for Bibi?

Don't forget to swallow.

Mahomet was a child molester.

Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad...
Muhammad married ‘A’isha in Mecca when she was a child of six and lived with her in Medina when she was nine or ten. She was the only virgin that he married. Her father, Abu Bakr, married her to him and the apostle gave her four hundred dirhams.
[ame=] The Life of Muhammad (9780196360331): I. Ishaq, A. Guillaume: Books[/ame]

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