The Cost of Israel

Oh, Shlaim! "The Jews are a people and, like any other people, they have a natural right to national self-determination. In the aftermath of the Second World War, the moral case for a Jewish state became unassailable ... This was the background to the U.N. resolution of 29 November 1947 … an international charter of legitimacy for the Jewish state ... Arabs ... felt that the gift of Palestine to the Jews was illegal. However, a resolution passed by the UN General Assembly by a large majority cannot be illegal. It may be unjust but not illegal."
Benny Morris, quoting Shlaim.
Comeaawan, do we hate Shlaim (and Benny), yet?

I thought the right to self determination was for the inhabitants not foreigners.

Well, Mr. Tinmore, since you've never been there or experienced it, you don't know the feeling. Or maybe it's only Jews. Whenever I visit Israel, it's like a sensation of coming home. I've never felt like a "foreigner" there. Right now, I'm trying to work out my finances so I can move there one day.

I can appreciate that. The land of milk and honey.

How would you feel if you had a home there, and perhaps a farm or factory, and you could not even visit?
I can appreciate that. The land of milk and honey.
Palistains and philistines appreciate that too - they wouldn't be still dreaming of "redistributing" it, otherwise.
How would you feel if you had a home there, and perhaps a farm or factory, and you could not even visit?
Anyone, trying to do that, will feel being a limited liability arab, of course. Leftoids like to promote the concept, but vehemently deny it is applicable to anyone else.
Warning! Reader Beware: the original post, I'm replying to, was not made by a leftoid.
we kill all jews
in all the world

Then why are you killing your own people Sammy?

Attacker blows himself up in bath house, killing 17 in southern Kandahar

KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN—A suicide bomber struck a crowded bath house in southern Afghanistan on Friday, blowing himself up and killing 17 others as they prepared for afternoon prayers.

The midday attack in the border town of Spin Boldak, over an hour’s drive southeast of Kandahar city, also wounded at least 23 people, according to Afghan officials.

Officials believe the attacker was after a high-ranking police commander named Ramazan, who was inside bathing at the time. He died in the blast.

A Muslim killiing Muslims. Seems you would rather kill your own. Easier?


Jews a bit harder to kill?
To play devil's advocate, what about the cost of Egypt? What about the cost of policing the world? Israel is but a small drop in a HUGE bucket of government waste.
what matter that you jew
you pay to control us
some let you but we kill you all soon hehehehe

You better dress for it.
And George? You are a slave to your obsession. So, you have indicted yourself.
My "obsession" hasn't enslaved me to the point I've knowingly taken another human being's life.
Well, when do we start parading "My "obsession" hasn't enslaved me to the point I've knowingly taken another human being's life", after a shot or two of sake in Nagasaki?
And George? You are a slave to your obsession. So, you have indicted yourself.
My "obsession" hasn't enslaved me to the point I've knowingly taken another human being's life.
Well, when do we start parading "My "obsession" hasn't enslaved me to the point I've knowingly taken another human being's life", after a shot or two of sake in Nagasaki?
I wasn't alive in 1945.

Does that mean I'm forgiven for Truman's Sin?
My "obsession" hasn't enslaved me to the point I've knowingly taken another human being's life.
Well, when do we start parading "My "obsession" hasn't enslaved me to the point I've knowingly taken another human being's life", after a shot or two of sake in Nagasaki?
I wasn't alive in 1945. Does that mean I'm forgiven for Truman's Sin?
Of course, not.
"Chomsky once said:

"'At this stage of history, either one of two things is possible. Either the general population will take control of its own destiny and will concern itself with community interests, guided by values of solidarity, and sympathy, and concern for others, or, alternatively, there will be no destiny for anyone to control.'"

What's your choice?

Noam Chomsky in Lebanon
"Chomsky once said: "'At this stage of history, either one of two things is possible. Either the general population will take control of its own destiny and will concern itself with community interests, guided by values of solidarity, and sympathy, and concern for others, or, alternatively, there will be no destiny for anyone to control.'"
Ah, his Lebanon drivel tour.
Do you think JFK shot himself?

"I'm pretty sure there is no Hezbollah/Chomsky plot.

"The give away?

"It turns out that a couple weeks after the Hezbollah incident, (Noam's meeting with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah) Chomsky gave a talk at West Point Military Academy.

"Now that, my friends, is a contradiction.

"Would it be outlandish8 to guess that some parts of the military establishment are bitter with being railroaded into this war by a chain of command whose interests were in hindsight insanely myopic and whose predictions for Iraq were ludicrous—while this hated Jewish professor from MIT was pretty much bang on with his predictions?

"Either way, I can't see West Point, Hezbollah and Chomsky together in a plot.

"I'd say that's right up there with the theory that JFK actually shot himself."

What do you say, drivel?

Chomsky in Lebanon
Some Recent Costs of Israel"

"In the past 10 years Israeli forces have killed at least 255 Palestinian minors by fire to the head, and the number may actually be greater, since in many instances the specific bodily location of the lethal trauma is unlisted.

"In addition, this statistic does not include the many more Palestinian youngsters shot in the head by Israeli soldiers who survived, in one form or another.

"Below is a small sampling of those who died. (The term IDF stands for 'Israeli Defense Forces,' although these forces are, in reality, an occupation army and are almost always deployed offensively; the incidents below took place on Palestinian territory):

"Sami, 12, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire during a demonstration.

"Abdul, 9, was killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a funeral.

"Ala, 14, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire while on the terrace of his home one hour after injuring an Israeli soldier with a stone.

"Omar, 11, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire during a demonstration.

"Diya, 3 months, was killed, along with her older brother, by Israeli settler gunfire to her head and back.

"Bara, 10, was killed by IDF gunfire to his head while near his home.

"Ayman, 15, was killed by IDF tank fire to his head while farming. Khalil, 11, was killed by IDF tank fire to his head while playing with a friend.

"Rami, 13, was killed by IDF helicopter fire to his head while playing in front of his house. Yaser, 11, died of head wounds from an IDF rubber-coated bullet fired at close range during a demonstration…"

Shot in the Head

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