The Cost of Israel

Spamming for Bibi?

How's the pay?

Mahomet was a child molester.

Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad...
Muhammad married ‘A’isha in Mecca when she was a child of six and lived with her in Medina when she was nine or ten. She was the only virgin that he married. Her father, Abu Bakr, married her to him and the apostle gave her four hundred dirhams.
[ame=] The Life of Muhammad (9780196360331): I. Ishaq, A. Guillaume: Books[/ame]
This mistake on your part is thinking what you write is worth reading:

Congress Watch: Aid to Israel

More from the Chomsky worshiper Georgee, its too simple to show the hatred as a simply lie. All I do, when Georgee does post something other than a rant is look up the premise or key word with Chomsky lies and I find dozens of people who use facts and source material to expose Chomsky as a dirty, filthy, liar.

Not to beat a dead horse like Chomsky, here is a link from another source.

F L A M E : Israel and the United States: Is Israel an asset or a burden to our country?

Gen. George Keagan, former head of U.S. Air Force Intelligence, stated publicly that “Israel is worth five CIAs,” with regard to intelligence passed to our country. He also stated that the yearly $3.0 billion that Israel received in military assistance was worth $50 to $60 billion in intelligence, R&D savings, and Soviet weapons systems captured and transferred to the Pentagon. In contrast to our commitments in Korea, Japan, Germany, and other parts, not a single American serviceperson needs to be stationed in Israel. Considering that the cost of one serviceperson per year – including backup and infrastructure – is estimated to be about $200,000, and assuming a minimum contingent of 25,000 troops, the cost savings to the United States on that score alone is on the order of $5 billion a year.

Israel effectively secures NATO’s southeastern flank. Its superb harbor, its outstanding military installations, the air and sea lift capabilities, and the trained manpower to maintain sophisticated equipment are readily at hand in Israel. It is the only country that makes itself available to the United States in any contingency. Yes, Israel is not a burden, but a tremendous asset to the United States.
Any level of ignorance in this forum is dwarfed by your lies and propaganda. You've never told us how much you're paid to SPAM for the Jewish state. Just like you always forget to credit Israel for contributing another $7.8 billion (2008) to the US trade deficit.

The amount of US tax dollars going to American defense contractors is a primary reason why Main St. USA declines while rich parasites on Wall Street and shills like you prosper.

Here's hoping you and Wall Street reap exactly what you've sown.

Maybe the link is in this thread, I cannot find it, but that may be a mistake on my part. What is the source, we know Chumpsky has no source, is this it, we debate heresy.

FrontPage Magazine - The Hypocrisy of Noam Chomsky

The long political history of this aging activist demonstrates that double standards of the same kind have characterized his entire career.

Chomsky has declared himself a libertarian and anarchist but has defended some of the most authoritarian and murderous regimes in human history. His political philosophy is purportedly based on empowering the oppressed and toiling masses but he has contempt for ordinary people who he regards as ignorant dupes of the privileged and the powerful. He has defined the responsibility of the intellectual as the pursuit of truth and the exposure of lies, but has supported the regimes he admires by suppressing the truth and perpetrating falsehoods. He has endorsed universal moral principles but has only applied them to Western liberal democracies, while continuing to rationalize the crimes of his own political favorites. He is a mandarin who denounces mandarins. When caught out making culpably irresponsible misjudgments, as he was over Cambodia and Sudan, he has never admitted he was wrong.

Today, Chomsky’s hypocrisy stands as the most revealing measure of the sorry depths to which the left-wing political activism he has done so much to propagate has now sunk.


That describes Georgie perfectly....What a brainwashed idiot he is..:cuckoo:
"America's giant Holocaust claims fraud - more than just a blip?

"The scam that defrauded the conference of $43 million earmarked for Holocaust survivors was not just a matter of a few bad apples.

"You could almost say it was a crime without victims.

"Sure, $43 million were stolen over the last 16 years through false claims submitted to two funds run by the Claims Conference, the main organization that administers reparations to Jewish Holocaust survivors.

"And granted, six present and former employees of the organization were at the center of the scam, including the man in charge of overseeing both funds.

But hey, according to Greg Schneider, executive vice president of the Claims Conference, 'it's less than one percent of funds distributed under those programs' and no authentic Holocaust survivor received less because of the scam.

"Well, that's okay then."

America's giant Holocaust...
"America's giant Holocaust claims fraud - more than just a blip?

"The scam that defrauded the conference of $43 million earmarked for Holocaust survivors was not just a matter of a few bad apples.

"You could almost say it was a crime without victims.

"Sure, $43 million were stolen over the last 16 years through false claims submitted to two funds run by the Claims Conference, the main organization that administers reparations to Jewish Holocaust survivors.

"And granted, six present and former employees of the organization were at the center of the scam, including the man in charge of overseeing both funds.

But hey, according to Greg Schneider, executive vice president of the Claims Conference, 'it's less than one percent of funds distributed under those programs' and no authentic Holocaust survivor received less because of the scam.

"Well, that's okay then."

America's giant Holocaust...

Did you miss the other thread Chomskyite, there is a thread you just posted in on this topic

diary of an anti-chomskyite: Chomskyites vs. anti-Chomskyites in Israel

Chomskyite Hypocrisy on Parade
FrontPageMag has a terrific little expose of the dirtiest little secret of Leftist academia: they're all overpaid, materialistic prima donnas.

Care to hear Noam Chomsky skewer America's soulless, capitalist wealth and privilege? It will set you back $12,000, roughly one-fourth of the average MIT student's tuition. And Chomsky's leftist academics-in-arms have similarly immodest asking prices. Take Princeton's resident race baiter, Cornel West. With an official per-lecture fee of $15,000 plus first-class traveling expenses, West ranks among the priciest academics. Recently he spoke at Denver U. for $35,000. For one hour.

The selfless leaders of the Left don't just speak for the money, of course; there are also the perks. The director of one D.C.-based booking agency tells me her leftist clients require the works from their hosts (usually colleges): a room at one of the area's nicer hotels, meals, travel fare and a car. Lest you think they're all closet high lifers, she helpfully notes that, in some instances, the car "doesn't even have to be a limousine."

One of the primary attributes of the Chomskyite has always been hypocrisy. One who condemns from on high, after all, should not be expected to have to mingle with the proles in the course of their denunciations. This only underlines my belief that any populist rhetoric on the part of the Chomskyites is most certainly of the pseudo variety. They are, in truth, absolute and uncompromising elitists. What they are after is not an egalitarian Utopia but a dictatorship of the intellectuals
"Only 30% of the population are aware that military spending is the largest item on the Federal budget, and few of those know its scale or its purpose.

"Over a quarter think foreign aid is the biggest item.

"In fact, it is barely detectable. The U.S. has the most miserly record among the developed countries.

"The record is even worse if we exclude the parts intended to enhance U.S. control over Middle East energy reserves, 'aid' to Israel, Egypt, and Turkey.

"By far the largest per capita component goes to a rich country, Israel -- artificially rich, because of the completely unparalleled flow of foreign capital including not just 'aid' but also tax-deductible contributions that are used to maintain the sharp divisions between first- and second-class citizens, and (despite disclaimers) for the joint U.S.-Israel project of incorporating the bulk of the occupied territories within the eventual state of Israel.

"Eliminate that, and U.S. aid virtually vanishes -- putting aside its character and effects."

"Only 30% of the population are aware that military spending is the largest item on the Federal budget, and few of those know its scale or its purpose.


Chomsky is a language teacher, not an authority on military spending.:lol:
How many books have you published on the Middle East?

How many have you read?

Chomsky's Wiki


I have and read over 100, how about you, on Israel or pertaining to, my library has over 1000 books. How about a photo of your references


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Chomsky is the eighth most widely quoted author of all time.


If you tell the most lies about history, chances are you will be quoted the most as well.

Paul Bogdanor quotes Chomsky 200 times in this piece

The Lie: “Israel and Jordan were acting in accord with a secret agreement to partition
Palestine in 1947-8, both of them regarding the Palestinian leadership as a primary enemy.”
The Truth: The Zionists told Jordan’s King Abdallah that “we could not promise to help his
incursion into the country, since we would be obliged to observe the UN Resolution” for “the
establishment of two states in Palestine” (Golda Meir). Israel’s leaders took “the unanimous
view that an Arab Palestine is here to stay” (Moshe Sharett) and that “we will not be able to
agree lightly to the annexation of parts of Palestine to Transjordan” (David Ben-Gurion).
What makes you an expert on the Middle East?

Imaginary degrees from "Princeton"

Chomsky is clear on the true cost of Israel to the US citizen and the profound ignorance most Americans have about the background of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute:

From:The Cost of Israel (P.5)

"Next comes the cost of Israel to the international prestige and credibility of the United States. Americans seem constantly astounded at our foreign policy failures in the Middle East.

"This stems from a profound ignorance of the background of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, which in turn results from a reluctance by the mainstream U.S. media to present these facts objectively.

"Toward the end of the 19th century when political Zionism was created in Europe, Jews were a tiny fraction of the population of the Holy Land, much of which was heavily cultivated and thickly populated, and certainly not a desert waiting to be reclaimed by outsiders.

"Even in 1947, after half a century of Zionist immigration and an influx of Jewish refugees from Hitler, Jews still constituted only one third of the population of the British Mandate of Palestine.

"Only seven percent of the land was Jewish-owned.

"Yet when the United Nations partitioned Palestine in that year, the Jewish state-to-be received 53 percent and the Arab state-to-be received only 47 percent of the land. Jerusalem was to remain separate under international supervision, a "corpus seperatum" in the words of the United Nations.

"One of the myths that many Americans still believe is that the initial war between the Arabs and Israelis broke out on May 15, 1948 when the British withdrew and military units from Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Syria entered Palestine, allegedly because the Arabs had rejected a partition plan that the Israelis accepted..."

In fact the war began when the UN announced its partition plan and both Jews and Arabs began seeking ways to enhance/defend their respective states.
"Only seven percent of the land was Jewish-owned[/].

Wrong, again, uneducated one.

After collapse of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, the Ottoman Turks surrendered control over "Palestine" which was transferred to the Jews with adoption of the San Remo Resolution by the Allies and the unanimous ratification of the Palestine Mandate by the League of Nations who established Palestine as the Jewish homeland.

51 members of the League of Nations and WW I Allies Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan, and both Houses of the US Congress, recognized "Palestine" as the Jewish homeland.

Stop whining, sissy boy
"Only seven percent of the land was Jewish-owned[/].

Wrong, again, uneducated one.

After collapse of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, the Ottoman Turks surrendered control over "Palestine" which was transferred to the Jews with adoption of the San Remo Resolution by the Allies and the unanimous ratification of the Palestine Mandate by the League of Nations who established Palestine as the Jewish homeland.

51 members of the League of Nations and WW I Allies Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan, and both Houses of the US Congress, recognized "Palestine" as the Jewish homeland.

Stop whining, sissy boy

There is a bit of truth in this post, 7% of the land was sold directly to the Jews by the Arabs. the ability to sell this land to Jews shows that Palestine was un-developed, neglected, in need of development.
In fact the war began when the UN announced its partition plan and both Jews and Arabs began seeking ways to enhance/defend their respective states.

Er, wrong. The war broke out in 1920 when Arab mobs began massacring Jews.

Actually, the war first broke out 1400 years ago when Muhammad ethnically cleansed Arabia of its Jewish population, including beheading 1000 Banu Qurayza Jews, for not signing on to his sick cult.

Your lesson for the day.

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