The Cost of Israel

Advice from the Israeli Occupation Archives?


There have ever been such of our kind with us. From the days of the Golden Calf to the days of the Kapos to this one.

From Oliver Lustig's Dictionary of the Camp:

Vicenzo and Luigi Pappalettera wrote in their book The Brutes Have the Floor [5] that, every time a new transport of detainees arrived at Mauthausen, Kapo August Adam picked out the professors, lawyers, priests and magistrates and cynically asked them: "Are you a lawyer? A professor? Good! Do you see this green triangle? This means I am a killer. I have five convictions on my record: one for manslaughter and four for robbery. Well, here I am in command. The world has turned upside down, did you get that? Do you need a dolmetscher, an interpreter? Here it is!" And he was pointing to his bat, after which he struck. When he was satisfied, he formed a Scheisskompanie with those selected and sent them to clean the latrines.[6]


Yet we continue...
I don't understand what the kapos or Golden Calf has to do with the above article. Either Israel should annex the West Bank and make the Arabs there citizens, or give it up. This limbo cannot last forever.
We have always had those Jews who work against our book. Since day one. Did you read the report? Who penned it?

There is another view and that is that with twenty thousand Hezbollah on the South Border of Lebanon and Israel. With Hamas, MB and Shia Iranians training Shia Arabians (who now call themselves Palestinians) with arms from Iran. With Syria and Iran working in concert to weaponless the arena?

There will not be another Iranian proxy beside Israel. This is the plan for peace, read Hudna. But you are welcome to your view and I have my own.
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I don't understand what the kapos or Golden Calf has to do with the above article. Either Israel should annex the West Bank and make the Arabs there citizens, or give it up. This limbo cannot last forever.
Ropey may be confusing your sentiments with those of a heretic or Nazi collaborator.

The limbo you refer to can't last forever, and I don't see how Israel can remain simultaneously Jewish and Democratic.

And there certainly appear to be some racist, nationalistic brutes seizing control of public discourse in Israel today.

Last August, Chris Hedges offered these possibilities on Israeli annexation of the West Bank:

Formalizing Israel's Land Grab
We have always had those Jews who work against our book. Since day one. Did you read the report? Who penned it?

There is another view and that is that with twenty thousand Hezbollah on the South Border of Lebanon and Israel. With Hamas, MB and Shia Iranians training Shia Arabians (who now call themselves Palestinians) with arms from Iran. With Syria and Iran working in concert to weaponless the arena?

There will not be another Iranian proxy beside Israel. This is the plan for peace, read Hudna. But you are welcome to your view and I have my own.

Who penned your book?

How much time elapsed between when the historical events in your book actually occurred and when they were first recorded?

What percentage of humans alive at those times were literate?

Have all governments since the time of Moses used religion to socialize cost and privatize profit?
Who penned your book?

We Jews who are connected with our belief and Israel have certain considerations that have followed us in the thousands and thousands and thousands of years in which we have been attacked with the attempts to render our race dissolute. We have evolved a genetic aversion towards anything that might be an attempt to dissolve us, and our history is taught to us well.

So, Israel is ours again, and we will hold it until the end of times or the end of Israel as the history given to us by our one G-d.

We were stewed in the repetition of forsaking our G-d and paying a heavy price.

No more! Yes, there are those among us who decry Israel and have their own interpretations.

They have been so at every nexus point in time where the Jews, as a people had to decide if it was worth it to continue on with the book, belief, traditions, etc. Keep in mind it is no simple easy thing to be a devoutly practicing Jew. The true devout do not see tradition, they are past that mundane thinking. They decry the Jewish fanatics. The Israeli people hold their government accountable, but the fear of dissolution is palpable and now, having their country again, they will not let it go unless it is the end of times and that time is not yet come.

That's why I said I understand when Mike said Israel had to take the first hit for any American return response. I understand this thinking. Israel has been destroyed many times and rebuilt. There are those Jews who also believe that not only is this going to happen, but that it should happen in that way. Iran attempts to 'hasten' this ending for the ending is co-existent with their return of the "twelfth Imam."

No other belief thinks they can hasten G-d's time. Iranian Shia leadership believe that they can.

Their creation of a nuclear pile is not for protection I put forward. They say that they are not even creating one, that it is against their belief.

There is a reason why such a small population of slow breeding people should outlive all the Empires. Still we have those who want to ensure we as Jews are all gone, and if not gone, then Israel gone so that our book's ending is incomplete.

To fulfill the prophesy we must have Israel. Jerusalem? Negotiable. We do not need Jerusalem to fulfill the prophesy. That's why we accepted the partition without Jerusalem in the first place. :eusa_shhh:

There's much on the negotiating table if our Arabian brethren truly look towards a peace. That's the secular point of view. The true Jewish point of view is we must hold Israel whatever the cost.
Who penned your book?

We Jews who are connected with our belief and Israel have certain considerations that have followed us in the thousands and thousands and thousands of years in which we have been attacked with the attempts to render our race dissolute. We have evolved a genetic aversion towards anything that might be an attempt to dissolve us, and our history is taught to us well.

So, Israel is ours again, and we will hold it until the end of times or the end of Israel as the history given to us by our one G-d.

We were stewed in the repetition of forsaking our G-d and paying a heavy price.

No more! Yes, there are those among us who decry Israel and have their own interpretations.

They have been so at every nexus point in time where the Jews, as a people had to decide if it was worth it to continue on with the book, belief, traditions, etc. Keep in mind it is no simple easy thing to be a devoutly practicing Jew. The true devout do not see tradition, they are past that mundane thinking. They decry the Jewish fanatics. The Israeli people hold their government accountable, but the fear of dissolution is palpable and now, having their country again, they will not let it go unless it is the end of times and that time is not yet come.

That's why I said I understand when Mike said Israel had to take the first hit for any American return response. I understand this thinking. Israel has been destroyed many times and rebuilt. There are those Jews who also believe that not only is this going to happen, but that it should happen in that way. Iran attempts to 'hasten' this ending for the ending is co-existent with their return of the "twelfth Imam."

No other belief thinks they can hasten G-d's time. Iranian Shia leadership believe that they can.

Their creation of a nuclear pile is not for protection I put forward. They say that they are not even creating one, that it is against their belief.

There is a reason why such a small population of slow breeding people should outlive all the Empires. Still we have those who want to ensure we as Jews are all gone, and if not gone, then Israel gone so that our book's ending is incomplete.

To fulfill the prophesy we must have Israel. Jerusalem? Negotiable. We do not need Jerusalem to fulfill the prophesy. That's why we accepted the partition without Jerusalem in the first place. :eusa_shhh:

There's much on the negotiating table if our Arabian brethren truly look towards a peace. That's the secular point of view. The true Jewish point of view is we must hold Israel whatever the cost.
What is the true Jewish or Muslim or Christian view of Eurasia?

"Eurasia is a supercontinent covering about 52,990,000 km2 (20,846,000 mi2) or about 10.6% of the Earth's surface (36.2% of the land area) located primarily in the eastern and northern hemispheres.

"Geographically it is a single continent,[1] comprising the traditional continents of Europe and Asia (with Eurasia being a portmanteau of the two); the concepts of Europe and Asia as distinct continents date back to antiquity and their borders are geologically arbitrary.

"Eurasia, in turn, is part of the yet larger landmass of Afro-Eurasia, whereby Eurasia is joined to Africa at the Isthmus of Suez.

Eurasia is inhabited by almost 4 billion people, more than 71% of the world's population."

Eurasia - Wiki

Zbigniew Brezinski apparently truly believes NATO and the EU form the primary bridgehead of US influence into Eurasia.

"According to Brzezinski: “[NATO and the E.U. constitute] America’s most important global relationship.

"It is the springboard for U.S. global involvement, enabling America to play the decisive role of arbiter in Eurasia — the world’s central arena of power — and it creates a coalition that is globally dominant in all key dimensions of power and influence.” [1]

"The secondary bridgeheads of America into Eurasia are: (1) Japan and South Korea; (2) the Arabian Peninsula; and (3) the U.S. and NATO military forces in occupied Iraq and Afghanistan."

Toward a New Iron...

Redrawing borders in the Mediterranean region would be a logical step in securing the resources of Central Asia and beyond for the US and its allies.

If that's the case, currently existing states like Israel and Iran are merely pawns in the New Great Game.
georgephillip Obsessive said:
Speaking only for myself, I think my obsession with Israel and Jews...
Obsession is an illness George
Subservience is also an illness, Ropey.

"Barack Obama’s election was widely expected to usher in a more even-handed policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"In the Cairo speech of 4 June 2009, Obama expressed support for ‘the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own’.

"Obama is a spell-binding orator. However, to use an American phrase, he is better at talking the talk than at walking the walk.

"The rhetoric has changed but subservience to Israel remains the order of the day."

Avi Shlaim
Subservience is also an illness, Ropey.

Isn't that what Allah means? So, all those muslims who are subservient and submit to Allah are ill George?

The allegation is as follows:

Is everything devoutly obedient to Allah? That is the claim in 30:26, but dozens of verses speak of the proud disobedience of Satan [7:11, 15:28-31, 17:61, 20:116, 38:71-74, 18:50] as well of many different human beings who reject His commands and His revelations.

Verse in question,

30:26 To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. All are subservient to Him.
I believe so, Ropey. The Muslims who blindly submit to Allah are at least as ill as the Jews and Christians who follow the pitiless teachings of Moses without the slightest remorse for their victims.
The so-called peace process has been all process and no peace.
Of course, leftists made whole careers on the process, so, why should there be peace, I wonder.
"In a recent interview with Palestinian state television, Abbas warned that if all efforts to establish a Palestinian state fail he will dissolve the PA and ask Israel to assume responsibility for the occupation."
As we see, even career liars blurt truth out at least once. So, thanks, Abu Mazen, for admitting there's no occupation, outside of the palisturdian occupational, and showing us that, leftist sites are all dumbass idiots.
The so-called peace process has been all process and no peace.
Of course, leftists made whole careers on the process, so, why should there be peace, I wonder.
"In a recent interview with Palestinian state television, Abbas warned that if all efforts to establish a Palestinian state fail he will dissolve the PA and ask Israel to assume responsibility for the occupation."
As we see, even career liars blurt truth out at least once. So, thanks, Abu Mazen, for admitting there's no occupation, outside of the palisturdian occupational, and showing us that, leftist sites are all dumbass idiots.

I don't think you understood what Abbas said. Fatah is a subcontractor of the occupation. They work for the occupation.

What Abbas said was that dissolving the PA would mean that Israel would have to occupy the West Bank by itself.
tree fiddy?

"Barack Obama’s election was widely expected to usher in a more even-handed policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Which, when translated into a spoken language, means he was orgasmically expected to bomb Israel with bombs and palistanians - with sackloads of cash.
"In the Cairo speech of 4 June 2009, Obama expressed support for ‘the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own’.
"if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world". He said that too. Heh.
Avi Shlaim
Oh. Shlaim. Cool. "The Jews are a people and, like any other people, they have a natural right to national self-determination. In the aftermath of the Second World War, the moral case for a Jewish state became unassailable ... This was the background to the U.N. resolution of 29 November 1947 … an international charter of legitimacy for the Jewish state ... Arabs ... felt that the gift of Palestine to the Jews was illegal. However, a resolution passed by the UN General Assembly by a large majority cannot be illegal. It may be unjust but not illegal."
Benny Morris, quoting Shlaim. Do we hate Shlaim, yet?
"Barack Obama’s election was widely expected to usher in a more even-handed policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Which, when translated into a spoken language, means he was orgasmically expected to bomb Israel with bombs and palistanians - with sackloads of cash.
"In the Cairo speech of 4 June 2009, Obama expressed support for ‘the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own’.
"if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world". He said that too. Heh.
Avi Shlaim
Oh. Shlaim. Cool. "The Jews are a people and, like any other people, they have a natural right to national self-determination. In the aftermath of the Second World War, the moral case for a Jewish state became unassailable ... This was the background to the U.N. resolution of 29 November 1947 … an international charter of legitimacy for the Jewish state ... Arabs ... felt that the gift of Palestine to the Jews was illegal. However, a resolution passed by the UN General Assembly by a large majority cannot be illegal. It may be unjust but not illegal."
Benny Morris, quoting Shlaim. Do we hate Shlaim, yet?

Resolution 181 was never implemented.

It gave nothing to anybody.
"Barack Obama’s election was widely expected to usher in a more even-handed policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Which, when translated into a spoken language, means he was orgasmically expected to bomb Israel with bombs and palistanians - with sackloads of cash."if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world". He said that too. Heh.
Avi Shlaim
Oh. Shlaim. Cool. "The Jews are a people and, like any other people, they have a natural right to national self-determination. In the aftermath of the Second World War, the moral case for a Jewish state became unassailable ... This was the background to the U.N. resolution of 29 November 1947 … an international charter of legitimacy for the Jewish state ... Arabs ... felt that the gift of Palestine to the Jews was illegal. However, a resolution passed by the UN General Assembly by a large majority cannot be illegal. It may be unjust but not illegal."
Benny Morris, quoting Shlaim. Do we hate Shlaim, yet?

Resolution 181 was never implemented.

It gave nothing to anybody.

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