The Cost of Israel

Children killed
Israelis: 124
Palestinians: 1452
A tribute to the arab rampant parental negligence, of course.
Palestinian children are killed in their own neighborhoods by foreign troops. What kind of parental neglect are you talking about?
Palisturdian parental negligence, of course, their culture and cult of death and martyrdom demands their children get killed to line the walls of their schools with pics of those "martyrs" and to occupy and oppress other people's intelligence with it.
A tribute to the arab rampant parental negligence, of course.
Palestinian children are killed in their own neighborhoods by foreign troops. What kind of parental neglect are you talking about?
Palisturdian parental negligence, of course, their culture and cult of death and martyrdom demands their children get killed to line the walls of their schools with pics of those "martyrs" and to occupy and oppress other people's intelligence with it.

What does that have to do with getting shot in the head by foreign troops?
Palestinian children are killed in their own neighborhoods by foreign troops. What kind of parental neglect are you talking about?
Palisturdian parental negligence, of course, their culture and cult of death and martyrdom demands their children get killed to line the walls of their schools with pics of those "martyrs" and to occupy and oppress other people's intelligence with it.
What does that have to do with getting shot in the head by foreign troops?
Virgins calling, of course, all 72 of them.
Palisturdian parental negligence, of course, their culture and cult of death and martyrdom demands their children get killed to line the walls of their schools with pics of those "martyrs" and to occupy and oppress other people's intelligence with it.
What does that have to do with getting shot in the head by foreign troops?
Virgins calling, of course, all 72 of them.

Are you making a joke about children being killed?
Palestinians making films to make Israel look bad would be like pissing in the ocean trying to make it salty.
After the Muhammad al-Durah bullshit palisturdians lost all their credibility.
The Palestinians do not need to make Israel look bad. Israel does a great job on its own.
I know, I know, arabski shoot Muammadski with a Kalashnikoffski and blame it on joozski post, equipped with advanced combat gunsight Trijicons, Elbits and a Remington SWS. Enough with arab lies.
Have you stopped beating your wife?

Islam, the religion of wife-beating. :eek:

Quran 4:34...
Allah has made men superior to women because men spend their wealth to support them. Therefore, virtuous women are obedient, and they are to guard their unseen parts as Allah has guarded them. As for women whom you fear will rebel, admonish them first, and then send them to a separate bed, and then beat them. But if they are obedi-ent after that, then do nothing further; surely Allah is exalted and great!

Egyptian Cleric: Allah Permits You To Beat Your Disobedient Muslima Bitch...
MEMRI: Egyptian Cleric Sa'd Arafat: Islam Permits Wife Beating Only When She Refuses to Have Sex with Her Husband
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Greater Israel

"In the three months since Israel ended its settlement construction freeze in the West Bank, causing the Palestinians to withdraw from peace talks, a settlement-building boom has begun, especially in more remote communities that are least likely to be part of Israel after any two-state peace deal.

"This means that if negotiations ever get back on track, there will be thousands more Israeli settlers who will have to relocate into Israel, posing new problems over how to accommodate them while creating a Palestinian state on the land where many of them are living now."

Israeli Settlement
Greater Israel

"In the three months since Israel ended its settlement construction freeze in the West Bank, causing the Palestinians to withdraw from peace talks, a settlement-building boom has begun, especially in more remote communities that are least likely to be part of Israel after any two-state peace deal.

Er, the West Bank is sovereign Israeli land, under international law.

Thus, Pallie trash are illiegal migrants who must be deported or leave of their own volition.

League of Nations...
Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country
The Avalon Project : The Palestine Mandate

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